America is a 'CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC,' not a Democracy...

Misrepresents our views as I certainly have no problem electing my reps.................It's about limiting the Gov't and not allowing the Gov't to get to big for it's britches.............

Oops..........too late.

It represents exactly the views of the post it quoted. As for the righty cliche about a limited government ...

A conservative wakes in the morning and uses electricity from a gov't dam to blow dry his comb over. He eats breakfast confident that gov't inspectors have ensured it won't kill him. He gets in a car made safer and more fuel efficient by "big government," before driving on a free gov't road to work where his company is making money from a government contract. He drives home to a suburb where government police keep "those people" out. Before bed, he uses his Rogaine and takes his Cialis confident the FDA has made sure they will not grow hair on his palms or make his head harder.

At some point he will get on an internet developed first by the government and play John Wayne Hondo and complain about soshalizm and how everybody else is getting stuff from the government.

I'm not rich by any means.........Middle Class Electrician working for a living. Perhaps you should try that yourself some day.

Well, I worked over time last week. They deducted $600 from my check for all the taxes both Federal, State, and etc...........I also paid taxes at the gas pump at 55 cents a gallon, and paid taxes on purchases at the store.

Now please tell me about all this FREE SHIT people like you quote all the time. I don't see it..........Perhaps it's because I work for a living. It's time for you to learn that the GOVERNMENT doesn't pay for SHIT. WE DO. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. So spare me the usual ramble of how we live off the Gov't.

That is the standard propaganda of the left.

You paid taxes at the gas pump and purchases at the store(s)? OMFG! Call the right wing political whiner police. Using your logic you should personally be in jail for any crimes committed by the government. Seriously, the government is you and your money
Back to the OP.

Obamacare is a prime example of Democracy without the protections of a Republic.

If we only had a House of Reps, this is how or nation would create laws from now on. The Senate and Presidency puts in the checks to make sure minority views and States have a say in creating laws.

Every law you don't like is not an example of some dire fundamental flaw in the system.

Rather, it is only an example of a law you don't like.
That was not the point and I believe you know that already.

The point was not having the system we have now........

If all we needed to pass a new law was a simple majority it would be SIMILAR to the Super Majority that was needed to pass Obamacare.

How would you like to have a system of Gov't like that right now????????????????

Where your side wouldn't have a voice at all??????????

The House is controlled by the GOP by a wide margin..........Would you like them to decide by themselves the path of the nation or would you rather have the checks and balances that we have????????

That was the point.

My parents used to joke about politics a little. They stated that if the Dems controlled Congress to elect a Republican President and if the Reps controlled the Congress to elect a Dem President.

That way they could do less damage.

The GOP House has been passing bills with a one party Super Majority since 2010. D'Oh! Please don't make your parents fair game by bringing them into this. Shame on you!

Obamacare did not need nor did it have a Super Majority, whatever that is in your warped mind. Obamacare had a majority in both chambers of the Congress that passed the bill. The President signed the bill. The Supreme Court ruled the bill constitutional. The fact that one party controlled the two branches of government is irrelevant.

Any one party that may control the government is a government elected by 'we the people'
Back to the OP.

Obamacare is a prime example of Democracy without the protections of a Republic.

If we only had a House of Reps, this is how or nation would create laws from now on. The Senate and Presidency puts in the checks to make sure minority views and States have a say in creating laws.

Every law you don't like is not an example of some dire fundamental flaw in the system.

Rather, it is only an example of a law you don't like.
That was not the point and I believe you know that already.

The point was not having the system we have now........

If all we needed to pass a new law was a simple majority it would be SIMILAR to the Super Majority that was needed to pass Obamacare.

How would you like to have a system of Gov't like that right now????????????????

Where your side wouldn't have a voice at all??????????

The House is controlled by the GOP by a wide margin..........Would you like them to decide by themselves the path of the nation or would you rather have the checks and balances that we have????????

That was the point.

My parents used to joke about politics a little. They stated that if the Dems controlled Congress to elect a Republican President and if the Reps controlled the Congress to elect a Dem President.

That way they could do less damage.

My state of New York ratified the Constitution by a convention vote of 30 - 27.

A simple majority.

Yes, indeed.

But NY was concerned that the federal government would eventually tyrannize them - they were , of course correct.
New York's Ratification

That the people have an equal, natural, and unalienable right freely and peaceably to exercise their religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that no religious sect or society ought to be favored or established by law in preference to others.

That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well-regulated militia, including the body of the people capable of bearing arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free state."

Hard to believe that new yorkers loved freedom back then.

