All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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This list applies both to people on the left and the right, although they tend to use different dog-whistles, so some of these are surprising to some.

Cultural Marxists
Dual loyalty
-Cultural Elite
-Hollywood Elite
International bankers
Israel Lobby/Jewish Lobby
New York values
White Jews

Some people on Twitter think "Benjamins" qualifies, since it is a Jewish name as well as referring to a hundred dollar bill. I'm not convinced - although that could change as a result of Omar's tweet.

These is not to be mixed up with words like "goyim" or "Shlomos" which hardly ever have a double meaning when used nowadays. They aren't dog whistles - they are whistles.

Certainly words like "ZioNazi" and "****" are not dog whistles, but pure antisemitism.

This list, though, seems a pretty good representation of words that can cause hate while hiding in plain sight. The responses in social media to when they are used, or looking up how they are used in antisemitic neo-Nazi websites, gives one a good idea that these words are not always innocent.

(full article online)

List of antisemitic dog whistles ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Let’s keep the laughter to a minimum, kuffar.

Linda Sarsour Raises Money for Muslim Child Killer Who Raped 15-Year-Old

By American standards, Domineque Hakim Marcelle Ray was a monster. But by the standards of Mohammed, who raped and killed countless people, Ray was a moderate. So why wouldn't Linda Sarsour fundraise for this monster?

"Domineque Hakim Marcel Ray was executed by the State of Alabama & denied his request to have his imam present. His final request was to AT LEAST have a proper Muslim burial. We can help make that happen," Sarsour tweeted.

Linda Sarsour could AT LEAST offer to bury the body under her garage floor.

Let’s keep the laughter to a minimum, kuffar.

Linda Sarsour Raises Money for Muslim Child Killer Who Raped 15-Year-Old

By American standards, Domineque Hakim Marcelle Ray was a monster. But by the standards of Mohammed, who raped and killed countless people, Ray was a moderate. So why wouldn't Linda Sarsour fundraise for this monster?

"Domineque Hakim Marcel Ray was executed by the State of Alabama & denied his request to have his imam present. His final request was to AT LEAST have a proper Muslim burial. We can help make that happen," Sarsour tweeted.

Linda Sarsour could AT LEAST offer to bury the body under her garage floor.
I would prefer they do what they did with Bin Laden.
Let’s keep the laughter to a minimum, kuffar.

Linda Sarsour Raises Money for Muslim Child Killer Who Raped 15-Year-Old

By American standards, Domineque Hakim Marcelle Ray was a monster. But by the standards of Mohammed, who raped and killed countless people, Ray was a moderate. So why wouldn't Linda Sarsour fundraise for this monster?

"Domineque Hakim Marcel Ray was executed by the State of Alabama & denied his request to have his imam present. His final request was to AT LEAST have a proper Muslim burial. We can help make that happen," Sarsour tweeted.

Linda Sarsour could AT LEAST offer to bury the body under her garage floor.
I would prefer they do what they did with Bin Laden.

That's because You didn't see how they treat the bodies of their dead soldiers as garbage, it wouldn't deter anything.

One of Jihadi's worst fears is getting shot by a woman.

Kurds, Israelis and Americans deploy women in the army, when another big fish like Bin Laden is caught,
we should make sure they know he was shot by a heroic woman, either a sniper or a UAV commander.
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Let’s keep the laughter to a minimum, kuffar.

Linda Sarsour Raises Money for Muslim Child Killer Who Raped 15-Year-Old

By American standards, Domineque Hakim Marcelle Ray was a monster. But by the standards of Mohammed, who raped and killed countless people, Ray was a moderate. So why wouldn't Linda Sarsour fundraise for this monster?

"Domineque Hakim Marcel Ray was executed by the State of Alabama & denied his request to have his imam present. His final request was to AT LEAST have a proper Muslim burial. We can help make that happen," Sarsour tweeted.

Linda Sarsour could AT LEAST offer to bury the body under her garage floor.
US Army Colonel Alexander Rodgers used to bury them in pigskin.
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Vogue Continues to Show Antisemitism is in Fashion

Fashion and lifestyle magazine Vogue continues to dress up their contempt for Jews by giving a platform to those who hate the world’s only Jewish state.

Because antisemitism is still in fashion.

Apparently, this is NOT Kim Kardashian. In other news, ” Freedom Fighter’s Collection”? WTF?
Arab designers are using clothes to start a conversation centered around pride of heritage – and it’s reaching the halls of American Congress.

“The aim of my designs is to preserve Palestinian indigenous culture while bridging the gap between Eastern and Western worlds,” pronounces Suzy Tamimi, a New York-based Palestinian designer who repurposes and combines traditional embroidery with contemporary designs. “I feel like this is a pivotal time.” The designer uses vintage remnants of Palestinian embroidery to complete her garments, interpreting themes of continuity, identity, and empowerment. She implements indigenous fabrics “to pay homage to the past with eyes set on the future.” Her practical athletic wear features traditional fabrics decorating sleeves and collars hand-embroidered by Palestinian women refugees. The words “freedom fighter” are printed in both Arabic and English in bold typography.

