Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz ‘vile’ and ‘not a lady’ for criticizing his budget

Well, you cant take relief in knowing they made him "retire" after they took away his command.

You see, he is a disgraced X army officer who was told to either retire or get a court martial for what he did. He chose to "retire" and they made him pay 5k on the way out the door. What a fuck up he is, yet he still talks like he is honorable with the military.

Its fucking amazing to me.

After you are relieved of a command, retirement is basically you only next step (at the O-5 level). Your career is gone.

I won't attack West's service up until the point where he decided to go cowboy BN commander, but I do think it's a douchey move to wear your badges on your lapel constantly. Especially since many of his peers and then senators are much more highly decorated and don't walk around with their ribbons and badges on.
Any one with any knowledge of the military knows this....and they also know its disgraceful. Especially during war time...yet they come back with he is honorable. HE IS NOT.

Where he scewed up is, he tried to do something he was not trained for, during wartime. You are right, he went cowboy and there is no excuse for it. None. He should have did what he WAS TRAINED FOR. That is what a good officer the field and off.

What's screwed up is that he either lost his bearing (which makes him a danger to his men) or was trying to be Tommy Toughnuts (which makes him an asshole) and his unit lost a commander in the middle of combat. Talk about a monumental failing.

What pisses me off is that West has tried to turn the ordeal into a folk tale where he is the folk hero. The bottom line is he fucked up royally. You'd be hard pressed to find any officer who would defend what he did. Even in private. It was stupid.

The men I served under wouldn't let a private do that. Let alone an officer.

West might have cracked under the pressure of combat. Either way, he had to go. No way he could command after some bullshit like that.

Yes. I found West's language to be unfitting an "officer and a gentleman".

You mean you found West to be an enemy of the party?

Wasserman-Schultz is vile, she launched her tirade on the house floor.

West was restrained.

[ame=]‪It's Not Cut, Cap and Balance, it is Duck, Dodge and Dismantle‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Yes. I found West's language to be unfitting an "officer and a gentleman".

You mean you found West to be an enemy of the party?

Wasserman-Schultz is vile, she launched her tirade on the house floor.

West was restrained.

[ame=]‪It's Not Cut, Cap and Balance, it is Duck, Dodge and Dismantle‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

I didn't realize that officership was also the domain of the Democratic party? The whole time I was an officer, I got away without paying party dues!

West was "restrained"?

He sounds like he's suffering form vaginitis. If Alan cried just a little more, maybe poor Debbie would be nicer to him!

I really like accusing her of campaign shenanigans. Nothing like unsubstantiated accusations to make you seem like a rational person.

This guy is starting to sound like a nut job.
Do they get that treatment from distinguished members of Congress?

I'd like to see that

Yes, and you know it.

{just do not think that she has those leadership qualities, that intellectual curiosity that allows for building good and great policies," the Alaska senator said in an interview that aired Monday. "You know, she was my governor for two years. And I don't think that she enjoyed governing."}

Murkowski attacks Palin – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

[ame=]‪O'Donnell and Dem Rep Attack Palin Based On 10 Year Old Piper Plain Saying She Was On Vacation‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I didn't realize that officership was also the domain of the Democratic party?

What I DID realize is that anyone who is not a party member is your enemy. You attack West because he defies your party - end of story.

West was "restrained"?

Yeah, I think that had she slandered me on the house floor, the phrase "mindless ****" would be in my response.

I really like accusing her of campaign shenanigans.

Especially given that it's irrefutable.

This guy is starting to sound like a nut job.

He is an infidel - you will attack on behalf of your shameful party.
Do they get that treatment from distinguished members of Congress?

I'd like to see that

Of course not. Imagine a memeber of congress saying something like this towards Bachmann or Palin. It would be justifiable, but the criticism would be non stop. (Actually it would be on a never ending loop on fox..)

Its ok from the right....of course it would not be done from the left.

Please show me where a congress member called bachmann or palin vile and unlady like. Grandpa, we wait!!!!

Cry, cry, cry. I don't give a shit who calls who what. This isn't grade school so its time to move on to adult subjects that matter. The bitch got called on her rant, deal with it. If your skin is that thin you should try the sesamestreet forums.

I assume you are posting to Rep West?
Do they get that treatment from distinguished members of Congress?

I'd like to see that

Yes, and you know it.

{just do not think that she has those leadership qualities, that intellectual curiosity that allows for building good and great policies," the Alaska senator said in an interview that aired Monday. "You know, she was my governor for two years. And I don't think that she enjoyed governing."}

Murkowski attacks Palin – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

[ame=]‪O'Donnell and Dem Rep Attack Palin Based On 10 Year Old Piper Plain Saying She Was On Vacation‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Did you bother to watch that before you posted it? Nowhere is there a personal attack on Palin, she is not called vile or despicable. A congressman questioning the validity of an expenditure is not a personal attack

I would also hope that you realize that Lisa Murkowski is a Republican
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Yes. I found West's language to be unfitting an "officer and a gentleman".

You mean you found West to be an enemy of the party?

Wasserman-Schultz is vile, she launched her tirade on the house floor.

West was restrained.

[ame=]‪It's Not Cut, Cap and Balance, it is Duck, Dodge and Dismantle‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

I see nothing in that video that warrants what West said about her.
What I DID realize is that anyone who is not a party member is your enemy. You attack West because he defies your party - end of story.

