Am i the only one who thinks it's GOOD the government shuts down?



I bet you'd be very happy to see disabled veterans suffering even more on top of their service connected disabilities waiting for their compensation checks to come so they eek out what's left of their life, wouldn't you you fucking freak?
Now you want to take care of the veterans. where were you when obummer was chief? and why? the VA is budgeted for. tax revenues will pay them. Do you think because the government shuts down, bills aren't paid?

Or where these dick heads going on about Vietnam era shit? Talk about a neglect ed group! Yet these tards go on about veterans care? I mean, one of their democrat heros tried to say they raped and murdered their way across south Aisia, yet here they are now saying those same people love them?
care about them. All about them. Yeah, yeah convenient humans.


I bet you'd be very happy to see disabled veterans suffering even more on top of their service connected disabilities waiting for their compensation checks to come so they eek out what's left of their life, wouldn't you you fucking freak?

Lie. Never happened before and wouldn’t happen again. It’s lemmings like you repeating those lies that causes all the trouble. What you do here is worse then not paying the vets. You use the memory of their service to spread lies on a message board. Makes you a skosh more scummy then the typical libtard.
Lie. Never happened before and wouldn’t happen again. It’s lemmings like you repeating those lies that causes all the trouble. What you do here is worse then not paying the vets. You use the memory of their service to spread lies on a message board. Makes you a skosh more scummy then the typical libtard.
Another ignorant fuck that does't know Shit from Shinola. I am a vet you sack of wet turds, with two deployments to the armpit of the World in 1966 and again in 1967 with an adjudicated disability award of 100% Total and Permanent! So who might have more inside info on the VA and a bit keener insight and INTEREST in the possibility of an interruption of benefit payments????

The following is from a 2013 VA notification promulgated after the last fucking shutdown your fucking cabal engineered which put the hammer to your bullshit claim that veterans would NEVER have their monthly compensation withheld;

"Claims processing and payments in the compensation, pension, education, and vocational rehabilitation programs are anticipated to continue through late October. However, in the event of a prolonged shutdown, claims processing and payments in these programs would be suspended when available funding is exhausted"
~~ ~~

If there are not funds, there can be no payments, shit for brains. Without prior legislative relief which is NOT IN PLACE PRESENTLY, you imbecile, checks could not be drawn from zeroed out accounts!!
why wouldn't there be funds? do you think they stop taking tax dollars out of my paycheck? really? LOL

Ecause Trump went half to Putin, and half to someone elsez


I bet you'd be very happy to see disabled veterans suffering even more on top of their service connected disabilities waiting for their compensation checks to come so they eek out what's left of their life, wouldn't you you fucking freak?
Now you want to take care of the veterans. where were you when obummer was chief? and why? the VA is budgeted for. tax revenues will pay them. Do you think because the government shuts down, bills aren't paid?
People get paid.....only takes longer
If a vet has issues or need advice or info he is out of luck


I bet you'd be very happy to see disabled veterans suffering even more on top of their service connected disabilities waiting for their compensation checks to come so they eek out what's left of their life, wouldn't you you fucking freak?
Now you want to take care of the veterans. where were you when obummer was chief? and why? the VA is budgeted for. tax revenues will pay them. Do you think because the government shuts down, bills aren't paid?
People get paid.....only takes longer
If a vet has issues or need advice or info he is out of luck

People get paied on time when they show up and punch the clock. Period. Food stamps get sent, vets get priority service (now that Bammer is gone) and life gos on.


I bet you'd be very happy to see disabled veterans suffering even more on top of their service connected disabilities waiting for their compensation checks to come so they eek out what's left of their life, wouldn't you you fucking freak?

Lie. Never happened before and wouldn’t happen again. It’s lemmings like you repeating those lies that causes all the trouble. What you do here is worse then not paying the vets. You use the memory of their service to spread lies on a message board. Makes you a skosh more scummy then the typical libtard.
Lie. Never happened before and wouldn’t happen again. It’s lemmings like you repeating those lies that causes all the trouble. What you do here is worse then not paying the vets. You use the memory of their service to spread lies on a message board. Makes you a skosh more scummy then the typical libtard.
Another ignorant fuck that does't know Shit from Shinola. I am a vet you sack of wet turds, with two deployments to the armpit of the World in 1966 and again in 1967 with an adjudicated disability award of 100% Total and Permanent! So who might have more inside info on the VA and a bit keener insight and INTEREST in the possibility of an interruption of benefit payments????