And New York did very well under that tyranny. They became very soon, the most populous state for a time, the commercial center of that tyrannical republic, and the financial center of the world for a while. Such tyranny!
part of the reason we have so much debt I think is because the federal government
is too insulated from the voter. a little dose of a more pure Republic might help. such as a nationla initiative option like the Swiss have

wtf is this 'pure republic' you fantasize about?

what do you disagree with here: A republic is a form of government in which power resides in the people,[1] and the government is ruled by elected leaders run according to law (from Latin: res publica), rather than inherited or appointed (such as through inheritance or divine mandate). In modern times the definition of a republic is also commonly limited to a government which excludes a monarch. Republic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Last edited:
Misrepresents our views as I certainly have no problem electing my reps.................It's about limiting the Gov't and not allowing the Gov't to get to big for it's britches.............

Oops..........too late.

It represents exactly the views of the post it quoted. As for the righty cliche about a limited government ...

A conservative wakes in the morning and uses electricity from a gov't dam to blow dry his comb over. He eats breakfast confident that gov't inspectors have ensured it won't kill him. He gets in a car made safer and more fuel efficient by "big government," before driving on a free gov't road to work where his company is making money from a government contract. He drives home to a suburb where government police keep "those people" out. Before bed, he uses his Rogaine and takes his Cialis confident the FDA has made sure they will not grow hair on his palms or make his head harder.

At some point he will get on an internet developed first by the government and play John Wayne Hondo and complain about soshalizm and how everybody else is getting stuff from the government.

I'm not rich by any means.........Middle Class Electrician working for a living. Perhaps you should try that yourself some day.

Well, I worked over time last week. They deducted $600 from my check for all the taxes both Federal, State, and etc...........I also paid taxes at the gas pump at 55 cents a gallon, and paid taxes on purchases at the store.

Now please tell me about all this FREE SHIT people like you quote all the time. I don't see it..........Perhaps it's because I work for a living. It's time for you to learn that the GOVERNMENT doesn't pay for SHIT. WE DO. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. So spare me the usual ramble of how we live off the Gov't.

That is the standard propaganda of the left.

You paid taxes at the gas pump and purchases at the store(s)? OMFG! Call the right wing political whiner police. Using your logic you should personally be in jail for any crimes committed by the government. Seriously, the government is you and your money
Still the troll aren't you................

It was in reference to your major malfunction. That the Gov't pays for everything and not the taxpayer.

If that's too difficult for you to grasp then that's your problem and not mine troll.

As a tax payer I pay for the freaking roads I drive on, and by the way I pay a bill for my electricity as well. Your BS about the dams and roads are standard liberal rhetoric and nothing more.
Back to the OP.

Obamacare is a prime example of Democracy without the protections of a Republic.

If we only had a House of Reps, this is how or nation would create laws from now on. The Senate and Presidency puts in the checks to make sure minority views and States have a say in creating laws.

Every law you don't like is not an example of some dire fundamental flaw in the system.

Rather, it is only an example of a law you don't like.
That was not the point and I believe you know that already.

The point was not having the system we have now........

If all we needed to pass a new law was a simple majority it would be SIMILAR to the Super Majority that was needed to pass Obamacare.

How would you like to have a system of Gov't like that right now????????????????

Where your side wouldn't have a voice at all??????????

The House is controlled by the GOP by a wide margin..........Would you like them to decide by themselves the path of the nation or would you rather have the checks and balances that we have????????

That was the point.

My parents used to joke about politics a little. They stated that if the Dems controlled Congress to elect a Republican President and if the Reps controlled the Congress to elect a Dem President.

That way they could do less damage.

The GOP House has been passing bills with a one party Super Majority since 2010. D'Oh! Please don't make your parents fair game by bringing them into this. Shame on you!

Obamacare did not need nor did it have a Super Majority, whatever that is in your warped mind. Obamacare had a majority in both chambers of the Congress that passed the bill. The President signed the bill. The Supreme Court ruled the bill constitutional. The fact that one party controlled the two branches of government is irrelevant.

Any one party that may control the government is a government elected by 'we the people'
Look at election results lately. Mainly because of the liberal agenda and Obama including Obamacare. Your side doesn't represent the will of the people unless you are a dumb ass lib. Oops..........You are that.

The polls to the public show complete dissatisfaction with the Gov't........both sides unless you haven't noticed.........and the Super Majority of the Dems that passed Obamacare was a referendum on Bush and not because they love you and your ilk.
Misrepresents our views as I certainly have no problem electing my reps.................It's about limiting the Gov't and not allowing the Gov't to get to big for it's britches.............

Oops..........too late.

It represents exactly the views of the post it quoted. As for the righty cliche about a limited government ...

A conservative wakes in the morning and uses electricity from a gov't dam to blow dry his comb over. He eats breakfast confident that gov't inspectors have ensured it won't kill him. He gets in a car made safer and more fuel efficient by "big government," before driving on a free gov't road to work where his company is making money from a government contract. He drives home to a suburb where government police keep "those people" out. Before bed, he uses his Rogaine and takes his Cialis confident the FDA has made sure they will not grow hair on his palms or make his head harder.

