Amazon to pay no taxes for 2nd year in a row

Liberal? I thought we were socialists? You need a dictionary and an education and it shows. Should you want to learn before inserting foot in mouth a few suggestions. PS I kinda know you won't learn but others may.

How economic boom times in the West came to an end | Aeon Essays

The View From Flyover Country: Essays by Sarah Kendzior by Sarah Kendzior

Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild

Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law. "
'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted' Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
I thought Trump was proud of the tax cuts for huge corporations.
I read they were even getting a 120m refund.
That fucking company makes billions and billions of dollars every year.
This is the fucking bullshit you dipshits vote for.

This is false furor over nothing. Amazon net income in 2017 was damn near zero.. Doesn't take much to "double zero" -- does it?. Net income (2018) was a mere $10Bill and just standard industry deductions for R&D and charity and amortization ate most of that up...

There WERE some Federal tax CREDITS applied. Go complain to the Congress critters that fill that feeding trough... Got nothing to do with the reductions from the tax bill.. In fact, the tax bill TOOK AWAY a lot of the corporate deductions that were being abused....

They pay zero taxes because they are largely STILL not running a substantial profit..
Liberal? I thought we were socialists? You need a dictionary and an education and it shows. Should you want to learn before inserting foot in mouth a few suggestions. PS I kinda know you won't learn but others may.

How economic boom times in the West came to an end | Aeon Essays

The View From Flyover Country: Essays by Sarah Kendzior by Sarah Kendzior

Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild

Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

"Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law. "
'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted' Ian Millhiser

Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted by Ian Millhiser
Liberal Elites always get a pass in Socialist economies.

Russian Nuclear Oligarchs that contributed to Hillary are a great example.

What a load of lies.

Liberals didn't pass the tax code that allows so many loopholes and such a low tax rate for business.

In fact that last republican tax cut took the business rate for 35% down to 21%. Not one democrat voted for it.

None of the democrats voted for any of the bush boy tax cuts either.

So if you have a problem with business not paying their fair share thank the republicans.

Democrats have always tried to make business pay more in taxes.

What a load of lies.

Liberals didn't pass the tax code that allows so many loopholes and such a low tax rate for business.

In fact that last republican tax cut took the business rate for 35% down to 21%. Not one democrat voted for it.

None of the democrats voted for any of the bush boy tax cuts either.

So if you have a problem with business not paying their fair share thank the republicans.

Democrats have always tried to make business pay more in taxes.
A democrat signed the dern bill and you have the audacity to call someone else a liar?

This is false furor over nothing. Amazon net income in 2017 was damn near zero.. Doesn't take much to "double zero" -- does it?. Net income (2018) was a mere $10Bill and just standard industry deductions for R&D and charity and amortization ate most of that up...

There WERE some Federal tax CREDITS applied. Go complain to the Congress critters that fill that feeding trough... Got nothing to do with the reductions from the tax bill.. In fact, the tax bill TOOK AWAY a lot of the corporate deductions that were being abused....

They pay zero taxes because they are largely STILL not running a substantial profit..

They pay zero taxes because they are largely STILL not running a substantial profit.

On paper.

This is false furor over nothing. Amazon net income in 2017 was damn near zero.. Doesn't take much to "double zero" -- does it?. Net income (2018) was a mere $10Bill and just standard industry deductions for R&D and charity and amortization ate most of that up...

There WERE some Federal tax CREDITS applied. Go complain to the Congress critters that fill that feeding trough... Got nothing to do with the reductions from the tax bill.. In fact, the tax bill TOOK AWAY a lot of the corporate deductions that were being abused....

They pay zero taxes because they are largely STILL not running a substantial profit..

They pay zero taxes because they are largely STILL not running a substantial profit.

On paper.

WThell is that supposed to mean.. These are clinically precise terms. There's no substantial profits as a FEATURE of their business plan. Which is to KILL all the competition and have the entire country's wholesale marketplace "run thru their channel" -- just like the Amazon river the company was named after....

What a load of lies.

Liberals didn't pass the tax code that allows so many loopholes and such a low tax rate for business.

In fact that last republican tax cut took the business rate for 35% down to 21%. Not one democrat voted for it.

None of the democrats voted for any of the bush boy tax cuts either.

So if you have a problem with business not paying their fair share thank the republicans.

Democrats have always tried to make business pay more in taxes.

OTH... Bernie acted dumb when he was attacking GE for years for paying no taxes. But he damn well knew WHY that was.. And that's because the DEMS gave them every kind of TAX CREDIT for stupid things that they considered green.. Like $50 for every damn energy star washing machine they sold. Or $mills for wind turbine production..

