All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Zioness Movement

The Zioness Movement is a coalition of activists and allies who express their Zionist and progressive values through collective action. They are driven by the belief that the same values of human rights and self-determination at the heart of progressive causes also underlie Zionism, the movement to achieve self-determination for a long-oppressed minority group.

This is Video to present Zioness work, It was aired in New-York Woman's March 2019.

8. Avoid known racist tropes when speaking of Israel or Jews
Words such as hypnotized, cabal, Jewish money, globalists, and many more have long been used to discredit Jews. Avoid them. If, for example, you wish to talk about Jewish influence on politics through organisations like AIPAC, carefully appraise your use of language and consider how much influence AIPAC really has compared to other organisations. (Hint: AIPAC’s “Jewish money” is only the second-biggest pro-Israel lobby in America. The biggest is actually CUFI, a Christian organization.)

9. Recognize Jewish indigeneity to the land.
Jews come from Judea. They lived in Israel for thousands of years. Denying the connection between Jews and Israel is antisemitism.

10. Don’t blame Israel for the world’s ills
If you’re tempted to blame the world’s ills on Israel, you’re exhibiting not only a lack of knowledge of world affairs, but demonstrable antisemitism. Portraying Israel as the cause of all that’s wrong in the world doesn’t lend itself to open, constructive debate.

In conclusion, it’s easy to criticize Israel without being antisemitic. Focus on policy. Commit to accuracy. Include context. Eschew superficial chants. If you find that too hard, well, you may just be an antisemite.

(full article online)

How to Criticize Israel Without Being Antisemitic | HonestReporting
8. Avoid known racist tropes when speaking of Israel or Jews
Words such as hypnotized, cabal, Jewish money, globalists, and many more have long been used to discredit Jews. Avoid them. If, for example, you wish to talk about Jewish influence on politics through organisations like AIPAC, carefully appraise your use of language and consider how much influence AIPAC really has compared to other organisations. (Hint: AIPAC’s “Jewish money” is only the second-biggest pro-Israel lobby in America. The biggest is actually CUFI, a Christian organization.)

9. Recognize Jewish indigeneity to the land.
Jews come from Judea. They lived in Israel for thousands of years. Denying the connection between Jews and Israel is antisemitism.

10. Don’t blame Israel for the world’s ills
If you’re tempted to blame the world’s ills on Israel, you’re exhibiting not only a lack of knowledge of world affairs, but demonstrable antisemitism. Portraying Israel as the cause of all that’s wrong in the world doesn’t lend itself to open, constructive debate.

In conclusion, it’s easy to criticize Israel without being antisemitic. Focus on policy. Commit to accuracy. Include context. Eschew superficial chants. If you find that too hard, well, you may just be an antisemite.

(full article online)

How to Criticize Israel Without Being Antisemitic | HonestReporting

It's easy to criticize Israel without being antisemitic. Of course, if you are not antisemitic it's a LOT harder to find something to criticize.
Oh, my. It seems that the Arab-Moslem terrorists may have to divert even more welfare fraud money from food allowances if they’re going to continue large salaries to Islamic terrorist killers and use their welfare checks for weapons to further the gee-had.

U.N. WFP to cut back food aid to Palestinians | Reuters

JERUSALEM/GAZA (Reuters) - The World Food Programme (WFP) is to cut food aid next year to about 190,000 poor Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank due a shortage of funds, the WFP’s senior official for the Palestinian Territories said on Wednesday.
I believe the title of the linked article is a bit misleading, although not intentionally so. While Arabs-Moslems have a built-in hatred for Jews which derives from their politico-religious ideology, it’s perfectly accurate to acknowledge the 1,400 year old blood feud that causes the Sunni and Shia to slaughter each other wholesale even today. Those ancient hatreds burn as fiercely today as the did after the death of the inventor of Islamism.

To the Arab-Israeli alliance, the following countries met on January 7, 2005 to discuss their fear of a Shia "Crescent" that will run from Iran through Iraq to Lebanon via Syria. They are:Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria, and Turkey.

While Arab nations despise Israel, they also understand that when... when they get themselves into a shooting war with Iran, it is the IDF that they will rely on for assistance.

Hamas may think they have a "friend" in Iran, but that is simply delusional. Hamas is already viewed by Sunni Arabs as a threat.

Iran will choose only one path (ideology) in the coming Sunni-Shai internecine war. You know what they want.

The New Arab–Israeli Alliance

The New Arab–Israeli Alliance

The main drivers of chaos in the Middle East are conflicts between Sunni and Shia Muslims, between Arabs and Persians, and between secularists and Islamists. This has been true for decades, but with civil war in Syria, the rise of The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), anarchy in Libya, a region-wide proxy war in Yemen, and an Iran unshackled by sanctions, it is obvious now even to casual observers. The Israeli–Palestinian conflict has been reduced almost to an asterisk
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I suppose it’s possible that the Iranian Mullocrats could turn their hezbollah stooges loose and start a shooting war with Israel. I would see Syrian territory as a part of the battleground as well as Lebanon. It’s difficult to think that the Lebanese could do anything to reign in Hizbollah and much of Lebanon could become a war zone as the hizbollah terrorists look for cover in civilian areas.

IDF practices massive drill to ‘simulate conditions of war with Hezbollah’

February 15, 2019 / JNS) The Israeli army underwent a massive simulation within the past week to train troops for combat missions in conditions similar to those in Lebanon, announced the Israel Defense Forces on Friday.

Conducted by the 401st Brigade of the Armored Corps, the exercise was the largest one in recent years, reported Channel 12 news. The troops completed the training alongside the Israeli Air Force, in addition to the intelligence and engineering corps.
"The summit, which the Palestinians were not invited to...."

Here's a life lesson, Mahmoud. Wallowing in self pity will help you not. The debasement was brought on by the impotence which you exhibit. Employ introspection and you shall understand why your cycle of self hate causes you such angst. Fix that which makes you slaves to ignorance and retrogression and you shall be slaves no more…

Palestinians call on Arab countries to skip Mideast summit in Warsaw

The summit, which the Palestinians were not invited to, is seeking, among numerous issues, to combat the Iranian threat and solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
"Progress in solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be very helpful," he said, "and if the American plan succeeds in doing so, that's great."

"We wish all the best for Israel, we have many friends in the region and we would like you to join them," Qureishi concluded.
This is perhaps more astonishing than even the statements from Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

Arab media has been reporting on this story, but it hasn't been in any English outlets that I have seen yet.

(full article online)

Pakistan's foreign minister:"Pakistan is interested in advancing its relations with Israel" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Isn't it nice? Finally !!!! These antisemites DO KNOW where Jews come from ]

The demonstrators yelled insults and cursed at Finkielkraut, and in one video clip were seen yelling, “You’re going to die, you’re going to hell.” Others told him to “go home” and “go back to Tel Aviv.” In a separate video clip some were heard screaming anti-Semitic curses, such as “dirty Zionist sh – t.”

(full article online)

Watch: Prominent French Jew Attacked in Paris by Yellow Vest Anti-Semites
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