At some point he will get on an internet developed first by the government and play John Wayne Hondo and complain about soshalizm and how everybody else is getting stuff from the government.

I'm not rich by any means.........Middle Class Electrician working for a living. Perhaps you should try that yourself some day.

Well, I worked over time last week. They deducted $600 from my check for all the taxes both Federal, State, and etc...........I also paid taxes at the gas pump at 55 cents a gallon, and paid taxes on purchases at the store.

Now please tell me about all this FREE SHIT people like you quote all the time. I don't see it..........Perhaps it's because I work for a living. It's time for you to learn that the GOVERNMENT doesn't pay for SHIT. WE DO. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. So spare me the usual ramble of how we live off the Gov't.

That is the standard propaganda of the left.

You paid taxes at the gas pump and purchases at the store(s)? OMFG! Call the right wing political whiner police. Using your logic you should personally be in jail for any crimes committed by the government. Seriously, the government is you and your money
Still the troll aren't you................

It was in reference to your major malfunction. That the Gov't pays for everything and not the taxpayer.

If that's too difficult for you to grasp then that's your problem and not mine troll.

As a tax payer I pay for the freaking roads I drive on, and by the way I pay a bill for my electricity as well. Your BS about the dams and roads are standard liberal rhetoric and nothing more.

The taxpayer funds the government. The individual tax payer does not pay for things in the way you infer. get a grip

You contribute to the highway funds. You do not pay for the highways. They are not yours -- they are ours. See? Words are important. So as I've asked before: In all sincerity, is English your second language? I ask because if so it would go a long way in explaining your problems here
Back to the OP.

Obamacare is a prime example of Democracy without the protections of a Republic.

If we only had a House of Reps, this is how or nation would create laws from now on. The Senate and Presidency puts in the checks to make sure minority views and States have a say in creating laws.

Every law you don't like is not an example of some dire fundamental flaw in the system.

Rather, it is only an example of a law you don't like.
That was not the point and I believe you know that already.

The point was not having the system we have now........

If all we needed to pass a new law was a simple majority it would be SIMILAR to the Super Majority that was needed to pass Obamacare.

How would you like to have a system of Gov't like that right now????????????????

Where your side wouldn't have a voice at all??????????

The House is controlled by the GOP by a wide margin..........Would you like them to decide by themselves the path of the nation or would you rather have the checks and balances that we have????????

That was the point.

My parents used to joke about politics a little. They stated that if the Dems controlled Congress to elect a Republican President and if the Reps controlled the Congress to elect a Dem President.

That way they could do less damage.

The GOP House has been passing bills with a one party Super Majority since 2010. D'Oh! Please don't make your parents fair game by bringing them into this. Shame on you!

Obamacare did not need nor did it have a Super Majority, whatever that is in your warped mind. Obamacare had a majority in both chambers of the Congress that passed the bill. The President signed the bill. The Supreme Court ruled the bill constitutional. The fact that one party controlled the two branches of government is irrelevant.

Any one party that may control the government is a government elected by 'we the people'
Look at election results lately. Mainly because of the liberal agenda and Obama including Obamacare. Your side doesn't represent the will of the people unless you are a dumb ass lib. Oops..........You are that.

The polls to the public show complete dissatisfaction with the Gov't........both sides unless you haven't noticed.........and the Super Majority of the Dems that passed Obamacare was a referendum on Bush and not because they love you and your ilk.

2006. Look up the congressional elections of 2006. 2012? Things swing back and forth between parties, but any government is the government the people have elected. Until that government changes... get it yet?

Your crazed idea of a Super Majority :cuckoo: comprised a majority of Democrats in both chambers of the Congress and a Democratic President? Somehow these Democrats voted for Obamacare because of some anti Bush pay back?

It's official. You should be euthanized for your own good and the good of those around you
Misrepresents our views as I certainly have no problem electing my reps.................It's about limiting the Gov't and not allowing the Gov't to get to big for it's britches.............

Oops..........too late.

It represents exactly the views of the post it quoted. As for the righty cliche about a limited government ...

A conservative wakes in the morning and uses electricity from a gov't dam to blow dry his comb over. He eats breakfast confident that gov't inspectors have ensured it won't kill him. He gets in a car made safer and more fuel efficient by "big government," before driving on a free gov't road to work where his company is making money from a government contract. He drives home to a suburb where government police keep "those people" out. Before bed, he uses his Rogaine and takes his Cialis confident the FDA has made sure they will not grow hair on his palms or make his head harder.

At some point he will get on an internet developed first by the government and play John Wayne Hondo and complain about soshalizm and how everybody else is getting stuff from the government.

I'm not rich by any means.........Middle Class Electrician working for a living. Perhaps you should try that yourself some day.

