Almost $18.5 Trillion in debt.

folks this is the idiot that ACTUALLY SAID the success of the clinton years was soley because of tax hikes!!!


there were no clinton "surpluses" nor should there have been

idiots and hypocrites

In 1999 the US government took in 1.82 trillion and spent 1.7 trillion. Do the math.

the clinton surpluses were accounting gimmicks

keep trying..........................

No they weren't. Prove that the Clinton administration used 'gimmicks' that were ONLY used by the Clinton administration and no administration before or after.

And prove it with credible sources.

coward; NOW you want to move the goalposts? you say that were ONLY used by the Clinton Administration. That means you're going to admit they were legit when Republicans used gimmicks too?

So you're confessing that while you don't believe Clinton balanced the budget, he came closer than the Republicans before him (Reagan and Bush) or after him (Bush Jr.)

lol, fair enough Clinton STILL comes out the most fiscally responsible.


NOW if you want to talk budgets who WROTE AND PASSED THOSE BUDGETS FOR CLINTON??
It's not about blame. It's about history and taking responsibility. Two things Republicans easily forget and don't want.
obama is at fault for our current debt and lose of our AAA credit rating

no leftist will ever admit that, even though you know it's true

You like to pretend it's just the gop, but it's not.

increasing spending comes with a need to increase taxes, you can't increase it more on the middle and you won't tax the poor, so you pretend that increasing taxes on the rich will have no effect on them.

or your just dumb enough to think that

your ideas will destroy the country, the people leading int he dnc polls will see that our debt explodes. There's not enough rich people to tax, there just isn't, but you know this, and support doing it anyway.

Why do you want to destroy the country, just curious.
How can you not know the S&P blamed the GOP??????

Duh!!!! No. Double Fucking DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

credit downgrade gop fault - Google Search
Obama is the leader of the Greatest Nation on Earth.

but when shit goes south, he blames others


b/c morons can't think for themselves.

pussies like him can't man the fuck up, take responsibility and lead.

Can you even eat potatoes?

The only thing wrong is that you NumbNuts can't stand the fact that he's the president. proved that before he was re elected:

He said it so smugly. He was quite proud of himself too. He and they lost. They put their BEST efforts to derail and defeat Obama, only to get their RW assess STOMPED to the ground.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

We are $18.5 Trillion in debt now.

If you could count to potato, you wouldn't be a leftist
What pisses me off is the reality that this money is not going where it should be going!

None of it is being applied to our infrastructure, Science, r&d, education or anything that is useful.

It is like we're being robbed by a thief our ability to maintain our own nation.
The Myth of the Clinton Surplus

The government can have a surplus even if it has trillions in debt, but it cannot have a surplus if that debt increased every year. This article is about surplus/deficit, not the debt. However, it analyzes the debt to prove there wasn't a surplus under Clinton.

For those that want a more detailed explanation of why a claimed $236 billion surplus resulted in the national debt increasing by $18 billion, please read this follow-up article.
Time and time again, anyone reading the mainstream news or reading articles on the Internet will read the claim that President Clinton not only balanced the budget, but had a surplus. This is then used as an argument to further highlight the fiscal irresponsibility of the federal government under the Bush administration.

The claim is generally made that Clinton had a surplus of $69 billion in FY1998, $123 billion in FY1999 and $230 billion in FY2000 . In that same link, Clinton claimed that the national debt had been reduced by $360 billion in the last three years, presumably FY1998, FY1999, and FY2000--though, interestingly, $360 billion is not the sum of the alleged surpluses of the three years in question ($69B + $123B + $230B = $422B, not $360B).
obama is at fault for our current debt and lose of our AAA credit rating

no leftist will ever admit that, even though you know it's true

You like to pretend it's just the gop, but it's not.

increasing spending comes with a need to increase taxes, you can't increase it more on the middle and you won't tax the poor, so you pretend that increasing taxes on the rich will have no effect on them.

or your just dumb enough to think that

your ideas will destroy the country, the people leading int he dnc polls will see that our debt explodes. There's not enough rich people to tax, there just isn't, but you know this, and support doing it anyway.

