Amazon using ‘hate speech’ excuse to CENSOR & PURGE the right from existence.

not a chance,, and it doesnt change that fact its your side thats always using the force against people that just dont want to participate,,

why is that??
Absolutely. Because being against segregated counters is fascist according to you.

You telling me that you are a fascist by your own definition?

and it seems to be a one way street on forcing people to do things ,,

I couldnt care less if you had a segregated counter,, in fact it would help me know what kind of person owns the business so I can make a choice to do business with them,,

your way pushs racist into the darkness where they ferment their hatred which usually ends bad,,
We tried accepting open racism for about 100 years and it it only got worse for minorities, so your theory about what does and doesn’t help racism is disproven by history.

Your support for discrimination at lunch counters is noted. Now apply that to social media and Amazon and you’ll finally be consistent. You may choose not to do business with them.
racism has lasted a lot longer than 100 yrs

and theres no prrof blacks are better off since the civil rights act,, in fact its obvious that blacks are worse off since then,,, before they had strong families and didnt live off the government tit,,

where did I say I supported it?? I said I didnt care,,,

the problem with social media you keep leaving out is they were granted special protections against what they are removing if they applied their rules equally and they arent doing it,,
remove those protects and I am fine with their actions,,,
You think black Americans were better off under segregation?

Wow. Just blown away.
not a chance,, and it doesnt change that fact its your side thats always using the force against people that just dont want to participate,,

why is that??
Absolutely. Because being against segregated counters is fascist according to you.

You telling me that you are a fascist by your own definition?

and it seems to be a one way street on forcing people to do things ,,

I couldnt care less if you had a segregated counter,, in fact it would help me know what kind of person owns the business so I can make a choice to do business with them,,

your way pushs racist into the darkness where they ferment their hatred which usually ends bad,,
We tried accepting open racism for about 100 years and it it only got worse for minorities, so your theory about what does and doesn’t help racism is disproven by history.

Your support for discrimination at lunch counters is noted. Now apply that to social media and Amazon and you’ll finally be consistent. You may choose not to do business with them.
racism has lasted a lot longer than 100 yrs

and theres no prrof blacks are better off since the civil rights act,, in fact its obvious that blacks are worse off since then,,, before they had strong families and didnt live off the government tit,,

where did I say I supported it?? I said I didnt care,,,

the problem with social media you keep leaving out is they were granted special protections against what they are removing if they applied their rules equally and they arent doing it,,
remove those protects and I am fine with their actions,,,
You think black Americans were better off under segregation?

Wow. Just blown away.
its a matter of perspective,, if you dems didnt hang them and beat them in the streets they were a strong family based group of people,, now most of them are no more than wards of the state,,,,

in fact a lot of blacks are calling for segregation from whites,,,
who proves youre the real fascist and the whiny cry baby hypocrites,,,
It proves you lied.

I guess we should go back to segregated lunch counters so that we won’t be fascist anymore. Is that what you want?
I have no problem with people doing as they please in public or their personal lives,, better you bigots let us know who you hate so we can decide for ourselves whether we do business with you,,,

your option is to point a gun at their heads and force them to do as you say or die,,

youre worse than any fascist I've ever seen,,
obviously you do because you attack people for doing as they please all the time.
just pointing out an inconvenient fact,,, truth is if you guys werent calling everyone that disagrees with you fascist I would have never said a thing,,

just like the cake baker you force your will on people that just dont want to participate,,

theres a name for people that do that,,,
And you want to force your will on social media companies who deplatfom conservatives for acting like assholes.

So you’re admitting to being a fascist.

acting like assholes is subjective and its always a one way street with them,, if a lefty acts like an asshole its fine,, in fact they can call for direct violence and its ok,,

again its your side thats always forcing people to participate when they dont want to,,
Right. But it’s fascist for people to not participate when they don’t want to too, right?

That’s what this thread is about after all.
if it were applied equally across the board it wouldnt be,, but its a one way street with you guys,,
It’s a one way street with the baker too. He doesn’t cook cakes for gay weddings. That’s not applied equally.

