America is a 'CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC,' not a Democracy...

We are BOTH a Constitutional Republic, (as a form/system of government), and also included in the count of Nations as a Democracy.

THERE ARE NO NATIONS in the World that claim DEMOCRACY as their FORM/SYSTEM of government, not a one that I could is the list, most Nations claim to be Republics, and some claim to be Monarchies....

List of countries by system of government - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

ALL Nations/Countries in the World BUT 4, claim to be Democracies(even though their form of government are mostly Republics and Monarchies), including the United States, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, etc etc etc, HOWEVER there are more than 100 countries that are NOT truly democracies in the world...see the link below and hit forward and then scroll over the world map....

Democracies in the World
Went back into the thread on who stated how we use roads and dams and it was wobbly who quoted it.

Then Dante butted in and attacked my answer sent to wobbly...................Which would obviously mean he must have agreed with Dante is still defending that position and trying to split hairs over that issue.

All tax payers contribute to paying for all that stuff.............and wobbly and his defender are wrong when they stated and defended the position that I drive on those roads for free.

All people do not pay all taxes. Yet all people get to use things they did not pay for. Why? Because when government pays for something with tax dollars and they provide something for everyone to use, it is in effect free to all -- open to all
No shit.............

And again the wobbly guy stated I drove on them for free..........fine.............I don't need to pay taxes anymore right..............................It's all free............................

You again are full of it. Some pay their way and some mooch on the rest. I pay my way and share to the Gov't.

Then stfu and pay your taxes
part of the reason we have so much debt I think is because the federal government
is too insulated from the voter. a little dose of a more pure Republic might help. such as a nationla initiative option like the Swiss have

wtf is this 'our republic' you fantasize about?

what do you disagree with here: A republic is a form of government in which power resides in the people,[1] and the government is ruled by elected leaders run according to law (from Latin: res publica), rather than inherited or appointed (such as through inheritance or divine mandate). In modern times the definition of a republic is also commonly limited to a government which excludes a monarch. Republic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I didnt say out republic I said pure republic

I get that from Jeffersons definition which is included in my picture gallery I believe

I have little problem with the definition you gave providing it is read right..and it isnt used to exclude the Swiss approach
part of the reason we have so much debt I think is because the federal government
is too insulated from the voter. a little dose of a more pure Republic might help. such as a nationla initiative option like the Swiss have

wtf is this 'our republic' you fantasize about?

what do you disagree with here: A republic is a form of government in which power resides in the people,[1] and the government is ruled by elected leaders run according to law (from Latin: res publica), rather than inherited or appointed (such as through inheritance or divine mandate). In modern times the definition of a republic is also commonly limited to a government which excludes a monarch. Republic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I didnt say out republic I said pure republic

I get that from Jeffersons definition which is included in my picture gallery I believe

I have little problem with the definition you gave providing it is read right..and it isnt used to exclude the Swiss approach

I meant to write pure and wrote our, you meant to write our and wrote out. I went back and edited the original, but not this one copy of the post
part of the reason we have so much debt I think is because the federal government
is too insulated from the voter. a little dose of a more pure Republic might help. such as a nationla initiative option like the Swiss have

wtf is this 'our republic' you fantasize about?

what do you disagree with here: A republic is a form of government in which power resides in the people,[1] and the government is ruled by elected leaders run according to law (from Latin: res publica), rather than inherited or appointed (such as through inheritance or divine mandate). In modern times the definition of a republic is also commonly limited to a government which excludes a monarch. Republic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I didnt say out republic I said pure republic

I get that from Jeffersons definition which is included in my picture gallery I believe

I have little problem with the definition you gave providing it is read right..and it isnt used to exclude the Swiss approach

I meant to write pure and wrote our, you meant to write our and wrote out. I went back and edited the original, but not this one copy of the post
part of the reason we have so much debt I think is because the federal government
is too insulated from the voter. a little dose of a more pure Republic might help. such as a nationla initiative option like the Swiss have

wtf is this 'our republic' you fantasize about?

what do you disagree with here: A republic is a form of government in which power resides in the people,[1] and the government is ruled by elected leaders run according to law (from Latin: res publica), rather than inherited or appointed (such as through inheritance or divine mandate). In modern times the definition of a republic is also commonly limited to a government which excludes a monarch. Republic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I didnt say out republic I said pure republic

I get that from Jeffersons definition which is included in my picture gallery I believe

I have little problem with the definition you gave providing it is read right..and it isnt used to exclude the Swiss approach
Screw Jefferson. He lost out on some things in the Constitutional convention (of which he was not a part) and he lost out on other things throughout the early years of the nation.