Why do you want to destroy the country, just curious.
How can you not know the S&P blamed the GOP??????

Duh!!!! No. Double Fucking DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

credit downgrade gop fault - Google Search
Obama is the leader of the Greatest Nation on Earth.

but when shit goes south, he blames others


b/c morons can't think for themselves.

pussies like him can't man the fuck up, take responsibility and lead.

Can you even eat potatoes?

The only thing wrong is that you NumbNuts can't stand the fact that he's the president. proved that before he was re elected:

He said it so smugly. He was quite proud of himself too. He and they lost. They put their BEST efforts to derail and defeat Obama, only to get their RW assess STOMPED to the ground.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

We are $18.5 Trillion in debt now.

If you could count to potato, you wouldn't be a leftist

Certainly, but don't blame infrastructure, science, r&d and education for our debt problems. It was your wars, tax cuts for the rich and infusions into wall street that caused this mess.

Fix those three things and we will be able to turn the tide. Of course, you want to cut johnies education and become a third world country infrastructure wise. This is why I don't like you as you just don't care about fixing the real problem.
While not defending the increase of the federal debt under President Bush, it's curious to see Clinton's record promoted as having generated a surplus. It never happened. There was never a surplus and the facts support that position. In fact, far from a $360 billion reduction in the national debt in FY1998-FY2000, there was an increase of $281 billion.

Verifying this is as simple as accessing the U.S. Treasury (see note about this link below) website where the national debt is updated daily and a history of the debt since January 1993 can be obtained. Considering the government's fiscal year ends on the last day of September each year, and considering Clinton's budget proposal in 1993 took effect in October 1993 and concluded September 1994 (FY1994), here's the national debt at the end of each year of Clinton Budgets:
Year Year
Ending National Debt Deficit
FY1993 09/30/1993 $4.411488 trillion
FY1994 09/30/1994 $4.692749 trillion $281.26 billion
FY1995 09/29/1995 $4.973982 trillion $281.23 billion
FY1996 09/30/1996 $5.224810 trillion $250.83 billion
FY1997 09/30/1997 $5.413146 trillion $188.34 billion
FY1998 09/30/1998 $5.526193 trillion $113.05 billion
FY1999 09/30/1999 $5.656270 trillion $130.08 billion
FY2000 09/29/2000 $5.674178 trillion $17.91 billion
FY2001 09/28/2001 $5.807463 trillion $133.29 billion

As can clearly be seen, in no year did the national debt go down, nor did Clinton leave President Bush with a surplus that Bush subsequently turned into a deficit. Yes, the deficit was almost eliminated in FY2000 (ending in September 2000 with a deficit of "only" $17.9 billion), but it never reached zero--let alone a positive surplus number. And Clinton's last budget proposal for FY2001, which ended in September 2001, generated a $133.29 billion deficit. The growing deficits started in the year of the last Clinton budget, not in the first year of the Bush administration.
How can you not know the S&P blamed the GOP??????

Duh!!!! No. Double Fucking DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

credit downgrade gop fault - Google Search
Obama is the leader of the Greatest Nation on Earth.

but when shit goes south, he blames others


b/c morons can't think for themselves.

pussies like him can't man the fuck up, take responsibility and lead.

Can you even eat potatoes?

The only thing wrong is that you NumbNuts can't stand the fact that he's the president. proved that before he was re elected:

He said it so smugly. He was quite proud of himself too. He and they lost. They put their BEST efforts to derail and defeat Obama, only to get their RW assess STOMPED to the ground.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

We are $18.5 Trillion in debt now.

If you could count to potato, you wouldn't be a leftist

Certainly, but don't blame infrastructure, science, r&d and education for our debt problems. It was your wars, tax cuts for the rich and infusions into wall street that caused this mess.

