Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

1. All I know is I have heard a lot about people getting fucked, with last minute "need more classes" or "that credit doesn't count now, for bullshit reason".

2. And even if you are an incredible scholar, with a brain that would make Spock himself raise an eyebrow, so what? It does not mean that the people getting fucked, deserve it.

1. It is their fault for not paying attention to their classes. When you start your degree you are given the exact requirements. They cannot change them once you start. Most of the time these things are a result of their own lack of attention to detail.

2. I am not. But I do work hard to accomplish my goals.

You seem to be looking for reasons to dismiss the trials and tribulations of people who are having trouble(s) in their lives.

Is that your intent, and if so, why?
12 million is just a number that some blowhard pulled out of their ass

Others believe its more like 25 million if not more

Illegals take jobs away from the poorest and least educated Americans, many of whom end up on welfare
A lot of You dupes believe a lot of garbage. I'll go with the experts and our government and the census bureau etcetera etcetera. You go with the garbage propaganda and racist Hysteria.... Pass the Democratic bill with ID card and end this ridiculous wedge issue scam... You can use it for your imaginary illegals voting problem too...
The government will be the last to know how many illegals there are

If you recall trump tried to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census but was blocked by the democrats and chief justice roberts

That would not answer the illegal question

but shows now little the government does know

AND it shows that the lack of knowing, is done on purpose, to hide the scale of the problem from the voters.

To prevent US from having the information we need to make an informed decision on the issue.

This alone makes the policies they managed to implement, illegitimate.
Yes yes, all our experts and government officials and journalists and law enforcement know nothing, only your bought off high school grad ex cokehead DJ idiot pundits know the truth. And racists who are obsessed with this crap. OoPS brainwashed functional racists. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end this scam GOP wedge issue. In the entire world only the 5% brainwashed functional morons of the GOP know the truth LOL. Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot.

Yet, you can't explain why your side is the one that is actively preventing getting hard numbers on the problem.

Your sides's actions support my case, while all you have is a lot of "RACISM" and similar personal attacks.

So, fuck you.
seriously I don't give a damn either way. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card that works everywhere else and end this incredibly stupid GOP scam for the dupes that has been going on forever. Then we can get a handle on the problem and stop more from coming unless they deserve to.
The government will be the last to know how many illegals there are

If you recall trump tried to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census but was blocked by the democrats and chief justice roberts

That would not answer the illegal question

but shows now little the government does know

AND it shows that the lack of knowing, is done on purpose, to hide the scale of the problem from the voters.

To prevent US from having the information we need to make an informed decision on the issue.

This alone makes the policies they managed to implement, illegitimate.
Yes yes, all our experts and government officials and journalists and law enforcement know nothing, only your bought off high school grad ex cokehead DJ idiot pundits know the truth. And racists who are obsessed with this crap. OoPS brainwashed functional racists. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end this scam GOP wedge issue. In the entire world only the 5% brainwashed functional morons of the GOP know the truth LOL. Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot.

Yet, you can't explain why your side is the one that is actively preventing getting hard numbers on the problem.

Your sides's actions support my case, while all you have is a lot of "RACISM" and similar personal attacks.

So, fuck you.
of course the entire world tells you it's about 12 million illegals here but you refuse to listen, BRAINWASHED functional moron. You will never get anything like the real story from your media. I caramba!
Sorry but you are the one who is brainwashed

Liberals cling to the lower number for the sake of amnesty that they are pushing for

and they know average Americans would be shocked if they knew the truth
I don't give a damn what the number is, fix the problem with an ID card and a comprehensive immigration Bill like the Democrats want. Fix it get it? Jesus....
Sadly, a Bachelors in Biology is basically useless...might get you teaching job.

Want to do anything with Biology you need a Masters at a minimum.

You're 100 percent correct. I have a bachelor's degree in Marine Biology. I was young and stupid, I was near graduating when I realized that my chosen field only paid nominally and then only if you had a Ph.D. I never used the degree. I do not regret earning the degree, it taught me discipline, personal responsibility and working toward goals. In that way, it served me well!

