America is a 'CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC,' not a Democracy...

It is a rather amusing irony that the greater the wealth disparity and concentration of our nation's wealth with the top 1%, the more the right laments about wealth redistribution.

You Vern, are you aware that the department of health and human services budget is one bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion dollars.

Oh, I forgot you motherfucking socialists want complete and total confiscation.
It is a rather amusing irony that the greater the wealth disparity and concentration of our nation's wealth with the top 1%, the more the right laments about wealth redistribution.

You Vern, are you aware that the department of health and human services budget is one bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion dollars.

Oh, I forgot you motherfucking socialists want complete and total confiscation.
Can you believe these morons (democrats) that don't know the difference between assets and income?
The Constitution does not mention the word Christianity once. Freedom of religion stipulates the non-discrimination of ALL religions and ANY beliefs provided they don't legally harm others. This means that the Muslim religion enjoys the same Constitutional protection as the Christian religion.

Point is: most Republicans don't understand this because they get their education from the pundit class, which distorts the Constitution on behalf of a political agenda.

Turn of Mark Levine and take your mind back.
The Treaty of Tripoli makes it clear that the US (at least on the Federal and Foreign Policy level) was not founded as a Christian nation: Treaty of Tripoli - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims]; and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Muslim] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.
You Vern, are you aware that the department of health and human services budget is one bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion dollars.

Oh, I forgot you motherfucking socialists want complete and total confiscation.

While I never forget that rightards whose math skills end when they run out of toes to count on are easily impressed by numbers after that. Their raging vulgarity I attribute to their poor education and and weak upbringing.

As for whatshisname doing a judas denial of the duke, I'd say using him as an avatar makes one more of groupie or a poser than a casual fan.
Misrepresents our views as I certainly have no problem electing my reps.................It's about limiting the Gov't and not allowing the Gov't to get to big for it's britches.............

Oops..........too late.

It represents exactly the views of the post it quoted. As for the righty cliche about a limited government ...

A conservative wakes in the morning and uses electricity from a gov't dam to blow dry his comb over. He eats breakfast confident that gov't inspectors have ensured it won't kill him. He gets in a car made safer and more fuel efficient by "big government," before driving on a free gov't road to work where his company is making money from a government contract. He drives home to a suburb where government police keep "those people" out. Before bed, he uses his Rogaine and takes his Cialis confident the FDA has made sure they will not grow hair on his palms or make his head harder.

At some point he will get on an internet developed first by the government and play John Wayne Hondo and complain about soshalizm and how everybody else is getting stuff from the government.

I'm not rich by any means.........Middle Class Electrician working for a living. Perhaps you should try that yourself some day.

Well, I worked over time last week. They deducted $600 from my check for all the taxes both Federal, State, and etc...........I also paid taxes at the gas pump at 55 cents a gallon, and paid taxes on purchases at the store.

Now please tell me about all this FREE SHIT people like you quote all the time. I don't see it..........Perhaps it's because I work for a living. It's time for you to learn that the GOVERNMENT doesn't pay for SHIT. WE DO. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. So spare me the usual ramble of how we live off the Gov't.

That is the standard propaganda of the left.
You Vern, are you aware that the department of health and human services budget is one bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion dollars.

Oh, I forgot you motherfucking socialists want complete and total confiscation.

While I never forget that rightards whose math skills end when they run out of toes to count on are easily impressed by numbers after that. Their raging vulgarity I attribute to their poor education and and weak upbringing.

As for whatshisname doing a judas denial of the duke, I'd say using him as an avatar makes one more of groupie or a poser than a casual fan.
U.S. National Debt Clock Real Time

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding
Riddle me this...................How many how many fingers and toes would it take to add up the current Federal Debt in this country.........................

As a liberal suggests Tea Party types don't know math. Please enlighten us with your skills............
You Vern, are you aware that the department of health and human services budget is one bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion dollars.

Oh, I forgot you motherfucking socialists want complete and total confiscation.

While I never forget that rightards whose math skills end when they run out of toes to count on are easily impressed by numbers after that. Their raging vulgarity I attribute to their poor education and and weak upbringing.