Switzerland had a confederacy. Their first republic, forced upon them by France. The Swiss approach is the French approach, which comes after the American approach. We did not model our republic on the French one.
part of the reason we have so much debt I think is because the federal government
is too insulated from the voter. a little dose of a more pure Republic might help. such as a nationla initiative option like the Swiss have

wtf is this 'our republic' you fantasize about?

what do you disagree with here: A republic is a form of government in which power resides in the people,[1] and the government is ruled by elected leaders run according to law (from Latin: res publica), rather than inherited or appointed (such as through inheritance or divine mandate). In modern times the definition of a republic is also commonly limited to a government which excludes a monarch. Republic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I didnt say out republic I said pure republic

I get that from Jeffersons definition which is included in my picture gallery I believe

I have little problem with the definition you gave providing it is read right..and it isnt used to exclude the Swiss approach
Screw Jefferson. He lost out on some things in the Constitutional convention (of which he was not a part) and he lost out on other things throughout the early years of the nation.

Switzerland had a confederacy. Their first republic, forced upon them by France. The Swiss approach is the French approach, which comes after the American approach. We did not model our republic on the French one.
Jefferson saved our nation from the disaster of the federalists. I think your history of Switzerland is wrong...a confederation can be a republic

regardelss Switzerland has had form sof direct citizen lawmaking for over 600 years is what I've read
part of the reason we have so much debt I think is because the federal government
is too insulated from the voter. a little dose of a more pure Republic might help. such as a nationla initiative option like the Swiss have

wtf is this 'our republic' you fantasize about?

what do you disagree with here: A republic is a form of government in which power resides in the people,[1] and the government is ruled by elected leaders run according to law (from Latin: res publica), rather than inherited or appointed (such as through inheritance or divine mandate). In modern times the definition of a republic is also commonly limited to a government which excludes a monarch. Republic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I didnt say out republic I said pure republic

I get that from Jeffersons definition which is included in my picture gallery I believe

I have little problem with the definition you gave providing it is read right..and it isnt used to exclude the Swiss approach
Screw Jefferson. He lost out on some things in the Constitutional convention (of which he was not a part) and he lost out on other things throughout the early years of the nation.

Switzerland had a confederacy. Their first republic, forced upon them by France. The Swiss approach is the French approach, which comes after the American approach. We did not model our republic on the French one.
Jefferson saved our nation from the disaster of the federalists. I think your history of Switzerland is wrong...a confederation can be a republic

regardelss Switzerland has had form of direct citizen lawmaking for over 600 years is what I've read
confederation - republic:
It gets pretty technical, but Switzerland could not be a republic as it had/has a Monarch. Jefferson tried to bring the federalist republic (poor usage there too :lol: ) back into teh stone ages of an agrarian utopia that never really existed. He was often crazed by his cousin Chief Justice Marshall. Jefferson also went back on his first principles bs when it suited his delusions: he became a hypocrite with the Louisiana Purchase partly/mostly because he thought (wrongly) that adding the territory would help agrarian states at the expense of the commercial states.

Were Jefferson's view to totally prevail, the USA would have been ill prepared for the coming Industrial Revolution. It wold have been a backwater agrarian society ala Czarist Russia.

What the Swiss had is similar to the old Saxons that Jefferson imagined was a utopia. It wasn't.
part of the reason we have so much debt I think is because the federal government
is too insulated from the voter. a little dose of a more pure Republic might help. such as a nationla initiative option like the Swiss have

wtf is this 'our republic' you fantasize about?

what do you disagree with here: A republic is a form of government in which power resides in the people,[1] and the government is ruled by elected leaders run according to law (from Latin: res publica), rather than inherited or appointed (such as through inheritance or divine mandate). In modern times the definition of a republic is also commonly limited to a government which excludes a monarch. Republic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I didnt say out republic I said pure republic

I get that from Jeffersons definition which is included in my picture gallery I believe

I have little problem with the definition you gave providing it is read right..and it isnt used to exclude the Swiss approach
Screw Jefferson. He lost out on some things in the Constitutional convention (of which he was not a part) and he lost out on other things throughout the early years of the nation.