So what did you end up doing with you life? You got me curious now.

I was working full time throwing stock at a grocery store while attending the University of Miami full time. A retail chain (Woolworth's) solicited me to come into their management training program. The salary offered was more than I could have earned, at the time, in Marine Biology (1967). They were a great company. I started in Miami, then Key West, then Tallahassee. I was then offered a promotion back to Miami. By that time I had grown to LOVE Tallahassee and knew the...difficult store I was being offered. I chose to go into real estate where I made a great career of 45 years.

Because of my math score on my SAT exam, my high school counselor (1963) strongly urged me to go into computer programing. What a stupid idea, after all, everyone KNEW that given the size of computers, they took up a whole room! I COULDA BEEN BILL GATES! :D
Last edited:
A lot of You dupes believe a lot of garbage. I'll go with the experts and our government and the census bureau etcetera etcetera. You go with the garbage propaganda and racist Hysteria.... Pass the Democratic bill with ID card and end this ridiculous wedge issue scam... You can use it for your imaginary illegals voting problem too...
The government will be the last to know how many illegals there are

If you recall trump tried to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census but was blocked by the democrats and chief justice roberts

That would not answer the illegal question

but shows now little the government does know

AND it shows that the lack of knowing, is done on purpose, to hide the scale of the problem from the voters.

To prevent US from having the information we need to make an informed decision on the issue.

This alone makes the policies they managed to implement, illegitimate.
Yes yes, all our experts and government officials and journalists and law enforcement know nothing, only your bought off high school grad ex cokehead DJ idiot pundits know the truth. And racists who are obsessed with this crap. OoPS brainwashed functional racists. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end this scam GOP wedge issue. In the entire world only the 5% brainwashed functional morons of the GOP know the truth LOL. Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot.

Yet, you can't explain why your side is the one that is actively preventing getting hard numbers on the problem.

Your sides's actions support my case, while all you have is a lot of "RACISM" and similar personal attacks.

So, fuck you.
seriously I don't give a damn either way. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card that works everywhere else and end this incredibly stupid GOP scam for the dupes that has been going on forever. Then we can get a handle on the problem and stop more from coming unless they deserve to.
AND it shows that the lack of knowing, is done on purpose, to hide the scale of the problem from the voters.

To prevent US from having the information we need to make an informed decision on the issue.

This alone makes the policies they managed to implement, illegitimate.
Yes yes, all our experts and government officials and journalists and law enforcement know nothing, only your bought off high school grad ex cokehead DJ idiot pundits know the truth. And racists who are obsessed with this crap. OoPS brainwashed functional racists. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end this scam GOP wedge issue. In the entire world only the 5% brainwashed functional morons of the GOP know the truth LOL. Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot.

Yet, you can't explain why your side is the one that is actively preventing getting hard numbers on the problem.

Your sides's actions support my case, while all you have is a lot of "RACISM" and similar personal attacks.

So, fuck you.
of course the entire world tells you it's about 12 million illegals here but you refuse to listen, BRAINWASHED functional moron. You will never get anything like the real story from your media. I caramba!
Sorry but you are the one who is brainwashed

Liberals cling to the lower number for the sake of amnesty that they are pushing for

and they know average Americans would be shocked if they knew the truth
I don't give a damn what the number is, fix the problem with an ID card and a comprehensive immigration Bill like the Democrats want. Fix it get it? Jesus....

Their presence flooding the labor market is the problem. Letting them stay is not fixing it. D;uh,
The government will be the last to know how many illegals there are

If you recall trump tried to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census but was blocked by the democrats and chief justice roberts

That would not answer the illegal question

but shows now little the government does know

AND it shows that the lack of knowing, is done on purpose, to hide the scale of the problem from the voters.

To prevent US from having the information we need to make an informed decision on the issue.

This alone makes the policies they managed to implement, illegitimate.
Yes yes, all our experts and government officials and journalists and law enforcement know nothing, only your bought off high school grad ex cokehead DJ idiot pundits know the truth. And racists who are obsessed with this crap. OoPS brainwashed functional racists. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end this scam GOP wedge issue. In the entire world only the 5% brainwashed functional morons of the GOP know the truth LOL. Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot.

