All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

It doesn't quite answer the question.

Israel is a member state that refuses to follow international law.

According to Israel's logic, it was okay for Germany to annex Poland.

◈→ When was the "Right of Return" (RoR) established as "Law?"

Most Respectfully,
You're playing word games. Do the Jews have the right to return? Well, so do the Palestinians.
Your analogy is faulty since both Germany and Poland existed as States prior to any annexation or conflict. One State entered another State's sovereign territory. Clearly and obviously a violation of international law.

You are deliberately misrepresenting "Israel's logic", in order to demonize Israel. Israel in no way suggests that it is lawful for the sovereign of one State to annex the sovereign territory of another State.
What you did was take land you had no sovereign title to. And you cannot acquire land by force.
I haven't watched the whole thing yet, though I will.

He makes an excellent point about framing the conflict as the Israel/Palestine conflict rather than the broader Israel/Arab conflict. Comparing it to the "Canada Japan War of 1942", or the "America Italy war of 1944", which, of course, we never do. Because it was WWII.
It's a war Zionists started.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

It doesn't quite answer the question.

Israel is a member state that refuses to follow international law.

According to Israel's logic, it was okay for Germany to annex Poland.

◈→ When was the "Right of Return" (RoR) established as "Law?"

Most Respectfully,
You're playing word games. Do the Jews have the right to return? Well, so do the Palestinians.
Many Arab Palestinians have already been allowed to return to Israel.
You have not notice.

All other Arab Palestinians who fled Israel, being told to leave by their leaders or expelled because they were attacking Israelis, will not have any right to return. And I am speaking only of those who left, not all the generations born afterwards. That is not a demand made by any other people, and Israel does not have to accommodate the Arab Muslim desire to see Israel destroyed any which way the Muslims can think of.

Jews are the Indigenous Native people of the land. They have all the right to return to their homeland if they so desire. It is the same in many other countries where future generations are allowed that right in their own ancient homeland.

Arabs, including Palestinians, Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, etc, have all the right to return to any part of the Arabian Peninsula.

No one is keeping them from their right to return to Arabia.
I haven't watched the whole thing yet, though I will.

He makes an excellent point about framing the conflict as the Israel/Palestine conflict rather than the broader Israel/Arab conflict. Comparing it to the "Canada Japan War of 1942", or the "America Italy war of 1944", which, of course, we never do. Because it was WWII.
It's a war Zionists started.
Your worthless distorted song is not a hit.
Why? Because it is a lie and you know it.

So, how exactly was Israel going to conquer seven Arab countries the day after it declared Independence in May 1948?

What army?
What weapons?
What plan?

Now, do not confuse may 1948 with 1967, 1973 or today.
Your analogy is faulty since both Germany and Poland existed as States prior to any annexation or conflict. One State entered another State's sovereign territory. Clearly and obviously a violation of international law.

You are deliberately misrepresenting "Israel's logic", in order to demonize Israel. Israel in no way suggests that it is lawful for the sovereign of one State to annex the sovereign territory of another State.
What you did was take land you had no sovereign title to. And you cannot acquire land by force.
Jews acquired land legally, just as Iraq, Lebanon and Syria became States.

What you did was take land you had no sovereign title to. And you cannot acquire land by force.

The Jewish people most certainly had sovereign title to at LEAST SOME of the land.

Are you trying to argue that the Jewish people have no right to sovereignty anywhere? Or are you trying to argue that the Jewish people DO have rights to sovereignty in their re-constituted homeland and its just a matter of determining where, exactly?
I haven't watched the whole thing yet, though I will.

He makes an excellent point about framing the conflict as the Israel/Palestine conflict rather than the broader Israel/Arab conflict. Comparing it to the "Canada Japan War of 1942", or the "America Italy war of 1944", which, of course, we never do. Because it was WWII.
It's a war Zionists started.

Yes. That is what Humanity says as well. But no one wants to defend their claim. So, defend it. Where, when and by what actions did the Jewish people start the war with the entire Arab nations?
Do the Jews have the right to return? Well, so do the Palestinians.

Yes! Exactly. You've finally got it. BOTH peoples have the right to return. Both the Jewish people and the Arab Palestinian people have an inherent, inviolable right to live in that land. Both peoples also have an inherent, inviolable right to self-determination and sovereignty in that land.

Agree or disagree?
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

OH Stop for a minute and thinks about what you said...

It doesn't quite answer the question.

Israel is a member state that refuses to follow international law.

According to Israel's logic, it was okay for Germany to annex Poland.

◈→ When was the "Right of Return" (RoR) established as "Law?"

