Allen West Takes Swipe At Obama's Parents In Response To Race Baited Speech

Allen West's mother raised an honorable man who served his country and who puts others before himself........

Obama's mother raised a race baiting snake oil salesman who puts himself before everyone else.........

Allen Wests mother raised someone who rose to Lt Col in the Army who got kicked out because he was psycho. He went on to be elected Congressman but got kicked out because he was psycho

If Lt. Col West is a psycho, why did the men he commanded in Iraq admire him. Does a psycho turn himself in?

Read the following:
Why Did Black Congressman Lt Col.West Resign From The Army?

I think people like right winger that justifies black men committing 49% of all murders and of that 93% of that are other blacks. That's what being a psycho looks like.
Alan West speaks from the heart and takes it to Obama and covertly takes a swipe at Obama's parents in his response to Obama's race baiting speech yesterday. It's obvious he is stating that Obama's parents, namely Stanley Ann Dunham didn't teach him respect.

"I am a black male who grew up in the inner city of Atlanta and no one ever followed me in a mall. I don't recall any doors clicking when I crossed the street. And I never had anyone clutching their handbag when I got on an elevator. I guess having two awesome parents who taught me to be a respectful young man paid dividends."

This right here is why I cant stand Allen West. There is no black man ...NONE...his age who has not dealt with that.

Every single black male I know has a story about purse clutching, mall following etc etc.

Allen West, shut the fuck up you ass kissing jerk. Just once, tell the fucking truth and stop being such a suck up. You sir are not white and never will be. Accept your color and help people. Stop being a liar.

He knows just what to say to make white wingers pretend they aren't racist.
Alan West speaks from the heart and takes it to Obama and covertly takes a swipe at Obama's parents in his response to Obama's race baiting speech yesterday. It's obvious he is stating that Obama's parents, namely Stanley Ann Dunham didn't teach him respect.

"I am a black male who grew up in the inner city of Atlanta and no one ever followed me in a mall. I don't recall any doors clicking when I crossed the street. And I never had anyone clutching their handbag when I got on an elevator. I guess having two awesome parents who taught me to be a respectful young man paid dividends."

This right here is why I cant stand Allen West. There is no black man ...NONE...his age who has not dealt with that.

Every single black male I know has a story about purse clutching, mall following etc etc.

Allen West, shut the fuck up you ass kissing jerk. Just once, tell the fucking truth and stop being such a suck up. You sir are not white and never will be. Accept your color and help people. Stop being a liar.

He knows just what to say to make white wingers pretend they aren't racist.

All we have to do is watch you and the rest of the democrat party to know what racists are....
I am racist for pointing out that blacks cause 49% of all murders in America?
I am racist for pointing out that 49% is 93% on other blacks!
I am racist for pointing out that blacks kill twice as many whites then the other way around.

Who's the ones raging??? You leftist are illogical and wrong.
I am racist for pointing out that blacks cause 49% of all murders in America?
I am racist for pointing out that 49% is 93% on other blacks!
I am racist for pointing out that blacks kill twice as many whites then the other way around.

Who's the ones raging??? You leftist are illogical and wrong.

Please provide some "credible" proof of your racist claims.
I am racist for pointing out that blacks cause 49% of all murders in America?
I am racist for pointing out that 49% is 93% on other blacks!
I am racist for pointing out that blacks kill twice as many whites then the other way around.

Who's the ones raging??? You leftist are illogical and wrong.

Please provide some "credible" proof of your racist claims.

A full confession isn't enough; apparently DNA, Blood and Urine samples are now required.

And all this time I thought all you needed to be guilty of racism these days was disagreeing with progressives.. who knew? :dunno:
its allen west, a fraud and a moron. Who gives a shit.

I put the letters MBA, JD after my name. I am proud of my own accomplishments and I look UP to Allen West. If he's a moron so am I. To be considered to be on the the same level as West is an honor. I wear the moron label with pride. In fact, I'm considering a “moron” tattoo ( on my ass, which I invite West's critics to kiss).