Yet, you can't explain why your side is the one that is actively preventing getting hard numbers on the problem.

Your sides's actions support my case, while all you have is a lot of "RACISM" and similar personal attacks.

So, fuck you.
seriously I don't give a damn either way. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card that works everywhere else and end this incredibly stupid GOP scam for the dupes that has been going on forever. Then we can get a handle on the problem and stop more from coming unless they deserve to.
Yes yes, all our experts and government officials and journalists and law enforcement know nothing, only your bought off high school grad ex cokehead DJ idiot pundits know the truth. And racists who are obsessed with this crap. OoPS brainwashed functional racists. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end this scam GOP wedge issue. In the entire world only the 5% brainwashed functional morons of the GOP know the truth LOL. Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot.

Yet, you can't explain why your side is the one that is actively preventing getting hard numbers on the problem.

Your sides's actions support my case, while all you have is a lot of "RACISM" and similar personal attacks.

So, fuck you.
of course the entire world tells you it's about 12 million illegals here but you refuse to listen, BRAINWASHED functional moron. You will never get anything like the real story from your media. I caramba!
Sorry but you are the one who is brainwashed

Liberals cling to the lower number for the sake of amnesty that they are pushing for

and they know average Americans would be shocked if they knew the truth
I don't give a damn what the number is, fix the problem with an ID card and a comprehensive immigration Bill like the Democrats want. Fix it get it? Jesus....

Their presence flooding the labor market is the problem. Letting them stay is not fixing it. D;uh,
You are never going to get 12 million or whatever hard-working immigrants who pay taxes and own homes out of the country. Totally inhumane.the GOP gave them an invitation to come here and work. You are a dupe- they don't give a damn. Pass the goddamn ID card dumbass. Cut the stupid wall and unconstitutional un American harassment laws that do nothing.
And how long ago was that?

Finished my Masters in 2014.

How long before that, did you get your bachelors?

A while.

1. Today, they are all about forcing you to take extra bullshit classes.

2. And even if it is as easy as you recall, A. Good for you, and B. does not help the vast majority that need at least 4 years.

1. Still the same number of credit hours is needed, that has not changed.

Well maybe... but the problem is still BS classes.

When I was in college, I was taking course on computer programming. Part of my required classes was to take personal finance, which taught practically nothing about personal finance, and I had a choice of executive management communication, which was baffling to me, or I could have taken advance analytical analysis.

None of those courses did anything for me at all, and I don't remember a single thing from any of them.

Even back then (because I'd been working full time for 4 years by the time I was in this course), I was thinking I could personally teach my own course simply called "Polite Communication 101 (how not to get fired at a job)" and teach more useful stuff, than the crap spewed in these course.

In fact, I could have possibly even taught the personal finance course myself, and done a better job.

The bottom line is, most of the required extra courses are garbage, and useless.

And by the way, we found out why.

Now this is from 2002 or so. What the teachers themselves told us, was that it was a matter of Union politics. The teachers unions wanted to make sure that various other departments had classes that were required for degrees they didn't apply to, specifically to guarantee teacher jobs.

Meaning, if you have 90% of your incoming students going into engineering, you as a English teacher are in trouble. So you just make a "communications" class required for an engineering degree, and voila! You have job security.

This is exactly what they told us happened.
Sadly, a Bachelors in Biology is basically useless...might get you teaching job.

Want to do anything with Biology you need a Masters at a minimum.

You're 100 percent correct. I have a bachelor's degree in Marine Biology. I was young and stupid, I was near graduating when I realized that my chosen field only paid nominally and then only if you had a Ph.D. I never used the degree. I do not regret earning the degree, it taught me discipline, personal responsibility and working toward goals. In that way, it served me well!

So what did you end up doing with you life? You got me curious now.

