All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

You have that exactly backward. Or as they say, 180º out of phase. You should have said:

IF you don't want "Occupation" THEN cease hostile action.

What a bullshit story. If you don't want rockets, end the occupation.

IF you consider the Gaza Strip to be "Occupied" by the Israelis, THEN it is incumbent upon the Hostile Arab Palestinians to Cease and Desists in the Hostile activity alla Posting #5919.
Article 43 • [URL='']Convention (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and its annex: Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land. The Hague said:
The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country.

IF you consider that HAMAS accepted responsibility for the governance of the Gaza Strip in 2005 when the Israelis unilaterally withdrew, THEN it is the Arab Palestinians, and the government imparticular,

Paraphrase UN Charter • Article [FONT=Book Antiqua]I[/FONT] said:
Who, after claiming to have --- and having exhibited their Full Powers and Sovereignty, refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, including Isreal.

In the final analysis, the Hostile Arab Palestinian must be such that it no longer poses a threat to the State of Israel.

Most Respectfully,
Wrong. The occupation started a full 34 years before the rockets came.
You are trying to sell me on the idea that international humanitarian law allows the widespread killing of civilians if they are of the wrong ethnicity living in the wrong place, such as people of Moroccan ethnicity living in Western Sahara. Again you double down. Its not only disgusting, its the worst kind of willful ignorance imaginable.

No. International Humanitarian Law does not allow the killing of civilians. Period.
Let me put it this way, nationals of an occupying power living in the occupied territory, are not protected persons.
You can't offer what you don't have. And the West Bank is not Israeli land. Nor will it ever be Israeli land. For the world to allow Israel to keep the West Bank, that would be like saying it was okay for Hitler to annex Poland. And that ain't gonna happen. It's been 50 years and still, there isn't a single country on the planet that recognizes Israels right to that land.

No. It is not like one State annexing another State's land. It is the formation of a NEW State -- the State of Palestine from territory which can only be territory belonging to the State of Israel or be terra nullius (land belonging to no one). That is the legal reality.

International law is not a popularity contest and States and their borders are not created by popular UN vote. Borders between States are created by treaty, and only by treaty, between the parties involved. Until there is a treaty delineating borders between Israel and Palestine, there is NO border. Therefore, you can't claim that any particular piece of land is "Arab Palestinian land". Yet.

Since, Israel, by treaty (!), has full control over Area C until the border dispute is settled, they are legally responsible, indeed obligated, to control that territory and ensure the safety of everyone in that territory. That territory is not occupied.

That said, I think Palestine should have territory and be a State. The sooner the better. But they can't seem to manage it. They can't stop the hostilities against Israel.

You keep saying that the violence will continue until the occupation ends. You are reversing cause and effect. The CAUSE of the occupation in Areas A and B and the blockade in Gaza is the NECESSITY of safety and security of Israeli citizens in the face of people like you who believe that its permissible to kill Israeli civilians with impunity. Israel is not going to withdraw its safety and and security measures until Israeli citizens are safe and secure.
Israel has no sovereign title to the West Bank. That is the position of every fucking country on the planet.
Another Pro Pal lie. The War started when Egypt Blocked the Staits of Tiran with their Military massing at Israel’s border and the U.N PEACEKEEPERS left !!! Please tell us why
Israel doesn't own the Straits and people are free to do what they want on their own property. The war started when Israel invaded Egypt.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Billo_Really, Shusha, et al,

OH! My friend "Billo_Really," our friend "Shusha" is absolutely correct... Absolutely...

Wrong. It's International Humanitarian Law (IHL). And it applies to every member state. If Israel doesn't like IHL, tough shit.
You are trying to sell me on the idea that international humanitarian law allows the widespread killing of civilians if they are of the wrong ethnicity living in the wrong place, such as people of Moroccan ethnicity living in Western Sahara. Again you double down. Its not only disgusting, its the worst kind of willful ignorance imaginable.

No. International Humanitarian Law does not allow the killing of civilians. Period.

There is absolutely no (Customary or International Humanitarian) law the supports the intentional targeting of civilians.