Is he a fascist?
And then...just like that, conservatives decide businesses are no longer allowed the right to determine their own rules on what they will or won't sell.

1) I would support any legal punitive measure against Progressive Totalitarians.

2) I understand that in USA no such measure can pass.

3) The best solution to Leftist Totalitarianism is formation of Conservative businesses and Media to take up the opportunity.

I have no idea what that gobbledygook is actually supposed to say.

Let business' determine their own ToS within the code of law that applies to them. If there are anti-trust concerns inhibiting competition, then those should be addressed separately.

Conservatives whine about unfair censorship (despite the fact that left extremists have also been banned for violating ToS)....if you don't like the rules and don't want to play by the rules, form a new company or join a new company. Biggest snowflakes ever.
I bet if I took time to go back and look you would have been one of the biggest voices demanding the bakers provide the cake for the gay couple,,,

so once again your lies are just pathetic,,,


Maybe. Or Maybe not.

You make or provide a product. Laws say you have to provide equal access to the product.

Laws don't say you can't set limitations on the product. You can't force a baker to make a pornographic gay wedding cake if it doesn't ordinarily do so. Or a platform to host content against it's terms of service.
but the baker didnt offer a gay cake,,

your play on words is noted and just more proof youre a lyin skank,,

Who said he did? It's just a wedding cake. Something he customarily provides.

You're hypocrisy is duly noted, without vulgarity.
they were free to purchase any wedding cake they have sold for yrs,, what they wanted was something theyve never sold before,,,

the only hypocrisy is yours,, you know damn good and well youre lying and so do we,,,

What specifically did they want that had never been sold?

And again, your hypocrisy is duly noted since you clearly do not apply the same standards to platforms.
you even asking that question shows your nothing but a lying skank,,

you know damn good and well what the issue was,,,

The baker makes custom wedding cakes routinely. That's part of his business. He does not routinely make custom pornographic cakes (used just as an example). If he is refusing to make a custom cake based solely on the couple being same sex then that is violating Colorado's public accommodation law. Yes or no?

So (you lying skank since you can't seem to avoid the gutter) - why don't YOU apply the same standards to platforms? Can't do that can you? Because it doesn't fit your way wah-wah's conservative victimization syndrome.
they have never offered a gay themed cake,,

your lies and hypocrisy is noted and mocked,,,
The wedding cake case was about Freedom of Religion.
The Left purposely targeted Christian Bakers.
They violated the Baker's 1'st amendment rights, and they Left lost their case.
who proves youre the real fascist and the whiny cry baby hypocrites,,,
It proves you lied.

I guess we should go back to segregated lunch counters so that we won’t be fascist anymore. Is that what you want?
I have no problem with people doing as they please in public or their personal lives,, better you bigots let us know who you hate so we can decide for ourselves whether we do business with you,,,

your option is to point a gun at their heads and force them to do as you say or die,,

youre worse than any fascist I've ever seen,,
obviously you do because you attack people for doing as they please all the time.
just pointing out an inconvenient fact,,, truth is if you guys werent calling everyone that disagrees with you fascist I would have never said a thing,,

just like the cake baker you force your will on people that just dont want to participate,,

theres a name for people that do that,,,
And you want to force your will on social media companies who deplatfom conservatives for acting like assholes.

So you’re admitting to being a fascist.

acting like assholes is subjective and its always a one way street with them,, if a lefty acts like an asshole its fine,, in fact they can call for direct violence and its ok,,

again its your side thats always forcing people to participate when they dont want to,,
Right. But it’s fascist for people to not participate when they don’t want to too, right?

That’s what this thread is about after all.
if it were applied equally across the board it wouldnt be,, but its a one way street with you guys,,
It’s a one way street with the baker too. He doesn’t cook cakes for gay weddings. That’s not applied equally.

