Alt Right is complete fiction

The alt right doesn't care about southern Baptist because they both vote Republican. They're still on the same team. Team GOP. Just for different reasons
Plenty of Christians of all sects are partisan Democrats, just not most white Christians.
Are you still claiming they don't exist?

What a unanimous Southern Baptist condemnation of the alt-right says about evangelicals in America

Well why don't you argue with Southern Baptists. They live among the alt right every day.

81 percent of white evangelicals voted for Trump. Now one of their biggest blocs has just condemned the alt-right.

today in Phoenix, representatives of the second-largest religious group in America, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) — after two fraught days of internal debate — seemingly unanimously passed a fraught resolution condemning the alt-right and “all forms of racism.”

tensions that transcend the fact of the resolution itself — tell a far more complicated story about age, race, and the changing face of religious leadership in evangelical America.

“there has arisen in the United States a growing menace to political order and justice that seeks to reignite social animosities, reverse improvements in race relations, divide our people, and foment hatred, classism, and ethnic cleansing … toxic menace, self-identified among some of its chief proponents as ‘white nationalism’ and the ‘alt-right,’ must be opposed for the totalitarian impulses, xenophobic biases, and bigoted ideologies that infect the minds and actions of its violent disciples.”
Christians have totally surrendered to anti-white racism and have violated the Gospel in doing so.
Its why thankfully more and more Racially Aware Whites have stepped away from religion specifically christianity because of its anti white attitudes.
Well you guys can no longer deny the alt right exists. And southern Baptist think you are not christians
I have never denied it exists. Alt Right folks are just more college educated intellectual types that happen to be Racially Aware. I welcome them with open arms. I am not a christian so lol.
College educated went for Hillary. You are rare.
Actually WHITE college educated people were won by President Trump as were White Women.
Christians have totally surrendered to anti-white racism and have violated the Gospel in doing so.
Its why thankfully more and more Racially Aware Whites have stepped away from religion specifically christianity because of its anti white attitudes.
Well you guys can no longer deny the alt right exists. And southern Baptist think you are not christians
I have never denied it exists. Alt Right folks are just more college educated intellectual types that happen to be Racially Aware. I welcome them with open arms. I am not a christian so lol.
College educated went for Hillary. You are rare.
Actually WHITE college educated people were won by President Trump as were White Women.
Why believe you? Last year you didn't even admit you existed

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