Let’s just pause here for a second. The “designer” is Suzy Tamimi. Sounds a lot like a member of the infamous Tamimi clan, which has spawned the likes of Shirley Temper, (another Vogue favorite), murderer Ahlam Tamimi, and the rest of her terror-loving family.

Also, let’s be brutally honest. “Freedom fighter” is politically correct speak for “terrorist”, and there is no such thing as “Palestinian indigenous.”

The conversation has since gained momentum and Tamimi doesn’t hesitate to tout her latest collection as a political and humanitarian expression. A boxing robe adorned with traditional Palestinian textiles features a unique crest. Tamimi presents a coat of arms with doves (universal symbols of peace), olive tree branches (cornerstones of Palestinian agriculture and heritage), and poppy flowers, intended to honor the lives lost in pursuit of freedom. “The crest and robe together make a clear statement relatable to all oppressed people of the world: we have to fight for our freedom.”

Note how there is the “let’s be all about peace” message. Nope, you don’t get to dress up your “nudge nudge wink wink” nod to your terrorist roots, and then pretend to be about doves and unicorns.

Vogue Continues to Show Antisemitism is in Fashion
Vogue Continues to Show Antisemitism is in Fashion

Fashion and lifestyle magazine Vogue continues to dress up their contempt for Jews by giving a platform to those who hate the world’s only Jewish state.

Because antisemitism is still in fashion.

Apparently, this is NOT Kim Kardashian. In other news, ” Freedom Fighter’s Collection”? WTF?
Arab designers are using clothes to start a conversation centered around pride of heritage – and it’s reaching the halls of American Congress.

“The aim of my designs is to preserve Palestinian indigenous culture while bridging the gap between Eastern and Western worlds,” pronounces Suzy Tamimi, a New York-based Palestinian designer who repurposes and combines traditional embroidery with contemporary designs. “I feel like this is a pivotal time.” The designer uses vintage remnants of Palestinian embroidery to complete her garments, interpreting themes of continuity, identity, and empowerment. She implements indigenous fabrics “to pay homage to the past with eyes set on the future.” Her practical athletic wear features traditional fabrics decorating sleeves and collars hand-embroidered by Palestinian women refugees. The words “freedom fighter” are printed in both Arabic and English in bold typography.

Let’s just pause here for a second. The “designer” is Suzy Tamimi. Sounds a lot like a member of the infamous Tamimi clan, which has spawned the likes of Shirley Temper, (another Vogue favorite), murderer Ahlam Tamimi, and the rest of her terror-loving family.

Also, let’s be brutally honest. “Freedom fighter” is politically correct speak for “terrorist”, and there is no such thing as “Palestinian indigenous.”

The conversation has since gained momentum and Tamimi doesn’t hesitate to tout her latest collection as a political and humanitarian expression. A boxing robe adorned with traditional Palestinian textiles features a unique crest. Tamimi presents a coat of arms with doves (universal symbols of peace), olive tree branches (cornerstones of Palestinian agriculture and heritage), and poppy flowers, intended to honor the lives lost in pursuit of freedom. “The crest and robe together make a clear statement relatable to all oppressed people of the world: we have to fight for our freedom.”

Note how there is the “let’s be all about peace” message. Nope, you don’t get to dress up your “nudge nudge wink wink” nod to your terrorist roots, and then pretend to be about doves and unicorns.

Vogue Continues to Show Antisemitism is in Fashion

Wait, wait! Trying to preserve indigenous culture in the diaspora. Now where have I heard that before?!
Is it antisemitism or anti-Zionism? Everyday, semantics are used to deflect what is obvious. When people argue over this it protects antisemitism. It does not matter whether in theory anti-Zionism and antisemitism are the same thing or not. It is a straw man argument. When you perform the duck test on anti-Zionist activity across the board, it soon becomes clear that antisemitism overflows in every corner of the anti-Israel movement. The duck test highlights just how seamlessly, blatant antisemitism has renamed itself.

I am in the middle of writing a large report that will hopefully meet my self-imposed end-of-February deadline. This particular post is not part of that and was never planned. It came about because in preparation for a talk I gave last night to students at KCL I needed to spend some time gathering examples of the similarity between anti-Zionism and classic antisemitism. This is what I found:

The duck test
What are examples of antisemitism? What are the tropes? I needed to work from a check-list, so turned to Wiki to find one. They have a page titled ‘antisemitic canards‘. It provides a list of different types of canards used to foster and legitimise hate against Jewish people throughout the ages. There are 20 classic types listed. They added the 9/11 conspiracy, which I ignored because I believe it captured in the essence of all the others.

Below are the results from the twenty I worked with. In those cases where the accusation predates Zionism (such as the killing of Christ), I have only used posts by people who ‘coincidentally’ are also anti-Israel activists:

(full article online)

Antisemitism and anti-Zionism. Performing the duck test
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