America Absolutely Is NOT A Christian Nation, However...

How many of the 10 commandments are codified in our laws?

Probably the same ones that are codified in most legal systems, including the laws written by Hammurabi (sp), which predate the 10 commandments.

At any rate, less than half of the commandments were made into our laws, and some of those have fallen away or been removed.


Well actually it was four and only three remain in our system ... and those are laws in virtually EVERY nation - regardless of dominant religion.

THIS Christian believes in the separation of Church and state - it protects the Church far more than it protects the state.

I know murder and theft are against the law, which other one? Lying is illegal in special circumstances, like lying to a policeman or on the witness stand. But lying, in and of itself, isn't illegal. Adultery can make your divorce more expensive, but I don't think it's illegal.

You make a good point about protection.
Probably the same ones that are codified in most legal systems, including the laws written by Hammurabi (sp), which predate the 10 commandments.

At any rate, less than half of the commandments were made into our laws, and some of those have fallen away or been removed.


Well actually it was four and only three remain in our system ... and those are laws in virtually EVERY nation - regardless of dominant religion.

THIS Christian believes in the separation of Church and state - it protects the Church far more than it protects the state.

I know murder and theft are against the law, which other one? Lying is illegal in special circumstances, like lying to a policeman or on the witness stand. But lying, in and of itself, isn't illegal. Adultery can make your divorce more expensive, but I don't think it's illegal.

You make a good point about protection.

Lying isn't a commandment - well in the KJV it says "Thou shalt not bear false witness" which I interpret as perjury.

Well actually it was four and only three remain in our system ... and those are laws in virtually EVERY nation - regardless of dominant religion.

THIS Christian believes in the separation of Church and state - it protects the Church far more than it protects the state.

I know murder and theft are against the law, which other one? Lying is illegal in special circumstances, like lying to a policeman or on the witness stand. But lying, in and of itself, isn't illegal. Adultery can make your divorce more expensive, but I don't think it's illegal.

You make a good point about protection.

Lying isn't a commandment - well in the KJV it says "Thou shalt not bear false witness" which I interpret as perjury.

Oh ok. Then I stand corrected. By that interpretation we have 3 commandments in our laws. And the same laws in pretty much every system in history.
I know murder and theft are against the law, which other one? Lying is illegal in special circumstances, like lying to a policeman or on the witness stand. But lying, in and of itself, isn't illegal. Adultery can make your divorce more expensive, but I don't think it's illegal.

You make a good point about protection.

Lying isn't a commandment - well in the KJV it says "Thou shalt not bear false witness" which I interpret as perjury.

Oh ok. Then I stand corrected. By that interpretation we have 3 commandments in our laws. And the same laws in pretty much every system in history.

That's my take on it.
Well the Puritans has laws on the Sabbath, blashphemy ( of various kinds), adultery

Puritan Life []

There are rements with various blue laws now repealed or ignored and weird notions of domestic relations law denying divorce

But, I suspect Jewish and Muslim societies have some similar divergence from the norm.
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I recall no one calling America a Christian nation only that as has been pointed out it was founded on Christian principles there are many on both sides who like to distort that.
It's a nation that was founded by Christians.

See the difference?

P.S. - I was tempted to insert the word "mostly" before the word "Christians" in the first sentence.

Go cash your welfare check you minority creep. The fact is that filth of your type with their pathetic little sob stories and false sense of entitlement were empowered by filthy communists and other maggots to use you clueless sloths in the game to destroy Christian values, then the family, and ultimately the nation itself in order to pity party this republic turned democracy into electing a fraudulent, half-bred, bisexual, communist dog so that he can usher a time that degenerates like you will finally get reparations and some extra money to blow on crack or hookers. call yourself a Christian?!?!?
What's wrong Marcie? Couldn't find the Religion Forum? Hmm?
There is no spiritual aspect to this thread. It's strictly on the political side.

Religion threads should have a spiritual aspect to it.

This is a secular discussion, if I'm not mistaken.

Or am I missing something?

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