[URL='']EXCERPT: Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 said:
Article 51 [ Link ] -- Protection of the civilian population
The civilian population and individual civilians shall enjoy general protection against dangers arising from military operations. To give effect to this protection, the following rules, which are additional to other applicable rules of international law, shall be observed in all circumstances.
I cannot hardly believe you would say such a thing.
Most Respectfully,
Nationals of an occupying power are not protected persons in the area of occupation. BTW, I find it very hypocritical of the pro-Israeli side talking about the value of human life when they so willfully murder innocent Palestinian protesters.
Can you name anything about Israel that is actually legal?

Ooooooh. Tough one. /sarcasm.

Self-determination. Legal.
Self determination is reserved for Palestinian citizens.
Development of self-governing systems. Legal.
Israel's government was imposed on Palestine at the point of a gun and with the opposition of the vast majority of the people.
Declaration of Independence. Legal.
Israel was declared by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization. It is a foreign created "state" inside Palestine.
Requirements for a state:
  • A permanent population. Israel's permanent population consisted of recent foreign colonial settlers.
  • Government. See above.
  • Defined territory. Israel did not have a defined territory and still has no defined territory.
  • Ability to interact with other countries. :dunno:
International recognition. Legal.
The vast majority of UN member states recognize Palestine. What does that mean?
Return. Legal.
Treaties with other States. Legal.
Self-defense. Legal.
Yeah, maybe.
Did you want to argue that any of these objective concepts are not legal? Go for it.
Can you name anything about Israel that is actually legal?

Ooooooh. Tough one. /sarcasm.

Self-determination. Legal.
Self determination is reserved for Palestinian citizens.
Development of self-governing systems. Legal.
Israel's government was imposed on Palestine at the point of a gun and with the opposition of the vast majority of the people.
Declaration of Independence. Legal.
Israel was declared by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization. It is a foreign created "state" inside Palestine.
Requirements for a state:
  • A permanent population. Israel's permanent population consisted of recent foreign colonial settlers.
  • Government. See above.
  • Defined territory. Israel did not have a defined territory and still has no defined territory.
  • Ability to interact with other countries. :dunno:
International recognition. Legal.
The vast majority of UN member states recognize Palestine. What does that mean?
Return. Legal.
Treaties with other States. Legal.
Self-defense. Legal.
Yeah, maybe.
Did you want to argue that any of these objective concepts are not legal? Go for it.

And just look who is in the member states.
Another Pro Pal lie. The War started when Egypt Blocked the Staits of Tiran with their Military massing at Israel’s border and the U.N PEACEKEEPERS left !!! Please tell us why
Israel doesn't own the Straits and people are free to do what they want on their own property. The war started when Israel invaded Egypt.

The Straits were INTERNATIONAL Waters and Egypt had no right to block it. In addition Egypt Military started to Mass at the Israeli Border and the U.N. Peacekeepers left. That is what started the War. Please tell us why those events occurred
You are trying to sell me on the idea that international humanitarian law allows the widespread killing of civilians if they are of the wrong ethnicity living in the wrong place, such as people of Moroccan ethnicity living in Western Sahara. Again you double down. Its not only disgusting, its the worst kind of willful ignorance imaginable.

No. International Humanitarian Law does not allow the killing of civilians. Period.
Let me put it this way, nationals of an occupying power living in the occupied territory, are not protected persons.

Apparently, you and Tinmore trade slogans.
You are trying to sell me on the idea that international humanitarian law allows the widespread killing of civilians if they are of the wrong ethnicity living in the wrong place, such as people of Moroccan ethnicity living in Western Sahara. Again you double down. Its not only disgusting, its the worst kind of willful ignorance imaginable.

No. International Humanitarian Law does not allow the killing of civilians. Period.
Let me put it this way, nationals of an occupying power living in the occupied territory, are not protected persons.

Apparently, you and Tinmore trade slogans.

They both can’t stand the fact that Israel exists. :boo_hoo14:
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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Exactly what is: "Israel's settler colonial project"

(BLUF): There is actually no such thing. Those are just words of description that can be generated manually or auto computer generated from any number of nerd site.

Descriptive Word List of Adjective Word Reference said:
Our descriptive words index contains a huge selection of words which you can use for your writing projects. It is also great for students and teachers, this resource will be beneficial to your school English studies. We have categorized descriptive words by category. We also have a search function which you can use to finds the right descriptive words and phrases quickly!

And for heaven's sake, don't bring up those old newspaper cuttings and essays by the original members of the World Zionist Organization. Those are well over a century ago and have no connection at all to the post-1967 Six Day War outcomes.