"End of story" my ass. You apparently are under the misconception that you have the final say on what I think.

Yeah, I think that had she slandered me on the house floor, the phrase "mindless ****" would be in my response.

Which is why your responsibilities are relegated to your own right hand. In other words, you aren't in charge of jack and shit.

Especially given that it's irrefutable.

Really? Then it should be easy for you to prove.

He is an infidel - you will attack on behalf of your shameful party.

LMAO. Sure. Whatever, skippy.
Yanno.......there was NOTHING that Debbie Wasserman Schultz said on the floor that was derogatory towards West.

It's just that the thin skinned pussy thought that throwing a tantrum would be a good way to get attention.

Kinda like he did when he was in Iraq..............

Iraq interrogation incidentWhile serving in Taji, Iraq, West received information from an intelligence specialist about a reported plot to ambush him and his men.[11] The alleged plot reportedly involved Yahya Jhodri Hamoodi, a civilian Iraqi police officer.[11] West, who was not responsible for conducting interrogations in Iraq and had never conducted nor witnessed one, had his men detain Hamoodi.[11] In the process of detaining Mr. Hamoodi, soldiers testified that Mr. Hamoodi appeared to reach for his weapon and needed to be subdued.[11] Hamoodi was beaten by four soldiers from the 220th Field Artillery Battalion on the head and body.[12] West then fired his pistol near Hamoodi's head,[11] after which Hamoodi provided West with names and information, which Hamoodi later described as "meaningless information induced by fear and pain."[11] At least one of these suspects was arrested as a result, but no plans for attacks or weapons were found.[11] West said "At the time I had to base my decision on the intelligence I received. It's possible that I was wrong about Mr. Hamoodi."[11]

West was charged with violating articles 128 (assault) and 134 (general article) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. During a hearing held as part of an Article 32 investigation in November 2003, West stated, "I know the method I used was not right, but I wanted to take care of my soldiers."[12] The charges were ultimately referred to an Article 15 proceeding rather than court-martial, at which West was fined $5,000.[11] LTC West accepted the judgment and retired with full benefits in the summer of 2004. Asked if he would act differently under similar circumstances again, West testified, "If it's about the lives of my soldiers at stake, I'd go through hell with a gasoline can."[13] After Lieutenant Colonel West was relieved of his command, an interpreter employed by a private contractor said that without his presence the region he previously oversaw "became more dangerous and chaotic".[11]
"End of story" my ass. You apparently are under the misconception that you have the final say on what I think.

Right, because you're so even handed in your criticism.

Dude, you're a partisan hack - it's just a fact.

Which is why your responsibilities are relegated to your own right hand. In other words, you aren't in charge of jack and shit.


Really? Then it should be easy for you to prove.

I already did. Knowing your issues with reading comprehension, I provided a video for you.
Right, because you're so even handed in your criticism.

Dude, you're a partisan hack - it's just a fact.

Again, you are apparently under the delusion that you have the final say on what I think.

I already did. Knowing your issues with reading comprehension, I provided a video for you.

Really? Where? I am not going to scan through 536 posts to find your youtube video (which I highly doubt is as conclusive as you would have us all believe). It's not a "reading comprehension" issue if I haven't seen it.
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Again, you are apparently under the delusion that you have the final say on what I think.

Nah, there are uncounted numbers who recognize that you are a partisan hack. (Anyone reading your posts.)

I'm just one voice among the din...


Really? Where? I am not going to scan through 536 posts to find your youtube video (which I highly doubt is as conclusive as you would have us all believe). It's not a "reading comprehension" issue if I haven't seen it.[/QUOTE]

Shit, it's on this page....
Shit, it's on this page....

The video on this page has nothing to do with West's accusation that Schultz sabotaged one of his campaign events.

Unclear about what I am talking about?

Maybe reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, skippy.
It is not her fault that Rep West walked out. Couldn't he put in a full day?

Actually, fair enough. I don't know why he left before the close for the day.

Hey, Jacknuts. You ignored me. Here you go:

“You are the most vile, unprofessional, and despicable member of the US House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!” West, R-Fla., wrote in an email Tuesday afternoon. “You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!”

West sent the email to Wasserman Schultz and copied House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy and his chief of staff, Jonathan Blyth, after Wasserman delivered a speech on the House floor where she criticized West for backing the Cut, Cap and Balance legislation on the floor Tuesday.

“The gentleman from Florida,” Wasserman Schultz said of West, “who represents thousands of Medicare beneficiaries, as do I, is supportive of this plan that would increase costs for Medicare beneficiaries. Unbelievable from a member from South Florida.”

Wasserman-Schultz, who is also the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, said that the measure “slashes Medicaid and critical investments essential to winning the future in favor of protecting tax breaks for Big Oil, millionaires, and companies who ship American jobs overseas."

In his typed protest to leadership over the comments, West, a former lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, did not hold anything back:

“I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige,” West wrote. “From this time forward, understand that I shall defend myself forthright against your heinous characterless behavior……which dates back to the disgusting protest you ordered at my campaign [headquarters], October 2010 in Deerfield Beach.”

Rep. Allen West Unloads On

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