Well, I worked over time last week. They deducted $600 from my check for all the taxes both Federal, State, and etc...........I also paid taxes at the gas pump at 55 cents a gallon, and paid taxes on purchases at the store.

Now please tell me about all this FREE SHIT people like you quote all the time. I don't see it..........Perhaps it's because I work for a living. It's time for you to learn that the GOVERNMENT doesn't pay for SHIT. WE DO. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. So spare me the usual ramble of how we live off the Gov't.

That is the standard propaganda of the left.

You paid taxes at the gas pump and purchases at the store(s)? OMFG! Call the right wing political whiner police. Using your logic you should personally be in jail for any crimes committed by the government. Seriously, the government is you and your money
Still the troll aren't you................

It was in reference to your major malfunction. That the Gov't pays for everything and not the taxpayer.

If that's too difficult for you to grasp then that's your problem and not mine troll.

As a tax payer I pay for the freaking roads I drive on, and by the way I pay a bill for my electricity as well. Your BS about the dams and roads are standard liberal rhetoric and nothing more.

The taxpayer funds the government. The individual tax payer does not pay for things in the way you infer. get a grip

You contribute to the highway funds. You do not pay for the highways. They are not yours -- they are ours. See? Words are important. So as I've asked before: In all sincerity, is English your second language? I ask because if so it would go a long way in explaining your problems here
And again I never brought this up. YOU DID.........Saying I'm driving on Gov't roads and using dams and etc. for Free..............

Which is total BS.

Every taxpayer pays for this and I'm one of many. So please stop saying that I don't help fund it when I pay taxes.

I never twisted the post to state anything close to what you are saying troll. Your major malfunction is you consider the Federal Gov't as a dang person and entity unto it's self...........Which is wrong headed yet again. We hire and fire them to serve the people, and we ALL PAY FOR IT IN TAXES.

You are a loon.........dig a hole.
Back to the OP.

Obamacare is a prime example of Democracy without the protections of a Republic.

If we only had a House of Reps, this is how or nation would create laws from now on. The Senate and Presidency puts in the checks to make sure minority views and States have a say in creating laws.

Every law you don't like is not an example of some dire fundamental flaw in the system.

Rather, it is only an example of a law you don't like.
That was not the point and I believe you know that already.

The point was not having the system we have now........

If all we needed to pass a new law was a simple majority it would be SIMILAR to the Super Majority that was needed to pass Obamacare.

How would you like to have a system of Gov't like that right now????????????????

Where your side wouldn't have a voice at all??????????

The House is controlled by the GOP by a wide margin..........Would you like them to decide by themselves the path of the nation or would you rather have the checks and balances that we have????????

That was the point.

My parents used to joke about politics a little. They stated that if the Dems controlled Congress to elect a Republican President and if the Reps controlled the Congress to elect a Dem President.

That way they could do less damage.

The GOP House has been passing bills with a one party Super Majority since 2010. D'Oh! Please don't make your parents fair game by bringing them into this. Shame on you!

Obamacare did not need nor did it have a Super Majority, whatever that is in your warped mind. Obamacare had a majority in both chambers of the Congress that passed the bill. The President signed the bill. The Supreme Court ruled the bill constitutional. The fact that one party controlled the two branches of government is irrelevant.

Any one party that may control the government is a government elected by 'we the people'
Look at election results lately. Mainly because of the liberal agenda and Obama including Obamacare. Your side doesn't represent the will of the people unless you are a dumb ass lib. Oops..........You are that.

The polls to the public show complete dissatisfaction with the Gov't........both sides unless you haven't noticed.........and the Super Majority of the Dems that passed Obamacare was a referendum on Bush and not because they love you and your ilk.

2006. Look up the congressional elections of 2006. 2012? Things swing back and forth between parties, but any government is the government the people have elected. Until that government changes... get it yet?

Your crazed idea of a Super Majority :cuckoo: comprised a majority of Democrats in both chambers of the Congress and a Democratic President? Somehow these Democrats voted for Obamacare because of some anti Bush pay back?

It's official. You should be euthanized for your own good and the good of those around you
Now you go back to the swing of elections to cover your own distortions of this thread. You say BS to the point of lying by misquoting posts and then say I'm the one with the problem.

Of course there are swings in power in the country. That is nothing new, but again you can't comprehend the meaning of my original posts on how a DIFFERENT TYPE OF GOV'T would work. It flies right over your head.
It represents exactly the views of the post it quoted. As for the righty cliche about a limited government ...

A conservative wakes in the morning and uses electricity from a gov't dam to blow dry his comb over. He eats breakfast confident that gov't inspectors have ensured it won't kill him. He gets in a car made safer and more fuel efficient by "big government," before driving on a free gov't road to work where his company is making money from a government contract. He drives home to a suburb where government police keep "those people" out. Before bed, he uses his Rogaine and takes his Cialis confident the FDA has made sure they will not grow hair on his palms or make his head harder.

