Amazon to pay no taxes for 2nd year in a row

I read they were even getting a 120m refund.
That fucking company makes billions and billions of dollars every year.
This is the fucking bullshit you dipshits vote for.
Who voted for it? The left is way more critical of rich folks than the right. And the GOP just installed and "fixed" taxes but apparently missed this glaring whole.

The worst part about this and Amazon is that it's a competition killer. Winners should be winners because of their competitive actions in the market not because they are getting benefits from the government and taxpayer or because they exploit their stakeholders. Subsidizing already successful people and businesses is the epitome of stupid and will sink our republic.
The ledt doesnt write loopholes and such?
Lol i guess thats why NY was freaking out over not getting their property taxes subsidized by the federal govt too huh?

To be fair the Amazon median pay is 28K....the average taxation on that is 3800.
613,000 times 3800 = north of 232 billion that is paid into the government because Amazon exits.

That doesn't account for the enormous amount of commerce that pours into USPS, UPS and FEDEX because of amazon either. Now don't get me wrong....I think BEZOS is a scum.... and it is my belief that Bob Barr will soon be knocking on his monopolistic door.....but putting that aside the numbers are the numbers.

I read they were even getting a 120m refund.
That fucking company makes billions and billions of dollars every year.
This is the fucking bullshit you dipshits vote for.
Who voted for it? The left is way more critical of rich folks than the right. And the GOP just installed and "fixed" taxes but apparently missed this glaring whole.

The worst part about this and Amazon is that it's a competition killer. Winners should be winners because of their competitive actions in the market not because they are getting benefits from the government and taxpayer or because they exploit their stakeholders. Subsidizing already successful people and businesses is the epitome of stupid and will sink our republic.
The ledt doesnt write loopholes and such?
Lol i guess thats why NY was freaking out over not getting their property taxes subsidized by the federal govt too huh?

They just fucked up in NY.....they were flipping out over the Tax Breaks that Cuomo was going to give BEZOS for setting up a distribution center there.....So Bezos left. Bwahahahah...he's going where they are not going to tax him to death.

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This is false furor over nothing. Amazon net income in 2017 was damn near zero.. Doesn't take much to "double zero" -- does it?. Net income (2018) was a mere $10Bill and just standard industry deductions for R&D and charity and amortization ate most of that up...

There WERE some Federal tax CREDITS applied. Go complain to the Congress critters that fill that feeding trough... Got nothing to do with the reductions from the tax bill.. In fact, the tax bill TOOK AWAY a lot of the corporate deductions that were being abused....

They pay zero taxes because they are largely STILL not running a substantial profit..

They pay zero taxes because they are largely STILL not running a substantial profit.

On paper.

WThell is that supposed to mean.. These are clinically precise terms. There's no substantial profits as a FEATURE of their business plan. Which is to KILL all the competition and have the entire country's wholesale marketplace "run thru their channel" -- just like the Amazon river the company was named after....

On paper. I own five corporations, all make substantial profits but don't show that profit because profit is transferred between the five depending on taxes.

Here is Amazon, try playing "Find the Profit."

The Complete Guide To Everything Owned By Amazon
Which is part of the reason corporate taxes are a dumb way to collect taxes.

Every state regularly gives tax breaks to bring companies into their states because the benefits of having companies in the state outweigh the loss of part of the tax revenue, which is still more than nothing.
Don't blame Amazon. Blame the U.S. Tax Code. Also, remember that anytime a company pays a tax they must pass it right through to the CONSUMER (you) to keep their margins where they need to be to survive, and give a return to their STCOKHOLDERS (also you).

To be fair the Amazon median pay is 28K....the average taxation on that is 3800.
613,000 times 3800 = north of 232 billion that is paid into the government because Amazon exits.

That doesn't account for the enormous amount of commerce that pours into USPS, UPS and FEDEX because of amazon either. Now don't get me wrong....I think BEZOS is a scum.... and it is my belief that Bob Barr will soon be knocking on his monopolistic door.....but putting that aside the numbers are the numbers.


And if Amazon didn't exist, it would be replaced by a bunch of smaller companies, employing more people, and pay even more in overall taxation.
They just fucked up in NY.....they were flipping out over the Tax Breaks that Cuomo was going to give BEZOS for setting up a distribution center there.....So Bezos left. Bwahahahah...he's going where they are not going to tax him to death.

AOC and the other Socialists are applauding the loss of jobs because they know people that work and pay taxes are less likely to vote for a Socialist than are the unemployed.

To be fair the Amazon median pay is 28K....the average taxation on that is 3800.
613,000 times 3800 = north of 232 billion that is paid into the government because Amazon exits.

That doesn't account for the enormous amount of commerce that pours into USPS, UPS and FEDEX because of amazon either. Now don't get me wrong....I think BEZOS is a scum.... and it is my belief that Bob Barr will soon be knocking on his monopolistic door.....but putting that aside the numbers are the numbers.


And if Amazon didn't exist, it would be replaced by a bunch of smaller companies, employing more people, and pay even more in overall taxation.
And Americans would be paying more for their products, hitting the poor people hardest.
Liberal? I thought we were socialists? You need a dictionary and an education and it shows. Should you want to learn before inserting foot in mouth a few suggestions. PS I kinda know you won't learn but others may.

