All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Then they are stupid. Because the unbearable living conditions are a direct result of their own government's actions.
The only reason you don't like Hamas, is because they won't kiss your ass! You think the entire world owes you something.

The blockade is your decision. Your fault. You're the reason conditions are un-bearable in Gaza. You. You decided to punish Gazans for not voting for your little, corrupt, Fatah bitches. The blockade is punitive. It is illegal. It is immoral. And again, it is your fault.

Here's another thing you don't want to read or discuss, why do you fuckers act like you're bad asses, when you're too pussy to take responsibility for your own actions?
You seriously need to do better. Did you even read the article you posted?
Is bullshit innuendo's the best you got?

You brought up the issue of Hamas leader speeches, well, I gave you one and you couldn't even bring yourself to comment on it. Which proves, Israelis are pussies and cowards.
No recognition of Israel, we both know why.
You won't recognize them, why should they recognize you? That's something you Israeli kiss-asses don't want to read or discuss.

Why not, let's discuss this:

Hamas spokesman publicly announced Hamas short-term objectives:
  1. Ethnic cleansing of Jews from the river to the sea - "we'll cleanse Palestine of the Jewish filth".
  2. Establishment of the Caliphate.
Q. How can Israelis even come to terms with anyone suggesting that?
No recognition of Israel, we both know why.
You won't recognize them, why should they recognize you? That's something you Israeli kiss-asses don't want to read or discuss.

Why not, let's discuss this:

Hamas spokesman publicly announced Hamas short-term objectives:
  1. Ethnic cleansing of Jews from the river to the sea - "we'll cleanse Palestine of the filth of the Jews".
  2. Establishment of the Caliphate.
Q. How can Israelis recognize that?

Discuss with Billo?

Listening to the Hamas spokesbeard and his silly rants is always a “point and laugh” moment.

It’s actually comical as the pompous fascists roll out their canned cliche’s, slogans and threats.

During a speech in eastern Khan Yunis, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar welcomed on stage the commander of the Eastern Brigade of the 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, who handed him a handgun allegedly taken from an elite IDF unit during a recent botched undercover operation in Gaza. Sinwar mockingly encouraged the Arab countries to welcome Netanyahu and other Israeli ministers to their capital cities, saying: "From us here in Gaza, [Israel] will never get anything but guns, fire, martyrdom, death, and killing." Sinwar also praised the Palestinian youth in the West Bank who had attacked Israelis with knives or cars, and he added: "If only there was a leadership behind them that would protect them, sponsor them, support them, and help them with money an weapons - like we do in Gaza - the state of our cause would not be like it is." The speech aired on Al-Aqsa TV on November 16, 2018.

"Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar Flaunts Gun Allegedly Taken from Israeli Soldiers, Saying: Gaza Will Only Give Israel Fire, Martyrdom, Death, And Killing"
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Then they are stupid. Because the unbearable living conditions are a direct result of their own government's actions.
The only reason you don't like Hamas, is because they won't kiss your ass! You think the entire world owes you something.

The blockade is your decision. Your fault. You're the reason conditions are un-bearable in Gaza. You. You decided to punish Gazans for not voting for your little, corrupt, Fatah bitches. The blockade is punitive. It is illegal. It is immoral. And again, it is your fault.

Here's another thing you don't want to read or discuss, why do you fuckers act like you're bad asses, when you're too pussy to take responsibility for your own actions?

Yeah. Your usual rant about how Arabs are pure as the virgin snow and Jews are evil. You dismiss reality with your ravings, claiming that Hamas has no effect or responsibility for their own people. I'd argue that any government entity which takes no responsibility for their own people, who permits their people to suffer, who puts more resources into a futile war which it can not win, while people suffer has no right to a State.
You seriously need to do better. Did you even read the article you posted?
Is bullshit innuendo's the best you got?