The following is from a 2013 VA notification promulgated after the last fucking shutdown your fucking cabal engineered which put the hammer to your bullshit claim that veterans would NEVER have their monthly compensation withheld;

"Claims processing and payments in the compensation, pension, education, and vocational rehabilitation programs are anticipated to continue through late October. However, in the event of a prolonged shutdown, claims processing and payments in these programs would be suspended when available funding is exhausted"
~~ ~~

If there are not funds, there can be no payments, shit for brains. Without prior legislative relief which is NOT IN PLACE PRESENTLY, you imbecile, checks could not be drawn from zeroed out accounts!!

We will start with “I’m a get” take your service and ram it right up your asshole you rear echolon cock sheath. Shit birds like you are typical. You flaunt your 1 year national guard and 12 year RaoTC service so you can get a free cup of coffie. So up front, fuck your service. It does not entitle you to shit from me or any other American and it does not Imbue one with super special insight to shit. I don’t owe you dick . So just because you went to Boy Scouts in middle school and had to dodge cocks in the showers which gave you PTSD, your free money would not stop. Diddnt last time and won’t this time.

Kneeling for the anthem is disrespectful?


I bet you'd be very happy to see disabled veterans suffering even more on top of their service connected disabilities waiting for their compensation checks to come so they eek out what's left of their life, wouldn't you you fucking freak?
Now you want to take care of the veterans. where were you when obummer was chief? and why? the VA is budgeted for. tax revenues will pay them. Do you think because the government shuts down, bills aren't paid?
People get paid.....only takes longer
If a vet has issues or need advice or info he is out of luck

People get paied on time when they show up and punch the clock. Period. Food stamps get sent, vets get priority service (now that Bammer is gone) and life gos on.
Government gets shut down under Fat Donnie.....vets are out of luck


I bet you'd be very happy to see disabled veterans suffering even more on top of their service connected disabilities waiting for their compensation checks to come so they eek out what's left of their life, wouldn't you you fucking freak?
Now you want to take care of the veterans. where were you when obummer was chief? and why? the VA is budgeted for. tax revenues will pay them. Do you think because the government shuts down, bills aren't paid?
People get paid.....only takes longer
If a vet has issues or need advice or info he is out of luck

People get paied on time when they show up and punch the clock. Period. Food stamps get sent, vets get priority service (now that Bammer is gone) and life gos on.
Government gets shut down under Fat Donnie.....vets are out of luck

That’s just not the case. You can believe that, but facts don’t back it. If one has money coming from the govt in the form of SSI, food stamps or VA benifets those who receive them will still get them. Have every other time.
I bet you'd be very happy to see disabled veterans suffering even more on top of their service connected disabilities waiting for their compensation checks to come so they eek out what's left of their life, wouldn't you you fucking freak?
Now you want to take care of the veterans. where were you when obummer was chief? and why? the VA is budgeted for. tax revenues will pay them. Do you think because the government shuts down, bills aren't paid?
People get paid.....only takes longer
If a vet has issues or need advice or info he is out of luck

People get paied on time when they show up and punch the clock. Period. Food stamps get sent, vets get priority service (now that Bammer is gone) and life gos on.
Government gets shut down under Fat Donnie.....vets are out of luck

That’s just not the case. You can believe that, but facts don’t back it. If one has money coming from the govt in the form of SSI, food stamps or VA benifets those who receive them will still get them. Have every other time.
and again, they don't stop taking money from my pay check. I highly doubt they stop taking anyones. now I can be wrong, but someone would have to have evidence. but right now, the revenue they deserve is coming in whether they reach a budget or not. so it is a misnomer that the government shuts down. Just scary politics tactics to upset the uninformed. All that good lib scare
Everyone is affected by a shutdown, most just do not know enough to understand it.

If you eat food that you did not grow yourself with your own seeds that were not bought from someone, a government shutdown will have an impact on you.

There are less USDA inspections, FSA offices close and farmers cannot receive their loan payments and cannot pay their bills. These things the price of all agricultural products to go up due to the uncertainty of how long it will all last.

Also, all crops reports and estimates stop, thus again causing the price of all commodities to rise since there is no data upon which to set the prices. Commodities like milk, field corn, soybeans, beef cows, and more all have monthly production reports that are used to set the prices for the commodities.
Everyone is affected by a shutdown, most just do not know enough to understand it.

If you eat food that you did not grow yourself with your own seeds that were not bought from someone, a government shutdown will have an impact on you.

There are less USDA inspections, FSA offices close and farmers cannot receive their loan payments and cannot pay their bills. These things the price of all agricultural products to go up due to the uncertainty of how long it will all last.

