All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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This is what the real definition of "Progressive Except for Palestine" is. Because once you hack your way past the lies and slander about Israel that is considered sacrosanct by much of the "progressive" Left, you see a state that embraces liberal values but does not embrace suicide, squared off against a truly regressive death cult that does not hold a single progressive position on anything. (I don't use the phrase "death cult" lightly, but the overwhelming Palestinian support for the most reprehensible terror attacks shows that this characterization is accurate. And many in the so-called "progressive" community have embraced that same love of terrorists, especially by falsely claiming that murdering Jews is acceptable under international law.)

(full article online)

Who is "Progressive Except for Palestine?" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Some Muslims doing to Europe, Australia, etc what they have been doing to Israel. Is there a way of changing any of it? ]

Muslim Migrants set Sweden on fire

Many years ago prior to 9-11 there was a book “ The Death of the West” where it was explained in great detail how Muslims were taking over Europe and Christians were going to eventually be a minority . It will one day be one giant Cesspool
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I think that everyone that has a mental capacity above that of a moron knows (almost instinctively) that there is no justification, worthy of consideration by humanity, that condones the murder, nor are they likely to believe that there is some sort of "open season" on Jews.

What is disturbing is that the people and personalities of those that adopt terrorism as a strategy are not likely to be capable of assuming an arrangement, agreement, or treatise that would allow conflicting parties (Israelis and Arab Palestinians) to coexist peacefully, either indefinitely or until a final settlement is reached.

And many in the so-called "progressive" community have embraced that same love of terrorists, especially by falsely claiming that murdering Jews is acceptable under international law.)
(full article online)
Who is "Progressive Except for Palestine?" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

People and personalities, like Dr Muhammad Suleiman al-Farra, who openly incites violence and the continuation of conflict points the finger of hatred at the Jewish National Home. His mantra is:
"kill the polytheists wherever you may find them"
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See the Video
[B]Dr. Muhammad Suleiman Al-Farra[/B] said:
Right. So the following has become our duty: "Kill the polytheists wherever you may find them." Today, you can rest assured that, according to the religious ruling, Palestine in its entirety constitutes a battlefield between us and the Jews. Therefore, we must strive to fight them using any means that might enable us to get to them anywhere in our pure land, using any means that might enable us to get to them anywhere in our pure land, in the hope of driving them out, Allah willing.

What is even more scary is that these closet sociopaths and psychopaths don't realize they are further promoting an environment of antisocial behavior. Some of these background Islamic Clerics are incapable of empathy or feeling remorse over the deaths they advocate.

It is not really known why the Islamic Community of clerics allow this type of behaviors. Their continued silence will eventually demonstrate the callous disregard for human life and paint the followers of Islam accordingly...

Most Respectfully,
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How this happened is a long story, but a simplified explanation is that a lie can become accepted as true when it is repeated enough times by enough people. And that’s what happened here, starting with the KGB’s creation of the Palestinian people in the 1960s, through the extended blackmail of Europe by Palestinian terrorism, bolstered by Western leftist guilt, and sealed by resurgent European and Islamic Jew-hatred.

The idea of swaps ought to be unacceptable to Israel, because it presupposes Arab ownership of all of Judea and Samaria. Why should Israel be required to compensate the Palestinians for taking its own land?

The next time someone tells you that the “West Bank” is “Arab land,” ask them how nineteen years of illegal Jordanian occupation made it so.

(full article online)

The absurdity of land swaps | Abu Yehuda

This is also a remarkable achievement - people who decide on their own to make a difference and who work hard to succeed.

When I read stories like that, I have nothing but admiration for the people who overcome the odds (and who shake off the self-pity) and make a difference.

I don't know anyone who would read the Gaza story and try to come up with an angle to associate the women with terrorism or the abuses of the Hamas-led government.

Yet so many look at anything Israel does and their first, reflexive response is to figure out a way to tear it down. Either by saying that the act is directly criminal (seriously, Israel is exploiting the moon for rare minerals?) or to associate it with evil ("apartheid") or to claim that Israel is only acting that way in order to whitewash its supposed crimes.