Switzerland had a confederacy. Their first republic, forced upon them by France. The Swiss approach is the French approach, which comes after the American approach. We did not model our republic on the French one.
Jefferson saved our nation from the disaster of the federalists. I think your history of Switzerland is wrong...a confederation can be a republic

regardelss Switzerland has had form of direct citizen lawmaking for over 600 years is what I've read
confederation - republic:
It gets pretty technical, but Switzerland could not be a republic as it had/has a Monarch. Jefferson tried to bring the federalist republic (poor usage there too :lol: ) back into teh stone ages of an agrarian utopia that never really existed. He was often crazed by his cousin Chief Justice Marshall. Jefferson also went back on his first principles bs when it suited his delusions: he became a hypocrite with the Louisiana Purchase partly/mostly because he thought (wrongly) that adding the territory would help agrarian states at the expense of the commercial states.

Were Jefferson's view to totally prevail, the USA would have been ill prepared for the coming Industrial Revolution. It wold have been a backwater agrarian society ala Czarist Russia.

What the Swiss had is similar to the old Saxons that Jefferson imagined was a utopia. It wasn't.

Switzerland has a monarch?.....I dont think so

I disagree on you r characterization of purchase etc

Like Churchill said paraphras ing 'no one pretends that democracy is perfect..just better than others forms that have been tried from time to time
wtf is this 'our republic' you fantasize about?

what do you disagree with here: A republic is a form of government in which power resides in the people,[1] and the government is ruled by elected leaders run according to law (from Latin: res publica), rather than inherited or appointed (such as through inheritance or divine mandate). In modern times the definition of a republic is also commonly limited to a government which excludes a monarch. Republic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I didnt say out republic I said pure republic

I get that from Jeffersons definition which is included in my picture gallery I believe

I have little problem with the definition you gave providing it is read right..and it isnt used to exclude the Swiss approach
Screw Jefferson. He lost out on some things in the Constitutional convention (of which he was not a part) and he lost out on other things throughout the early years of the nation.

Switzerland had a confederacy. Their first republic, forced upon them by France. The Swiss approach is the French approach, which comes after the American approach. We did not model our republic on the French one.
Jefferson saved our nation from the disaster of the federalists. I think your history of Switzerland is wrong...a confederation can be a republic

regardelss Switzerland has had form of direct citizen lawmaking for over 600 years is what I've read
confederation - republic:
It gets pretty technical, but Switzerland could not be a republic as it had/has a Monarch. Jefferson tried to bring the federalist republic (poor usage there too :lol: ) back into teh stone ages of an agrarian utopia that never really existed. He was often crazed by his cousin Chief Justice Marshall. Jefferson also went back on his first principles bs when it suited his delusions: he became a hypocrite with the Louisiana Purchase partly/mostly because he thought (wrongly) that adding the territory would help agrarian states at the expense of the commercial states.

Were Jefferson's view to totally prevail, the USA would have been ill prepared for the coming Industrial Revolution. It wold have been a backwater agrarian society ala Czarist Russia.

What the Swiss had is similar to the old Saxons that Jefferson imagined was a utopia. It wasn't.

Switzerland has a monarch?.....I dont think so

I disagree on you r characterization of purchase etc

Like Churchill said paraphras ing 'no one pretends that democracy is perfect..just better than others forms that have been tried from time to time
Had a Monarch? :rofl: sorry. Posting in too many places. Mind is as squishy as most here.

Disagree or not on the Purchase, it is factually true.

Churchill supported a Monarchy and he was a vicious drunkard, no? And wasn't he a lot of other things most of his American admirers would detest in an American leader? A mental case? :lol:

Don't get me wrong, I defended and still defend Clinton's personal life as his own. I am constantly amused at Americans who would praise Churchill, but would turn on him in a New York Second if he were an American of an opposing party
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It is a rather amusing irony that the greater the wealth disparity and concentration of our nation's wealth with the top 1%, the more the right laments about wealth redistribution.