Also, all crops reports and estimates stop, thus again causing the price of all commodities to rise since there is no data upon which to set the prices. Commodities like milk, field corn, soybeans, beef cows, and more all have monthly production reports that are used to set the prices for the commodities.
dude, why? money is still being received from the taxes right? I mean where else would they be getting the money? Again, they are still taking my money from my paychecks, that doesn't stop? so why wouldn't they get their funds? what exactly stops?
Everyone is affected by a shutdown, most just do not know enough to understand it.

If you eat food that you did not grow yourself with your own seeds that were not bought from someone, a government shutdown will have an impact on you.

There are less USDA inspections, FSA offices close and farmers cannot receive their loan payments and cannot pay their bills. These things the price of all agricultural products to go up due to the uncertainty of how long it will all last.

Also, all crops reports and estimates stop, thus again causing the price of all commodities to rise since there is no data upon which to set the prices. Commodities like milk, field corn, soybeans, beef cows, and more all have monthly production reports that are used to set the prices for the commodities.
dude, why? money is still being received from the taxes right? I mean where else would they be getting the money? Again, they are still taking my money from my paychecks, that doesn't stop? so why wouldn't they get their funds? what exactly stops?

What stops is the people who work for the government, they stop working. So while your money is coming out there is nobody in the FSA or USDA office to process that money.
Believe it or not the money does not go straight from your paycheck to the farmers.

Sent from my iPhone using
Everyone is affected by a shutdown, most just do not know enough to understand it.

If you eat food that you did not grow yourself with your own seeds that were not bought from someone, a government shutdown will have an impact on you.

There are less USDA inspections, FSA offices close and farmers cannot receive their loan payments and cannot pay their bills. These things the price of all agricultural products to go up due to the uncertainty of how long it will all last.

Also, all crops reports and estimates stop, thus again causing the price of all commodities to rise since there is no data upon which to set the prices. Commodities like milk, field corn, soybeans, beef cows, and more all have monthly production reports that are used to set the prices for the commodities.
dude, why? money is still being received from the taxes right? I mean where else would they be getting the money? Again, they are still taking my money from my paychecks, that doesn't stop? so why wouldn't they get their funds? what exactly stops?

What stops is the people who work for the government, they stop working. So while your money is coming out there is nobody in the FSA or USDA office to process that money.
Believe it or not the money does not go straight from your paycheck to the farmers.

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why do they stop? I asked you that, why, the money is still coming in. you just said so. so what is it exactly causes them to stop other than someone thinks they should?
Everyone is affected by a shutdown, most just do not know enough to understand it.

If you eat food that you did not grow yourself with your own seeds that were not bought from someone, a government shutdown will have an impact on you.

There are less USDA inspections, FSA offices close and farmers cannot receive their loan payments and cannot pay their bills. These things the price of all agricultural products to go up due to the uncertainty of how long it will all last.

Also, all crops reports and estimates stop, thus again causing the price of all commodities to rise since there is no data upon which to set the prices. Commodities like milk, field corn, soybeans, beef cows, and more all have monthly production reports that are used to set the prices for the commodities.
dude, why? money is still being received from the taxes right? I mean where else would they be getting the money? Again, they are still taking my money from my paychecks, that doesn't stop? so why wouldn't they get their funds? what exactly stops?

What stops is the people who work for the government, they stop working. So while your money is coming out there is nobody in the FSA or USDA office to process that money.
Believe it or not the money does not go straight from your paycheck to the farmers.

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why do they stop? I asked you that, why, the money is still coming in. you just said so. so what is it exactly causes them to stop other than someone thinks they should?

Because there is no one working to process the payments, why is that so hard to understand??

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I bet you'd be very happy to see disabled veterans suffering even more on top of their service connected disabilities waiting for their compensation checks to come so they eek out what's left of their life, wouldn't you you fucking freak?
Now you want to take care of the veterans. where were you when obummer was chief? and why? the VA is budgeted for. tax revenues will pay them. Do you think because the government shuts down, bills aren't paid?
People get paid.....only takes longer
If a vet has issues or need advice or info he is out of luck

People get paied on time when they show up and punch the clock. Period. Food stamps get sent, vets get priority service (now that Bammer is gone) and life gos on.
Government gets shut down under Fat Donnie.....vets are out of luck

