Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

What amount constitutes poor? I would say anything below 50 grand....that's lower class.

12 million is just a number that some blowhard pulled out of their ass

Others believe its more like 25 million if not more

Illegals take jobs away from the poorest and least educated Americans, many of whom end up on welfare

I agree with you.

I recall being told that there were 10 million illegal aliens when President Bill Clinton was in office. I do not recall being told that in the decades since that time, there has been a mass exodus of illegal aliens LEAVING our country. I believe that 25 million is a reasonable number.
Most CEOs in this country started their business,
Link? (If it's just a string to your butt, never mind.)

Do you have any fucking clue what CEO means?
Pulled straight from your butt then. Figured.

You have no idea what CEO means do you, and you are too dumb to Google. Pathetic!

The owner of every small business is the CEO.
LOL. Want Google? Really?.
  1. a chief executive officer, the highest-ranking person in a company or other institution, ultimately responsible for making managerial decisions.
Sorry, no mention of "owner" nor "small business", genius. Logically one must first have officers, then executive officers before requiring a chief executive officer. Duh. Your butt sure talks but don't think so good! {Pro-tip: quit digging,.. laugh at yourself,.. let it go. We all get caught BSing now and then. No biggie.}

Your definition contains the very definition of what an owner does. I will await your contrition for being a dumbass.
Link? (If it's just a string to your butt, never mind.)

Do you have any fucking clue what CEO means?
Pulled straight from your butt then. Figured.

You have no idea what CEO means do you, and you are too dumb to Google. Pathetic!

The owner of every small business is the CEO.
LOL. Want Google? Really?.
  1. a chief executive officer, the highest-ranking person in a company or other institution, ultimately responsible for making managerial decisions.
Sorry, no mention of "owner" nor "small business", genius. Logically one must first have officers, then executive officers before requiring a chief executive officer. Duh. Your butt sure talks but don't think so good! {Pro-tip: quit digging,.. laugh at yourself,.. let it go. We all get caught BSing now and then. No biggie.}

Your definition contains the very definition of what an owner does. I will await your contrition for being a dumbass.
Okay, I'm sorry you're such a dumbass.:smartass:
Do you have any fucking clue what CEO means?
Pulled straight from your butt then. Figured.

You have no idea what CEO means do you, and you are too dumb to Google. Pathetic!

The owner of every small business is the CEO.
LOL. Want Google? Really?.
  1. a chief executive officer, the highest-ranking person in a company or other institution, ultimately responsible for making managerial decisions.
Sorry, no mention of "owner" nor "small business", genius. Logically one must first have officers, then executive officers before requiring a chief executive officer. Duh. Your butt sure talks but don't think so good! {Pro-tip: quit digging,.. laugh at yourself,.. let it go. We all get caught BSing now and then. No biggie.}

Your definition contains the very definition of what an owner does. I will await your contrition for being a dumbass.
Okay, I'm sorry you're such a dumbass.:smartass:

I am sorry that you do not have the intellectual ability to make that determination!
Okay Admiral, I'll walk you through this because I actually like you. You're a fairly straight shooter and have shared some interesting perspectives..
That said we begin here with you asserting the following:
Most CEOs in this country started their business,
.. which I quoted and asked you for a link ..
.. you got mad, attacked, and provided none ..
Do you have any fucking clue what CEO means?
That's no logical response to the question. You just spazzed out there. I wanted to know where you read or heard this alleged statistical fact .. 'cause it struck me as bullshit.. which is what I subsequently communicated in response.
Pulled straight from your butt then. Figured.
You then double down on belligerently attacking your interlocutor instead of providing your source:
You have no idea what CEO means do you, and you are too dumb to Google. Pathetic!
Then you assert another whopper:
The owner of every small business is the CEO.
What if "the owner" is a partnership? What if it's just a subsidiary of another corporation? What if "the owner" cedes all control to others and wants nothing to do with running the damn thing? Google says nothing about it in any case. That's why I asked where you got it from..
Being a CEO doesn't make a business necessarily yours at all. CEOs come and go as Ray, for one, has pointed out. They are contract employees. Hired help. Businesses entice them to come work there by offering golden parachutes, stock options and so forth. But go ahead. Find some actual backup for your assertions and provide a link.. I'll be waiting..
Most CEOs in this country started their business,
The owner of every small business is the CEO.
Last edited:
Illegals take jobs away from the poorest and least educated Americans, many of whom end up on welfare

No, employers willingly give those jobs to immigrants in an effort to avoid the exorbitant wages demanded by American workers.
I bet you dont consider your income exorbitant

If not for the millions of foreign illegal workers in America wages would be higher for Americans and that would be a good thing
Walmart pays what it legally is supposed to pay their workers. So the problem isn’t Walmart the problem is the government and when the Democrat held the House and the Senate they didn’t address the issue. So it seems like both parties are a failure and it isn’t a priority, yet we vote for them, so why change?
When the Democrats held the House and Senate in 2009, they raised the minimum wage