A special message to Allen West. Hey, you ignorant motherfucker lets get together and have a few beers so we can discuss how those who are a hell of a lot smarter than we are have fucked up this country.

PS: A special message to your mother: Semper Fi (I'll let others Google it).

Although you never served in the Corps, you had the balls and the wisdom to say, “I’m a conservative because I understand that real peace comes from the Marine Corps, not the Peace Corps.”

An old Marine appreciates your comments.
I am racist for pointing out that blacks cause 49% of all murders in America?
I am racist for pointing out that 49% is 93% on other blacks!
I am racist for pointing out that blacks kill twice as many whites then the other way around.

Who's the ones raging??? You leftist are illogical and wrong.


Your a racist cause your obsessed with it.... Like all the liberals.
its allen west, a fraud and a moron. Who gives a shit.

I put the letters MBA, JD after my name. I am proud of my own accomplishments and I look UP to Allen West. If he's a moron so am I. To be considered to be on the the same level as West is an honor. I wear the moron label with pride. In fact, I'm considering a “moron” tattoo ( on my ass, which I invite West's critics to kiss).

A special message to Allen West. Hey, you ignorant motherfucker lets get together and have a few beers so we can discuss how those who are a hell of a lot smarter than we are have fucked up this country.

PS: A special message to your mother: Semper Fi (I'll let others Google it).

Although you never served in the Corps, you had the balls and the wisdom to say, “I’m a conservative because I understand that real peace comes from the Marine Corps, not the Peace Corps.”

An old Marine appreciates your comments.

Well, your credibility is now at ZERO. West is a lunatic.
I am racist for pointing out that blacks cause 49% of all murders in America?
I am racist for pointing out that 49% is 93% on other blacks!
I am racist for pointing out that blacks kill twice as many whites then the other way around.

Who's the ones raging??? You leftist are illogical and wrong.


Your a racist cause your obsessed with it.... Like all the liberals.

Someone must point out a problem so it can be worked on. :eusa_hand:
I am racist for pointing out that blacks cause 49% of all murders in America?
I am racist for pointing out that 49% is 93% on other blacks!
I am racist for pointing out that blacks kill twice as many whites then the other way around.

Who's the ones raging??? You leftist are illogical and wrong.

You're racist for leaving out the CONTEXT. Plus, you're a well-known racist in general.
I am racist for pointing out that blacks cause 49% of all murders in America?
I am racist for pointing out that 49% is 93% on other blacks!
I am racist for pointing out that blacks kill twice as many whites then the other way around.

Who's the ones raging??? You leftist are illogical and wrong.


Your a racist cause your obsessed with it.... Like all the liberals.

Someone must point out a problem so it can be worked on. :eusa_hand:
Only you can fix your irrational hate. I guess you feel good talking down about black people....It isn't DNA that made the ghetto rats the way they are it was decades of conditioning....Well over a hundred years. You tell a person he/she is a stupid ignorant hood who cant make it on his own because of the white man enough they start to believe it...Then they teach this to their kids and so on and so on. Did you think their racism is any different then yours?

Your a racist cause your obsessed with it.... Like all the liberals.

Someone must point out a problem so it can be worked on. :eusa_hand:
Only you can fix your irrational hate. I guess you feel good talking down about black people....It isn't DNA that made the ghetto rats the way they are it was decades of conditioning....Well over a hundred years. You tell a person he/she is a stupid ignorant hood who cant make it on his own because of the white man enough they start to believe it...Then they teach this to their kids and so on and so on. Did you think their racism is any different then yours?

None of this justifies their violence for one moment. I am not the one going around threating to kill people over some thug that attacked a man.

I am sorry that my words cause them to destroy innocent peoples lives. I've never once stood in the way of anyone.
West is a lunatic.

He's a lunatic because?

a. He doesn't see things the way you do?
b. He's an African-American
c. He's an African-American that doesn't see things the way you do
d. You just don't like uppity black folk speakin' their minds


Judge, Jury and Executioner of who is and who is not a racist.

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