Almost everyone goes to Hell?

Well, that is what a lot of canonized saints so (so don't get on MY case...)

However, the longer i live, the m ore i tend to totally agree w/ them...

it jusst seems there is evil everywhere... our country was stolen... used to be Christian, no longer iss... the pervss have taken over... disgusted thoroughly... feel depressed @ times... don't know what I can to to improve things... if anything

feel i cannot do anything (much)... will keep on doing certain things but...

I don't appreciate pervs being in charge... guess I am funny that way

But enough about me, what about u?

I won't go to hell. No hell for people like me.
Repentence is the stopping of the doing of a sin. Repentence gets sin blotted out-Acts3:19)
All sin still though--They do not do these-1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galations 5:19-21--Paul used the word-spiritism--the Greek word=Farmacia-drugs
A follower of Jesus are not anyones judge, Name calling is immature, shows a lack of love.
Repentance involves more than just stopping something. It also requires one to actually be sorry. And to actually view your past actions as wrong. If you commit a sin, but dont regret doing it, you arent repentant, and god will not forgive you.
Repentance involves more than just stopping something. It also requires one to actually be sorry. And to actually view your past actions as wrong. If you commit a sin, but dont regret doing it, you arent repentant, and god will not forgive you.

By stopping doing the sin, is putting Jesus Fathers will first in their life. That proves one is sorry. Those not sorry would keep doing them. or keep on slipping and doing what God hates. The past cannot be changed 1 iota. From this point on is what counts. One must ask forgiveness as well, but if they ask and then keep doing it over and over, that is just a mockery.
Christians are not Christian like. Take tramp, a cheater on his 3 wifes, a crook, a traitor, and one who self-declared he abuses women.

Take all of so-called Christians and you have a problem, and a lot of them are "pervss" just as you call it.
hey, have u heard the latest about Jesus?

He actually forgives sins... 2 bad people don't...
hey, have u heard the latest about Jesus?

He actually forgives sins... 2 bad people don't...

Most are taught little. They have found these teachers-2Corinthians 11:12-15 = 99% of every religion claiming to be a christian religion.
Fortunate for the hearts that do care what God requires of them. In a single teaching from Jesus they can look at their teachers and see if they have found Jesus real teachers on earth. It is

Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God.

Thus Jesus real teachers make 100% sure every flock member does this--It entails OT-NT--over and over, year after year to learn and remember EVERY utterance from God. As well discussing the weeks bible reading at the meeting and let Flock members answer what good points they have appreciated out of that reading. Then every flock member can see other points they may have missed. There is an awful lot found in Gods written word. What better way than what i described above.

Thus the real teachers that have Jesus do this week after week, year after year. It does not then ALL can see if this occurs from their teachers. Otherwise they have found these teachers-2Corinthians 11:12-15---Run from them.
Most are taught little. They have found these teachers-2Corinthians 11:12-15 = 99% of every religion claiming to be a christian religion.
Fortunate for the hearts that do care what God requires of them. In a single teaching from Jesus they can look at their teachers and see if they have found Jesus real teachers on earth. It is

Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God.

Thus Jesus real teachers make 100% sure every flock member does this--It entails OT-NT--over and over, year after year to learn and remember EVERY utterance from God. As well discussing the weeks bible reading at the meeting and let Flock members answer what good points they have appreciated out of that reading. Then every flock member can see other points they may have missed. There is an awful lot found in Gods written word. What better way than what i described above.

Thus the real teachers that have Jesus do this week after week, year after year. It does not then ALL can see if this occurs from their teachers. Otherwise they have found these teachers-2Corinthians 11:12-15---Run from them.
This post almost brought tears to my eyes...

I so agree.. Everyone reading thiss should do something... start a group or whatever.. to accomplish thiss goal..

