All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The "occupied [islamic] lands" meme is making the rounds, this time from a Jordanian "activist".

It's "a matter of life or death", kuffar.

Jordanian Political Activist Khaled Al-Jihni: New Israeli "Ramon" Airport Built on Occupied Jordanian Land

On a January 29, 2019 show on Jordan Today TV, Jordanian political activist and head of the Aqaba chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Islamic Action Front Khaled Al-Jihni said that Israel’s new Ramon Airport near Eilat is built on occupied Jordanian land and that the entire Eilat area should be referred to as “Occupied Western Aqaba.” Al-Jihni said that Jordan should not allow its airspace to be used. He claimed that the Ramon airport is a “matter of life or death [for Israel]… as a result of what the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance has done to it.” He added the it is Jordan’s turn to "suffocate" Israel and that Jordan should not always avoid confrontation.

"Jordanian Political Activist Khaled Al-Jihni: New Israeli "Ramon" Airport Built on Occupied Jordanian Land"
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ et al,

Am I so negative or are they so optimistic? (RHETORICAL)

Discounting the feasibility of two-states
Thus, although Morris clings—somewhat puzzlingly and paradoxically—to “the idea of two states for two peoples and territorial partition [as] the only basis for a solution that would provide a measure of justice to the two peoples”, he has no illusions as to its feasibility.
I don't see any justice for either side. At best (in my opinion) At this stage of the game, Israeli security and the ability to protect and preserve the Jewish National Home (JNH) are at risk. The Jewish people know that history tends to repeat itself. And in repetition, the Jews will be, once again, abused and treated with injustice in the future. Without the JNH there will be no assured refuge for those on the run.


This is one of those topics that I will never truly understand. It is really an Israeli domestic issue. Only they can determine the next step.

Yes, the Arab Palestinians can influence (in many directions) the deliberations, and the US can advise and assist, → in the end, → it will have to be the Israelis that call the audible. They have the most to lose.

◈ The US risks very little that is unrecoverable.
◈ The Arab Palestinians have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
◈ The Israelis have everything to lose.​

Israel is Ranked #22 in the Human Development Index: Israel being the highest of all the countries in the Arab League Region of influence, including the Middle East, Persian Gulf and all of the Mediterranean States. Whereas the State of Palestine ranks #119th. Only Syria (#155) and Yemen (#178 ranks the not only the lowest of the Arab League Nations but at the absolute bottom of the scale) rank lower.

Most Respectfully,
The nature of anti-Zionism, as a political movement, changed after the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Opposing the idea of a Jewish state, when none exists, is naturally quite different from opposing the existence of a country with its living, breathing citizens. Anti-Zionism is now regarded by many Jewish people as a modern expression of antisemitism, because it involves the expression of traditional forms of antisemitism, albeit in a modern context.

One reason for this view is that historically, antisemitism has been like bacteria that continuously evolve since new forms of antisemitism arise in response to cultural shifts. In short, antisemitism always fits the zeitgeist. This is the case with anti-Zionism.

Anti-Zionism today, especially prevalent in the left, is fuelled by traditional antisemitic ideas. These ideas were first propagated by the Soviet Union who launched an aggressively antisemitic campaign to delegitimise Israel. The Soviet Union stated that Israel was the centre of all the world’s evil (an idea about Jews previously stated by the Church and, latterly, the Nazis), and they stated that Israel was attempting to control the world (an antisemitic trope previously stated in the racist text Protocols of the Elders of Zion). Like other forms of antisemitism, this specific form also evolves to fit the zeitgeist. For example, in 1997, Israel was accused of purposefully giving Palestinian children HIV.

(full article online)

Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism – Harry's Place
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

You have to wonder what the profile is for perpetrators like this...

[ Another day, another Arab with murder in his mind

Has anyone in Israel made a study on the possible relationship between CDH13 (Cadherin 13 Gene) and MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A Gene) → and their link with → terrorist tendencies?

••• OR •••​
Has this whole gene (genetic markers for violent behavior) question been disproved already?​

I was wondering IF there is a higher incident rate of association between these genes and Arab Palestinians THEN there is in the Israeli Population...

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

You have to wonder what the profile is for perpetrators like this...

[ Another day, another Arab with murder in his mind

Has anyone in Israel made a study on the possible relationship between CDH13 (Cadherin 13 Gene) and MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A Gene) → and their link with → terrorist tendencies?