I was working full time throwing stock at a grocery store while attending the University of Miami full time. A retail chain (Woolworth's) solicited me to come into their management training program. The salary offered was more than I could have earned, at the time, in Marine Biology (1967). They were a great company. I started in Miami, then Key West, then Tallahassee. I was then offered a promotion back to Miami. By that time I had grown to LOVE Tallahassee and knew the...difficult store I was being offered. I chose to go into real estate where I made a great career of 45 years.

Because of my math score on my SAT exam, my high school counselor (1963) strongly urged me to go into computer programing. What a stupid idea, after all, everyone KNEW that given the size of computers, they took up a whole room! I COULDA BEEN BILL GATES! :D
My high school had the first computer any High School ever had. With a cable that ran all the way a hundred 25 miles orso to New York City. But it was damn boring. I stopped immediately. The internet makes all the difference for sure.
I don't know about the doctor. That seems odd to me, since there is such a high demand for those.

However, the Biology major, I am beginning to see that a Biology major is a crap degree. You are now the 3rd or 4th story involving biology majors, that can't find work.

I have a guy working with me right now, with a degree in biology, and he's working for $15 an hour, unboxing, and re-boxing computers with me, who has no degree at all.

That leads me to the question... how are these choices happening? How are people picking degrees that have no future? And what are we doing to help them pick better fields to get an education in?

Are we just telling these students "Dur... follow yer heart!" and they are, end up with useless degrees?

Something is happening here, and I'm not sure what it is.

Believe it or not, we had to talk her out of her real dream which was to become a marine biologist. When we finally convinced her that there was no work in that field, and she could see fish at Sea World, she refocused towards medical, which one would think there would be a world of opportunities. Didn't work out that way.

Ugh... So I think that really is it. That people are just going "I like starfish!" and making life choices on how they feel, instead of... I don't know... what jobs are actually out there?

That's it. Her bedroom was always decorated with fish. She loved fish since a little girl, particularly dolphins.

They tell us the happiest people are those who like to do things as a hobby, and then find a way to make money at it. If you love what you do for a living, you never worked a day in your life.

Good theories to live by, however not applicable for most people. I used to love to play guitar, but so did 10 million other Americans. I taught music when I was younger for many years, but not even close to being able to make a living at it. It was a good part-time job though.

Good thing I never tried. Today, kids get on YouTube and try to learn everything that way as a shortcut. Many don't pursue it after a while because unlike video games and cell phones, you have to put in physical work to play an instrument. It takes time and dedication, something many younger people don't have today.

Yeah, exactly. By all means if you love doing something, and you can make the hobby into a career.... I'm all for it. Both my parents drove me crazy when I was younger, because they kept telling me they loved what they did so much, that every day was like a "kid at a playground" (which is how my father described himself at his job).

But that never happened for me. You just have to do, what you have to do. That's life. You can't make money on dreams.

Many don't pursue it after a while because unlike video games and cell phones, you have to put in physical work to play an instrument. It takes time and dedication, something many younger people don't have today

And I don't know how to fix that. I don't even know if it can be fixed.
Is there any way to teach dedication?

Quite a number of people are making money off of playing video games now. ANd more would be, if YOUTUBE hadn't gone asshole.

No one saw that coming.

Come on.... let's be real for a minute. How many Engineering jobs are there? Over 2 Million, with three hundred postings on any given week?

How many people are making a good enough income off of video games, to make a living?

Yeah, there is a few. Yes if you go to South Korea, you can find professional gamers in pro leagues.

I get it.

But let's be real a minute... how many are there really? A hundred?

And yes, some of these guys can making $300,000 a year. For sure they can. But I would place video gaming to be on the same level as media entertainment.

It's just like being an actor or actress in Hollywood. There are 5,000 B-rate actors, sitting around doing crappy $400 movies that only 100 people ever see, working as a waiter or doing odd jobs to avoid starving to death.... for every single hit actor.

These guys have managed to make a living by playing video games

And honestly the people that succeed, often have a tough life. It's not all games and giggles. Its hundreds of hours of stress and labor.
1. All I know is I have heard a lot about people getting fucked, with last minute "need more classes" or "that credit doesn't count now, for bullshit reason".

