All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Israeli historian Benny Morris denies the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, but his own research shows that this was indeed how Israel came into being.
The Israeli historian Benny Morris has been very vocal of late in denying that Palestine was ethnically cleansed of Arabs in order for the “Jewish state” of Israel to be established. In a series of articles in the Israeli daily Haaretz, Morris has debated the question with several of his critics who contend that ethnic cleansing is precisely what occurred. Not so, argues Morris. So who’s right?
It’s worth noting at the outset that, while such a debate exists in the Israeli media, the US media remains, as ever, absolutely silent on the matter. Americans who get their information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict only from the nightly news or papers like the New York Times and Washington Post would never even know that there is a discussion about it. Not only that, but they would have absolutely no familiarity at all with the idea that Palestine was ethnically cleansed of most of its Arab inhabitants in 1948. That this occurred (or even that this might have occurred) is entirely absent from the discussion; it is simply wiped from history altogether, in the narrative of the conflict propagated by the US media
What really happened in Deir Yassin? Contrary to what one could expect, I found that the testimonies of the Jewish attackers on the one hand, and the Arab survivors on the other hand, were surprisingly similar, at times almost identical. My methodology, therefore, was to integrate the testimonies of both parties involved, Jews and Arabs, into one story. I relied on a vast number of testimonies and records from 21 archives (including Israeli, Palestinian, British, American, UN and Red Cross), many of them yet unreleased to the public, and hundreds of other sources. My findings were basically two: no massacre took place in Deir Yassin, but on the other hand, the false rumors spread by the Palestinian leadership about a massacre, rapes and other atrocities, drove the Palestinian population to leave their homes and run away, becoming a major incentive for the creation of the Palestinian refugee problem.

No Massacre​

Deir Yassin was not the peaceful village many later claimed it to be, but a fortified village with scores of armed combatants. Its relations with the adjacent Jewish neighborhoods were troubled for decades and the Jews believed it to endanger the only road from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, thus constituting part of the Arab siege of Jewish Jerusalem. Therefore, although later denying it for political reasons, the Jewish main militia in 1948, the Haganah, sanctioned the attack and later took part in it by means of its striking force, the Palmach.

A ten-hour fierce battle, in the presence of a civilian population, ended in the victory of Etzel and Lehi. No massacre took place. When the battle ended, the killing stopped. “I believe that most of those who were killed were among the fighters and the women and children who helped the fighters,” one of the Arab survivors was later to testify. Furthermore, the Arab villagers got an advance warning to evacuate the village, which 700 of them followed. The attackers took an additional 200 villagers prisoner and safely released them in Arab Jerusalem. Only 101 Arabs were killed, a quarter of them active combatants and most of the rest in combat conditions. The Jewish assailants also suffered casualties.

(full article online)

How is anyone supposed to know who or what you are replying to?
Click reply on the post you are answering.
[Israeli historian Benny Morris denies the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, but his own research shows that this was indeed how Israel came into being.]

Odd that you continue to think that Israel "ethnically cleansed" Palestine in order to re create Israel.

Here are a few ethnic cleansing from 1920 to 1948 in the Mandate for Palestine

1920 Gaza - all Jews ethnically cleansed

1925 - TransJordan - All Jews ethnically cleansed.

1929 Hebron - All Jews ethnically cleansed

1948 Judea, Samaria and Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem - Jews are Ethnically cleansed until 1967.

It does not seem to a problem with you if Jews are Ethnically cleansed from their homes and lands, especially when Arabs are attacking them and the Jews have no weapons or hardly any.

But, let there be a battle where the Jews are equal in force, and the Arabs end up running away......