At some point he will get on an internet developed first by the government and play John Wayne Hondo and complain about soshalizm and how everybody else is getting stuff from the government.

I'm not rich by any means.........Middle Class Electrician working for a living. Perhaps you should try that yourself some day.

Well, I worked over time last week. They deducted $600 from my check for all the taxes both Federal, State, and etc...........I also paid taxes at the gas pump at 55 cents a gallon, and paid taxes on purchases at the store.

Now please tell me about all this FREE SHIT people like you quote all the time. I don't see it..........Perhaps it's because I work for a living. It's time for you to learn that the GOVERNMENT doesn't pay for SHIT. WE DO. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. So spare me the usual ramble of how we live off the Gov't.

That is the standard propaganda of the left.

You paid taxes at the gas pump and purchases at the store(s)? OMFG! Call the right wing political whiner police. Using your logic you should personally be in jail for any crimes committed by the government. Seriously, the government is you and your money
Still the troll aren't you................

It was in reference to your major malfunction. That the Gov't pays for everything and not the taxpayer.

If that's too difficult for you to grasp then that's your problem and not mine troll.

As a tax payer I pay for the freaking roads I drive on, and by the way I pay a bill for my electricity as well. Your BS about the dams and roads are standard liberal rhetoric and nothing more.

The taxpayer funds the government. The individual tax payer does not pay for things in the way you infer. get a grip

You contribute to the highway funds. You do not pay for the highways. They are not yours -- they are ours. See? Words are important. So as I've asked before: In all sincerity, is English your second language? I ask because if so it would go a long way in explaining your problems here
And again I never brought this up. YOU DID.........Saying I'm driving on Gov't roads and using dams and etc. for Free..............

Which is total BS.

Every taxpayer pays for this and I'm one of many. So please stop saying that I don't help fund it when I pay taxes.

I never twisted the post to state anything close to what you are saying troll. Your major malfunction is you consider the Federal Gov't as a dang person and entity unto it's self...........Which is wrong headed yet again. We hire and fire them to serve the people, and we ALL PAY FOR IT IN TAXES.

You are a loon.........dig a hole.

Is English your primary language?

Here is what I wrote:
The taxpayer funds the government. The individual tax payer does not pay for things in the way you infer. get a grip

You contribute to the highway funds. You do not pay for the highways. They are not yours -- they are ours. See? Words are important. So as I've asked before: In all sincerity, is English your second language? I ask because if so it would go a long way in explaining your problems here​

You write:
Every taxpayer pays for this and I'm one of many. So please stop saying that I don't help fund it when I pay taxes.

Is There A Docktor In The House?
Every law you don't like is not an example of some dire fundamental flaw in the system.

Rather, it is only an example of a law you don't like.
That was not the point and I believe you know that already.

The point was not having the system we have now........

If all we needed to pass a new law was a simple majority it would be SIMILAR to the Super Majority that was needed to pass Obamacare.

How would you like to have a system of Gov't like that right now????????????????

Where your side wouldn't have a voice at all??????????

The House is controlled by the GOP by a wide margin..........Would you like them to decide by themselves the path of the nation or would you rather have the checks and balances that we have????????

That was the point.

My parents used to joke about politics a little. They stated that if the Dems controlled Congress to elect a Republican President and if the Reps controlled the Congress to elect a Dem President.

That way they could do less damage.

The GOP House has been passing bills with a one party Super Majority since 2010. D'Oh! Please don't make your parents fair game by bringing them into this. Shame on you!

Obamacare did not need nor did it have a Super Majority, whatever that is in your warped mind. Obamacare had a majority in both chambers of the Congress that passed the bill. The President signed the bill. The Supreme Court ruled the bill constitutional. The fact that one party controlled the two branches of government is irrelevant.

Any one party that may control the government is a government elected by 'we the people'
Look at election results lately. Mainly because of the liberal agenda and Obama including Obamacare. Your side doesn't represent the will of the people unless you are a dumb ass lib. Oops..........You are that.

The polls to the public show complete dissatisfaction with the Gov't........both sides unless you haven't noticed.........and the Super Majority of the Dems that passed Obamacare was a referendum on Bush and not because they love you and your ilk.

2006. Look up the congressional elections of 2006. 2012? Things swing back and forth between parties, but any government is the government the people have elected. Until that government changes... get it yet?

Your crazed idea of a Super Majority :cuckoo: comprised a majority of Democrats in both chambers of the Congress and a Democratic President? Somehow these Democrats voted for Obamacare because of some anti Bush pay back?

It's official. You should be euthanized for your own good and the good of those around you
Now you go back to the swing of elections to cover your own distortions of this thread. You say BS to the point of lying by misquoting posts and then say I'm the one with the problem.

