All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The same way all the other lies and indoctrination against Jews always has.

The Protocols has been around the Arab world for about 100 years.

Like all others who have been taught to hate Jews, they believe the whole pamphlet to be true.
The EU purports to deliver aid to needy communities on the basis of neutral, impartial, and independent judgments. The grossly disproportionate aid given to the Palestinians, at the direct expense of much more beleaguered populations in Yemen and sub-Saharan Africa, exposes this claim as a self-righteous lie.

(full article online)

Politics Drives European Aid
[ My , oh, the teachings of Christianity and Islam are reaching......again.....a new high, and actually much higher as the attacks on Jews is now on every corner of the world. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. To all the ignorant Useful Idiots of the World. You make the world much better in your psychopathic ignorance which leads to any and all crimes against any and all Jews ]

4 Anti-Semitic Attacks on 3 Continents: Jews in UK, France, Australia, NYC Targeted
When we think of the various radical Islamic organizations that threaten the world, we usually think about ISIS or Al Qaeda. But there is one very important force that actually threatens the world in a major way that is often overlooked. The Hizbullah. They do not only stockpile a massive amount of weapons on Israel’s northern border. They are also working to take over the Lebanese government, and spread their criminal activity across the entire Western world. The terrorists tap into the drug smuggling trade in order to fund their terrorist activities in the Middle East.

(full article online)

The global threat that is hitting Europe hard
Notice that the Palestinian issue is not mentioned at all.

The Palestinian Authority was invited, but their response was pretty much that unless the Palestinian issue is the central focus of any conference on the Middle East, they want nothing to do with it.

Not only that, but the Palestinians have been lobbying Arab governments to boycott the conference:

(full article online)

This week we'll find out if Palestinians still have any political clout in the Arab world ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Door to Door Project was launched for the purpose of helping Arab business people transfer their merchandise from Judea and Samaria to other areas in Israel directly and quickly and at a low cost.

Until the project’s launch, the “Back to Back” procedure for transfer of Arab goods for sale in to Israel required that an Arab businessperson deliver the goods to a crossing on an Arab-owned truck, where the merchandise would be unloaded, checked, and reloaded onto an Israeli truck that would bring the merchandise to its destination.

In recent months, the IDF’s Civil Administration initiated and led a pilot program in which five Arab production plants transferred their merchandise via the Tarqumiya Crossing, south of Hebron, to other areas in Israel using an Israeli truck that left the Arab production plant, underwent a security check and continued directly to its destination in Israel.

So far, the project has been crowned as a success. The Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), the IDF unit tasked with implementing the government’s civilian policy in Judea and Samaria and vis-à-vis the Gaza Strip, reported that five Arab companies have increased their profits by more than NIS 500,000 in the first six months of the project’s implementation.

(full article online)

IDF Broadens Project that Boosts Arab Business in Hebron Area
[ Nothing pretty as the attacks and expression of anti Jewish feelings are again at an all time high. Yes, this is 1939 all over again. But the Jews have Israel, and they are not giving it up, as we know what some Christian and Muslims extremists want to do to ALL Jews ]

Paris hit with wave of anti-Semitic vandalism

Anti-Semitic flyers left on cars on University of Montana campus

20 swastikas spray-painted near Bondi Beach in Australia

‘Juden!’ spray painted in yellow on window of Paris bagel shop

The above was some of the actions against Jews and Jewish business, and houses of worship around the world which happened last week. This is no different from has happened in past centuries when attacks happened at a minute's notice, and only Jews were targeted, in any part of Europe or the Muslim conquered world.

More to come, with or without fatalities.
Why did the State Dept try to keep a report on Palestinian education classified?

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