All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[ Muslims in Cyprus succeed at what the Muslims in Gaza and the PA can only dream of......the total destruction of a culture on the land they invaded ]

According to a 2012 report, "The Loss of a Civilization: Destruction of cultural heritage in occupied Cyprus":

"Turkey has been committing two major international crimes against Cyprus. It has invaded and divided a small, weak but modern and independent European state (since May 1, 2004 the Republic of Cyprus has been a member of the EU); Turkey has also changed the demographic character of the island and has devoted itself to the systematic destruction and obliteration of the cultural heritage of the areas under its military control...

"This is one of the most tragic aspects of the Cyprus problem and is also clear proof of the determination of Ankara to 'Turkify' the occupied area and to maintain a permanent presence in Cyprus.

"The occupying power and its puppet regime, from 1974 until today, have been working methodically to erase everything that is Greek and/or Christian from occupied Cyprus..."

A 2015 United States Library of Congress report confirmed the report:

"Foreign archaeological teams that were engaged in excavations in Cyprus were forced to discontinue their work after the 1974 events. Their valuable findings have been looted and the teams have not been able to return and resume their excavations.

"According to some estimates, through illegal excavations in the northern part of Cyprus, more than 60,000 Cypriot artifacts have been stolen and exported abroad to be sold in auction houses or by art dealers. The example of an ancient site dating from Neolithic times at the Cape of St. Andreas illustrates this point. The site, which had already been excavated under the aegis of the Department of Archaeology prior to 1974, was later damaged by the Turkish armed forces during the installation and hoisting of the flags of Turkey and the 'TRNC [Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus].'"

(full article online)

Turkey Wipes Out the Christian Culture of Occupied Cyprus

I've been often in Northen Cyprus. To sit under The Tree of Idleness, drinking coffee.

Former Christian churches are now either mosques or "museums".
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, yes it does mention "International Law" only once. That single mention was referencing the International Business Law relative to compensation for the loss of or damage to property. It is not an enforceable citation. In fact, it makes no citation at all. For all we know, that unnamed law may have been revoked.

Byrne & McCutcheon notes that the General Assembly ‘has no power to compel action by any government, but its recommendations carry political weight’3.Whilst these recommendations are not binding on UN members, they can quite often lead to the development of International Law.
UN Resolution 194 did not make law. It did reference already established international law. Israel is not "giving" the Palestinians anything by allowing them to return to their homes.

Since the establishment of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP) there has been a number of concepts taken. One such concept:

10. On 26 May the Israeli delegation submitted to the General Committee for transmission to the Arab delegations a proposal that the frontiers between Israel and the Hashemite Jordan, Kingdom should be, in the north and south, those that had existed between Transjordan and Palestine under the British Mandate and in the centre should follow, with modifications in the interest of both parties, to be discussed at a later date, the present armistice lines (with the exception of the Jerusalem area). As justification for the line suggested in the central area at present under Jordanian military authority, the Israeli delegation submitted plans for a canal which would use the head-waters of the Jordan, and possibly of the Litani, to irrigate the northern Negev (documents Com.Gen./SR/8 and 10).
SOURCE: A/AC.25/Com.Gen/9 20 July 1949.
What is important here is that the first approximation of the 1949 proposed boundaries with Jordan are essentially the international boundary found in the existing Treaty today. The UNCCP did lobby with the "aim to support the Palestinian-Arab and international debate about strategies for promotion of Palestinian refugees' right of return, restitution, and compensation in the framework of a just and durable solution of the Palestinian/Arab - Israeli conflict." (See: Information & Discussion BriefIssue No. 5, June 2000)

The 5 June I&DB is quite lengthy (≈ 10 Pages). I would just drop down to the "Conclusions" to get the gist of the issues.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, yes it does mention "International Law" only once. That single mention was referencing the International Business Law relative to compensation for the loss of or damage to property. It is not an enforceable citation. In fact, it makes no citation at all. For all we know, that unnamed law may have been revoked.

Byrne & McCutcheon notes that the General Assembly ‘has no power to compel action by any government, but its recommendations carry political weight’3.Whilst these recommendations are not binding on UN members, they can quite often lead to the development of International Law.
UN Resolution 194 did not make law. It did reference already established international law. Israel is not "giving" the Palestinians anything by allowing them to return to their homes.