It takes a special kind of hate to think that way. And that hate, whether it is against Israel or Jews, is an indication of the mental state of the hater far more than anything else.

Hate is inherently ugly. Even if one wants to make an artificial separation between Jews and the Jewish state to inoculate oneself against being called antisemitic, the hate against Israel is just as disgusting as hate against Jews or any other group.

(full article online)

Moonshots, potatoes and hate ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
On November 10, 1975, Daniel Patrick Moynihan spoke to the UN General Assembly, which had just passed Resolution 3379. The resolution declared Zionism “a form of racism.” In response, Moynihan said, the “abomination of anti-Semitism has been given the appearance of international sanction.”

A preposterous lie had been perpetrated by the General Assembly: that the term “racist” described a national movement distinguished by its conviction that anyone born of a Jewish mother, or any convert to Judaism, regardless of race, was part of the Jewish people. The General Assembly had also perpetrated an obscene lie: that the national movement of a people decimated by the Nazis was akin to Nazism.

The Soviet Union, for whom anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism both had their geopolitical uses, was among the foremost advocates for these lies, and in 1991, with the Soviet Union on the verge of dissolution, the UN repealed resolution 3379.

Reflecting on that repeal, 20 years later, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon would agree that the “reputation of the United Nations was badly damaged by the adoption of resolution 3379.” But by then, the lie that Zionism is racism was again fashionable in some precincts. It is the marrow of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, whose defining 2005 call equates Israel with apartheid-era South Africa, and demands that, through academic, cultural, and economic boycotts, the Jewish nation should suffer the characteristic Jewish fate: exile, now not from England or Spain but from the international community altogether. In campuses across the United States, ever year, students and faculty participate in “Israel Apartheid Week” in the hope of hastening the day of that exile.

Anti-Semitism: A Return Engagement
I hate how it creates a state a mind so relentlessly negative, so embattled, so insecure. I hate how it turns the happiest, calmest people into furious Twitter warriors, into single-issue advocates. I hate the ugliness, the unhappiness, in the Jewish experience that it creates. I hate the paranoia, and how it makes Jews turn on Jews.

I hate how it seems to blot out everything else. How it makes Jewish life, the Jewish conversation, defined by others, not by its own terms. I don’t want to live like this.

It took me a long time to realize this, but I feel I have learned that the key to living with the flu is not to let my Jewish identity be defined by anti-Semitism. A Jewish life defined only by anti-Semitism, even the righteous fight against anti-Semitism, is a curse.

For Jews confronting the disease, the most important thing to remember and to share is the beauty of Judaism. Tweet a recipe, a book, a novel, not just your fury. Attend a Shabbat dinner, host one, light the Sabbath candles. Don’t just sit there seething; slip into the morning prayers, if only to meditate; say a blessing over a glass of water, as a point of mindfulness; or do whatever it is that you most identify with from Jewish culture or tradition. A bagel, an old song, even a joke. It all has healing power.

Don’t let your Jewish identity be defined by those who hate you. Instead make it a source of strength, something they can never touch, what our ancestors wanted Jewish life to be. They saw the rituals, the togetherness, the songs of the Sabbath as a palace in time, not a cage, a way of life whose purpose was to bring the deepest calm.

And the deepest confidence. Because whenever a Jew wanders around the British Museum in London, or the Met in New York and sees the Roman, Egyptian, and Assyrian remains, they can think, I was there. We are the people of forever. Not only the people killed by Hitler.

I think too many Jews have forgotten this. You can only live with anti-Semitism by not living by anti-Semitism. Etz Chaim is not only the name of the synagogue in Pittsburgh where the massacre took place last October. It is also one of the most beautiful phrases in our morning prayers, a description of the vitality of Judaism: “A tree of life”—Etz Chaim—“to those who seize it.”

Europe's Ubiquitous Anti-Semitism
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