As for whatshisname doing a judas denial of the duke, I'd say using him as an avatar makes one more of groupie or a poser than a casual fan.

n. pl. Wob·blies

A member of the Industrial Workers of the World, a chiefly US labor organization dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism, active especially in the early 1900s.

Yo Parasite,

what number impresses the wobblies?

Thirty magazine clips?

Back to the OP.

Obamacare is a prime example of Democracy without the protections of a Republic.

If we only had a House of Reps, this is how or nation would create laws from now on. The Senate and Presidency puts in the checks to make sure minority views and States have a say in creating laws.

Every law you don't like is not an example of some dire fundamental flaw in the system.

Rather, it is only an example of a law you don't like.
You Vern, are you aware that the department of health and human services budget is one bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion dollars.

Oh, I forgot you motherfucking socialists want complete and total confiscation.

While I never forget that rightards whose math skills end when they run out of toes to count on are easily impressed by numbers after that. Their raging vulgarity I attribute to their poor education and and weak upbringing.

As for whatshisname doing a judas denial of the duke, I'd say using him as an avatar makes one more of groupie or a poser than a casual fan.

n. pl. Wob·blies

A member of the Industrial Workers of the World, a chiefly US labor organization dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism, active especially in the early 1900s.

Yo Parasite,

what number impresses the wobblies?

Thirty magazine clips?


what the fuck is a magazine clip ???????

Back to the OP.

Obamacare is a prime example of Democracy without the protections of a Republic.

If we only had a House of Reps, this is how or nation would create laws from now on. The Senate and Presidency puts in the checks to make sure minority views and States have a say in creating laws.

Every law you don't like is not an example of some dire fundamental flaw in the system.

Rather, it is only an example of a law you don't like.
That was not the point and I believe you know that already.

The point was not having the system we have now........

If all we needed to pass a new law was a simple majority it would be SIMILAR to the Super Majority that was needed to pass Obamacare.

How would you like to have a system of Gov't like that right now????????????????

Where your side wouldn't have a voice at all??????????

The House is controlled by the GOP by a wide margin..........Would you like them to decide by themselves the path of the nation or would you rather have the checks and balances that we have????????

That was the point.

My parents used to joke about politics a little. They stated that if the Dems controlled Congress to elect a Republican President and if the Reps controlled the Congress to elect a Dem President.

That way they could do less damage.
Back to the OP.

Obamacare is a prime example of Democracy without the protections of a Republic.

If we only had a House of Reps, this is how or nation would create laws from now on. The Senate and Presidency puts in the checks to make sure minority views and States have a say in creating laws.

Every law you don't like is not an example of some dire fundamental flaw in the system.

Rather, it is only an example of a law you don't like.
That was not the point and I believe you know that already.

The point was not having the system we have now........

If all we needed to pass a new law was a simple majority it would be SIMILAR to the Super Majority that was needed to pass Obamacare.

How would you like to have a system of Gov't like that right now????????????????

Where your side wouldn't have a voice at all??????????

The House is controlled by the GOP by a wide margin..........Would you like them to decide by themselves the path of the nation or would you rather have the checks and balances that we have????????

That was the point.

My parents used to joke about politics a little. They stated that if the Dems controlled Congress to elect a Republican President and if the Reps controlled the Congress to elect a Dem President.

That way they could do less damage.

My state of New York ratified the Constitution by a convention vote of 30 - 27.

A simple majority.
Back to the OP.

Obamacare is a prime example of Democracy without the protections of a Republic.

If we only had a House of Reps, this is how or nation would create laws from now on. The Senate and Presidency puts in the checks to make sure minority views and States have a say in creating laws.

Every law you don't like is not an example of some dire fundamental flaw in the system.

Rather, it is only an example of a law you don't like.
That was not the point and I believe you know that already.

The point was not having the system we have now........

If all we needed to pass a new law was a simple majority it would be SIMILAR to the Super Majority that was needed to pass Obamacare.

How would you like to have a system of Gov't like that right now????????????????

Where your side wouldn't have a voice at all??????????

The House is controlled by the GOP by a wide margin..........Would you like them to decide by themselves the path of the nation or would you rather have the checks and balances that we have????????

That was the point.

My parents used to joke about politics a little. They stated that if the Dems controlled Congress to elect a Republican President and if the Reps controlled the Congress to elect a Dem President.

