All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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I asked You to bring an Arab country where Arabs have the same quality of life and rights as in Israel, we all know why You waffle around.

Israel is by far the BEST Arab country to ever exist.
If Israel is so great, why does it have over 200 UN resolutions against it?
Because each UN member state does 100 times worse than Israel, and they need to cover for that.
Sure if Arab pogroms against Palestinian Jews...
A full 70 years before!

...were acts of brotherly love,
then Israeli bullet in their head is nothing but the most generous peace agreement.
No person should pay for a crime they did not commit. And you're pretty sick in the head for thinking that's okay.
Stop lying like a street whore, You know full well Palestinian Jews didn't raise arms until Arab pogroms.

Wasn't it You who just recently suggested that murdering Jews was justifiable
if You accused the victim of narcissism? Guess, under which category this puts Your stupid head?
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Do You have any country in the region that is more diverse and liberal than Israel?
Show me one Arab society that has reached anywhere close the same level development.
Israel is a fascist regime that codifies apartheid and practices administrative detention.

Sure agha, it's even better than the American apartheid,
and on top of that we also have 5 different climate zones.
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That riot started when a bunch of Zionists went down to "The Wall" and claimed it "theirs".
Wait, what?! So, the Jewish people claiming their own history is cause to massacre them? Disgusting.

What about the hundreds of Jews whose lives were saved by their Arab neighbors?
What about them? Doesn't excuse the massacre that not everyone participated.
So 40 per cent of European Jews have considered leaving their countries over the past five years, according to a new poll conducted by the EU agency for fundamental rights, which highlighted the growing concern among Jewish communities in Europe, with almost 90 per cent of Jews saying that anti-Semitism has increased since 2013.

European Islamists, the lead actors of this new anti-Semitism along with the leftist useful idiots, are trying to stage a “final solution” 2.0 of what they call the “Jewish-Zionist cancer” in the Middle East (Iran's Rouhani holds the copyright for that term).

They really want a jüdenrein world, without Jews. Without Jews in Europe, fleeing from anti-Semitism, and without Jews in the Middle East, with the destruction of Israel.

(full article online)

The goal: No Jews in Europe and no Jewish State in the Middle East
So why does The Guardian think it’s appropriate to link to an Islamist lobby organization’s anti-Israel hate site that openly sympathizes with Hamas?

Or does this standard only apply when the newspaper is looking to promote anti-Israel claims or stories?

While we would in no way equate ourselves with an organization like MEMO, we certainly wouldn’t expect The Guardian to hyperlink to HonestReporting content. Indeed, The Guardian would certainly think twice before linking to any material it would consider to be too “pro-Israel” for its liking.

(full article online)

The Guardian: Hyperlinking to Hate | HonestReporting
The restrictions imposed on Jews on the Temple Mount are as intolerable as they are inexcusable, and given the key role the site played in the Hanukkah miracle, now is the perfect time to change them. Indeed, isn't it painfully ironic that while the Maccabees fought to free the Temple Mount from foreign control, Israel allows the Palestinian Muslim Wakf and Jordan to dictate what happens there?

According to the First Book of Maccabees 2:6-8, at the very start of the Hasmonean revolt, Matityahu bemoaned the fate of our people's holiest site: "Why was I born to see these terrible things, the ruin of my people and of the holy city? Must I sit here helpless while the city is surrendered to enemies and the Temple falls into the hands of foreigners? The Temple is like someone without honor."

Sadly, the same could be said now, when Jews ascending the Mount are barred from bringing a prayer book or a Bible, or even uttering a few words of prayer, all in the name of "security."

The Temple and the liberation of the Mount on which it stood are fundamental elements of the Hanukkah story. After all, it was there, on the Temple Mount, that the little flask of pure oil miraculously continued to burn.

So when you light the Hanukkah candles each night with your family, and watch the flames atop them reach heavenward, consider the following: we owe it to ourselves and to our Maccabean forbears to once again set the Temple Mount free and make it accessible to Jews.

(full article online)

The Maccabees, the Mount and modern Israel
The conventional wisdom is that the best chance for peace in the Middle East between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs is the Two-State Solution. Failing that, there is the One-State Solution.

The problem, of course, is that decades of pursuing the Two-State Solution has produced nothing except period increases in violence.

On the other hand, it has the advantage of allowing people half a world away of being able to spout off about what is best for Israel and the Arabs without having to live in the region, having a grasp of the situation nor having to live with the consequences of their unsolicited advice.

Actually, there are ideas out there for peace that are being discussed between the people who are affected, between Israelis and Palestinians, and those solutions are not about a One-State Solution or Two-State Solution.

The idea is to create the potential to start to integrate Palestinians into Israel not as enemies but as contributing members and tie their destiny to Israel.

It is a long-term idea that has the benefit of involving the people who will be directly affected by the plan, bypassing the politicians -- both in Israel, the territories and in the West -- who do not have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

Maybe now is not the time for such a plan, but at the very least it is the start of an idea that can grow to something bigger.

(full article online)

Forget About The Two-State Solution: Thinking Outside The Box About Israeli-Palestinian Peace (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
While the organization has collected some 33 testimonies from events from 2004 to present, ten of them will be submitted to the Hague in cooperation with lawyers from the International Legal Forum and the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, all of them relating to incidents which occurred over the past seven months of the weekly Great March of Return protests.

“The real shocking bit where I really couldn’t believe my eyes was when I saw an elderly man walking with a walking stick with a plastic bag and in that bag he had two bottles of gasoline which he intended to light and then throw towards Israeli soldiers,” said one testimony by a sniper who had been deployed to the protests along the fence until November.

(full article online)

IDF reservists to file complaint against Hamas, PLO to ICC
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