They had so many Green Pork tax credits, they could not SPEND THEM ALL in any one single year...

NONE of this corp/govt collusion is gonna get fixed with the 2 dying parties in charge. Gonna take people NOT "voting for winners" and start to vote for DO-ERS... Like Indies and 3rd parties...

We're losing more every election because folks will only vote for "winners"... So much damn winning goin on -- we're about to lose the whole funking country...

And BTW -- the new tax bill ripped out a cartload of abused corporate deductions. Moreso than any other tax reform in a lifetime..
A little confused here, maybe somebody can clear up a few things for me:

1. I know the Amazon got tax breaks and credits from the state and local NYC gov'ts, right? But does any of that come out of our pockets as federal taxpayers in the other 49 states? I'd hate to think a Texan like me is helping to pay for Amazon to build an HQ in NYC.

2. Am I correct in assuming that if Amazon distributes say $10 billion in dividends to it's shareholders, then the corporation doesn't have to pay corp income taxes on that $10 billion? The individual shareholders have to pay on the dividends received, but the big corp doesn't, cuz that would be like double taxation, right?

3. No doubt there are other tax credits and breaks at the federal level that they get, just like every other business, right? Depreciation, R&D, etc. Are they getting special, unique deals that reduce their federal tax liability?

In the coming days I hope to learn more about this subject. If NY or any other place wants to give Amazon or any other company special tax incentives to build there, then that's up to them. It may or may not be a bad deal, but that's what the voters get when they vote these people into office. If they don't like it then they oughta vote people in to change their laws in some way to make it harder or more transparent.

This is false furor over nothing. Amazon net income in 2017 was damn near zero.. Doesn't take much to "double zero" -- does it?. Net income (2018) was a mere $10Bill and just standard industry deductions for R&D and charity and amortization ate most of that up...

There WERE some Federal tax CREDITS applied. Go complain to the Congress critters that fill that feeding trough... Got nothing to do with the reductions from the tax bill.. In fact, the tax bill TOOK AWAY a lot of the corporate deductions that were being abused....

They pay zero taxes because they are largely STILL not running a substantial profit..

They pay zero taxes because they are largely STILL not running a substantial profit.

On paper.

WThell is that supposed to mean.. These are clinically precise terms. There's no substantial profits as a FEATURE of their business plan. Which is to KILL all the competition and have the entire country's wholesale marketplace "run thru their channel" -- just like the Amazon river the company was named after....

On paper. I own five corporations, all make substantial profits but don't show that profit because profit is transferred between the five depending on taxes.

Here is Amazon, try playing "Find the Profit."

The Complete Guide To Everything Owned By Amazon
A little confused here, maybe somebody can clear up a few things for me:

1. I know the Amazon got tax breaks and credits from the state and local NYC gov'ts, right? But does any of that come out of our pockets as federal taxpayers in the other 49 states? I'd hate to think a Texan like me is helping to pay for Amazon to build an HQ in NYC.

2. Am I correct in assuming that if Amazon distributes say $10 billion in dividends to it's shareholders, then the corporation doesn't have to pay corp income taxes on that $10 billion? The individual shareholders have to pay on the dividends received, but the big corp doesn't, cuz that would be like double taxation, right?

3. No doubt there are other tax credits and breaks at the federal level that they get, just like every other business, right? Depreciation, R&D, etc. Are they getting special, unique deals that reduce their federal tax liability?

In the coming days I hope to learn more about this subject. If NY or any other place wants to give Amazon or any other company special tax incentives to build there, then that's up to them. It may or may not be a bad deal, but that's what the voters get when they vote these people into office. If they don't like it then they oughta vote people in to change their laws in some way to make it harder or more transparent.

1. YES, but don't feel bad, NYC finances subsidies in Texas.

2. YES

3. YES

The way to make it right is not allowing corporations to deduct anything except employee expenses.
I read they were even getting a 120m refund.
That fucking company makes billions and billions of dollars every year.
This is the fucking bullshit you dipshits vote for.
Who voted for it? The left is way more critical of rich folks than the right. And the GOP just installed and "fixed" taxes but apparently missed this glaring whole.

The worst part about this and Amazon is that it's a competition killer. Winners should be winners because of their competitive actions in the market not because they are getting benefits from the government and taxpayer or because they exploit their stakeholders. Subsidizing already successful people and businesses is the epitome of stupid and will sink our republic.

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