All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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A group of parliamentarians in France will this week propose new legislation that will classify anti-Zionism as a form of antisemitism, and therefore a crime, several French news outlets reported on Monday.

Sylvain Maillard — a deputy for France’s ruling center-right LREM party who heads the Antisemitism Study Group in the country’s National Assembly — told France Info on Monday that he and his colleagues had been examining the common roots of anti-Zionism and antisemitism “for several weeks.”

The group had concluded that “hatred of Israel is the new way of hating Jews,” Maillard said.

He continued: “We can criticize the government of Israel, but not question the very existence of this state. Nobody questions the existence of the French state or the German state.”

(full article online)

‘Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism:’ French Parliamentarians Announce New Resolution Amid Rising Antagonism Toward Jewish Community
Fortunately, the psychopath in the memri clip is beyond her breeding years so in this particular case, the planet won't be burdened with another Islamo-bot, raised from infancy to die young in pursuit of murder and mayhem.

Lovely folks. A Koran, a knife and a lifetime of indoctrination into a Death Cult that defines murder / suicide as the peak of religious fulfillment for the young Islamo-bot.

"Mother of Palestinian Knife Attacker in Praise of Son: He Was a Butcher, Knew How to Slaughter"

In a February 14, 2019 broadcast on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza), the mother of Muhammad Said Muhammad Ali, a 19-year old Palestinian who was killed when he attacked Israeli policemen with a knife at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, said that her son had been "a lion." She praised how he wielded the knife when he attacked the policemen, explaining that he had been a butcher. She then sang: "Muhammad Ali was a courageous man, oh knife commandos… You are the pride of Islam… Your knife sent those midgets run...
"I am very proud, first of all, that I'm an Israeli Zionist Arab, and I have tied my destiny with Israel and the Jewish people, a peaceful nation," Zoabi said. "The Jewish nation is an example of peace, an example of love."


Zoabi also said she enjoys living under Israeli rule and has no desire to live in a Hamas or Arab state.

(full article online)

Muslim woman fights for Israel despite death threats – watch
[ More information about the Jordanian move on the Temple Mount ]

Up to this point, the Waqf has been staffed solely by people linked to the Hashemite monarchy. But the newly-added members were selected from the Palestinian Authority and local Muslim leadership, and include top PA and PLO officials Khatem Abdel Kader and Adnan al-Husayni. Also among the new Waqf officials are the mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammed Hussein, and the president of Al-Quds University, Dr. Imad Abu Kishek, as well as Sheikh Ekrima Sabri – who is linked to the Turkish government.

(full article online)

Jordan Adds PA, PLO Members to Islamic Waqf, Fuel to Fire on Temple Mount
I didn't see any statements on the EU External Action page or on their Twitter feed about this, but Othman is a spokesperson for the EU.

I also couldn't find a single time that the EU condemned the Palestinian Authority "pay to slay" program. (The details have been presented to various EU nations by Palestinian Media Watch.)

Which means that the EU tacitly supports the Palestinians paying part of their budget to terrorists.

(full article online)

EU criticizes Israel for trying to stop payments to terrorists ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ The teachings of Islam are at it a place where most Jews have been forced to flee.... ]

Al-Emad called the non-Houthi people of Yemen donkeys, and said they should go to their ancestors in Israel, because the donkeys are Jews.

Al-Emad claimed that the true people of Yemen are those whose ancestors came from Muhammad He said: "You are a donkey race, the race of the Jews, and you have no honor, dignity, or pride."

The video was widely condemned and denounced by a number of different members of Yemeni society and Yemeni and Gulf activists and media.

But no one was bothered by the antisemitism. No, they were truly insulted by being called Jewish, beyond being called donkeys.

(full article online)

Houthi leader insults Yemenis by accusing them of being donkeys - and Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The average Arab-Moslem terrorist can make $580 per month on UNRWA welfare or the same amount in a comfortable Israeli jail.

Palestinian Authority paid terrorists nearly $350 million in 2017

Defense Ministry exposes Palestinian terror price list of how much prisoners get on crime scale.

The Palestinian Authority paid terrorists and their families over $347 million last year, according to its own records, the Defense Ministry reported to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday.

The average income of a Palestinian is $580 per month, which is what the PA pays terrorists who are sentenced to three to five years in prison.
Taking advantage of special access afforded them by the Israeli authorities for worship of the Ramadan holiday, Muslims on the Temple Mount desecrated and stole protected archaeological remains last week.

Eve Harrow speaks with preeminent archaeologist Dr. Gabi Barkay about this incredibly sensitive and sacred site.

He and Tzachi Dvira, who brought the latest travesty to the media’s attention, co-direct the Temple Mount Sifting Project to salvage remains of a massive illegal dumping nearly 20 years ago.

Why does this unconscionable behavior continue, and how is it relevant to those of us who respect all history and civilizations?

(listen online)

How Arabs carry out cultural terrorism on the Temple Mount
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