"I do believe in the future of the State of Israel,” Tauber said. “We must be strong, try our best to prevent the Iranians from obtaining nuclear power… [former U.S. president] George Bush saw that. [U.S. President Barack] Obama does not yet understand the Middle East
The Hebron massacre happened between 1920, when the Jews were ethnically cleansed from Gaza and 1948 when many Jews were ethnically cleansed from Transjordan, Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

From 1920 to 1948 the Arabs declared war against the Jewish idea of creating a Jewish State and continuously attacked the Jews. The British did nothing to help the Jews (The Mandate for Palestine was to be a re creation of the Jewish Nation ON the Jewish Homeland)

In 1941 Al Husseini, ex Mufti of Palestine who started with the attacks in 1920 against the Jew, went to Iraq and incited a riot against the Jews of that country.

Why would an Arab from the Mandate for Palestine bother to go all the way to Iraq to kill Jews?
"I do believe in the future of the State of Israel,” Tauber said. “We must be strong, try our best to prevent the Iranians from obtaining nuclear power… [former U.S. president] George Bush saw that. [U.S. President Barack] Obama does not yet understand the Middle East
I could be wrong but Obama is not in the White House, his proxy is.
[ One can hope... ]

The legislation proposes that the United States withhold 20 percent of its security assistance to Lebanon until the Lebanese Armed Forces take “effective actions to limit or expel Hezbollah-influenced military personnel” and fulfill the UN Security Council Resolution 1701 by disarming Hezbollah and ending all partnerships and cooperation for at least one year, according to a news release

The Security Council resolution calls upon the Lebanese government and its military to prevent groups like Hezbollah from operating in South Lebanon.

In December 2018, Israel uncovered six sophisticated cross-border tunnels built by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon that included stairs, a rail system, and wide passageways to allow the movement of people and equipment to cross the Israeli border to carry out attacks on civilians.

(full article online)


#TheyWereonlyChildren As long as children are used as soldiers in #Gaza, children will die. Do these children matter to you, @BettyMcCollum04 ?

{Vide source on this page]

word “salaam” which sounds so similar to the word “shalom,” doesn’t have the same meaning as its Hebrew counterpart, Tauber said.

The word “salaam” is more like a truce or ceasefire. It has a more temporary connotation. “According to Islam, a true peace is not possible,” he said
Before the Hebron massacre
The land that we have bought (for the colony of Ghederal constitutes the "soul and spirit" (nefesh vi ruah)
of the [Arab] village [of Qatra]. The villagers borrowed from the French moneylender Polivar at such a
high rate that they were finally compelled to sell their lands at the loanshark's price. As long as Polivar
remained owner of the land, the fel laheen did not feel the full burden of their misfortune because he leased
it to them. But now that the fellaheen realize that our [Jewish] brothers work the land on their own, and will
not lease it ... the fellaheen are bare-how will they come by their daily bread? [15 November 1885, Muyal
to Pinsker, in Druyanov 1919,1:670-71]
The Ottoman fiscal and land reforms (of the second phase of tanzimat), which first took
effect in Palestine around 1870, soon resulted in the peasantry losing title to much of the land
they cultivated (Schumacher 1889; Post 1891). But life conditions hardly deteriorated: improved
physical security and opportunities provided by the emerging agricultural market more than
offset the cost of paying rent to absentee titleholders (Scholch 1984; Gilbar 1986; cf. Oliphant
1887). Then came the Jewish colonists. Exchanging meager savings for precious deeds in Zion,
they had left behind the alienating commerce of pogrom-ridden Eastern Europe to work the land
of Abraham and Isaac for themselves: "that is why, all of a sudden, many fellaheen had no land
to till; this affected their very existence and provoked the conflicts [at Petah Tikvah] that set our
(Arab] brothers against us" (4 April 1886, Hirsch to Pinsker, in Druyanov 1919,1:746-54, 761-
65). Many of these early colonists were genuinely surprised to find the children of Abraham's
half-forgotten son, Ishmael, still dwelling on their father's land. A few saw the Arabs as long-lost
brothers. Others dreamed the Arabs could be forced back to their desert banishment. The Arab
peasants, it appears, were similarly disconcerted.
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