Most Respectfully,
You're playing word games. Do the Jews have the right to return? Well, so do the Palestinians.


First off → the Provisional Government of Israel was NOT based on the "Right of Return (RoR)." It was based in fact on two key positions:
  • The Jewish Inhabitance of the territory took such steps, as called for by the 27 Nov '47 A/RES/181 (II).
  • The Jewish Inhabitance of the territory implemented (put into effect) the Plan pertaining to applicable recommendations.
  • The Jewish people exercised their Right to Self-Destermination in the act of proclaiming the establishment of the Jewish State in Palestine called Israel.
  • Imbedded in the proclaimation was the open invitation to all Jews (world-wide) to participate in the creation of a nation based on the intended behavior of Liberty, Justice, and Peace.
  • The nation would include the notion that political equity extends to all it citizen (no distinctions of separation).
The second point is that you may read the three essential documents that actually key in the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples. And in reviewing those documents, the RoR was not mentioned once.

Finally, Israel has the right to defend itself from Arab League or Arab Palestinian threats to use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the State of Israel.

Most Respectfully,
Many Arab Palestinians have already been allowed to return to Israel.
You have not notice.
I noticed Israeli snipers shooting peaceful, "Right of Return" protesters, these past few months.

All other Arab Palestinians who fled Israel, being told to leave by their leaders or expelled because they were attacking Israelis, will not have any right to return.
That's another one of your big lies. It's absurd to think someone would leave a home they've been living in for generations, because someone they've never met, came up one day and "ASKED THEM TO!"

And I am speaking only of those who left, not all the generations born afterwards. That is not a demand made by any other people, and Israel does not have to accommodate the Arab Muslim desire to see Israel destroyed any which way the Muslims can think of.
I wonder why they think that? Maybe that's because of what Zionists have been doing to them for the last 100 years? Quid pro quo, mother-fucker!

Jews are the Indigenous Native people of the land. They have all the right to return to their homeland if they so desire. It is the same in many other countries where future generations are allowed that right in their own ancient homeland.
And so are Palestinian-Arabs.

Arabs, including Palestinians, Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, etc, have all the right to return to any part of the Arabian Peninsula.

No one is keeping them from their right to return to Arabia.
We're not talking about that. We're talking about the over 750,000 Palestinian-Arabs, Zionists drove out of the area through the use of Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.

That's another thing you don't want to read or discuss. How the terrorist group Irgun, is now the Likud Party.
Your worthless distorted song is not a hit.
Why? Because it is a lie and you know it.

So, how exactly was Israel going to conquer seven Arab countries the day after it declared Independence in May 1948?

What army?
What weapons?
What plan?

Now, do not confuse may 1948 with 1967, 1973 or today.
There are a number of things that caused the war:
  • illegal Jewish immigration into the area.
  • racist, apartheid policies set up by Zionist land owners.
  • immigrated Zionists treating indigenous Palestinian-Arabs like garbage.
  • Zionist terrorism, like the one at Deir Yassen.
How did they do it? Like any other common street gang would do, if the local police vacated the area and refused to enforce the law.
Jews acquired land legally, just as Iraq, Lebanon and Syria became States.

You're such a fuckin' liar! Israel seized the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, in the '67 war. And they've been occupying that land ever since. International law states a territory under occupation cannot change ownership.
The Jewish people most certainly had sovereign title to at LEAST SOME of the land.

Are you trying to argue that the Jewish people have no right to sovereignty anywhere? Or are you trying to argue that the Jewish people DO have rights to sovereignty in their re-constituted homeland and its just a matter of determining where, exactly?
I'm saying the land you took in the '67 war, is not yours. And it never will be yours. Conquer by Conquest has been illegal ever since the end of WWII.
International law states a territory under occupation cannot change ownership.

I'm not at all sure that international law says that definitively. Feel free to quote relevant passages form actual, you know, law. But in order to prove this claim of changed ownership, you would have to prove that the territory was previously under sovereignty A and that is is now under sovereignty B and that A occupied B. I'll leave you to fill out the blanks of A and B.
I'm saying the land you took in the '67 war, is not yours.

Well, clearly not MINE. But by that I assume you mean Israel's. I understand your claim. That is, I understand what you claim. I want you to defend your claim.

Prior to the 1967 war, who held sovereignty over which land? Be specific. Provide references to documents. You don't have to quote them or link them, I've read them all, just say.

For example, "the Treaty of Lausanne says...." or "the Mandate for Palestine says..." or "the Israeli/Jordan Armistice Agreement says..."

Defend your claim that the land belonged to a certain someone prior to 1967. Good luck.
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