Is he a fascist?
how so??
hes never once in his life ever sold that product???
not a chance,, and it doesnt change that fact its your side thats always using the force against people that just dont want to participate,,

why is that??
Absolutely. Because being against segregated counters is fascist according to you.

You telling me that you are a fascist by your own definition?

and it seems to be a one way street on forcing people to do things ,,

I couldnt care less if you had a segregated counter,, in fact it would help me know what kind of person owns the business so I can make a choice to do business with them,,

your way pushs racist into the darkness where they ferment their hatred which usually ends bad,,
We tried accepting open racism for about 100 years and it it only got worse for minorities, so your theory about what does and doesn’t help racism is disproven by history.

Your support for discrimination at lunch counters is noted. Now apply that to social media and Amazon and you’ll finally be consistent. You may choose not to do business with them.
racism has lasted a lot longer than 100 yrs

and theres no prrof blacks are better off since the civil rights act,, in fact its obvious that blacks are worse off since then,,, before they had strong families and didnt live off the government tit,,

where did I say I supported it?? I said I didnt care,,,

the problem with social media you keep leaving out is they were granted special protections against what they are removing if they applied their rules equally and they arent doing it,,
remove those protects and I am fine with their actions,,,
You think black Americans were better off under segregation?

Wow. Just blown away.
its a matter of perspective,, if you dems didnt hang them and beat them in the streets they were a strong family based group of people,, now most of them are no more than wards of the state,,,,

in fact a lot of blacks are calling for segregation from whites,,,
If you think this is a legitimate case, you’re delusional.

Were they better off being denied the ability to live where they want? Go to school where they want? Shop where they want? Eat where they want?

Denied the ability to get better jobs? To get promotions?

This all boils down to what’s better for you, isn’t it? That’s why you keep bringing up government spending.
who proves youre the real fascist and the whiny cry baby hypocrites,,,
It proves you lied.

I guess we should go back to segregated lunch counters so that we won’t be fascist anymore. Is that what you want?
I have no problem with people doing as they please in public or their personal lives,, better you bigots let us know who you hate so we can decide for ourselves whether we do business with you,,,

your option is to point a gun at their heads and force them to do as you say or die,,

youre worse than any fascist I've ever seen,,
obviously you do because you attack people for doing as they please all the time.
just pointing out an inconvenient fact,,, truth is if you guys werent calling everyone that disagrees with you fascist I would have never said a thing,,

just like the cake baker you force your will on people that just dont want to participate,,

theres a name for people that do that,,,
And you want to force your will on social media companies who deplatfom conservatives for acting like assholes.

So you’re admitting to being a fascist.

acting like assholes is subjective and its always a one way street with them,, if a lefty acts like an asshole its fine,, in fact they can call for direct violence and its ok,,

again its your side thats always forcing people to participate when they dont want to,,
Right. But it’s fascist for people to not participate when they don’t want to too, right?

That’s what this thread is about after all.
if it were applied equally across the board it wouldnt be,, but its a one way street with you guys,,
It’s a one way street with the baker too. He doesn’t cook cakes for gay weddings. That’s not applied equally.

Is he a fascist?
how so??
hes never once in his life ever sold that product???
He has sold MANY wedding cakes.
not a chance,, and it doesnt change that fact its your side thats always using the force against people that just dont want to participate,,

why is that??
Absolutely. Because being against segregated counters is fascist according to you.

You telling me that you are a fascist by your own definition?

and it seems to be a one way street on forcing people to do things ,,

I couldnt care less if you had a segregated counter,, in fact it would help me know what kind of person owns the business so I can make a choice to do business with them,,

your way pushs racist into the darkness where they ferment their hatred which usually ends bad,,
We tried accepting open racism for about 100 years and it it only got worse for minorities, so your theory about what does and doesn’t help racism is disproven by history.