Of course there are swings in power in the country. That is nothing new, but again you can't comprehend the meaning of my original posts on how a DIFFERENT TYPE OF GOV'T would work. It flies right over your head.

Yeah right, your Obamacare's Un-republican Super Majority! :cuckoo:

I'm not rich by any means.........Middle Class Electrician working for a living. Perhaps you should try that yourself some day.

Well, I worked over time last week. They deducted $600 from my check for all the taxes both Federal, State, and etc...........I also paid taxes at the gas pump at 55 cents a gallon, and paid taxes on purchases at the store.

Now please tell me about all this FREE SHIT people like you quote all the time. I don't see it..........Perhaps it's because I work for a living. It's time for you to learn that the GOVERNMENT doesn't pay for SHIT. WE DO. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. So spare me the usual ramble of how we live off the Gov't.

That is the standard propaganda of the left.

You paid taxes at the gas pump and purchases at the store(s)? OMFG! Call the right wing political whiner police. Using your logic you should personally be in jail for any crimes committed by the government. Seriously, the government is you and your money
Still the troll aren't you................

It was in reference to your major malfunction. That the Gov't pays for everything and not the taxpayer.

If that's too difficult for you to grasp then that's your problem and not mine troll.

As a tax payer I pay for the freaking roads I drive on, and by the way I pay a bill for my electricity as well. Your BS about the dams and roads are standard liberal rhetoric and nothing more.

The taxpayer funds the government. The individual tax payer does not pay for things in the way you infer. get a grip

You contribute to the highway funds. You do not pay for the highways. They are not yours -- they are ours. See? Words are important. So as I've asked before: In all sincerity, is English your second language? I ask because if so it would go a long way in explaining your problems here
And again I never brought this up. YOU DID.........Saying I'm driving on Gov't roads and using dams and etc. for Free..............

Which is total BS.

Every taxpayer pays for this and I'm one of many. So please stop saying that I don't help fund it when I pay taxes.

I never twisted the post to state anything close to what you are saying troll. Your major malfunction is you consider the Federal Gov't as a dang person and entity unto it's self...........Which is wrong headed yet again. We hire and fire them to serve the people, and we ALL PAY FOR IT IN TAXES.

You are a loon.........dig a hole.

Is English your primary language?

Here is what I wrote:
The taxpayer funds the government. The individual tax payer does not pay for things in the way you infer. get a grip

You contribute to the highway funds. You do not pay for the highways. They are not yours -- they are ours. See? Words are important. So as I've asked before: In all sincerity, is English your second language? I ask because if so it would go a long way in explaining your problems here​

You write:
Every taxpayer pays for this and I'm one of many. So please stop saying that I don't help fund it when I pay taxes.

Is There A Docktor In The House?
And again you brought it up about me driving on the roads for free and getting electricity from dams for Free. You did that and I didn' I pay taxes to help fund these things which means WE CAN DRIVE ON THEM because the people as a whole payed for them.

To say I drive on them for free is an OUTRIGHT LIE.
You paid taxes at the gas pump and purchases at the store(s)? OMFG! Call the right wing political whiner police. Using your logic you should personally be in jail for any crimes committed by the government. Seriously, the government is you and your money
Still the troll aren't you................

It was in reference to your major malfunction. That the Gov't pays for everything and not the taxpayer.

If that's too difficult for you to grasp then that's your problem and not mine troll.

As a tax payer I pay for the freaking roads I drive on, and by the way I pay a bill for my electricity as well. Your BS about the dams and roads are standard liberal rhetoric and nothing more.

The taxpayer funds the government. The individual tax payer does not pay for things in the way you infer. get a grip

You contribute to the highway funds. You do not pay for the highways. They are not yours -- they are ours. See? Words are important. So as I've asked before: In all sincerity, is English your second language? I ask because if so it would go a long way in explaining your problems here
And again I never brought this up. YOU DID.........Saying I'm driving on Gov't roads and using dams and etc. for Free..............

Which is total BS.

Every taxpayer pays for this and I'm one of many. So please stop saying that I don't help fund it when I pay taxes.

I never twisted the post to state anything close to what you are saying troll. Your major malfunction is you consider the Federal Gov't as a dang person and entity unto it's self...........Which is wrong headed yet again. We hire and fire them to serve the people, and we ALL PAY FOR IT IN TAXES.

You are a loon.........dig a hole.

Is English your primary language?

Here is what I wrote:
The taxpayer funds the government. The individual tax payer does not pay for things in the way you infer. get a grip

You contribute to the highway funds. You do not pay for the highways. They are not yours -- they are ours. See? Words are important. So as I've asked before: In all sincerity, is English your second language? I ask because if so it would go a long way in explaining your problems here​

You write:
Every taxpayer pays for this and I'm one of many. So please stop saying that I don't help fund it when I pay taxes.