••• OR •••​
Has this whole gene (genetic markers for violent behavior) question been disproved already?​

I was wondering IF there is a higher incident rate of association between these genes and Arab Palestinians THEN there is in the Israeli Population...

Most Respectfully,
The relationship between these endless attacks and the Israeli Population is that the Arabs are Muslims and they do receive an education based on the Quran and the daily reminders that Jews do not have the right to sovereignty on "Muslim Land".

There are those Arabs who will answer to that education and others who will not.

I do not know anything about possible Genes having anything to do with someone going to such extremes and answer the call of Islam, any more than it would be possible for all of those who are Nazis, white supremacists and many Christians who continue to answer the call against Jews and Israel based on their personalities and how they were taught to view the above.

In their Muslim societies they are freer to be more violent towards Jews, if they so feel. Again, it looks like it is not all, and many do it for different reasons.

Many in Gaza and the PA will become violent due to financial conditions, and the PA promise to pay their families a monthly salary if they are killed by a Jew/Israeli.

I think it is the usual percentage, exacerbated by the teachings, plus the promise of payments if injured or killed.

I do not believe that most of them would turn to violence if they were brought up in a normal society, something the PA is not, Hamas is not, Iran is not, Hizballah is not, and in the end.......the teachings of Islam is not.
“Over the weekend we began building the above-ground barrier along the Gaza border. The barrier will prevent terrorists from Gaza from penetrating into our territory on the ground,” Prime Minister Netanyahu said during the weekly Cabinet meeting Sunday.

Work on the fence began on Thursday, according to the Defense Ministry's statement.

In addition, a new barrier is being constructed in the Mediterranean Sea north of Gaza to prevent the infiltration of terrorists from Gaza by sea. The new fence will extend until the sea barrier.

(full article online)

New Gaza fence under construction
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

You have to wonder what the profile is for perpetrators like this...

[ Another day, another Arab with murder in his mind

Has anyone in Israel made a study on the possible relationship between CDH13 (Cadherin 13 Gene) and MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A Gene) → and their link with → terrorist tendencies?

••• OR •••​
Has this whole gene (genetic markers for violent behavior) question been disproved already?​

I was wondering IF there is a higher incident rate of association between these genes and Arab Palestinians THEN there is in the Israeli Population...

Most Respectfully,

This might be a constructive discussion outside of the sphere of politics. However I find the connection between politics and genetics to be extremely alarming.

I also want to refer to what Sixties said regarding Islam, specifically to the need to differentiate between tribalism and actual religious doctrine. Failing to separate the issues, will cause a failure to address the two existing ideologies at their root.

That said, if genetics-politics is a bad combination, comparative religion and politics, or their influence on behavior of collectives is a topic that is overlooked, however worth a serious discussion.
As much a genes are suggested to influence violent behavior, so is eschatology a "genesis" of a lot of friction taking different forms in the ideals and decision making of large collectives.
[ No discussion of Holocaust, of Antisemitism.......what next? ]

The mayor is censoring a history journal???

O’Reilly said in a statement that he thought the publication and dredging up “hateful messages” from a century ago “could become a distraction from our continuing messages of inclusion and respect.”
No, that's not the reason the mayor of Dearborn quashed the article.

This is:
Dearborn now has one of largest communities of Arabs outside of the Middle East.He is catering to his Arab voter, who (he believes) would be upset at an article about antisemitism.

The article is online and is quite good. The article notes that the topic of Ford's antisemitism has been "off-limits" in Dearborn. Excerpts:

(full article online)

Dearborn mayor stops publication of an article on Henry Ford's antisemitism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ No discussion of Holocaust, of Antisemitism.......what next? ]

The mayor is censoring a history journal???

O’Reilly said in a statement that he thought the publication and dredging up “hateful messages” from a century ago “could become a distraction from our continuing messages of inclusion and respect.”
No, that's not the reason the mayor of Dearborn quashed the article.

This is:
Dearborn now has one of largest communities of Arabs outside of the Middle East.He is catering to his Arab voter, who (he believes) would be upset at an article about antisemitism.

The article is online and is quite good. The article notes that the topic of Ford's antisemitism has been "off-limits" in Dearborn. Excerpts:

(full article online)

Dearborn mayor stops publication of an article on Henry Ford's antisemitism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Nothing changed,The Ford Foundation is one of the main funders of anti-Israel groups.