2. And even if you are an incredible scholar, with a brain that would make Spock himself raise an eyebrow, so what? It does not mean that the people getting fucked, deserve it.

1. It is their fault for not paying attention to their classes. When you start your degree you are given the exact requirements. They cannot change them once you start. Most of the time these things are a result of their own lack of attention to detail.

2. I am not. But I do work hard to accomplish my goals.

You seem to be looking for reasons to dismiss the trials and tribulations of people who are having trouble(s) in their lives.

Is that your intent, and if so, why?

Not at all, I just do not agree with your view that it takes more than 4 years for most people.
so that's why we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere and it keeps getting worse?

Show us, with your reliable source and working link proving your statement that "we have the worst inequality and upward mobility, ever, anywhere, and that it keeps getting words"!

You won't and you cannot. Just you being a TROLL!

Here's the link to the worst upward mobility in the modern world. Even you must have heard of the inequality problem. At any rate screw off troll. I'm not going to listen to your stupid questions. If you have a question Google it dumbass.
I'm a truck driver {...snip...} I was going to retire in 2.5 years anyway. But I may end up on disability before then which is just fine by me.
Okay, full disclosure time. I'm a retired truck driver. Retired due to disability severe enough to make continuing suicide, but not enough to qualify for disability according to the state anytime soon. Very common amongst farmers and freight drivers. Just ask Rick Smith. With only 2.5 years to go.. quit if necessary but don't pursue disability. That would just be shooting yourself in the foot because it pays a fraction of your potential SS permanently. Keep your last fews years of reported income high as possible because that's what your SS is based upon. Work under the table as you can for a while and stop destroying yourself for the man. When your body goes you've done enough.
I'm a truck driver {...snip...} I was going to retire in 2.5 years anyway. But I may end up on disability before then which is just fine by me.
Okay, full disclosure time. I'm a retired truck driver. Retired due to disability severe enough to make continuing suicide, but not enough to qualify for disability according to the state anytime soon. Very common amongst farmers and freight drivers. Just ask Rick Smith. With only 2.5 years to go.. quit if necessary but don't pursue disability. That would just be shooting yourself in the foot because it pays a fraction of your potential SS permanently. Keep your last fews years of reported income high as possible because that's what your SS is based upon. Work under the table as you can for a while and stop destroying yourself for the man. When your body goes you've done enough.

Fuck yeah! Disability. The new American Dream.
Finished my Masters in 2014.

How long before that, did you get your bachelors?

A while.

1. Today, they are all about forcing you to take extra bullshit classes.

2. And even if it is as easy as you recall, A. Good for you, and B. does not help the vast majority that need at least 4 years.

1. Still the same number of credit hours is needed, that has not changed.

Well maybe... but the problem is still BS classes.

When I was in college, I was taking course on computer programming. Part of my required classes was to take personal finance, which taught practically nothing about personal finance, and I had a choice of executive management communication, which was baffling to me, or I could have taken advance analytical analysis.

None of those courses did anything for me at all, and I don't remember a single thing from any of them.

Even back then (because I'd been working full time for 4 years by the time I was in this course), I was thinking I could personally teach my own course simply called "Polite Communication 101 (how not to get fired at a job)" and teach more useful stuff, than the crap spewed in these course.

In fact, I could have possibly even taught the personal finance course myself, and done a better job.

The bottom line is, most of the required extra courses are garbage, and useless.

And by the way, we found out why.

Now this is from 2002 or so. What the teachers themselves told us, was that it was a matter of Union politics. The teachers unions wanted to make sure that various other departments had classes that were required for degrees they didn't apply to, specifically to guarantee teacher jobs.

Meaning, if you have 90% of your incoming students going into engineering, you as a English teacher are in trouble. So you just make a "communications" class required for an engineering degree, and voila! You have job security.

This is exactly what they told us happened.