You brought up the issue of Hamas leader speeches, well, I gave you one and you couldn't even bring yourself to comment on it. Which proves, Israelis are pussies and cowards.

I'm not Israeli. I'm Canadian. My comments or lack of comments prove nothing about Israelis.

Your leader said:

"We shall not waive an inch of the Palestinian home soil, no matter what the recent pressures are and no matter how long the occupation," Meshaal said as he revealed the document to the public after two years of work.

"Hamas rejects any idea except liberating the home soil entirely and completely, although it does not necessarily mean we recognise the Zionist entity or give up any of our Palestinian rights."

Add that to the promises to "rip the hearts out of Jews" and it all comes together nicely.

But I will predict that you will pretend that isn't happening. Just like you pretend that there are no tunnels going into Israel. And you pretend that the border protest is peaceful. And the rockets are respectful resistance. And the kites are messages of kindness. And they are just local fisherman, going out for a pleasure cruise, at night, in eel-infested waters.
Then they are stupid. Because the unbearable living conditions are a direct result of their own government's actions.
The only reason you don't like Hamas, is because they won't kiss your ass! You think the entire world owes you something.

The blockade is your decision. Your fault. You're the reason conditions are un-bearable in Gaza. You. You decided to punish Gazans for not voting for your little, corrupt, Fatah bitches. The blockade is punitive. It is illegal. It is immoral. And again, it is your fault.

Here's another thing you don't want to read or discuss, why do you fuckers act like you're bad asses, when you're too pussy to take responsibility for your own actions?

Yeah. Your usual rant about how Arabs are pure as the virgin snow and Jews are evil. You dismiss reality with your ravings, claiming that Hamas has no effect or responsibility for their own people. I'd argue that any government entity which takes no responsibility for their own people, who permits their people to suffer, who puts more resources into a futile war which it can not win, while people suffer has no right to a State.
I'd argue that any government entity which takes no responsibility for their own people, who permits their people to suffer, who puts more resources into a futile war which it can not win, while people suffer has no right to a State.
You could say the same thing about Israel who does not give a rat's ass about their people in Israeli south.
Then they are stupid. Because the unbearable living conditions are a direct result of their own government's actions.
The only reason you don't like Hamas, is because they won't kiss your ass! You think the entire world owes you something.

The blockade is your decision. Your fault. You're the reason conditions are un-bearable in Gaza. You. You decided to punish Gazans for not voting for your little, corrupt, Fatah bitches. The blockade is punitive. It is illegal. It is immoral. And again, it is your fault.

Here's another thing you don't want to read or discuss, why do you fuckers act like you're bad asses, when you're too pussy to take responsibility for your own actions?

Yeah. Your usual rant about how Arabs are pure as the virgin snow and Jews are evil. You dismiss reality with your ravings, claiming that Hamas has no effect or responsibility for their own people. I'd argue that any government entity which takes no responsibility for their own people, who permits their people to suffer, who puts more resources into a futile war which it can not win, while people suffer has no right to a State.
I'd argue that any government entity which takes no responsibility for their own people, who permits their people to suffer, who puts more resources into a futile war which it can not win, while people suffer has no right to a State.
You could say the same thing about Israel who does not give a rat's ass about their people in Israeli south.

Do you have a YouTube video to support that?
Then they are stupid. Because the unbearable living conditions are a direct result of their own government's actions.
The only reason you don't like Hamas, is because they won't kiss your ass! You think the entire world owes you something.

The blockade is your decision. Your fault. You're the reason conditions are un-bearable in Gaza. You. You decided to punish Gazans for not voting for your little, corrupt, Fatah bitches. The blockade is punitive. It is illegal. It is immoral. And again, it is your fault.

Here's another thing you don't want to read or discuss, why do you fuckers act like you're bad asses, when you're too pussy to take responsibility for your own actions?