That’s just not the case. You can believe that, but facts don’t back it. If one has money coming from the govt in the form of SSI, food stamps or VA benifets those who receive them will still get them. Have every other time.
I said you will get defined benefits
If a vet has a new claim, is protesting a decision on benefits, wants approval of a medical procedure
He has to wait......government is shut down
dude, why? money is still being received from the taxes right? I mean where else would they be getting the money? Again, they are still taking my money from my paychecks, that doesn't stop? so why wouldn't they get their funds? what exactly stops?
If that money hasn't been appropriated, you fucking imbecile, with the government shut down because of a budget not being passed or any other mandatory budgetary provisions remaining unfulfilled, just how the fuck can there be any LAWFUL disbursement of those funds sans the lawful AUTHORITY under law? GAWD DAMN you fucking idiots must have a court appointed fiduciary controlling your funds with you being too fucking stupid and incompetent to take care of your own affairs by yourselves.
Now you want to take care of the veterans. where were you when obummer was chief? and why? the VA is budgeted for. tax revenues will pay them. Do you think because the government shuts down, bills aren't paid?
People get paid.....only takes longer
If a vet has issues or need advice or info he is out of luck

People get paied on time when they show up and punch the clock. Period. Food stamps get sent, vets get priority service (now that Bammer is gone) and life gos on.
Government gets shut down under Fat Donnie.....vets are out of luck

That’s just not the case. You can believe that, but facts don’t back it. If one has money coming from the govt in the form of SSI, food stamps or VA benifets those who receive them will still get them. Have every other time.
I said you will get defined benefits
If a vet has a new claim, is protesting a decision on benefits, wants approval of a medical procedure
He has to wait......government is shut down

Na, not at all. My uncle got a plastic knee during the one in the 90’s. Went off without a hitch. Yeah, dude may have to wait to get a tooth pulled or a hemmoroid popped, but they will be fine. All will be well. Shit thay shit down. It will be fine if it even happens.
The Government ain't gonna shut down. The Swamp Creatures will come to an 'agreement.' It always does. Both Parties love spending other peoples' money. They love the power. It is what it is.
dude, why? money is still being received from the taxes right? I mean where else would they be getting the money? Again, they are still taking my money from my paychecks, that doesn't stop? so why wouldn't they get their funds? what exactly stops?
If that money hasn't been appropriated, you fucking imbecile, with the government shut down because of a budget not being passed or any other mandatory budgetary provisions remaining unfulfilled, just how the fuck can there be any LAWFUL disbursement of those funds sans the lawful AUTHORITY under law? GAWD DAMN you fucking idiots must have a court appointed fiduciary controlling your funds with you being too fucking stupid and incompetent to take care of your own affairs by yourselves.
they haven't had a budget for over five years now. what the fk are you talking about? they've been playing kick the can. stop kicking the can. money is still there, bills are still coming in. you don't need a budget they've proven that.
dude, why? money is still being received from the taxes right? I mean where else would they be getting the money? Again, they are still taking my money from my paychecks, that doesn't stop? so why wouldn't they get their funds? what exactly stops?
If that money hasn't been appropriated, you fucking imbecile, with the government shut down because of a budget not being passed or any other mandatory budgetary provisions remaining unfulfilled, just how the fuck can there be any LAWFUL disbursement of those funds sans the lawful AUTHORITY under law? GAWD DAMN you fucking idiots must have a court appointed fiduciary controlling your funds with you being too fucking stupid and incompetent to take care of your own affairs by yourselves.
they haven't had a budget for over five years now. what the fk are you talking about? they've been playing kick the can. stop kicking the can. money is still there, bills are still coming in. you don't need a budget they've proven that.

Swamp Creatures in both Parties love spending other peoples' money. They love the power of that. They'll come to an 'agreement.' Bet on that. Both agree on loving the power of spending other peoples' money.
dude, why? money is still being received from the taxes right? I mean where else would they be getting the money? Again, they are still taking my money from my paychecks, that doesn't stop? so why wouldn't they get their funds? what exactly stops?
If that money hasn't been appropriated, you fucking imbecile, with the government shut down because of a budget not being passed or any other mandatory budgetary provisions remaining unfulfilled, just how the fuck can there be any LAWFUL disbursement of those funds sans the lawful AUTHORITY under law? GAWD DAMN you fucking idiots must have a court appointed fiduciary controlling your funds with you being too fucking stupid and incompetent to take care of your own affairs by yourselves.
they haven't had a budget for over five years now. what the fk are you talking about? they've been playing kick the can. stop kicking the can. money is still there, bills are still coming in. you don't need a budget they've proven that.

Swamp Creatures in both Parties love spending other peoples' money. They love the power of that. They'll come to an 'agreement.' Bet on that. Both agree on loving the power of spending other peoples' money.
yes, I know. it doesn't change my position though. let it die. let welfare payments die, I don't give any more shits about the politics of it. bring attention to the do nothing congress and let the world see who hasn't had a budget for five years.

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