Same thing in trade school. I went to electronics school in the early 80's. I inquired about what kind of money I could make after getting my FCC license, it it was more than disappointing. So I asked about going two years to get a bachelors degree, even more disappointed with the answer. But I was also told I had to take an English class. WTF does English have to do with electronics? I could understand some sort of math class, because electronics is all math, but English? How would that help me doing a job working with medical equipment?
I'm a truck driver {...snip...} I was going to retire in 2.5 years anyway. But I may end up on disability before then which is just fine by me.
Okay, full disclosure time. I'm a retired truck driver. Retired due to disability severe enough to make continuing suicide, but not enough to qualify for disability according to the state anytime soon. Very common amongst farmers and freight drivers. Just ask Rick Smith. With only 2.5 years to go.. quit if necessary but don't pursue disability. That would just be shooting yourself in the foot because it pays a fraction of your potential SS permanently. Keep your last fews years of reported income high as possible because that's what your SS is based upon. Work under the table as you can for a while and stop destroying yourself for the man. When your body goes you've done enough.

Well I would need an income of some kind, and a little old for heavy physical work along with my conditions. The only other thing I could do is start drawing from my IRA and try to survive another 2.5 years until I reach 62 years old, and then go on SS. But the way my IRA is going now, I'd hate to do that. I have to start withdrawing at 70 years old, and I'll probably be dead by then, but at least my nephew and niece will get it and payoff their houses or whatever they want to do with it.

I've been driving so long I don't know what else I could do. Many employers don't want to hire anybody at my age because they won't be there long, and don't want the higher premium rate for medical coverage. They would rather hire a much younger person. Saves them on medical insurance, and they could work a lot faster than I can.
I'm a truck driver {...snip...} I was going to retire in 2.5 years anyway. But I may end up on disability before then which is just fine by me.
Okay, full disclosure time. I'm a retired truck driver. Retired due to disability severe enough to make continuing suicide, but not enough to qualify for disability according to the state anytime soon. Very common amongst farmers and freight drivers. Just ask Rick Smith. With only 2.5 years to go.. quit if necessary but don't pursue disability. That would just be shooting yourself in the foot because it pays a fraction of your potential SS permanently. Keep your last fews years of reported income high as possible because that's what your SS is based upon. Work under the table as you can for a while and stop destroying yourself for the man. When your body goes you've done enough.

Fuck yeah! Disability. The new American Dream.
the result of the corrupt GOP World depression of 2008 and the continuing ruin of the non rich since 1982. Thanks GOP great job...
How long before that, did you get your bachelors?

A while.

1. Today, they are all about forcing you to take extra bullshit classes.

2. And even if it is as easy as you recall, A. Good for you, and B. does not help the vast majority that need at least 4 years.

1. Still the same number of credit hours is needed, that has not changed.

Well maybe... but the problem is still BS classes.

When I was in college, I was taking course on computer programming. Part of my required classes was to take personal finance, which taught practically nothing about personal finance, and I had a choice of executive management communication, which was baffling to me, or I could have taken advance analytical analysis.

None of those courses did anything for me at all, and I don't remember a single thing from any of them.

Even back then (because I'd been working full time for 4 years by the time I was in this course), I was thinking I could personally teach my own course simply called "Polite Communication 101 (how not to get fired at a job)" and teach more useful stuff, than the crap spewed in these course.

In fact, I could have possibly even taught the personal finance course myself, and done a better job.

The bottom line is, most of the required extra courses are garbage, and useless.

And by the way, we found out why.

Now this is from 2002 or so. What the teachers themselves told us, was that it was a matter of Union politics. The teachers unions wanted to make sure that various other departments had classes that were required for degrees they didn't apply to, specifically to guarantee teacher jobs.

Meaning, if you have 90% of your incoming students going into engineering, you as a English teacher are in trouble. So you just make a "communications" class required for an engineering degree, and voila! You have job security.

This is exactly what they told us happened.