Is There A Docktor In The House?
And again you brought it up about me driving on the roads for free and getting electricity from dams for Free. You did that and I didn' I pay taxes to help fund these things which means WE CAN DRIVE ON THEM because the people as a whole payed for them.

To say I drive on them for free is an OUTRIGHT LIE.

Dante never said those things, but hey...

You do get services for free. If government pays for something and you do not pay a fee for it you get it for free.

ex: Your car has a full gas tank. I drive your car. I drive a half of a mile on a highway. I do not pay you for the gas used. I used the highway and did not pay into the highway trust fund. Was I allowed to drive on that highway? Did I have to ask your permission to use the highway that only you and not I paid for?

think about those things and then let us know: Is English your primary language?
Went back into the thread on who stated how we use roads and dams and it was wobbly who quoted it.

Then Dante butted in and attacked my answer sent to wobbly...................Which would obviously mean he must have agreed with Dante is still defending that position and trying to split hairs over that issue.

All tax payers contribute to paying for all that stuff.............and wobbly and his defender are wrong when they stated and defended the position that I drive on those roads for free.
Still the troll aren't you................

It was in reference to your major malfunction. That the Gov't pays for everything and not the taxpayer.

If that's too difficult for you to grasp then that's your problem and not mine troll.

As a tax payer I pay for the freaking roads I drive on, and by the way I pay a bill for my electricity as well. Your BS about the dams and roads are standard liberal rhetoric and nothing more.

The taxpayer funds the government. The individual tax payer does not pay for things in the way you infer. get a grip

You contribute to the highway funds. You do not pay for the highways. They are not yours -- they are ours. See? Words are important. So as I've asked before: In all sincerity, is English your second language? I ask because if so it would go a long way in explaining your problems here
And again I never brought this up. YOU DID.........Saying I'm driving on Gov't roads and using dams and etc. for Free..............

Which is total BS.

Every taxpayer pays for this and I'm one of many. So please stop saying that I don't help fund it when I pay taxes.

I never twisted the post to state anything close to what you are saying troll. Your major malfunction is you consider the Federal Gov't as a dang person and entity unto it's self...........Which is wrong headed yet again. We hire and fire them to serve the people, and we ALL PAY FOR IT IN TAXES.

You are a loon.........dig a hole.

Is English your primary language?

Here is what I wrote:
The taxpayer funds the government. The individual tax payer does not pay for things in the way you infer. get a grip

You contribute to the highway funds. You do not pay for the highways. They are not yours -- they are ours. See? Words are important. So as I've asked before: In all sincerity, is English your second language? I ask because if so it would go a long way in explaining your problems here​

You write:
Every taxpayer pays for this and I'm one of many. So please stop saying that I don't help fund it when I pay taxes.

Is There A Docktor In The House?
And again you brought it up about me driving on the roads for free and getting electricity from dams for Free. You did that and I didn' I pay taxes to help fund these things which means WE CAN DRIVE ON THEM because the people as a whole payed for them.

To say I drive on them for free is an OUTRIGHT LIE.

Dante never said those things, but hey...

You do get services for free. If government pays for something and you do not pay a fee for it you get it for free.

ex: Your car has a full gas tank. I drive your car. I drive a half of a mile on a highway. I do not pay you for the gas used. I used the highway and did not pay into the highway trust fund. Was I allowed to drive on that highway? Did I have to ask your permission to use the highway that only you and not I paid for?

think about those things and then let us know: Is English your primary language?
I just looked back at that and quoted wobbly as saying that. You took up his side of the equation when you butted into that discussion.

And now continue that discussion trying to imply things I didn't say. I said I PAY TAXES so therefore I help pay for the roads..................PERIOD.
Went back into the thread on who stated how we use roads and dams and it was wobbly who quoted it.

Then Dante butted in and attacked my answer sent to wobbly...................Which would obviously mean he must have agreed with Dante is still defending that position and trying to split hairs over that issue.

All tax payers contribute to paying for all that stuff.............and wobbly and his defender are wrong when they stated and defended the position that I drive on those roads for free.

All people do not pay all taxes. Yet all people get to use things they did not pay for. Why? Because when government pays for something with tax dollars and they provide something for everyone to use, it is in effect free to all -- open to all
The taxpayer funds the government. The individual tax payer does not pay for things in the way you infer. get a grip

You contribute to the highway funds. You do not pay for the highways. They are not yours -- they are ours. See? Words are important. So as I've asked before: In all sincerity, is English your second language? I ask because if so it would go a long way in explaining your problems here
And again I never brought this up. YOU DID.........Saying I'm driving on Gov't roads and using dams and etc. for Free..............

Which is total BS.

Every taxpayer pays for this and I'm one of many. So please stop saying that I don't help fund it when I pay taxes.