Your support for discrimination at lunch counters is noted. Now apply that to social media and Amazon and you’ll finally be consistent. You may choose not to do business with them.
racism has lasted a lot longer than 100 yrs

and theres no prrof blacks are better off since the civil rights act,, in fact its obvious that blacks are worse off since then,,, before they had strong families and didnt live off the government tit,,

where did I say I supported it?? I said I didnt care,,,

the problem with social media you keep leaving out is they were granted special protections against what they are removing if they applied their rules equally and they arent doing it,,
remove those protects and I am fine with their actions,,,
You think black Americans were better off under segregation?

Wow. Just blown away.
its a matter of perspective,, if you dems didnt hang them and beat them in the streets they were a strong family based group of people,, now most of them are no more than wards of the state,,,,

in fact a lot of blacks are calling for segregation from whites,,,
If you think this is a legitimate case, you’re delusional.

Were they better off being denied the ability to live where they want? Go to school where they want? Shop where they want? Eat where they want?

Denied the ability to get better jobs? To get promotions?

This all boils down to what’s better for you, isn’t it? That’s why you keep bringing up government spending.
those are other negatives,, but if you dems didnt do those things it wouldnt exist,,

so the real problem is you racist not segregation,,,
who proves youre the real fascist and the whiny cry baby hypocrites,,,
It proves you lied.

I guess we should go back to segregated lunch counters so that we won’t be fascist anymore. Is that what you want?
I have no problem with people doing as they please in public or their personal lives,, better you bigots let us know who you hate so we can decide for ourselves whether we do business with you,,,

your option is to point a gun at their heads and force them to do as you say or die,,

youre worse than any fascist I've ever seen,,
obviously you do because you attack people for doing as they please all the time.
just pointing out an inconvenient fact,,, truth is if you guys werent calling everyone that disagrees with you fascist I would have never said a thing,,

just like the cake baker you force your will on people that just dont want to participate,,

theres a name for people that do that,,,
And you want to force your will on social media companies who deplatfom conservatives for acting like assholes.

So you’re admitting to being a fascist.

acting like assholes is subjective and its always a one way street with them,, if a lefty acts like an asshole its fine,, in fact they can call for direct violence and its ok,,

again its your side thats always forcing people to participate when they dont want to,,
Right. But it’s fascist for people to not participate when they don’t want to too, right?

That’s what this thread is about after all.
if it were applied equally across the board it wouldnt be,, but its a one way street with you guys,,
It’s a one way street with the baker too. He doesn’t cook cakes for gay weddings. That’s not applied equally.

Is he a fascist?
how so??
hes never once in his life ever sold that product???
He has sold MANY wedding cakes.
never once has he sold gay wedding cakes,, and that was the issue,,

not sure why you keep leaving that out,,
who proves youre the real fascist and the whiny cry baby hypocrites,,,
It proves you lied.

I guess we should go back to segregated lunch counters so that we won’t be fascist anymore. Is that what you want?
I have no problem with people doing as they please in public or their personal lives,, better you bigots let us know who you hate so we can decide for ourselves whether we do business with you,,,

your option is to point a gun at their heads and force them to do as you say or die,,

youre worse than any fascist I've ever seen,,
obviously you do because you attack people for doing as they please all the time.
just pointing out an inconvenient fact,,, truth is if you guys werent calling everyone that disagrees with you fascist I would have never said a thing,,

just like the cake baker you force your will on people that just dont want to participate,,

theres a name for people that do that,,,
And you want to force your will on social media companies who deplatfom conservatives for acting like assholes.

So you’re admitting to being a fascist.

acting like assholes is subjective and its always a one way street with them,, if a lefty acts like an asshole its fine,, in fact they can call for direct violence and its ok,,

again its your side thats always forcing people to participate when they dont want to,,
Right. But it’s fascist for people to not participate when they don’t want to too, right?

That’s what this thread is about after all.
if it were applied equally across the board it wouldnt be,, but its a one way street with you guys,,
It’s a one way street with the baker too. He doesn’t cook cakes for gay weddings. That’s not applied equally.

Is he a fascist?
how so??
hes never once in his life ever sold that product???
He has sold MANY wedding cakes.
never once has he sold gay wedding cakes,, and that was the issue,,

not sure why you keep leaving that out,,
It’s the same cake.
who proves youre the real fascist and the whiny cry baby hypocrites,,,
It proves you lied.