Fix those three things and we will be able to turn the tide. Of course, you want to cut johnies education and become a third world country infrastructure wise. This is why I don't like you as you just don't care about fixing the real problem.

I think you're a robot, that's why I have not emotional regard for what you say anymore.

2nd, spending creates debts, if you spend more than you make, you go into debt and either have to make more, stop spending or go bankrupt.

your actions affect you and those near you, it doesn't affect me.

When the Fed spends more than it can cover, it can print money (which devalues our dollar), it can borrow and go into debt (which devalues our dollar), or it can tax us more (we have fewer dollars) if, IF, the Fed reaches the point where a person would go bankrupt..

well, all the infra, r&d, science in the world won't save us.

maybe we should all plant some potatoes.
Until republicans admit that our basic needs as a nation aint causing this debt. I won't vote for them...

I am sure there's millions of people like me that feel the same way.

Stop the idiocy.
$18.5 Trillion in debt.

What are these basic needs that we must get from the government?

What is it that you can't do for yourself?
Until republicans admit that our basic needs as a nation aint causing this debt. I won't vote for them...

I am sure there's millions of people like me that feel the same way.

Stop the idiocy.

what are our basic needs leftard?

whatever you say they are show all of us how in no amount are those items to be found anywhere in that $18 trillion of debt.
obama is at fault for our current debt and lose of our AAA credit rating

no leftist will ever admit that, even though you know it's true

You like to pretend it's just the gop, but it's not.

increasing spending comes with a need to increase taxes, you can't increase it more on the middle and you won't tax the poor, so you pretend that increasing taxes on the rich will have no effect on them.

or your just dumb enough to think that

your ideas will destroy the country, the people leading int he dnc polls will see that our debt explodes. There's not enough rich people to tax, there just isn't, but you know this, and support doing it anyway.

Why do you want to destroy the country, just curious.
How can you not know the S&P blamed the GOP??????

Duh!!!! No. Double Fucking DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

credit downgrade gop fault - Google Search
Obama is the leader of the Greatest Nation on Earth.

but when shit goes south, he blames others


b/c morons can't think for themselves.

pussies like him can't man the fuck up, take responsibility and lead.

Can you even eat potatoes?

The only thing wrong is that you NumbNuts can't stand the fact that he's the president. proved that before he was re elected:

He said it so smugly. He was quite proud of himself too. He and they lost. They put their BEST efforts to derail and defeat Obama, only to get their RW assess STOMPED to the ground.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

We are $18.5 Trillion in debt now.

If you could count to potato, you wouldn't be a leftist

One thing for most Republicans you think the foreign banks loaned all those trillions to Reagan and the Bushes tax free. Get Over It!! The interest paid on the existing debt since Obama took the helm has amounted to nearly $2 trillion. Damn strange....beginning with Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthy in the 1980's I haven't run into many Republicans who wanted to talk about the national debt. As far as what Obama's done:

1) Ended two hot wars
2) Cut unemployment from 7.4% to 5.1%
3) 67 consecutive months of job growth
4) Stock market has doubled the DOW
5) Had the best spending rate in 75 years


Just hang with Fox News and continue to have that lost thought syndrome:

left-wing nutjobs think taking in all of mexico's poor people is one of our basic needs
How can you not know the S&P blamed the GOP??????

Duh!!!! No. Double Fucking DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

credit downgrade gop fault - Google Search
Obama is the leader of the Greatest Nation on Earth.

but when shit goes south, he blames others


b/c morons can't think for themselves.

pussies like him can't man the fuck up, take responsibility and lead.

Can you even eat potatoes?

The only thing wrong is that you NumbNuts can't stand the fact that he's the president. proved that before he was re elected:

He said it so smugly. He was quite proud of himself too. He and they lost. They put their BEST efforts to derail and defeat Obama, only to get their RW assess STOMPED to the ground.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

We are $18.5 Trillion in debt now.

