America is a 'CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC,' not a Democracy...


BTW Dante.........Witches do not exist.

They do in the Tea Party

Christine O Donnell - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Oh know I remember the fallen and broken Eagle

the who likes denial about most everything

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
He's back tracking places I've posted.

I hurt his wittle feelings this morning.


What did you do confront the far left drone with reality and the truth?
I think I hurt your feelings this morning. Poor thing..............

Now you are going to past threads to try to make yourself feel better......

What a Loser...........LOL
Nah. You begged for Dante's attention and now you have it. I had to look things up because if you think Dante gives two shits about tools like you --- :lol:

Shit it's amazing how little he remembers about most trolls like you. Even though you did sniff my butt for such a long time

BTW Dante.........Witches do not exist.

They do in the Tea Party

Christine O Donnell - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Oh know I remember the fallen and broken Eagle

the who likes denial about most everything

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
He's back tracking places I've posted.

I hurt his wittle feelings this morning.


What did you do confront the far left drone with reality and the truth?

I think I hurt your feelings this morning. Poor thing..............

Now you are going to past threads to try to make yourself feel better......

What a Loser...........LOL
Nah. You begged for Dante's attention and now you have it. I had to look things up because if you think Dante gives two shits about tools like you --- :lol:

Shit it's amazing how little he remembers about most trolls like you. Even though you did sniff my butt for such a long time
I think I hurt your feelings this morning. Poor thing..............

Now you are going to past threads to try to make yourself feel better......

What a Loser...........LOL
Nah. You begged for Dante's attention and now you have it. I had to look things up because if you think Dante gives two shits about tools like you --- :lol:

Shit it's amazing how little he remembers about most trolls like you. Even though you did sniff my butt for such a long time

Well... All we know for certain, is that Dante is an imbecile.
A Constitutional Republic is one form of a democracy.....a Parliamentary govt is another form of a Democracy....
We have been slowly turning into a Democracy over the last 115 years by the Progressives.
We will also fail as all democracies do when we run out of other peoples money, unless we start paying down our debt of over 18 trillion and stop with the new stuff like free college and free health care.
The left have a fit over the 4 trillion that Bush added over his 8 years, but refuse to see that it has gone up 9 trillion under Obama at the end of his 8 years.

What Our Fore Fathers Thought
A Republic is representative government ruled by law (the United States Constitution). A Democracy is government ruled by the majority (mob rule). A Republic recognizes the unalienable rights of individuals while Democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs for the good of the public, or in other words social justice.
Lawmaking is a slow, deliberate process in our Constitutional Republic requiring approval from the three branches of government, the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches for checks and balance. Lawmaking in Democracy occurs rapidly requiring approval from the majority by polls and/or voter referendums, which in turn is mob rule 50% plus 1 vote takes away anything from the minority. Here is one example; if 51% of the people don’t pay taxes they can vote a tax increase on the 49% that do, which is mob rule.

When there are no longer enough producers to fund the legitimate functions of government and the socialist programs, the democracy will collapse, always to be followed by a Dictatorship.
"America is a 'CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC,' not a Democracy..."

A fact most on the right fail to understand, with conservatives advocating nonsense about the majority deciding who will or will not have his civil rights, such as not allowing same-sex couples access to marriage law, or compelling a woman to give birth against her will.

if they understood it, they'd understand that the government was set up to protect normal people from their torch and pitchfork crowd
We have been slowly turning into a Democracy over the last 115 years by the Progressives.
We will also fail as all democracies do when we run out of other peoples money, unless we start paying down our debt of over 18 trillion and stop with the new stuff like free college and free health care.
The left have a fit over the 4 trillion that Bush added over his 8 years, but refuse to see that it has gone up 9 trillion under Obama at the end of his 8 years.

What Our Fore Fathers Thought
A Republic is representative government ruled by law (the United States Constitution). A Democracy is government ruled by the majority (mob rule). A Republic recognizes the unalienable rights of individuals while Democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs for the good of the public, or in other words social justice.
Lawmaking is a slow, deliberate process in our Constitutional Republic requiring approval from the three branches of government, the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches for checks and balance. Lawmaking in Democracy occurs rapidly requiring approval from the majority by polls and/or voter referendums, which in turn is mob rule 50% plus 1 vote takes away anything from the minority. Here is one example; if 51% of the people don’t pay taxes they can vote a tax increase on the 49% that do, which is mob rule.

When there are no longer enough producers to fund the legitimate functions of government and the socialist programs, the democracy will collapse, always to be followed by a Dictatorship.

you need to stop getting your "constitutional" instruction from the rightwingnut blogosphere.
We have been slowly turning into a Democracy over the last 115 years by the Progressives.
We will also fail as all democracies do when we run out of other peoples money, unless we start paying down our debt of over 18 trillion and stop with the new stuff like free college and free health care.
The left have a fit over the 4 trillion that Bush added over his 8 years, but refuse to see that it has gone up 9 trillion under Obama at the end of his 8 years.

What Our Fore Fathers Thought
A Republic is representative government ruled by law (the United States Constitution). A Democracy is government ruled by the majority (mob rule). A Republic recognizes the unalienable rights of individuals while Democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs for the good of the public, or in other words social justice.
Lawmaking is a slow, deliberate process in our Constitutional Republic requiring approval from the three branches of government, the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches for checks and balance. Lawmaking in Democracy occurs rapidly requiring approval from the majority by polls and/or voter referendums, which in turn is mob rule 50% plus 1 vote takes away anything from the minority. Here is one example; if 51% of the people don’t pay taxes they can vote a tax increase on the 49% that do, which is mob rule.

When there are no longer enough producers to fund the legitimate functions of government and the socialist programs, the democracy will collapse, always to be followed by a Dictatorship.

you need to stop getting your "constitutional" instruction from the rightwingnut blogosphere.

You need to wake up and actually start to learn some facts.
Ah yes, I was just wondering what in particular caught your fancy with TR
Ah yes, I was just wondering what in particular caught your fancy with TR

He was a progressive.
As President, he pushed executive powers to new limits, arguing that the rise of industrial capitalism had rendered limited government obsolete.

He took on the captains of industry and argued for greater government control over the economy, pursuing a two-pronged strategy of antitrust prosecutions and regulatory control.
He pushed through legislation that gave the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) new powers to set railroad rates, laying the foundation for the modern administrative state.
Casting himself as steward of the nation’s natural resources, he presided over the birth of the conservation movement.
Convinced that a strong defense was the best guarantee of peace, he built up the Navy and sent it around the world.

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