It hasn’t been raised since
If not for 10s of millions of illegal aliens living in America the minimum wage would rise naturally
About 12 million actually, brainwashed functional moron racist idiot.... Not your fault. And they do not compete with Americans cuz of the crappy jobs they do. Pass the Democratic ID card and end this long-running GOP scam wedge issue.
12 million is just a number that some blowhard pulled out of their ass

Others believe its more like 25 million if not more

Illegals take jobs away from the poorest and least educated Americans, many of whom end up on welfare
A lot of You dupes believe a lot of garbage. I'll go with the experts and our government and the census bureau etcetera etcetera. You go with the garbage propaganda and racist Hysteria.... Pass the Democratic bill with ID card and end this ridiculous wedge issue scam... You can use it for your imaginary illegals voting problem too...
The government will be the last to know how many illegals there are

If you recall trump tried to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census but was blocked by the democrats and chief justice roberts

That would not answer the illegal question

but shows now little the government does know
When the Democrats held the House and Senate in 2009, they raised the minimum wage

It hasn’t been raised since
If not for 10s of millions of illegal aliens living in America the minimum wage would rise naturally
About 12 million actually, brainwashed functional moron racist idiot.... Not your fault. And they do not compete with Americans cuz of the crappy jobs they do. Pass the Democratic ID card and end this long-running GOP scam wedge issue.
12 million is just a number that some blowhard pulled out of their ass

Others believe its more like 25 million if not more

Illegals take jobs away from the poorest and least educated Americans, many of whom end up on welfare
A lot of You dupes believe a lot of garbage. I'll go with the experts and our government and the census bureau etcetera etcetera. You go with the garbage propaganda and racist Hysteria.... Pass the Democratic bill with ID card and end this ridiculous wedge issue scam... You can use it for your imaginary illegals voting problem too...
The government will be the last to know how many illegals there are

If you recall trump tried to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census but was blocked by the democrats and chief justice roberts

That would not answer the illegal question

but shows now little the government does know

AND it shows that the lack of knowing, is done on purpose, to hide the scale of the problem from the voters.

To prevent US from having the information we need to make an informed decision on the issue.

This alone makes the policies they managed to implement, illegitimate.
I would not call the $500 billion that china profits from trade with America nothing

And it means fewer jobs for American workers





I love that moronic $6.2 billion claim. Hilarious!!!
How much do we pay to provide food, housing and healthcare support to Walmart employees?

How much do we pay to provide food, housing and healthcare support to Walmart employees?

How much do we pay to provide food, housing and healthcare support to the same number of welfare recipients without Walmart jobs?

Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, the list of mega-chain big box retailers is quite formidable Todd

It gets harder to paint ALL of those employees losers , when more and more end up on our tax dime

But subsidies are socialism , and the rabid right can't have that, can they?

Unless they create it....

If given the chance liberals will make beggars out of everyone

Its unjust for government to take money from people who worked hard to earn it and give it to someone else
If not for the millions of foreign illegal workers in America wages would be higher for Americans and that would be a good thing

More Legal H1B LEGAL workers are the problem Mac

And yes, dig enough & you'll find the Gub'Mit cap on them

But what is harder to find is all the exceptions and excuses made by Gub'Mit

So you see, the real deal is the bait/switch , to have us focus of the immigration issue , while all the cheap labor proliferates us

Biggest hypocrite of them all?



If not for 10s of millions of illegal aliens living in America the minimum wage would rise naturally
About 12 million actually, brainwashed functional moron racist idiot.... Not your fault. And they do not compete with Americans cuz of the crappy jobs they do. Pass the Democratic ID card and end this long-running GOP scam wedge issue.
12 million is just a number that some blowhard pulled out of their ass

Others believe its more like 25 million if not more

Illegals take jobs away from the poorest and least educated Americans, many of whom end up on welfare
A lot of You dupes believe a lot of garbage. I'll go with the experts and our government and the census bureau etcetera etcetera. You go with the garbage propaganda and racist Hysteria.... Pass the Democratic bill with ID card and end this ridiculous wedge issue scam... You can use it for your imaginary illegals voting problem too...
The government will be the last to know how many illegals there are

If you recall trump tried to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census but was blocked by the democrats and chief justice roberts

That would not answer the illegal question

but shows now little the government does know

AND it shows that the lack of knowing, is done on purpose, to hide the scale of the problem from the voters.

To prevent US from having the information we need to make an informed decision on the issue.

This alone makes the policies they managed to implement, illegitimate.

AND it shows that the lack of knowing, is done on purpose, to hide the scale of the problem from the voters.

I agree with that 100%

Just as the government does not want to discuss the crime rate of illegal aliens
If not for the millions of foreign illegal workers in America wages would be higher for Americans and that would be a good thing

More Legal H1B LEGAL workers are the problem Mac

And yes, dig enough & you'll find the Gub'Mit cap on them

But what is harder to find is all the exceptions and excuses made by Gub'Mit

So you see, the real deal is the bait/switch , to have us focus of the immigration issue , while all the cheap labor proliferates us

Biggest hypocrite of them all?




Trump is certainly not doing enough on this issue. But in response you want to support people who want to actively work to make the situation worse?

Cause that is the choice before US, Trump or people far worse.

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