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What you are learning you naive moron is the claims for "tax the rich", or FAIR SHARE cliche means price out, tax and obliterate the middle class.

Proven yet again that your democrats are the actual party of the rich and they rely on the useful morons like you to turn this country into a FEUDAL country. You losers call it socialism.

What a load of lies.

Liberals didn't pass the tax code that allows so many loopholes and such a low tax rate for business.

In fact that last republican tax cut took the business rate for 35% down to 21%. Not one democrat voted for it.

None of the democrats voted for any of the bush boy tax cuts either.

So if you have a problem with business not paying their fair share thank the republicans.

Democrats have always tried to make business pay more in taxes.
You dumb naive fuck.

How much in taxes did GE pay while they owned nbc under your negro messiah?
The riches fuckin guy in the world.....pays no taxes, while tax payers all across the country are stunned at receiving less in refunds this year than last year and who by the way saw next to nothing in their paychecks thanks to the tax cuts from the GOP......meanwhile, you got the clown in chief approval ratings increasing while his poor white trash can supporter this shit??????
I read they were even getting a 120m refund.
That fucking company makes billions and billions of dollars every year.
This is the fucking bullshit you dipshits vote for.
Who voted for it? The left is way more critical of rich folks than the right. And the GOP just installed and "fixed" taxes but apparently missed this glaring whole.

The worst part about this and Amazon is that it's a competition killer. Winners should be winners because of their competitive actions in the market not because they are getting benefits from the government and taxpayer or because they exploit their stakeholders. Subsidizing already successful people and businesses is the epitome of stupid and will sink our republic.
The ledt doesnt write loopholes and such?
Lol i guess thats why NY was freaking out over not getting their property taxes subsidized by the federal govt too huh?
I'm sure some do and they need to be weeded out. The lobbyists writing in exceptions in pencil in the margins are unacceptable. I feel the dems messaging and policy is superior to the GOP's, although doesnt entirely match my stance on all issues.
I read they were even getting a 120m refund.
That fucking company makes billions and billions of dollars every year.
This is the fucking bullshit you dipshits vote for.
Who voted for it? The left is way more critical of rich folks than the right. And the GOP just installed and "fixed" taxes but apparently missed this glaring whole.

The worst part about this and Amazon is that it's a competition killer. Winners should be winners because of their competitive actions in the market not because they are getting benefits from the government and taxpayer or because they exploit their stakeholders. Subsidizing already successful people and businesses is the epitome of stupid and will sink our republic.
The ledt doesnt write loopholes and such?
Lol i guess thats why NY was freaking out over not getting their property taxes subsidized by the federal govt too huh?

They just fucked up in NY.....they were flipping out over the Tax Breaks that Cuomo was going to give BEZOS for setting up a distribution center there.....So Bezos left. Bwahahahah...he's going where they are not going to tax him to death.

The tax wasnt the reason he left brah. He was cool with that and his special benefits. Being unwanted and resisted by the locals was. The idea that we need to bend over for rich people is stupid to the core. All it does is escalate consolidation of the oligarchy and further dependence of the rest of us on them. So much for fail conservative economics, eh.
Corporations, (especially large ones) should not have to pay any taxes -- the more we take away burdens on business, the more they hire employees and raise wages -- that is why wages have went up so drastically over the past 30 or so years --- if we take away taxes completely -- wages will go up even higher

This is false furor over nothing. Amazon net income in 2017 was damn near zero.. Doesn't take much to "double zero" -- does it?. Net income (2018) was a mere $10Bill and just standard industry deductions for R&D and charity and amortization ate most of that up...

There WERE some Federal tax CREDITS applied. Go complain to the Congress critters that fill that feeding trough... Got nothing to do with the reductions from the tax bill.. In fact, the tax bill TOOK AWAY a lot of the corporate deductions that were being abused....

They pay zero taxes because they are largely STILL not running a substantial profit..

They pay zero taxes because they are largely STILL not running a substantial profit.

On paper.

WThell is that supposed to mean.. These are clinically precise terms. There's no substantial profits as a FEATURE of their business plan. Which is to KILL all the competition and have the entire country's wholesale marketplace "run thru their channel" -- just like the Amazon river the company was named after....

On paper. I own five corporations, all make substantial profits but don't show that profit because profit is transferred between the five depending on taxes.

Here is Amazon, try playing "Find the Profit."

The Complete Guide To Everything Owned By Amazon

I'm sorry, but the definitions still matter.. Just because Amazon scoops up and screws up Whole Foods, doesn't mean they're "hiding the pickle".... Whole Foods IS NOW Amazon.. And that's the way it's reported. Wasn't even a merger.

So that's a lame dodge. And casts doubt on you scenario of cross-distributing profits between corporations. Of COURSE you can pay dividends and gains to other individuals any way you want. But you CANNOT "hide profits" BETWEEN SEPARATE corporate entities legally without contracts that record the transfers.

Just cast a bunch of doubt about your executive abilities and basic economics/accounting cred..

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