Since the establishment of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP) there has been a number of concepts taken. One such concept:

10. On 26 May the Israeli delegation submitted to the General Committee for transmission to the Arab delegations a proposal that the frontiers between Israel and the Hashemite Jordan, Kingdom should be, in the north and south, those that had existed between Transjordan and Palestine under the British Mandate and in the centre should follow, with modifications in the interest of both parties, to be discussed at a later date, the present armistice lines (with the exception of the Jerusalem area). As justification for the line suggested in the central area at present under Jordanian military authority, the Israeli delegation submitted plans for a canal which would use the head-waters of the Jordan, and possibly of the Litani, to irrigate the northern Negev (documents Com.Gen./SR/8 and 10).
SOURCE: A/AC.25/Com.Gen/9 20 July 1949.
What is important here is that the first approximation of the 1949 proposed boundaries with Jordan are essentially the international boundary found in the existing Treaty today. The UNCCP did lobby with the "aim to support the Palestinian-Arab and international debate about strategies for promotion of Palestinian refugees' right of return, restitution, and compensation in the framework of a just and durable solution of the Palestinian/Arab - Israeli conflict." (See: Information & Discussion BriefIssue No. 5, June 2000)

The 5 June I&DB is quite lengthy (≈ 10 Pages). I would just drop down to the "Conclusions" to get the gist of the issues.

Most Respectfully,
The UN wimped out on implementing resolution 194. Since then they have repeatedly passed resolutions calling for the right to return only to throw them up on the shelf to collect dust.

Now BDS is the only call for Palestinian rights.
The UN wimped out on implementing resolution 194. Since then they have repeatedly passed resolutions calling for the right to return only to throw them up on the shelf to collect dust.

Now BDS is the only call for Palestinian rights.

Patently false.

194 wasn't implemented because it required Arab refugees abandon hostility and violence.

BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by insisting to keep the people in refugee camps.
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by attacking any efforts to economic cooperation
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by forcing people into unemployment
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by discriminating against Palestinian Jews
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ rylah, P F Tinmore, et al,

While I agree with what you say, as far as it goods, our friend P F Tinmore, is on a different trail, that equally has merit, except for the end.

The UN wimped out on implementing resolution 194. Since then they have repeatedly passed resolutions calling for the right to return only to throw them up on the shelf to collect dust.

Now BDS is the only call for Palestinian rights.

Patently false.

194 wasn't implemented because it required Arab refugees abandon hostility and violence.

BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by insisting to keep the people in refugee camps.
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by attacking any efforts to economic cooperation
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by forcing people into unemployment
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by discriminating against Palestinian Jews

A/RES/194(III) was not implemented for a number of different reasons. There is no one single reason and there is nothing to say that when the various authorities considered the matter, the fact that they did not push for some action was not necessarily the wrong decision.

The entire matter rests on the fact that 100 years ago, the intention was made clear. Yet, nothing has been as controversial as the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. Similarly, there is a controversy on the matter of A/RES/181(II) and the best endeavors "to ensure than an area situated in the territory of the Jewish State, including a seaport and hinterland adequate to provide facilities for a substantial immigration."

And there is the question of the impact of the Arab Palestines to decline the participated in:

• The establishment of self-governing institutions.
• The participation in the governance of the territory under the Mandate.
• The participation in the Steps Preparatory to Independence.​

All these self-imposed limitations on the Arab Palestinians contributed to the outcome of today's conflict. And again, the Arab Palestinians have compounded the problems with the conflict by rejecting, or politically and diplomatically scuttling and change for the efforts to be successful or on any dispute resolution process to be fruitful:
  • Negotiation and inquiry,
  • Mediation by a third party/agency,
  • Negotiated conciliation for grievance and compensation,
  • Settlement by arbitration on matters of War Crimes reparations,
  • Judicially imposed by an impartial institution for settlement,
  • Resorting to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means.
OR, both sides could just call the conflict resolved and get on with the business of nation-building.

Most Respectfully,
In fact, no Palestinians, minors or otherwise, are held in Israeli military prisons. According to B’Tselem, which is highly critical of Israeli policies, there are zero Palestinian minors being held by the Israeli military. As of August 31, 2018, 239 Palestinian minors were held by the Israel Prison Service (IPS). The IPS is independent of the IDF, and its prisons are civilian, not military.

Furthermore, Lt. Col. (res) Maurice Hirsch, who served in the IDF Military Advocate General Corps for 19 years, told CAMERA: “The IDF does not have prisons for Palestinians. At most, the IDF has initial detention centers. If at all, Palestinian minors are held in these center for no more than 24 hours.”

(full article online)

Los Angeles Times Corrects Letter: No Palestinian Kids in IDF Prisons | CAMERA
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ rylah, P F Tinmore, et al,

While I agree with what you say, as far as it goods, our friend P F Tinmore, is on a different trail, that equally has merit, except for the end.

The UN wimped out on implementing resolution 194. Since then they have repeatedly passed resolutions calling for the right to return only to throw them up on the shelf to collect dust.

