Almost $18.5 Trillion in debt.

your most intelligent post ever.

You have nothing to add so you flip the bird and walk off.
obama spent OVER $200 BILLION IN HIS FIRST YEAR that was put on the last "Bush" budget
Wow, so Bush's $1.47 trillion last deficit was only $1.27 trillion, way less than the $200 billion Obama spent so Obama owns the entire $18 trillion GOP National Debt. :cuckoo:
Without borrowing...

Taking money from SS wasn't borrowing, right?
It wasn't borrowing when Bush did it according to the Right.
Just ask them about Bush's $160 billion 2007 deficit, but don't you dare use the exact same "accounting trick" to claim Clinton had a surplus.
the malaise was created by fdr who took advantage of a depression to grab power.

1973–75 recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 1973–75 recession or 1970s recession was a period of economic stagnation in much of theWestern world during the 1970s, putting an end to the general post-World War II economic boom. It differed from many previous recessions as being a stagflation, where high unemployment coincided with high inflation. The period was also described as one of "malaise" (ill-ease; compare "depression").

Among the causes were the 1973 oil crisis and the fall of the Bretton Woods system after the Nixon Shock.[2] The emergence of newly industrialized countries increased competition in the metal industry, triggering a steel crisis, where industrial core areas in North America and Europe were forced to re-structure.[citation needed] The 1973-1974 stock market crash made the recession evident.

The recession in the United States lasted from November 1973 (the Richard Nixon presidency) to March 1975 (the Gerald Ford presidency)
The Myth of the Clinton Surplus

The government can have a surplus even if it has trillions in debt, but it cannot have a surplus if that debt increased every year. This article is about surplus/deficit, not the debt. However, it analyzes the debt to prove there wasn't a surplus under Clinton.
Which is the exact same myth of the Bush $160 billion 2007 deficit the Right swears by.

"We went from $160 billion deficit spending in (President George W.) Bush's last year to $1.6 trillion the following year."
- Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, on FOX, Oct. 15, 2013
Time and time again, anyone reading the mainstream news or reading articles on the Internet will read the claim that President Clinton not only balanced the budget, but had a surplus.
Actually it is the GOP led by Gingrich who make that claim taking credit for the "surplus."

"When I was speaker, we had four consecutive balanced budgets, the only time in your lifetime, Brian, that we've had four consecutive balanced budgets, most people think that's good."
- Newt Gingrich, Jan. 23, 2012 GOP presidential debate Tampa, Fla.
Cut unemployment from 7.4% to 5.1% then how come more people are unemployed now than before? hint, it's about racist potatoes

When Bush left office with a 7.4% UE rate there were 12 million unemployed, there are just under 8 million unemployed today. Only to the most stupid idiots is 8 more than 12.
As a nation we have 122 trillion in wealth and 18 trillion in debt

Is it time to panic yet?

It is if you know where the wealth is
we lost our AAA credit rating.

but hey, people that know how money actually works are the ones that took it, so they must be racist since obama....
We lost our credit rating because Republicans in Congress kept threatening to default on our debt

Who would trust a country with a Congress like that?
Shit, they are still threatening to default
Cut unemployment from 7.4% to 5.1% then how come more people are unemployed now than before? hint, it's about racist potatoes

When Bush left office with a 7.4% UE rate there were 12 million unemployed, there are just under 8 million unemployed today. Only to the most stupid idiots is 8 more than 12.
go to post #1, click the link, read how many people are actually UE then come back and say your sorry.
As a nation we have 122 trillion in wealth and 18 trillion in debt

Is it time to panic yet?

It is if you know where the wealth is
we lost our AAA credit rating.

but hey, people that know how money actually works are the ones that took it, so they must be racist since obama....
We lost our credit rating because Republicans in Congress kept threatening to default on our debt

Who would trust a country with a Congress like that?
Shit, they are still threatening to default
what a fucking load.

we didn't default and we still don't have it back

why, b/c of obama
Obama is the leader of the Greatest Nation on Earth.

but when shit goes south, he blames others


b/c morons can't think for themselves.

pussies like him can't man the fuck up, take responsibility and lead.

Can you even eat potatoes?

The only thing wrong is that you NumbNuts can't stand the fact that he's the president. proved that before he was re elected:

He said it so smugly. He was quite proud of himself too. He and they lost. They put their BEST efforts to derail and defeat Obama, only to get their RW assess STOMPED to the ground.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

We are $18.5 Trillion in debt now.

If you could count to potato, you wouldn't be a leftist

One thing for most Republicans you think the foreign banks loaned all those trillions to Reagan and the Bushes tax free. Get Over It!! The interest paid on the existing debt since Obama took the helm has amounted to nearly $2 trillion. Damn strange....beginning with Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthy in the 1980's I haven't run into many Republicans who wanted to talk about the national debt. As far as what Obama's done:

1) Ended two hot wars
2) Cut unemployment from 7.4% to 5.1%
3) 67 consecutive months of job growth
4) Stock market has doubled the DOW
5) Had the best spending rate in 75 years


Just hang with Fox News and continue to have that lost thought syndrome:


look at this complete moron that cant think for himself to save his worthless left-wing nutjob life!!