Same thing in trade school. I went to electronics school in the early 80's. I inquired about what kind of money I could make after getting my FCC license, it it was more than disappointing. So I asked about going two years to get a bachelors degree, even more disappointed with the answer. But I was also told I had to take an English class. WTF does English have to do with electronics? I could understand some sort of math class, because electronics is all math, but English? How would that help me doing a job working with medical equipment?
they wanted you to have somewhat of a well-rounded education. Liberal arts is incredibly underrated these days. Under GOP dominance and Reagan's war against cheap public universities that continues, college is so expensive people can't afford to have a well-rounded education. How else can they be so ignorant that GOP propaganda works?
Believe it or not, we had to talk her out of her real dream which was to become a marine biologist. When we finally convinced her that there was no work in that field, and she could see fish at Sea World, she refocused towards medical, which one would think there would be a world of opportunities. Didn't work out that way.

Ugh... So I think that really is it. That people are just going "I like starfish!" and making life choices on how they feel, instead of... I don't know... what jobs are actually out there?

That's it. Her bedroom was always decorated with fish. She loved fish since a little girl, particularly dolphins.

They tell us the happiest people are those who like to do things as a hobby, and then find a way to make money at it. If you love what you do for a living, you never worked a day in your life.

Good theories to live by, however not applicable for most people. I used to love to play guitar, but so did 10 million other Americans. I taught music when I was younger for many years, but not even close to being able to make a living at it. It was a good part-time job though.

Good thing I never tried. Today, kids get on YouTube and try to learn everything that way as a shortcut. Many don't pursue it after a while because unlike video games and cell phones, you have to put in physical work to play an instrument. It takes time and dedication, something many younger people don't have today.

Yeah, exactly. By all means if you love doing something, and you can make the hobby into a career.... I'm all for it. Both my parents drove me crazy when I was younger, because they kept telling me they loved what they did so much, that every day was like a "kid at a playground" (which is how my father described himself at his job).

But that never happened for me. You just have to do, what you have to do. That's life. You can't make money on dreams.

Many don't pursue it after a while because unlike video games and cell phones, you have to put in physical work to play an instrument. It takes time and dedication, something many younger people don't have today

And I don't know how to fix that. I don't even know if it can be fixed.
Is there any way to teach dedication?

Quite a number of people are making money off of playing video games now. ANd more would be, if YOUTUBE hadn't gone asshole.

No one saw that coming.

Come on.... let's be real for a minute. How many Engineering jobs are there? Over 2 Million, with three hundred postings on any given week?

How many people are making a good enough income off of video games, to make a living?

Yeah, there is a few. Yes if you go to South Korea, you can find professional gamers in pro leagues.

I get it.

But let's be real a minute... how many are there really? A hundred?

And yes, some of these guys can making $300,000 a year. For sure they can. But I would place video gaming to be on the same level as media entertainment.

It's just like being an actor or actress in Hollywood. There are 5,000 B-rate actors, sitting around doing crappy $400 movies that only 100 people ever see, working as a waiter or doing odd jobs to avoid starving to death.... for every single hit actor.

These guys have managed to make a living by playing video games

And honestly the people that succeed, often have a tough life. It's not all games and giggles. Its hundreds of hours of stress and labor.

LOL, and then try to get a house loan with your income being a video game player. Good luck with that one.
I'm a truck driver {...snip...} I was going to retire in 2.5 years anyway. But I may end up on disability before then which is just fine by me.
Okay, full disclosure time. I'm a retired truck driver. Retired due to disability severe enough to make continuing suicide, but not enough to qualify for disability according to the state anytime soon. Very common amongst farmers and freight drivers. Just ask Rick Smith. With only 2.5 years to go.. quit if necessary but don't pursue disability. That would just be shooting yourself in the foot because it pays a fraction of your potential SS permanently. Keep your last fews years of reported income high as possible because that's what your SS is based upon. Work under the table as you can for a while and stop destroying yourself for the man. When your body goes you've done enough.

Fuck yeah! Disability. The new American Dream.
the result of the corrupt GOP World depression of 2008 and the continuing ruin of the non rich since 1982. Thanks GOP great job...

