All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa

Gaza Valley Faces Environmental Disaster

People driving through the municipalities of the Gaza Strip can easily tell when they have reached the Wadi Gaza Bridge. They are overcome with a bad smell that forces them to hold their nose to avoid inhaling the odor of waste and sewage coming from the valley, which has turned into an environmental disaster.

It should be noted that modern conveniences like indoor plumbing and waste management are low priorities when your standards for living are modeled on a 7th century Arab warlord as the perfect example for humanity.
A major third flaw in the Walt/Mearsheimer article and book was a one-sided view of Israel as being the cause of all troubles in the region and of Palestinians are being innocent. They spend a lot of time calling Israel racist, of claiming that Israel is not a security asset for America but a liability, that Israel and the US do not share the same moral values. Those criticisms, while not specifically antisemitic, are mirrored by antisemites.

In short, while Walt now admits that the pro-Israel lobby is not all powerful and works like any other, the broad implication of the book was that the Israel Lobby has an outsized influence to push US leaders to make stupid decisions against national interests and towards selfish Israeli racist interests.

That is not too far off from saying that the Zionists control US policy, which Walt now admits is uncomfortably close to an antisemitic canard of Jews controlling US policy.

(full article online)

Stephen Walt actually gives a decent description of the Israel lobby. (Too bad he didn't follow it when he cowrote his book.) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Mahmoud is angry. Angry Mahmoud is angry that Israel has withheld money that angry Mahmoud uses to pay Islamic terrorists,

Angry Mahmoud is a clown. Islamic terrorists should not be paid for committing acts of Islamic terrorism.

Angry Mahmoud should considering sucking up to the Shia Iranians and beg them for welfare money.

Abbas about to inflict
serious humanitarian crisis on Palestinians,
in response to Israeli decision to penalize PA
for its support of terrorists

Abbas to inflict humanitarian crisis on Palestinians, after Israel penalizes PA for its support of terrorists - PMW Bulletins

  • PA to refuse approx. $2.2 billion (8 billion shekels) transfer of taxes from Israel in 2019, because Israel decided to deduct approx. $139.5 million (502 million shekels) that the PA uses to reward terrorists
  • PA shows it prioritizes terrorist rewards over best interests of entire Palestinian non-terrorist population
  • PA's refusal to accept nearly half of its budget would cripple the PA economy and cause a humanitarian crisis
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ et al,

This is not an unexpected outcome of a Government such as Gazans support. Yes, I have to agree with our friend "Hollie."

REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa
Gaza Valley Faces Environmental Disaster

People driving through the municipalities of the Gaza Strip can easily tell when they have reached the Wadi Gaza Bridge. They are overcome with a bad smell that forces them to hold their nose to avoid inhaling the odor of waste and sewage coming from the valley, which has turned into an environmental disaster.

It should be noted that modern conveniences like indoor plumbing and waste management are low priorities when your standards for living are modeled on a 7th century Arab warlord as the perfect example for humanity.

Many of the Regional Failed States (like the Ramallah and Gaza Governments) have such infrastructure weaknesses due to issues inherent in the overall system of government.

The "chilling effect" that the pro-Arab Palestinian supporters have described in the past [especially by organizations such as Euro-Mediterranean Monitor for Human Rights (EMMHR)] is (indeed) refers to the consequences of the adverse effects against the Israeli response to Arab Palestine (AP) hostile actions has on the ongoing and re-organization and reconstruction programs and projects funded by international donor contributions. As the pro-Arab Palestinian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) across the Middle East - North African (MENA region) like to expound → the positive progress of any institutional nation building, infrastructure development, mechanisms to boost the economy, health and education, social welfare, and electricity utilities/distribution (re-organization and reconstruction) programs and projects in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) have been systematically reduced to rubble by the extension of Israel military power made possible by American imperialism and regional exploitation.

And it all sounds good. It presents itself to be both sound and valid.

And every time I hear these repetitious arguments about the evil of American and Israel in regards to the continuation of the Israel-Palestinian Conflict, I shiver to the bone. The counter-argument to the pro-AP presentation is not so elegant. It is a variation on a theme.

"The Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma" (IPD) which is so fundamental to international cooperation and mutual trust between nations and across cultures. At the schoolyard level, you might have heard of it in the less dramatic name → "tit for tat." The variation on the theme is: You smack me, I'll smack you back, only twice as hard. This political-military (POL-MIL) variant incorporates the practical logic that the opponent will learn that there is no benefit to a continued exchange of blows.

The counterpart to IPD is "Proportional Response" or excessive retaliation to the concrete and an advantage anticipated. This is the point at which the exchange of slaps/smacks should stop. However, in the MENA societies, known for extremist behaviors and asymmetric conflict with antisocial attitudes and a lack of political conscience, this is the "go-for-broke" position. IF the extremist and asymmetric operators continue on against a nation or nations with a firm respect for "Proportional Response" theory → THEN the extremist and asymmetric operator (having no respect for "Proportional Response" or Excessive Retaliation limits) will win any serious confrontation.


the International Donor Community hold sympathy for the Arab Palestinian because the have a respect for the concept of "Proportional Response." The Arab Palestinian has no regard for human suffering and unlimited destruction, so they will continue to exchange hostility and violent action --- eating up donor contributions until the Israelis capitulate. THUS the dilemma.

Most Respectfully,
[ Threats, threats and more threats ]

Palestinians claim that Israel is planning to turn the area into a prayer site for Jews. The site, which once housed the offices of the Islamic Heritage committee, was closed by the Jerusalem Police in 2003 after for alleged involvement in political activities. In 2017, a court issued an order to keep the site closed until further notice.

Last week, Muslim worshipers entered the premises and prayed there, prompting the police to lock the gate with chains.

On Monday morning, dozens of worshipers, accompanied by officials from the Wakf Department, which is in charge of Islamic religious sites, attempted to force their way into the area, sparking a confrontation with police officers. The move came after east Jerusalem activists called on Muslims to arrive at the area to protest against the closure of the site.

(full article online)

Palestinians say Israel 'playing with fire' by closing Temple Mount gate
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