Now BDS is the only call for Palestinian rights.

Patently false.

194 wasn't implemented because it required Arab refugees abandon hostility and violence.

BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by insisting to keep the people in refugee camps.
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by attacking any efforts to economic cooperation
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by forcing people into unemployment
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by discriminating against Palestinian Jews

A/RES/194(III) was not implemented for a number of different reasons. There is no one single reason and there is nothing to say that when the various authorities considered the matter, the fact that they did not push for some action was not necessarily the wrong decision.

The entire matter rests on the fact that 100 years ago, the intention was made clear. Yet, nothing has been as controversial as the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. Similarly, there is a controversy on the matter of A/RES/181(II) and the best endeavors "to ensure than an area situated in the territory of the Jewish State, including a seaport and hinterland adequate to provide facilities for a substantial immigration."

And there is the question of the impact of the Arab Palestines to decline the participated in:

• The establishment of self-governing institutions.
• The participation in the governance of the territory under the Mandate.
• The participation in the Steps Preparatory to Independence.​

All these self-imposed limitations on the Arab Palestinians contributed to the outcome of today's conflict. And again, the Arab Palestinians have compounded the problems with the conflict by rejecting, or politically and diplomatically scuttling and change for the efforts to be successful or on any dispute resolution process to be fruitful:
  • Negotiation and inquiry,
  • Mediation by a third party/agency,
  • Negotiated conciliation for grievance and compensation,
  • Settlement by arbitration on matters of War Crimes reparations,
  • Judicially imposed by an impartial institution for settlement,
  • Resorting to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means.
OR, both sides could just call the conflict resolved and get on with the business of nation-building.

Most Respectfully,
RoccoR said:
Now BDS is the only call for Palestinian rights.

Patently false.

194 wasn't implemented because it required Arab refugees abandon hostility and violence.

False premise.

Virtually all of the Palestinian refugees were unarmed civilians who had nothing to do with any war. It is not like they would be allowing an army to come back with their guns.

And who else besides BDS?
Last edited:
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ rylah, P F Tinmore, et al,

While I agree with what you say, as far as it goods, our friend P F Tinmore, is on a different trail, that equally has merit, except for the end.

The UN wimped out on implementing resolution 194. Since then they have repeatedly passed resolutions calling for the right to return only to throw them up on the shelf to collect dust.

Now BDS is the only call for Palestinian rights.

Patently false.

194 wasn't implemented because it required Arab refugees abandon hostility and violence.

BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by insisting to keep the people in refugee camps.
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by attacking any efforts to economic cooperation
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by forcing people into unemployment
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by discriminating against Palestinian Jews

A/RES/194(III) was not implemented for a number of different reasons. There is no one single reason and there is nothing to say that when the various authorities considered the matter, the fact that they did not push for some action was not necessarily the wrong decision.

The entire matter rests on the fact that 100 years ago, the intention was made clear. Yet, nothing has been as controversial as the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. Similarly, there is a controversy on the matter of A/RES/181(II) and the best endeavors "to ensure than an area situated in the territory of the Jewish State, including a seaport and hinterland adequate to provide facilities for a substantial immigration."

And there is the question of the impact of the Arab Palestines to decline the participated in:

• The establishment of self-governing institutions.
• The participation in the governance of the territory under the Mandate.
• The participation in the Steps Preparatory to Independence.​

All these self-imposed limitations on the Arab Palestinians contributed to the outcome of today's conflict. And again, the Arab Palestinians have compounded the problems with the conflict by rejecting, or politically and diplomatically scuttling and change for the efforts to be successful or on any dispute resolution process to be fruitful:
  • Negotiation and inquiry,
  • Mediation by a third party/agency,
  • Negotiated conciliation for grievance and compensation,
  • Settlement by arbitration on matters of War Crimes reparations,
  • Judicially imposed by an impartial institution for settlement,
  • Resorting to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means.
OR, both sides could just call the conflict resolved and get on with the business of nation-building.

Most Respectfully,
All these self-imposed limitations on the Arab Palestinians contributed to the outcome of today's conflict. And again, the Arab Palestinians have compounded the problems with the conflict by rejecting, or politically and diplomatically scuttling and change for the efforts to be successful or on any dispute resolution process to be fruitful:
Enforce the law. There is no dispute
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ rylah, P F Tinmore, et al,

While I agree with what you say, as far as it goods, our friend P F Tinmore, is on a different trail, that equally has merit, except for the end.

The UN wimped out on implementing resolution 194. Since then they have repeatedly passed resolutions calling for the right to return only to throw them up on the shelf to collect dust.