If you could count to potato, you wouldn't be a leftist

One thing for most Republicans you think the foreign banks loaned all those trillions to Reagan and the Bushes tax free. Get Over It!! The interest paid on the existing debt since Obama took the helm has amounted to nearly $2 trillion. Damn strange....beginning with Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthy in the 1980's I haven't run into many Republicans who wanted to talk about the national debt. As far as what Obama's done:

1) Ended two hot wars
2) Cut unemployment from 7.4% to 5.1%
3) 67 consecutive months of job growth
4) Stock market has doubled the DOW
5) Had the best spending rate in 75 years


Just hang with Fox News and continue to have that lost thought syndrome:


look at this complete moron that cant think for himself to save his worthless left-wing nutjob life!!
moron loser still cant wrap his head around the fact that Reagan couldnt have done ANYTHING if his Democrat-majority congress didnt want it to happen
Obama is the leader of the Greatest Nation on Earth.

but when shit goes south, he blames others


b/c morons can't think for themselves.

pussies like him can't man the fuck up, take responsibility and lead.

Can you even eat potatoes?

The only thing wrong is that you NumbNuts can't stand the fact that he's the president. proved that before he was re elected:

He said it so smugly. He was quite proud of himself too. He and they lost. They put their BEST efforts to derail and defeat Obama, only to get their RW assess STOMPED to the ground.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

We are $18.5 Trillion in debt now.

If you could count to potato, you wouldn't be a leftist

One thing for most Republicans you think the foreign banks loaned all those trillions to Reagan and the Bushes tax free. Get Over It!! The interest paid on the existing debt since Obama took the helm has amounted to nearly $2 trillion. Damn strange....beginning with Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthy in the 1980's I haven't run into many Republicans who wanted to talk about the national debt. As far as what Obama's done:

1) Ended two hot wars
2) Cut unemployment from 7.4% to 5.1%
3) 67 consecutive months of job growth
4) Stock market has doubled the DOW
5) Had the best spending rate in 75 years


Just hang with Fox News and continue to have that lost thought syndrome:


look at this complete moron that cant think for himself to save his worthless left-wing nutjob life!!
How can you not know the S&P blamed the GOP??????

Duh!!!! No. Double Fucking DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

credit downgrade gop fault - Google Search
Obama is the leader of the Greatest Nation on Earth.

but when shit goes south, he blames others


b/c morons can't think for themselves.

pussies like him can't man the fuck up, take responsibility and lead.

Can you even eat potatoes?

The only thing wrong is that you NumbNuts can't stand the fact that he's the president. proved that before he was re elected:

He said it so smugly. He was quite proud of himself too. He and they lost. They put their BEST efforts to derail and defeat Obama, only to get their RW assess STOMPED to the ground.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

We are $18.5 Trillion in debt now.

If you could count to potato, you wouldn't be a leftist

One thing for most Republicans you think the foreign banks loaned all those trillions to Reagan and the Bushes tax free. Get Over It!! The interest paid on the existing debt since Obama took the helm has amounted to nearly $2 trillion. Damn strange....beginning with Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthy in the 1980's I haven't run into many Republicans who wanted to talk about the national debt. As far as what Obama's done:

1) Ended two hot wars
2) Cut unemployment from 7.4% to 5.1%
3) 67 consecutive months of job growth
4) Stock market has doubled the DOW
5) Had the best spending rate in 75 years


Just hang with Fox News and continue to have that lost thought syndrome:


1) Ended two hot wars when was he there? oh, he wasn't? what was his great plan? oh, he didn't have one? go fuck yourself
2) Cut unemployment from 7.4% to 5.1% then how come more people are unemployed now than before? hint, it's about racist potatoes
3) 67 consecutive months of job growth :rofl: it would have been better w/o his help
4) Stock market has doubled the DOW :lol:
5) Had the best spending rate in 75 years another accounting ploy that you fell for, but hey, fox news lies, so there

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