I guess we should go back to segregated lunch counters so that we won’t be fascist anymore. Is that what you want?
I have no problem with people doing as they please in public or their personal lives,, better you bigots let us know who you hate so we can decide for ourselves whether we do business with you,,,

your option is to point a gun at their heads and force them to do as you say or die,,

youre worse than any fascist I've ever seen,,
obviously you do because you attack people for doing as they please all the time.
just pointing out an inconvenient fact,,, truth is if you guys werent calling everyone that disagrees with you fascist I would have never said a thing,,

just like the cake baker you force your will on people that just dont want to participate,,

theres a name for people that do that,,,
And you want to force your will on social media companies who deplatfom conservatives for acting like assholes.

So you’re admitting to being a fascist.

acting like assholes is subjective and its always a one way street with them,, if a lefty acts like an asshole its fine,, in fact they can call for direct violence and its ok,,

again its your side thats always forcing people to participate when they dont want to,,
Right. But it’s fascist for people to not participate when they don’t want to too, right?

That’s what this thread is about after all.
if it were applied equally across the board it wouldnt be,, but its a one way street with you guys,,
It’s a one way street with the baker too. He doesn’t cook cakes for gay weddings. That’s not applied equally.

Is he a fascist?
how so??
hes never once in his life ever sold that product???
He has sold MANY wedding cakes.
never once has he sold gay wedding cakes,, and that was the issue,,

not sure why you keep leaving that out,,
It’s the same cake.
not to the person making it,,
The World has witnessed what book burning can led to.
not a chance,, and it doesnt change that fact its your side thats always using the force against people that just dont want to participate,,

why is that??
Absolutely. Because being against segregated counters is fascist according to you.

You telling me that you are a fascist by your own definition?

and it seems to be a one way street on forcing people to do things ,,

I couldnt care less if you had a segregated counter,, in fact it would help me know what kind of person owns the business so I can make a choice to do business with them,,

your way pushs racist into the darkness where they ferment their hatred which usually ends bad,,
We tried accepting open racism for about 100 years and it it only got worse for minorities, so your theory about what does and doesn’t help racism is disproven by history.

Your support for discrimination at lunch counters is noted. Now apply that to social media and Amazon and you’ll finally be consistent. You may choose not to do business with them.
racism has lasted a lot longer than 100 yrs

and theres no prrof blacks are better off since the civil rights act,, in fact its obvious that blacks are worse off since then,,, before they had strong families and didnt live off the government tit,,

where did I say I supported it?? I said I didnt care,,,

the problem with social media you keep leaving out is they were granted special protections against what they are removing if they applied their rules equally and they arent doing it,,
remove those protects and I am fine with their actions,,,
You think black Americans were better off under segregation?

Wow. Just blown away.
its a matter of perspective,, if you dems didnt hang them and beat them in the streets they were a strong family based group of people,, now most of them are no more than wards of the state,,,,

in fact a lot of blacks are calling for segregation from whites,,,
If you think this is a legitimate case, you’re delusional.

Were they better off being denied the ability to live where they want? Go to school where they want? Shop where they want? Eat where they want?

Denied the ability to get better jobs? To get promotions?

This all boils down to what’s better for you, isn’t it? That’s why you keep bringing up government spending.
those are other negatives,, but if you dems didnt do those things it wouldnt exist,,

so the real problem is you racist not segregation,,,
Segregation perpetuated racism.

You wanted to perpetuate that. The real problem is people like you who can’t understand.
not a chance,, and it doesnt change that fact its your side thats always using the force against people that just dont want to participate,,

why is that??
Absolutely. Because being against segregated counters is fascist according to you.

You telling me that you are a fascist by your own definition?

and it seems to be a one way street on forcing people to do things ,,

I couldnt care less if you had a segregated counter,, in fact it would help me know what kind of person owns the business so I can make a choice to do business with them,,

your way pushs racist into the darkness where they ferment their hatred which usually ends bad,,
We tried accepting open racism for about 100 years and it it only got worse for minorities, so your theory about what does and doesn’t help racism is disproven by history.