I wouldn't say I've got it made but.........Wait, I will say it!! I've got it made!!!!!

I worked for the same company for 41 years. My wife worked for the same company 43 years. I retired 22 years ago at the end of Sept. 1993 and my wife has retired. We have two IRA's which we initiated in the mid 80's and haven't touched. We both have a good pension and our social security. We purchased a brick rancher with 220ft. lake frontage and though we've stopped fishing very much we still enjoy our floating dock and second pontoon boat...a 2014 model South Bay series 500. Why did you assume I was a worthless nutjob?? 'Course that's about as close to the truth as any Republican ever gets:


Without borrowing...

Taking money from SS wasn't borrowing, right?
It wasn't borrowing when Bush did it according to the Right.
Just ask them about Bush's $160 billion 2007 deficit, but don't you dare use the exact same "accounting trick" to claim Clinton had a surplus.

What folks don't seem to understand is that if taxes are cut, spending should be cut proportionally. Bush cut taxes twice, started two wars, one totally unnecessary, began spending an extra trillion dollars and doubled the national debt from $5.7 to nearly $12 trillion. Like most Republicans who stand for nothing except corporations and the wealthy they've never seen a tax cut they didn't like:

..........................Total U S Debt...........................

09/30/2014 $17,824,071,380,733.82
09/30/2013 $16,738,183,526,697.32
09/30/2012 $16,066,241,407,385.89
09/30/2011 $14,790,340,328,557.15
09/30/2010 $13,561,623,030,891.79
09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)
09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)
09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)
09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)
09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)
09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)
09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32
09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 ( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)
09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00
09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)(Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To Pre Depression Levels)
09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00
As a nation we have 122 trillion in wealth and 18 trillion in debt

Is it time to panic yet?

It is if you know where the wealth is
we lost our AAA credit rating.

but hey, people that know how money actually works are the ones that took it, so they must be racist since obama....
We lost our credit rating because Republicans in Congress kept threatening to default on our debt

Who would trust a country with a Congress like that?
Shit, they are still threatening to default
what a fucking load.

we didn't default and we still don't have it back

why, b/c of obama
We have the same Congress. Having a batshit crazy Congress is not a wise investment

Why, b/c of Republicans
As a nation we have 122 trillion in wealth and 18 trillion in debt

Is it time to panic yet?

It is if you know where the wealth is
we lost our AAA credit rating.

but hey, people that know how money actually works are the ones that took it, so they must be racist since obama....
We lost our credit rating because Republicans in Congress kept threatening to default on our debt

Who would trust a country with a Congress like that?
Shit, they are still threatening to default
what a fucking load.

we didn't default and we still don't have it back

why, b/c of obama
We have the same Congress. Having a batshit crazy Congress is not a wise investment

Why, b/c of Republicans
obama is the leader of the country, he's the final say

the world has no faith in us b/c he's not an actual leader

The people that know money don't give a fuck what the board of directors of a company say, they care what the ceo says.

suck it up, the government is broken and the (d) has no plan or desire to fix it.
"A conservative, a liberal and a CEO enter a room. There are ten cookies on the table. The CEO takes nine and whispers to the conservative..........Liberal is trying to take your cookie"

LOL!!! I Love It!!!
As a nation we have 122 trillion in wealth and 18 trillion in debt

Is it time to panic yet?

It is if you know where the wealth is
we lost our AAA credit rating.

but hey, people that know how money actually works are the ones that took it, so they must be racist since obama....
We lost our credit rating because Republicans in Congress kept threatening to default on our debt

Who would trust a country with a Congress like that?
Shit, they are still threatening to default
what a fucking load.

we didn't default and we still don't have it back

why, b/c of obama
We have the same Congress. Having a batshit crazy Congress is not a wise investment

Why, b/c of Republicans
obama is the leader of the country, he's the final say

the world has no faith in us b/c he's not an actual leader

The people that know money don't give a fuck what the board of directors of a company say, they care what the ceo says.

suck it up, the government is broken and the (d) has no plan or desire to fix it.

Yeah Yeah....we know! If you people are going to be sore losers just suck it up and STFU!!!

we lost our AAA credit rating.

but hey, people that know how money actually works are the ones that took it, so they must be racist since obama....
We lost our credit rating because Republicans in Congress kept threatening to default on our debt

Who would trust a country with a Congress like that?
Shit, they are still threatening to default
what a fucking load.

we didn't default and we still don't have it back

why, b/c of obama
We have the same Congress. Having a batshit crazy Congress is not a wise investment

Why, b/c of Republicans
obama is the leader of the country, he's the final say

the world has no faith in us b/c he's not an actual leader

The people that know money don't give a fuck what the board of directors of a company say, they care what the ceo says.

suck it up, the government is broken and the (d) has no plan or desire to fix it.

Yeah Yeah....we know:

good luck finding a post were I support the gop

and he's out of ofc now, isn't he?

carry on

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