That way they could do less damage.

My state of New York ratified the Constitution by a convention vote of 30 - 27.

A simple majority.
Then they ratified the current system of Republic didn't they............which wasn't the point.

Stop dancing.
Back to the OP.

Obamacare is a prime example of Democracy without the protections of a Republic.

If we only had a House of Reps, this is how or nation would create laws from now on. The Senate and Presidency puts in the checks to make sure minority views and States have a say in creating laws.

Every law you don't like is not an example of some dire fundamental flaw in the system.

Rather, it is only an example of a law you don't like.
That was not the point and I believe you know that already.

The point was not having the system we have now........

If all we needed to pass a new law was a simple majority it would be SIMILAR to the Super Majority that was needed to pass Obamacare.

How would you like to have a system of Gov't like that right now????????????????

Where your side wouldn't have a voice at all??????????

The House is controlled by the GOP by a wide margin..........Would you like them to decide by themselves the path of the nation or would you rather have the checks and balances that we have????????

That was the point.

My parents used to joke about politics a little. They stated that if the Dems controlled Congress to elect a Republican President and if the Reps controlled the Congress to elect a Dem President.

That way they could do less damage.

My state of New York ratified the Constitution by a convention vote of 30 - 27.

A simple majority.

Yes, indeed.

But NY was concerned that the federal government would eventually tyrannize them - they were , of course correct.

New York's Ratification

That the people have an equal, natural, and unalienable right freely and peaceably to exercise their religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that no religious sect or society ought to be favored or established by law in preference to others.

That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well-regulated militia, including the body of the people capable of bearing arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free state."

Hard to believe that new yorkers loved freedom back then.

Back to the OP.

Obamacare is a prime example of Democracy without the protections of a Republic.

If we only had a House of Reps, this is how or nation would create laws from now on. The Senate and Presidency puts in the checks to make sure minority views and States have a say in creating laws.

Every law you don't like is not an example of some dire fundamental flaw in the system.

Rather, it is only an example of a law you don't like.
That was not the point and I believe you know that already.

The point was not having the system we have now........

If all we needed to pass a new law was a simple majority it would be SIMILAR to the Super Majority that was needed to pass Obamacare.

How would you like to have a system of Gov't like that right now????????????????

Where your side wouldn't have a voice at all??????????

The House is controlled by the GOP by a wide margin..........Would you like them to decide by themselves the path of the nation or would you rather have the checks and balances that we have????????

That was the point.

My parents used to joke about politics a little. They stated that if the Dems controlled Congress to elect a Republican President and if the Reps controlled the Congress to elect a Dem President.

That way they could do less damage.

My state of New York ratified the Constitution by a convention vote of 30 - 27.

A simple majority.
Then they ratified the current system of Republic didn't they............which wasn't the point.

Stop dancing.

You win. You are incomprehensible. Congratulations.
Back to the OP.

Obamacare is a prime example of Democracy without the protections of a Republic.

If we only had a House of Reps, this is how or nation would create laws from now on. The Senate and Presidency puts in the checks to make sure minority views and States have a say in creating laws.

Every law you don't like is not an example of some dire fundamental flaw in the system.

Rather, it is only an example of a law you don't like.
That was not the point and I believe you know that already.

The point was not having the system we have now........

If all we needed to pass a new law was a simple majority it would be SIMILAR to the Super Majority that was needed to pass Obamacare.

How would you like to have a system of Gov't like that right now????????????????

Where your side wouldn't have a voice at all??????????

The House is controlled by the GOP by a wide margin..........Would you like them to decide by themselves the path of the nation or would you rather have the checks and balances that we have????????

That was the point.

My parents used to joke about politics a little. They stated that if the Dems controlled Congress to elect a Republican President and if the Reps controlled the Congress to elect a Dem President.

That way they could do less damage.

My state of New York ratified the Constitution by a convention vote of 30 - 27.

A simple majority.
Then they ratified the current system of Republic didn't they............which wasn't the point.

Stop dancing.

You win. You are incomprehensible. Congratulations.
part of the reason we have so much debt I think is because the federal government
is too insulated from the voter. a little dose of a more pure Republic might help. such as a nationla initiative option like the Swiss have

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