We rant against the lib takeover but it is a lot of our (Christians') fault... because we do not do enough to educate people about the Word..

that said, there is also the problem of misinterpreted Word... sigh...
By stopping doing the sin, is putting Jesus Fathers will first in their life. That proves one is sorry. Those not sorry would keep doing them. or keep on slipping and doing what God hates. The past cannot be changed 1 iota. From this point on is what counts. One must ask forgiveness as well, but if they ask and then keep doing it over and over, that is just a mockery.
well, sometimes not a mockery, jusst human frailty

and yet I agree with you more than i do not.. bc there are ways to overcome our frailties.. and some do not avail themselves of those ways

I myself got power over my worst sins via the rosary...

i reject a lot of what is going on in the Catholic Church, but the rosary is awesome. Yes, I pray in other ways also... but the rosary was what made (and keeps) me a Christian... (along with some other things...)
This post almost brought tears to my eyes...

I so agree.. Everyone reading thiss should do something... start a group or whatever.. to accomplish thiss goal..

We rant against the lib takeover but it is a lot of our (Christians') fault... because we do not do enough to educate people about the Word..

that said, there is also the problem of misinterpreted Word... sigh...
i agree Men are twisting what is being taught in Gods word because they are not lead by holy spirit. They teach dogmas taught to them in the schools of men. All 34,000 religions claiming to be christian are not. 1Corinthians 1:10 is clear--Unity of thought-no division= a single religion. a single truth. But look at what one must choose from to find it. By learning all that Jesus teaches and applying those teachings makes ones sight better.
well, sometimes not a mockery, jusst human frailty

and yet I agree with you more than i do not.. bc there are ways to overcome our frailties.. and some do not avail themselves of those ways

I myself got power over my worst sins via the rosary...

i reject a lot of what is going on in the Catholic Church, but the rosary is awesome. Yes, I pray in other ways also... but the rosary was what made (and keeps) me a Christian... (along with some other things...)

By disowning ones self is how to beat sin. Mark 8:34
The flesh is weak so possibly with thinking like this-- everytime i sin. i am driving those spikes through Jesus. And making him feel pain. Praying in weak moments is a well advised plan to. Jesus said many x--Go sin no more, He meant it. Now all sin still. But Gods word gives us a couple of lists that are absolutely unacceptable-1Corinthians 6:9-11--Galations 5:19-21--Paul used the word spiritism at Galations. The Greek word is-Farmacia=drugs. Not to even mention the false god worship all over the earth.
In the wilderness, satan tried to influence Jesus at his weakest point-fasting 40 days. He asked Jesus for an act of worship--He wanted Jesus to do a sin so that he would fail his mission. Thus-sin = worship to satan. Another reason a hard fight must be made against sinning. But all still sin. But minor sins like maybe a swear word now and then, and other things. But strive never to do anything in those 2 lists. Its not easy living in the flesh. Its a constant battle. If one keeps beating satans will, eventually he flees from that one.

I have studied Gods word for years, i have studied trinity religions, i have carefully studied the teachings of Jesus. i am sorry to tell you that the religion you serve is exposed as false even in their own translations. This is what i have found. I dont say it to be mean, cause i feel the love in your heart and know you desire to be Gods servant--Dont forget-these teachers are on earth as well-2Corinthians 11:12-15--All through the bible after the rebellion in Eden-99% mislead at every given moment--Be like the Boreans-make sure of all things.
are u one of that group that also says that life does not begin at the beginning (namely, at conception)?

if so... yawn

moving on...

So, if someone doesn't agree with you, then you just get bored? Wow, I wonder why you're here.

But no, I'm not one of those who says life does not begin at conception. I find such a topic of conversation even more boring that you probably find it.

Personally I find that if the Big Bang existed, then all the energy, matter, mass, stuff, whatever it is or was, got sent out at huge speeds and that everything from that point on is inevitable. Like this conversation.

You can't change anything, because it's already destined to happen. Life isn't life, life is just us predestined to think that life is life. Life doesn't matter.

The Universe will end on day, or melt down and become be reborn again, or whatever possibilities there are.

You have your religion and anything that gets in the way of your beliefs (believing is accepting without knowing) you are predestined to ignore, ridicule because you can't bear to think that it might be something else. Nothing you can do about that, it's the atoms in you doing it all. You're just here to experience it. Enjoy the ride.

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