Now BDS is the only call for Palestinian rights.

Patently false.

194 wasn't implemented because it required Arab refugees abandon hostility and violence.

BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by insisting to keep the people in refugee camps.
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by attacking any efforts to economic cooperation
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by forcing people into unemployment
BDS is attacking Palestinian rights by discriminating against Palestinian Jews

A/RES/194(III) was not implemented for a number of different reasons. There is no one single reason and there is nothing to say that when the various authorities considered the matter, the fact that they did not push for some action was not necessarily the wrong decision.

The entire matter rests on the fact that 100 years ago, the intention was made clear. Yet, nothing has been as controversial as the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. Similarly, there is a controversy on the matter of A/RES/181(II) and the best endeavors "to ensure than an area situated in the territory of the Jewish State, including a seaport and hinterland adequate to provide facilities for a substantial immigration."

And there is the question of the impact of the Arab Palestines to decline the participated in:

• The establishment of self-governing institutions.
• The participation in the governance of the territory under the Mandate.
• The participation in the Steps Preparatory to Independence.​

All these self-imposed limitations on the Arab Palestinians contributed to the outcome of today's conflict. And again, the Arab Palestinians have compounded the problems with the conflict by rejecting, or politically and diplomatically scuttling and change for the efforts to be successful or on any dispute resolution process to be fruitful:
  • Negotiation and inquiry,
  • Mediation by a third party/agency,
  • Negotiated conciliation for grievance and compensation,
  • Settlement by arbitration on matters of War Crimes reparations,
  • Judicially imposed by an impartial institution for settlement,
  • Resorting to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means.
OR, both sides could just call the conflict resolved and get on with the business of nation-building.

Most Respectfully,
All these self-imposed limitations on the Arab Palestinians contributed to the outcome of today's conflict. And again, the Arab Palestinians have compounded the problems with the conflict by rejecting, or politically and diplomatically scuttling and change for the efforts to be successful or on any dispute resolution process to be fruitful:
Enforce the law. There is no dispute

False premise. The dispute from the Arab-Moslem perspective hinges on the mere existence of Jews in an Islamist waqf. That is spelled out clearly in the Hamas charter.
After reporting yesterday that “Iran has never threatened to attack Israel,” the Associated Press’ “clarification” today unfortunately casts those very threats as a matter of Israeli perception, as opposed to reality. The Nov. 24 article by Nasser Karimi, dateline Tehran, outrageously claimed:

Iran supports militant groups like Hezbollah and Hamas that are pledged to Israel’s destruction. Iran has never threatened to attack Israel, but has vowed to retaliate if it is attacked.

(full article online)

AP “Clarification” Casts Iranian Threats As Israeli Perception | CAMERA
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, yes it does mention "International Law" only once. That single mention was referencing the International Business Law relative to compensation for the loss of or damage to property. It is not an enforceable citation. In fact, it makes no citation at all. For all we know, that unnamed law may have been revoked.

Byrne & McCutcheon notes that the General Assembly ‘has no power to compel action by any government, but its recommendations carry political weight’3.Whilst these recommendations are not binding on UN members, they can quite often lead to the development of International Law.
UN Resolution 194 did not make law. It did reference already established international law. Israel is not "giving" the Palestinians anything by allowing them to return to their homes.

Since the establishment of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP) there has been a number of concepts taken. One such concept:

10. On 26 May the Israeli delegation submitted to the General Committee for transmission to the Arab delegations a proposal that the frontiers between Israel and the Hashemite Jordan, Kingdom should be, in the north and south, those that had existed between Transjordan and Palestine under the British Mandate and in the centre should follow, with modifications in the interest of both parties, to be discussed at a later date, the present armistice lines (with the exception of the Jerusalem area). As justification for the line suggested in the central area at present under Jordanian military authority, the Israeli delegation submitted plans for a canal which would use the head-waters of the Jordan, and possibly of the Litani, to irrigate the northern Negev (documents Com.Gen./SR/8 and 10).
SOURCE: A/AC.25/Com.Gen/9 20 July 1949.
What is important here is that the first approximation of the 1949 proposed boundaries with Jordan are essentially the international boundary found in the existing Treaty today. The UNCCP did lobby with the "aim to support the Palestinian-Arab and international debate about strategies for promotion of Palestinian refugees' right of return, restitution, and compensation in the framework of a just and durable solution of the Palestinian/Arab - Israeli conflict." (See: Information & Discussion BriefIssue No. 5, June 2000)

The 5 June I&DB is quite lengthy (≈ 10 Pages). I would just drop down to the "Conclusions" to get the gist of the issues.

