America called.

Can you just imagine the abuse a candidate would take today if they climbed up on stage in front of Democrats and said "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country"?
Now it's, "Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you."
I used to be a Democrat, and they used to listen to US. But that turned on its head in the 90's and the so called "democrats" stopped listening to us, and started DICTATING. They forgot how democracy works. Let me remind YOU: WE the people, WE tell the representatives what WE want, not the other way around. The Democrats seems to have forgot THAT.

There still are Old School Dems out there. But the Nazi Dems have silenced them.
Yes, they still hold offices, but the Nazi Dems make sure they are only seen and NOT heard !!

I voted Dem when I became of age back in the 80's. And like many, I voted Dem, because Dems meant higher wages, better jobs, more jobs, and a smoother running economy.........despite their faults of being politicians, they still had THE PEOPLE in mind.

Since Hitlery took over in 1993 and turned all the super-uber-corrupt Dems into Nazi's, hell bent on destroying the world for their own profit, the Republican party has had to take over for the Old School Dems, since they have been squelched. I've seen at least two Old School Dems that have stepped forward for the people, but have quickley been "dealt with". Andrew Yang is one such Old School Dem. There is another I've seen, but I don't remember her name and, of course, I've never seen her again in the news.
I was a Republican. To see what they've become makes me want to vomit.

I will never be a Democrat.

You don't have to be a "party" to be in politics.
I'm no member of any party..........I vote for who I think is BEST for the position at that particular time, based on their ethics and intelligence level, as well as American philosophies of government management.

If the political choices I make today were any indication of any political party, I'd be billed as a Libertarian.
You don't have to be a "party" to be in politics.
I'm no member of any party..........I vote for who I think is BEST for the position at that particular time, based on their ethics and intelligence level, as well as American philosophies of government management.

If the political choices I make today were any indication of any political party, I'd be billed as a Libertarian.

That's where I've been since Bush went into Iraq, and my independence from party has accelerated since 2016.

I vote my conscience and sleep like a baby...

I wake up screaming every two hours...
I was a Democrat as a kid because my parents were.
What changed that was several things... 9/11 happened and I started paying more attention to the world and politics.
When I did, it didn't take long to see that the party I belonged to was a very destructive force that wreaked havoc on our country.
I started to realize that most of the long standing problems in America (in my lifetime) was almost all Democrat created. Particularly there social policies of the 1960s - 1980s that has caused nearly every social problem you can think of to this day - high crime violence, drug addiction, homelessness - you name it.
She posts it almost daily.
The 'Democratic' Party is the party of racists. Racism, and they've added anti-Americanism and most recently they've added queerness, are the only reason those treasonous bastards exist.
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The 'Democratic' Party is the party of racists. Racism, and they've added anti-Americanism and most recently they've added queerness, are the only reason the treasonous bastards exist.
Fucking Bullshit

Can you just imagine the abuse a candidate would take today if they climbed up on stage in front of Democrats and said "ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country"?
THATS SO SAD, No one gets up and says do what's best for our country. They all get up & say do what your the political party says is best. No facts or common sense necessary,

Evidently they've convinced themselves that the GQP is the same as it's always been.
It's a case of disenchantment with the Democratic Party's racial diversity that reflects America, and an affinity for the rampant, statist, authoritarianism of the GOP, blatantly captured by their politicians and bureaucrats arrogating a woman's reproductive freedom. Under the RINOs of Trumpery, big, intrusive government is back!

They flaunt their hatred for American democracy itself by fake elector schemes after all legitimate recourses available to the Cry Baby Loser failed.

Republicans opposition to veterans' healthcare fizzled when they were finally shamed into going along with Democratic legislation, but their contempt for law and order on January 6, 2021 has been reaffirmed - along with their indifference to national security - by their death threats targeting judges and public servants authorizing and executing the return of classified documents to where they are secure.

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