all y'all support the Ludlow amendment: what if Americans voted whether we should go to war or not?!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
I like it, but, we have elected fools (in the District of Criminals- top to bottom both sides) who are authorized to Declare War- they haven't done anything recently other than "authorize the use of Military Force"- which is the cowards way out- and that would also prevent such an amendment ever passing- of course we have to discount the war on poverty and the war on drugs- which have been made Public which is what a Declaration is- a Formal Public announcement- empty suit cowards bowing to Israel thorough the MIC will never allow the constitution to prevail- ever again- in our life time.
hope it comes to fruition. It won’t though, nothing cool ever happens. But imagine if it did. people would lose their shit!
We aren’t a Democracy

Once Again: The U.S. is not a Democracy?

As I perused writings this morning, I saw another article by someone I respect claiming that America is not a democracy, and that if it became a democracy, this “would be a deep betrayal of our founders.” This position is taken from a stance that ignores the existence of fact, and that incorrectly assumes a great difference in what is a democracy as opposed to a republic. The differences are not so far apart as normally thought by those who tend to support this democratic governing system.

The notion that a republic is vastly different than a democracy fails the test of reality, because the end result of both are bound to lead to toatal tyranny, as has obviously happened in this country. Lysander Spooner’s opinion of the Constitution simply and succinctly sums up the false notion that a republic is valid. He stated:

“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.”
~ Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority
It’s a Republic not a Mobocracy.

If you want to make us a Democracy get rid of The Senate and House, Especially The House

We aren’t a Democracy

Once Again: The U.S. is not a Democracy?

As I perused writings this morning, I saw another article by someone I respect claiming that America is not a democracy, and that if it became a democracy, this “would be a deep betrayal of our founders.” This position is taken from a stance that ignores the existence of fact, and that incorrectly assumes a great difference in what is a democracy as opposed to a republic. The differences are not so far apart as normally thought by those who tend to support this democratic governing system.

The notion that a republic is vastly different than a democracy fails the test of reality, because the end result of both are bound to lead to toatal tyranny, as has obviously happened in this country. Lysander Spooner’s opinion of the Constitution simply and succinctly sums up the false notion that a republic is valid. He stated:

“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.”
~ Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority
Now I just heard about the Ludlow amendment that was proposed to the Constitution of the United States of America which calls for a national referendum on any declaration of war by Congress

The only exception was when if America was attacked first

Of course it was shut down, but what if we could get it passed?

Would you support this?

Failed Amendment Would Have Put War To National Vote, Forced Those Who Voted 'Yes' To Enlist | HuffPost

Americans don't EVER have all the facts and most are so uninformed to begin with.
You let the public vote you essentially turn it over to the MSM for their propaganda pumping machines to influence the masses.


Americans don't EVER have all the facts and most are so uninformed to begin with.
You let the public vote you essentially turn it over to the MSM for their propaganda pumping machines to influence the masses.

As such they are lied to and provided no end of disinformation, stupidly believing that they must sacrifice their children one more time to enrich war contractors and enhance pentagram careerists.
Now I just heard about the Ludlow amendment that was proposed to the Constitution of the United States of America which calls for a national referendum on any declaration of war by Congress

The only exception was when if America was attacked first

Of course it was shut down, but what if we could get it passed?

Would you support this?

Failed Amendment Would Have Put War To National Vote, Forced Those Who Voted 'Yes' To Enlist | HuffPost might have been a good idea a hundred years ago.

Today with all the technology our potential adversaries possess....the survival of America could be decided in a matter of minutes if not seconds. Why do you think that the President carries the football?

According to a Washington Post article, the president is always accompanied by a military aide carrying a "football" with launch codes for nuclear weapons. The football is a metal Zero Halliburton briefcase carried in a black leather "jacket

Nuclear briefcase - Wikipedia
How could you intimidate a country and get them to change their ways, if they knew you will need
a National Vote to even commence actions against them?

Iran is a great example. We may very well have to hit them with a preemptive strike before they
start something.

I'll certainly vote against rebuilding any nation we destroy. They don't want their country destroyed...
then do what we tell them to do.

I do not believe in the "Mouse that Roared."

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