All Israeli settlers are necessary, integral, and active members of Israel's settler-colonial project.

Now I don't believe that settler colonialism, per se, is illegal. However, virtually every action required to achieve such a project is illegal.

Can you name anything about Israel that is actually legal?

I await your response.

Everything about the completion of the "Step Preparatory to Independent" and the subsequent creation of the Jewish State of Israel was entirely legal. It was done with the explicit approval of the UN and tacit approval of the Security Council. The Arab League, violating Article 2(4) ignited the conflict that still rages today in a slightly different form.

As you well know, the West Bank into three administrative divisions. We generally say or describe these areas as:

Area A (full civil and security control by the Palestinian Authority)
Area B (Palestinian civil control and joint Israeli-Palestinian security control)
Area C (full Israeli civil and security control)​

The settlements are all in Area C (full Israeli civil and security control). By agreement with the Arab Palestinian Leadership (AKA: The Palestinian Authority) and under the guidance Area "C" full Israeli civil and security control, any settlements established by Israel is "legal."

IF: the Arab Palestinian Leadership (AKA: The Palestinian Authority) had a:

• The political problem with the settlements,
• Wish to dispute the authority of the settlements,
• Want to challenge the competency of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated,

THEN: The complainant must use either of the recognized platforms.

• Oslo II Accord - Declaration of Principles On Interim Self-Government Arrangements (September 13, 1993)


It is understood that these negotiations shall cover remaining issues, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.


Disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of this Declaration of Principles. or any subsequent agreements pertaining to the interim period, shall be resolved by negotiations through the Joint Liaison Committee to be established pursuant to Article X above.​

• These methods are 100% consistent with the existing and internationally accept practice:

※ Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

※ All States shall pursue in good faith negotiations for the early conclusion of a universal treaty on general and complete disarmament under effective international control and strive to adopt appropriate measures to reduce international tensions and strengthen confidence among States.
Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States said:
States shall accordingly seek early and just settlement of their international disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice. In seeking such a settlement the parties shall agree upon such peaceful means as may be appropriate to the circumstances and nature of the dispute.


The fact that the Arab Palestinian Leadership has not fulfilled in good faith of the obligations assumed by States, in accordance with the Charter. Neither policy nor violence should be a driver towards peace. The default political position is "peace." Peace should be the natural static condition for any modern state to gravitate towards. In the case of the Arab Palestinians, → the default political stance is something other than peace.

Most Respectfully,
The Straits were INTERNATIONAL Waters and Egypt had no right to block it.
I agree.

In addition Egypt Military started to Mass at the Israeli Border and the U.N. Peacekeepers left. That is what started the War. Please tell us why those events occurred
Massing troops is not the same thing as an invasion. Israel invaded; Egypt did not. And besides, Egypt massing troops did not threaten Israels military.

"To claim that the Egyptian troops massed at the border could in any way threaten the existence of Israel is not only an insult to the intelligence of any person capable of analysing this type of situation, but above all an insult to the Israeli army.” ”All that talk about the huge danger we were in (. . .) was never taken into account when we were doing our calculations before the fighting began.” - General Matti Peled, Chief Logistics Officer
[ The Six day war, not as simple as simply calling on Israel and Egypt as the only two involved]

The Straits were INTERNATIONAL Waters and Egypt had no right to block it.
I agree.

In addition Egypt Military started to Mass at the Israeli Border and the U.N. Peacekeepers left. That is what started the War. Please tell us why those events occurred
Massing troops is not the same thing as an invasion. Israel invaded; Egypt did not. And besides, Egypt massing troops did not threaten Israels military.

"To claim that the Egyptian troops massed at the border could in any way threaten the existence of Israel is not only an insult to the intelligence of any person capable of analysing this type of situation, but above all an insult to the Israeli army.” ”All that talk about the huge danger we were in (. . .) was never taken into account when we were doing our calculations before the fighting began.” - General Matti Peled, Chief Logistics Officer

Try to read SLOWLY! It was a 1) Egypt closing INTERNATIONAL WATERS that Israel has rights to,
2)Egyptian Troops on Israel’s border with Nasser bragging to the International Community Israel will be destroyed and the U.N. PEACEKEEPERS leaving. Tell us why. No answer? :ahole-1:
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