Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

They aren't like Trump, they won't say it, they will just take actions to do it. That's the one thing your side never got about Trump, he says what he thinks, he doesn't filter it like typical politicians.
So how do you know that Democratic presidents just “take actions to do it”? God. You almost sound like you admire Trump for saying his corruption out loud.

Trump could only succeed in Republican politics because the population had been primed by years of work from media figures in Fox News and radio to insulate them from reality. Trump took advantage of this like no one else had.

What corruption?

Ah, the old lefty trope of the people being too stupid to know what they want.

Fucking lefty tards like you go to that well all the time.
Corruption of demanding the DoJ arrest his political enemies. Or is that no longer corrupt you?

Tell me how you know that democratic presidents did this.
The eye wasn't going to hit Alabama, the outlying bands might have if it didn't turn right.
There was a 5-10% chance that a part of a county in Alabama might have been particularly windy that day.

That was it.

Stop distorting reality to protect Trump. You don’t have to do it. Trump isn’t always correct. He can be wrong. Anyone can. By bending reality, you are just demonstrating the degree to which you have given up thinking for yourself.

Stop being a nitpicking little shit when it suits your politics, like the NWS was doing back then.

Your side decided politics has to be a zero sum game, and then whines when we play by the same rules.

Go Fuck yourself.
They aren't like Trump, they won't say it, they will just take actions to do it. That's the one thing your side never got about Trump, he says what he thinks, he doesn't filter it like typical politicians.
So how do you know that Democratic presidents just “take actions to do it”? God. You almost sound like you admire Trump for saying his corruption out loud.

Trump could only succeed in Republican politics because the population had been primed by years of work from media figures in Fox News and radio to insulate them from reality. Trump took advantage of this like no one else had.

What corruption?

Ah, the old lefty trope of the people being too stupid to know what they want.

Fucking lefty tards like you go to that well all the time.
Corruption of demanding the DoJ arrest his political enemies. Or is that no longer corrupt you?

Tell me how you know that democratic presidents did this.

Asking them to investigate crimes by his political opponents, not demanding.

Democrats do actual corruption, i.e. economic gain for political power.
Stop being a nitpicking little shit when it suits your politics, like the NWS was doing back then.
Trump said Alabama was most likely going to be hit much harder than expected.

The NWS said that no one in Alabama was in any serious risk.

That’s not a nit pick. They only issued the tweet after they got a lot of phone calls from people asking if Alabama was in danger. You want people to do their job? The NWS’s job is to tell people about the weather.
Asking them to investigate crimes by his political opponents, not demanding.

Democrats do actual corruption, i.e. economic gain for political power.
Trump did ask for investigations, he asked for indictments. Those are not the same thing.

When are you going to get around to telling me how you know that Democratic presidents do this?
Stop being a nitpicking little shit when it suits your politics, like the NWS was doing back then.
Trump said Alabama was most likely going to be hit much harder than expected.

The NWS said that no one in Alabama was in any serious risk.

That’s not a nit pick. They only issued the tweet after they got a lot of phone calls from people asking if Alabama was in danger. You want people to do their job? The NWS’s job is to tell people about the weather.

It is a nit pick when they decided to politicize it.
Asking them to investigate crimes by his political opponents, not demanding.

Democrats do actual corruption, i.e. economic gain for political power.
Trump did ask for investigations, he asked for indictments. Those are not the same thing.

When are you going to get around to telling me how you know that Democratic presidents do this?

he asked, he didn't force them to do anything.

Because it's in their nature, but they are politicians and they know not to say anything about it, and the press won't bring anything up about it.
Asking them to investigate crimes by his political opponents, not demanding.

Democrats do actual corruption, i.e. economic gain for political power.
Trump did ask for investigations, he asked for indictments. Those are not the same thing.

When are you going to get around to telling me how you know that Democratic presidents do this?

he asked, he didn't force them to do anything.

Because it's in their nature, but they are politicians and they know not to say anything about it, and the press won't bring anything up about it.
Of course not. But he clearly wanted them to, by his own words. If the DoJ were the kind of unthinking cogs you want them to be, they would have done it. Which is why your view of governance is so dangerous.

So how did you figure out that Democratic presidents have their enemies prosecuted? Seems like you believe it because you want to believe it. Not because of reality but because of desire.
Asking them to investigate crimes by his political opponents, not demanding.

Democrats do actual corruption, i.e. economic gain for political power.
Trump did ask for investigations, he asked for indictments. Those are not the same thing.

When are you going to get around to telling me how you know that Democratic presidents do this?

he asked, he didn't force them to do anything.

Because it's in their nature, but they are politicians and they know not to say anything about it, and the press won't bring anything up about it.
Of course not. But he clearly wanted them to, by his own words. If the DoJ were the kind of unthinking cogs you want them to be, they would have done it. Which is why your view of governance is so dangerous.

So how did you figure out that Democratic presidents have their enemies prosecuted? Seems like you believe it because you want to believe it. Not because of reality but because of desire.

They should have done it if there was any evidence of a crime, but they wouldn't have because party first.

You want me to prove something that someone had hidden any proof of. Nice try.
They should have done it if there was any evidence of a crime, but they wouldn't have because party first.

You want me to prove something that someone had hidden any proof of. Nice try.
"Any evidence" doesn't warrant prosecution. The bar is higher. Trump was convinced that bar was met and that the DoJ had to act. Not doing so was corruption. When you accept everything that Trump says to be true (as you obviously do), then that doesn't leave any wiggle room for the DoJ to act in accordance with the law but only in accordance with Trump. That's a dangerous place to put the country, and very unAmerican of you.

I wanted to know why you accused me of a double standard for not holding Democrats accountable for acting like Trump. Turns out what you want me to hold them accountable for is completely fabricated and without any evidence because it's all "hidden". This is your disconnect from reality. You believe what you want to believe, not what is real.
They should have done it if there was any evidence of a crime, but they wouldn't have because party first.

You want me to prove something that someone had hidden any proof of. Nice try.
"Any evidence" doesn't warrant prosecution. The bar is higher. Trump was convinced that bar was met and that the DoJ had to act. Not doing so was corruption. When you accept everything that Trump says to be true (as you obviously do), then that doesn't leave any wiggle room for the DoJ to act in accordance with the law but only in accordance with Trump. That's a dangerous place to put the country, and very unAmerican of you.

I wanted to know why you accused me of a double standard for not holding Democrats accountable for acting like Trump. Turns out what you want me to hold them accountable for is completely fabricated and without any evidence because it's all "hidden". This is your disconnect from reality. You believe what you want to believe, not what is real.

He was convinced people had acted illegally against him, so because one of the people doing it was running against him that person gets a pass?

You ignore the simple reality that politicians do this all the fucking time, but because they don't broadcast it like Trump does, it can be ignored by hacks like you with a "straight face".

And of course, as always, go fuck yourself.
They could have made it an update, they made it a response, they entered the fray, they took sides.
This is beyond delusional.

They didn't respond to the president. They responded to phone calls from Alabaman residents asking if they were going to be impacted. The people who issued the tweet didn't know anything about Trump's tweet.

Trump has turned your brain into mush.
They could have made it an update, they made it a response, they entered the fray, they took sides.
This is beyond delusional.

They didn't respond to the president. They responded to phone calls from Alabaman residents asking if they were going to be impacted. The people who issued the tweet didn't know anything about Trump's tweet.

Trump has turned your brain into mush.

They worded it as a response, not an update. They took sides.

Evidently only those on the left are allowed to take sides, We on the right just need to shut up.

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