Don't forget the Dem twats.
I'm a truck driver {...snip...} I was going to retire in 2.5 years anyway. But I may end up on disability before then which is just fine by me.
Okay, full disclosure time. I'm a retired truck driver. Retired due to disability severe enough to make continuing suicide, but not enough to qualify for disability according to the state anytime soon. Very common amongst farmers and freight drivers. Just ask Rick Smith. With only 2.5 years to go.. quit if necessary but don't pursue disability. That would just be shooting yourself in the foot because it pays a fraction of your potential SS permanently. Keep your last fews years of reported income high as possible because that's what your SS is based upon. Work under the table as you can for a while and stop destroying yourself for the man. When your body goes you've done enough.

Well I would need an income of some kind, and a little old for heavy physical work along with my conditions. The only other thing I could do is start drawing from my IRA and try to survive another 2.5 years until I reach 62 years old, and then go on SS. But the way my IRA is going now, I'd hate to do that. I have to start withdrawing at 70 years old, and I'll probably be dead by then, but at least my nephew and niece will get it and payoff their houses or whatever they want to do with it.

I've been driving so long I don't know what else I could do. Many employers don't want to hire anybody at my age because they won't be there long, and don't want the higher premium rate for medical coverage. They would rather hire a much younger person. Saves them on medical insurance, and they could work a lot faster than I can.
Keep driving until you are 65. Or start another job that is easier physically. In a state with expanded medicaid, you could work in McDonald's and get Medicaid. And maybe some pain management. Thank God for Social Security. The best laid plans...
Ugh... So I think that really is it. That people are just going "I like starfish!" and making life choices on how they feel, instead of... I don't know... what jobs are actually out there?

That's it. Her bedroom was always decorated with fish. She loved fish since a little girl, particularly dolphins.

They tell us the happiest people are those who like to do things as a hobby, and then find a way to make money at it. If you love what you do for a living, you never worked a day in your life.

Good theories to live by, however not applicable for most people. I used to love to play guitar, but so did 10 million other Americans. I taught music when I was younger for many years, but not even close to being able to make a living at it. It was a good part-time job though.

Good thing I never tried. Today, kids get on YouTube and try to learn everything that way as a shortcut. Many don't pursue it after a while because unlike video games and cell phones, you have to put in physical work to play an instrument. It takes time and dedication, something many younger people don't have today.

Yeah, exactly. By all means if you love doing something, and you can make the hobby into a career.... I'm all for it. Both my parents drove me crazy when I was younger, because they kept telling me they loved what they did so much, that every day was like a "kid at a playground" (which is how my father described himself at his job).

But that never happened for me. You just have to do, what you have to do. That's life. You can't make money on dreams.

Many don't pursue it after a while because unlike video games and cell phones, you have to put in physical work to play an instrument. It takes time and dedication, something many younger people don't have today

And I don't know how to fix that. I don't even know if it can be fixed.
Is there any way to teach dedication?

Quite a number of people are making money off of playing video games now. ANd more would be, if YOUTUBE hadn't gone asshole.

No one saw that coming.

Come on.... let's be real for a minute. How many Engineering jobs are there? Over 2 Million, with three hundred postings on any given week?

How many people are making a good enough income off of video games, to make a living?

Yeah, there is a few. Yes if you go to South Korea, you can find professional gamers in pro leagues.

I get it.

But let's be real a minute... how many are there really? A hundred?

And yes, some of these guys can making $300,000 a year. For sure they can. But I would place video gaming to be on the same level as media entertainment.

It's just like being an actor or actress in Hollywood. There are 5,000 B-rate actors, sitting around doing crappy $400 movies that only 100 people ever see, working as a waiter or doing odd jobs to avoid starving to death.... for every single hit actor.

These guys have managed to make a living by playing video games

And honestly the people that succeed, often have a tough life. It's not all games and giggles. Its hundreds of hours of stress and labor.

LOL, and then try to get a house loan with your income being a video game player. Good luck with that one.

Well if some of those guys are making $100,000 a year, you can just save and buy a house. Getting a decent house, isn't hard if you have the income. Yeah, it will be difficult to get a loan, but loans are just ways to give the bank money anyway.

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