You Vern, are you aware that the department of health and human services budget is one bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion dollars.

Oh, I forgot you motherfucking socialists want complete and total confiscation.

You are aware that the wealthy disparity between the super wealthy and the middle class is the highest .....ever, right? That its never been higher?

There's definitely a wealth distribution. But its moving *toward* the rich far faster than it is away from them.
It is a rather amusing irony that the greater the wealth disparity and concentration of our nation's wealth with the top 1%, the more the right laments about wealth redistribution.

You Vern, are you aware that the department of health and human services budget is one bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion dollars.

Oh, I forgot you motherfucking socialists want complete and total confiscation.

You are aware that the wealthy disparity between the super wealthy and the middle class is the highest .....ever, right? That its never been higher?

There's definitely a wealth distribution. But its moving *toward* the rich far faster than it is away from them.

So where is the 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars going?

What prevents you from acquiring a marketable skills and relocating where the jobs are?
It is a rather amusing irony that the greater the wealth disparity and concentration of our nation's wealth with the top 1%, the more the right laments about wealth redistribution.

You Vern, are you aware that the department of health and human services budget is one bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion dollars.

Oh, I forgot you motherfucking socialists want complete and total confiscation.

You are aware that the wealthy disparity between the super wealthy and the middle class is the highest .....ever, right? That its never been higher?

There's definitely a wealth distribution. But its moving *toward* the rich far faster than it is away from them.

So where is the 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars going?

What prevents you from acquiring a marketable skills and relocating where the jobs are?

Right here....

America’s wealth gap between middle-income and upper-income families is widest on record

The wealth gap between America’s high income group and everyone else has reached record high levels since the economic recovery from the Great Recession of 2007-09, with a clear trajectory of increasing wealth for the upper-income families and no wealth growth for the middle- and lower-income families.

A new Pew Research Center analysis of wealth finds the gap between America’s upper-income and middle-income families has reached its highest level on record. In 2013, the median wealth of the nation’s upper-income families ($639,400) was nearly seven times the median wealth of middle-income families ($96,500), the widest wealth gap seen in 30 years when the Federal Reserve began collecting these data.

America 8217 s wealth gap between middle-income and upper-income families is widest on record Pew Research Center

For all the inane babble about how victimized the rich are by 'wealth redistribution', they weight of redistribution in our society overwhelmingly favors the wealthy. As income inequalities have never been higher.
It is a rather amusing irony that the greater the wealth disparity and concentration of our nation's wealth with the top 1%, the more the right laments about wealth redistribution.

You Vern, are you aware that the department of health and human services budget is one bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbillion dollars.

Oh, I forgot you motherfucking socialists want complete and total confiscation.

You are aware that the wealthy disparity between the super wealthy and the middle class is the highest .....ever, right? That its never been higher?

There's definitely a wealth distribution. But its moving *toward* the rich far faster than it is away from them.

So where is the 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars going?

What prevents you from acquiring a marketable skills and relocating where the jobs are?

Right here....

America’s wealth gap between middle-income and upper-income families is widest on record

The wealth gap between America’s high income group and everyone else has reached record high levels since the economic recovery from the Great Recession of 2007-09, with a clear trajectory of increasing wealth for the upper-income families and no wealth growth for the middle- and lower-income families.

A new Pew Research Center analysis of wealth finds the gap between America’s upper-income and middle-income families has reached its highest level on record. In 2013, the median wealth of the nation’s upper-income families ($639,400) was nearly seven times the median wealth of middle-income families ($96,500), the widest wealth gap seen in 30 years when the Federal Reserve began collecting these data.

America 8217 s wealth gap between middle-income and upper-income families is widest on record Pew Research Center

For all the inane babble about how victimized the rich are by 'wealth redistribution', they weight of redistribution in our society overwhelmingly favors the wealthy. As income inequalities have never been higher.

Why is it soooo damn difficult for you folks to understand the difference between income redistribution and asset redistribution? The upper middle class is the victim of income redistribution. The mega rich with all the assets have little to no income thus have little to no income redistribution.

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