I never twisted the post to state anything close to what you are saying troll. Your major malfunction is you consider the Federal Gov't as a dang person and entity unto it's self...........Which is wrong headed yet again. We hire and fire them to serve the people, and we ALL PAY FOR IT IN TAXES.

You are a loon.........dig a hole.

Is English your primary language?

Here is what I wrote:
The taxpayer funds the government. The individual tax payer does not pay for things in the way you infer. get a grip

You contribute to the highway funds. You do not pay for the highways. They are not yours -- they are ours. See? Words are important. So as I've asked before: In all sincerity, is English your second language? I ask because if so it would go a long way in explaining your problems here​

You write:
Every taxpayer pays for this and I'm one of many. So please stop saying that I don't help fund it when I pay taxes.

Is There A Docktor In The House?
And again you brought it up about me driving on the roads for free and getting electricity from dams for Free. You did that and I didn' I pay taxes to help fund these things which means WE CAN DRIVE ON THEM because the people as a whole payed for them.

To say I drive on them for free is an OUTRIGHT LIE.

Dante never said those things, but hey...

You do get services for free. If government pays for something and you do not pay a fee for it you get it for free.

ex: Your car has a full gas tank. I drive your car. I drive a half of a mile on a highway. I do not pay you for the gas used. I used the highway and did not pay into the highway trust fund. Was I allowed to drive on that highway? Did I have to ask your permission to use the highway that only you and not I paid for?

think about those things and then let us know: Is English your primary language?
I just looked back at that and quoted wobbly as saying that. You took up his side of the equation when you butted into that discussion.

And now continue that discussion trying to imply things I didn't say. I said I PAY TAXES so therefore I help pay for the roads..................PERIOD.

your gasoline taxes help pay for the roads. true. how much of a help? 0.0001%
Went back into the thread on who stated how we use roads and dams and it was wobbly who quoted it.

Then Dante butted in and attacked my answer sent to wobbly...................Which would obviously mean he must have agreed with Dante is still defending that position and trying to split hairs over that issue.

All tax payers contribute to paying for all that stuff.............and wobbly and his defender are wrong when they stated and defended the position that I drive on those roads for free.

All people do not pay all taxes. Yet all people get to use things they did not pay for. Why? Because when government pays for something with tax dollars and they provide something for everyone to use, it is in effect free to all -- open to all
No shit.............

And again the wobbly guy stated I drove on them for free..........fine.............I don't need to pay taxes anymore right..............................It's all free............................

You again are full of it. Some pay their way and some mooch on the rest. I pay my way and share to the Gov't.
And again I never brought this up. YOU DID.........Saying I'm driving on Gov't roads and using dams and etc. for Free..............

Which is total BS.

Every taxpayer pays for this and I'm one of many. So please stop saying that I don't help fund it when I pay taxes.

I never twisted the post to state anything close to what you are saying troll. Your major malfunction is you consider the Federal Gov't as a dang person and entity unto it's self...........Which is wrong headed yet again. We hire and fire them to serve the people, and we ALL PAY FOR IT IN TAXES.

You are a loon.........dig a hole.

Is English your primary language?

Here is what I wrote:
The taxpayer funds the government. The individual tax payer does not pay for things in the way you infer. get a grip

You contribute to the highway funds. You do not pay for the highways. They are not yours -- they are ours. See? Words are important. So as I've asked before: In all sincerity, is English your second language? I ask because if so it would go a long way in explaining your problems here​

You write:
Every taxpayer pays for this and I'm one of many. So please stop saying that I don't help fund it when I pay taxes.

Is There A Docktor In The House?
And again you brought it up about me driving on the roads for free and getting electricity from dams for Free. You did that and I didn' I pay taxes to help fund these things which means WE CAN DRIVE ON THEM because the people as a whole payed for them.

To say I drive on them for free is an OUTRIGHT LIE.

Dante never said those things, but hey...

You do get services for free. If government pays for something and you do not pay a fee for it you get it for free.

ex: Your car has a full gas tank. I drive your car. I drive a half of a mile on a highway. I do not pay you for the gas used. I used the highway and did not pay into the highway trust fund. Was I allowed to drive on that highway? Did I have to ask your permission to use the highway that only you and not I paid for?

think about those things and then let us know: Is English your primary language?
I just looked back at that and quoted wobbly as saying that. You took up his side of the equation when you butted into that discussion.

And now continue that discussion trying to imply things I didn't say. I said I PAY TAXES so therefore I help pay for the roads..................PERIOD.

your gasoline taxes help pay for the roads. true. how much of a help? 0.0001%
Not material to the issue. As a tax payer and filer of taxes like another 130 million or so here we all pay a share.

Whether I pay a very small fraction of it is not relevant. It's that I pay my taxes as the others do as please stop with the Free stuff on me..............That would be the ones that vote for your side most of the time................who get welfare out the ass.

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