Yeah. Your usual rant about how Arabs are pure as the virgin snow and Jews are evil. You dismiss reality with your ravings, claiming that Hamas has no effect or responsibility for their own people. I'd argue that any government entity which takes no responsibility for their own people, who permits their people to suffer, who puts more resources into a futile war which it can not win, while people suffer has no right to a State.
I'd argue that any government entity which takes no responsibility for their own people, who permits their people to suffer, who puts more resources into a futile war which it can not win, while people suffer has no right to a State.
You could say the same thing about Israel who does not give a rat's ass about their people in Israeli south.

Do you have a YouTube video to support that?
Of course.

Fifteen years later and Israel is still clueless. They just do the same stupid stuff over and over again.
RIGHT ON! And which one of you Zionists said Tinmore is an imbecile? Israel is so clueless they do indeed do the same stupid stuff over & over again. Peace offerings to Palestinians, security fences & land concessions so the Pali terrorists can remain in Israel. Please join with me & Tinmore in praying Israel will learn from Jordan how to establish peace from Palestinians & LET THERE BE PEACE ALRFEADY!
How is this connected to Israel?

As my indigenous Indian friend Ryan Bellerose has written on Facebook, this is what happens when people are demonized. If society allows statements like “Israel is apartheid” and “Zionism is racism” to go unchecked, then people will treat Jews as many Black South Africans are today treating the white farmers. If society makes it ok to hate people, then people will act upon that hatred and society will allow it. Arab Muslim terrorists are always killing Jews and yet the world stands by silently, sometimes maybe giving lip service but nothing more.

Just as the whole world is silent as South Africa creates the legal basis to take farm land away from white South Africans it is not a far cry to see the world doing something similar to Israel.

(full article online)

White South Africans Afraid for Their Lives Thank President Trump
Why not, let's discuss this:

Hamas spokesman publicly announced Hamas short-term objectives:
  1. Ethnic cleansing of Jews from the river to the sea - "we'll cleanse Palestine of the Jewish filth".
  2. Establishment of the Caliphate.
Q. How can Israelis even come to terms with anyone suggesting that?
I'd rather discuss why you insist on them recognizing you, when you won't recognize them.
Yeah. Your usual rant about how Arabs are pure as the virgin snow and Jews are evil. You dismiss reality with your ravings, claiming that Hamas has no effect or responsibility for their own people. I'd argue that any government entity which takes no responsibility for their own people, who permits their people to suffer, who puts more resources into a futile war which it can not win, while people suffer has no right to a State.
I haven't said anything about Jews. It's unbelievable how disingenuous you are.
I'm not Israeli. I'm Canadian. My comments or lack of comments prove nothing about Israelis.

Your leader said:

"We shall not waive an inch of the Palestinian home soil, no matter what the recent pressures are and no matter how long the occupation," Meshaal said as he revealed the document to the public after two years of work.

"Hamas rejects any idea except liberating the home soil entirely and completely, although it does not necessarily mean we recognise the Zionist entity or give up any of our Palestinian rights."

Add that to the promises to "rip the hearts out of Jews" and it all comes together nicely.

But I will predict that you will pretend that isn't happening. Just like you pretend that there are no tunnels going into Israel. And you pretend that the border protest is peaceful. And the rockets are respectful resistance. And the kites are messages of kindness. And they are just local fisherman, going out for a pleasure cruise, at night, in eel-infested waters.
I'd rather talk about what you're pretending. That the Israelis are not causing any of this.
Yeah. Your usual rant about how Arabs are pure as the virgin snow and Jews are evil. You dismiss reality with your ravings, claiming that Hamas has no effect or responsibility for their own people. I'd argue that any government entity which takes no responsibility for their own people, who permits their people to suffer, who puts more resources into a futile war which it can not win, while people suffer has no right to a State.
I haven't said anything about Jews. It's unbelievable how disingenuous you are.

Funny. My post says nothing about Jews. It only argues that Hamas, as the governing body in Gaza, MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for its own citizens. The HORROR!
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