Alternative To The Electoral College

I wonder how long it takes to count to 32 trillion?
Counting it out in $1 bills at 1 second per bill 24/7 with no breaks, it would take 31+ years to count 1 trillion. So multiply 31 years by 32 you get more than 992 years.

However when it comes to elections, the average number of registered voters among the roughly 177,000 precincts in the USA is 800. Especially if ballots were separated into federal and local elections, it should be a snap for 8 or 10 counters to count the ballot by hand in most precincts, give the tally to poll watchers and call in or transmit the results of the federal vote within a couple or so hours and the rest should be completed in another few hours.
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Counting it out in $1 bills at 1 second per bill 24/7 with no breaks, it would take 31+ years to count 1 trillion. So multiply 31 years by 32 you get more than 992 years.

However when it comes to elections, the average number of registered voters among the roughly 177,000 precincts in the USA is 800. Especially if ballots were separated into federal and local elections, it should be a snap for 8 or 10 counters to count the ballot by hand in most precincts, give the tally to poll watchers and call in or transmit the results of the federal vote within a couple or so hours and the rest should be completed in another few hours.

It's not the small counties that take time. It's the high population areas.

Applying "average voters" by county doesn't work when the lowest population county in the country (Loving, TX) has 43 and the largest county in the nation (LA County, C) has over 9,000,000.

Especially when many states don't even allow mail-in ballots to be processed until election day. Some states allow for security pre-processing so the ballots only need to be counted. Other states allow mail-in ballots to be processed AND counted prior to election day. That factors in also.

Especially if ballots were separated into federal and local elections, it should be a snap for 8 or 10 counters to count the ballot by hand in most precincts, give the tally to poll watchers and call in or transmit the results of the federal vote within a couple or so hours and the rest should be completed in another few hours.
Machine counting is more accurate than hand counting
Big enough to tip the win. again, Trump won 30 states in 2020 and LOST.

Turns out you are mistaken.

Trump only won 25 states in 2020

And was a dumb decision as it was never the intent of the founders
The Constitution Is What Put the Crack in the Liberty Bell

The same ignorant schemers who had the loser in the election become Vice-President? Who didn't believe that political parties would develop? Who opposed a Bill of Rights and had to be forced to adopt it by the outrage of the citizens? Who were hoping to establish a lifetime House of Lords and monarchy but were prevented from doing so by their elitist fear of "the mob"? Who presented us with a Preamble that they in no way followed?
Turns out you are mistaken.

Trump only won 25 states in 2020

View attachment 959268
Those Who Can't Respire Need to Retire

To offer an explanation to future historians, shouldn't SloJo's picture have him wearing a mask? It would explain to them how being deprived of oxygen during the campaign year resulted in his brain damage. History
should treat him kindly because he donated his brain to "science."
It's not the small counties that take time. It's the high population areas.

Applying "average voters" by county doesn't work when the lowest population county in the country (Loving, TX) has 43 and the largest county in the nation (LA County, C) has over 9,000,000.

Especially when many states don't even allow mail-in ballots to be processed until election day. Some states allow for security pre-processing so the ballots only need to be counted. Other states allow mail-in ballots to be processed AND counted prior to election day. That factors in also.

I was not talking counties. I was talking precincts. The average of 800 voters per precinct is factored from registered voters in all precincts including LA County. Some precincts have two or so thousand people. Some have very few. But the larger precincts can recruit more counters. Most precincts can count the votes in their precinct in a relatively short time. Votes should be counted where they are cast and not transported somewhere else for counting.
Machine counting is more accurate than hand counting
Is it? And how would you know that? When I feed my ballot into the tabulating machine used here, I have no way of knowing whether my vote was counted at all, much less whether it was counted in the same way as I cast it. The ONLY one who knows is the person who programmed it. That does not inspire confidence in the electorate.

Hand counting with bipartisan poll watchers is much more difficult to rig if there is any kind of reasonable system to ensure only legal ballots will be cast. And once the poll watchers are given the tally of the hand count, the ballots can then be fed into the machines to be transmitted to a central compilation area. Much more difficult to rig or cheat the system that way.
" Most precincts can count the votes in their precinct in a relatively short time." Not if they have massive numbers. Many have far more than 800 votes.

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