Your support for discrimination at lunch counters is noted. Now apply that to social media and Amazon and you’ll finally be consistent. You may choose not to do business with them.
racism has lasted a lot longer than 100 yrs

and theres no prrof blacks are better off since the civil rights act,, in fact its obvious that blacks are worse off since then,,, before they had strong families and didnt live off the government tit,,

where did I say I supported it?? I said I didnt care,,,

the problem with social media you keep leaving out is they were granted special protections against what they are removing if they applied their rules equally and they arent doing it,,
remove those protects and I am fine with their actions,,,
You think black Americans were better off under segregation?

Wow. Just blown away.
its a matter of perspective,, if you dems didnt hang them and beat them in the streets they were a strong family based group of people,, now most of them are no more than wards of the state,,,,

in fact a lot of blacks are calling for segregation from whites,,,
If you think this is a legitimate case, you’re delusional.

Were they better off being denied the ability to live where they want? Go to school where they want? Shop where they want? Eat where they want?

Denied the ability to get better jobs? To get promotions?

This all boils down to what’s better for you, isn’t it? That’s why you keep bringing up government spending.
those are other negatives,, but if you dems didnt do those things it wouldnt exist,,

so the real problem is you racist not segregation,,,
Segregation perpetuated racism.

You wanted to perpetuate that. The real problem is people like you who can’t understand.
you have that backwards,,,

and you also didnt say whether that segregation was forced or voluntary,,

you dems forced it,,
not a chance,, and it doesnt change that fact its your side thats always using the force against people that just dont want to participate,,

why is that??
Absolutely. Because being against segregated counters is fascist according to you.

You telling me that you are a fascist by your own definition?

and it seems to be a one way street on forcing people to do things ,,

I couldnt care less if you had a segregated counter,, in fact it would help me know what kind of person owns the business so I can make a choice to do business with them,,

your way pushs racist into the darkness where they ferment their hatred which usually ends bad,,
We tried accepting open racism for about 100 years and it it only got worse for minorities, so your theory about what does and doesn’t help racism is disproven by history.

Your support for discrimination at lunch counters is noted. Now apply that to social media and Amazon and you’ll finally be consistent. You may choose not to do business with them.
racism has lasted a lot longer than 100 yrs

and theres no prrof blacks are better off since the civil rights act,, in fact its obvious that blacks are worse off since then,,, before they had strong families and didnt live off the government tit,,

where did I say I supported it?? I said I didnt care,,,

the problem with social media you keep leaving out is they were granted special protections against what they are removing if they applied their rules equally and they arent doing it,,
remove those protects and I am fine with their actions,,,
You think black Americans were better off under segregation?

Wow. Just blown away.
its a matter of perspective,, if you dems didnt hang them and beat them in the streets they were a strong family based group of people,, now most of them are no more than wards of the state,,,,

in fact a lot of blacks are calling for segregation from whites,,,
If you think this is a legitimate case, you’re delusional.

Were they better off being denied the ability to live where they want? Go to school where they want? Shop where they want? Eat where they want?

Denied the ability to get better jobs? To get promotions?

This all boils down to what’s better for you, isn’t it? That’s why you keep bringing up government spending.
those are other negatives,, but if you dems didnt do those things it wouldnt exist,,

so the real problem is you racist not segregation,,,
Segregation perpetuated racism.

You wanted to perpetuate that. The real problem is people like you who can’t understand.
you have that backwards,,,

and you also didnt say whether that segregation was forced or voluntary,,

you dems forced it,,
Nope. I’m exactly right. People are more prone to hate that which they have no contact with. Whites could continue to live their lives ignoring the effects they were having on black people because they never had to hear about it. They never had to have any empathy.

But yeah, I guess I can see why you long for those days. Ignorance is kinda your thing.

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