The Ford Foundation, the NIF and Bashing Israel
"I hope to come back to Shiloh many more times, and I would encourage anyone who has any faith and wants a spiritual connection to come to Judea and Samaria, where 80% of what happened in the Bible happened there," she said.

"As someone who has lived a lot of her life in politics, I was amazed by what, as Americans, we don't know about Israel, how small the country is, and how the people who literally want to kill the State of Israel are right there. There's so much that we don't know about the size, about how people live. I was shocked to see the zone A signs where Israeli citizens aren't permitted. I went to Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, and my Jewish friends can't go there."

(full article online)

Ex-Pentagon spokeswoman visits Ancient Shilo in Samaria
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

You have to wonder what the profile is for perpetrators like this...

[ Another day, another Arab with murder in his mind

Has anyone in Israel made a study on the possible relationship between CDH13 (Cadherin 13 Gene) and MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A Gene) → and their link with → terrorist tendencies?

••• OR •••​
Has this whole gene (genetic markers for violent behavior) question been disproved already?​

I was wondering IF there is a higher incident rate of association between these genes and Arab Palestinians THEN there is in the Israeli Population...

Most Respectfully,
The relationship between these endless attacks and the Israeli Population is that the Arabs are Muslims and they do receive an education based on the Quran and the daily reminders that Jews do not have the right to sovereignty on "Muslim Land".

There are those Arabs who will answer to that education and others who will not.

I do not know anything about possible Genes having anything to do with someone going to such extremes and answer the call of Islam, any more than it would be possible for all of those who are Nazis, white supremacists and many Christians who continue to answer the call against Jews and Israel based on their personalities and how they were taught to view the above.

In their Muslim societies they are freer to be more violent towards Jews, if they so feel. Again, it looks like it is not all, and many do it for different reasons.

Many in Gaza and the PA will become violent due to financial conditions, and the PA promise to pay their families a monthly salary if they are killed by a Jew/Israeli.

I think it is the usual percentage, exacerbated by the teachings, plus the promise of payments if injured or killed.

I do not believe that most of them would turn to violence if they were brought up in a normal society, something the PA is not, Hamas is not, Iran is not, Hizballah is not, and in the end.......the teachings of Islam is not.

I think your comment about "... I do not believe that most of them would turn to violence if they were brought up in a normal society..." is spot on. We just have to remember that "normal" within Islamic culture is vastly different from western standards.

Any rendering of the explanations for Islamic terrorism, Islamic incompetence and Islamic ineptitude at conforming to some pretty basic standards of 21st century norms can be traced to clear and explicit admonitions in the Koran, the hadith, and Muhammad's biography. We are told by Moslems that the life and behavior of Mo' is the model for all of humanity and for all time, that emulating the life of islam's "prophet" is as vital a pillar of islam as any other. Well yeah, but when your "model for all of humanity and for all time" is a 7th century Arab warlord, that does imply that one is going to have some real difficulties in the 21st century.

It is a product of the Islamic Middle East’s confounding relationship with modernity and being at odds with Western ideals spurred by the Enlightenment (utterly in conflict with Islamism), that creates the angst eating away at the Moslem psyche. We see the results of this self-defeating group consciousness shared by Moslems where Islam has been transported to Europe. There, we see cloistered societies of Moslem immigrants which are beginning to look a lot like the Middle Eastern societies of the mandate era with central (Western) governments operating along modernist lines increasingly coming into conflict with immigrant populations who do not and resist that authority.

I see a belligerent politico-religious ideology whose adherents are perpetually aggrieved members of humanity who see every exercise of personal or religious freedom as an insult to them. September 11, 2001, carved into the American mind a particular image of Islamist militancy: the moslem terrorist mass murder. Like the noisy, publicized, professional whiners and haters that we see who find any excuse to riot and cause mayhem, that image has obscured the many smaller, but in aggregate more dangerous, threats that Western societies face from Islamism. Moslems are cowed by their pious/fundamentalist brethren both theologically and physically. They will not rise against those among them who, in the simplest reading of Islamist scriptures, are the ones practicing authentic Islam. They wouldn't do so even if the balance of weaponry and willingness to fight were the reverse of what it is today.

How does anyone reconcile a god-given endowment to a tribal clan wherein the trappings of superiority above all others leaves you wallowing in poverty, despair and early death?
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