Most Respectfully,
The UN wimped out on implementing resolution 194. Since then they have repeatedly passed resolutions calling for the right to return only to throw them up on the shelf to collect dust.

Now BDS is the only call for Palestinian rights.


Israel Shatters 2017 Record in Tourism, Drawing 3.6 Million in 2018

RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I think we are caught in the weeds.

RoccoR said:
194 wasn't implemented because it required Arab refugees abandon hostility and violence.
False premise.
Virtually all of the Palestinian refugees were unarmed civilians who had nothing to do with any war. It is not like they would be allowing an army to come back with their guns.
And who else besides BDS?

First: I did not say this. I said: "A/RES/194 (III)" was not implemented for a number of different reasons." But, one of those reasons was (surely) that there was no reasonable expectation for the end to hostilities. The Arab Palestinians did not come out of the "Civil War" (1947-1948) with any clear advantage. The "Civil War' continued under another name when the Arab League entered the fray in May 1948. Without regard to why the Arab Palestinian Refugees were not allowed to return is a very complex matter. It is not as simple as "just let them return." One must ask if A/RES/194 (III) was implemented in 1949, would that have achieved peace? Answer: NO! The refugees wishing to return to their homes presented an internal security problem and would have quite possibly ignited a very bloody "Civil War." While some of the returning refugees would be willing to live in peace with their neighbors, even if one percent of the returnees were committed to the violence of their solemn declaration as stated in the Statement of 6 February 1948 Communicated to the Secretary-General by the Arab Higher Committee, that would represent more than 6000 anti-government insurgents (hell, al-Qaeda wasn't that bigª) and a dedicated threat to the establishment of a Jewish National Home.

I stand by my assessment that the reasons for not implementing A/RES/194 (III) back in 1949, besides not having the support by the international community, was much the same as it is today. The "Right of Return" (RoR) would not stimulate an end to the violence, even if 99% of the returnees were to be peaceful, the potential number of the various Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters would be staggering.
ª On June 2, 2016, the Department of State released its 2015 Country Reports on Terrorism, including an estimated strength for al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) at up to 4,000 members.

All these self-imposed limitations on the Arab Palestinians contributed to the outcome of today's conflict. And again, the Arab Palestinians have compounded the problems with the conflict by rejecting, or politically and diplomatically scuttling and change for the efforts to be successful or on any dispute resolution process to be fruitful:
Enforce the law. There is no dispute

Point (specifically) to "The Law" and I'll address that specifically. But, even A/RES/194 (III). And given that the Arab Palestinians do not follow the Declaration on Principles (DoP) of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nation, why should Israel take any risk at all under Article 51, Chapter VII...

And, the Arab Palestinians, not adhering to the DoP, really have no complaints, claims, or demands on the table to discuss. Right now, they are on the border of a sovereign state trying to invade by asymmetric means. No nation in the world would allow that rabble in under any circumstance.


The RoR, whether implemented then (1948) or implemented now (2018), has no reasonable expectation of ending the conflict. In fact, in all probability, the violence would increase, and maybe even create another failed state in the middle of less successful Arab States.

Most Respectfully,
All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is very interesting.


Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and Hezbollah WOW!

OK, I can picture Hezbollah (Iranian sopported) going home to the al-Bekka Valley.
I can invision the IRGC setting up a covert staging area in southwest Syria.
Then I can see the Hezbollah establishing a supply link between Lebanon and the covert camp.

I don't know how many IRGC fighters there are involved and to be avialible after the Syrian Conflict. But the Israelis are going to have to make a very good surveillance program, detailed topographic maps, and overhead imagery soon; of all the likely areas for encampments and infiltration routes.

Most Respectfully,
Israel denies ICC said no legal impediment to razing Khan al-Ahmar
The Justice Ministry denies a report earlier today in Walla, according to which the prosecutor’s office at the International Criminal Court told Israeli officials that there are no legal barriers to evacuating a Bedouin hamlet in the West Bank.

Such reports regarding Khan al-Ahmar “are incorrect,” the ministry says in a statement.

Jacob Magid
Jews expelled from Arab states call on UN to recognize their plight

Seventy years after the exodus and expulsion of some 850,000 Jews from Arab states and Iran, the heads of communities of Jews from Arab countries are demanding the United Nations officially recognize the suffering they were forced to endure.

In a letter to U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, community leaders, among them Dr. Shimon Ohayon, director of Bar-Ilan University's Dahan Center and chairman of the Alliance of Moroccan Immigrants wrote, "While the U.N. organizes events to mark the departure of 450,000 Palestinians from Israel upon the establishment of the state, following a war imposed on Israel, we do not see recognition of the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries."
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