America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

This is my obstacle... perhaps completely transparent to most but an obstacle the same... In those other places, those other countries I see so many other dynamics at work that prevent the most positive things from being recognized in which the sharia law potentially stands for. Yes, agreed, it is up for interpretation and that makes it a bit dangerous considering the track record of it already being 'enforced', but here in America, the land is especially different. Now, be that a good thing or else... It provokes a great deal of consideration from me a mere housewife and mother... Yet a woman the same as many who seem to appose it.

So much of the sharia law does mirror Christianity. Bible scholars from around the world even debate Christianity, does that make it less effective? In the best of ways? From my experience it does not. Perhaps what America could do with the sharia law would make all the difference for the rest of the countries who are enforcing it in the 'worst of ways'.

so, you don't see the amount of violence and killings in their book at any point? is that more effective to you? PLEASE, speak a clear English, so a simple american, or immigrant (whatever you call it) like me can understand

I have read through the koran in which I own, yes. No it is not necessarily more effective. It is a different approach, a different way. Some may need such differences within their lives.
No, I am asking if Egypt is following suit in having fashion 'evolution' to 'free the body'.

It is not that I do not love America as we are, it is because I do that I want to better understand what is it about the sharia law that scares 'us' the most. Is it how it has already been applied? Or our resistance to the specifics of it? And who is more apposed to it? Women? Men? Christians? Mainstream?

Do the majority of the people within the countries in which already have it hate it so much? Do they really? I suppose I need to google far more than the law itself.
This is my obstacle... perhaps completely transparent to most but an obstacle the same... In those other places, those other countries I see so many other dynamics at work that prevent the most positive things from being recognized in which the sharia law potentially stands for. Yes, agreed, it is up for interpretation and that makes it a bit dangerous considering the track record of it already being 'enforced', but here in America, the land is especially different. Now, be that a good thing or else... It provokes a great deal of consideration from me a mere housewife and mother... Yet a woman the same as many who seem to appose it.

So much of the sharia law does mirror Christianity. Bible scholars from around the world even debate Christianity, does that make it less effective? In the best of ways? From my experience it does not. Perhaps what America could do with the sharia law would make all the difference for the rest of the countries who are enforcing it in the 'worst of ways'.

so, you don't see the amount of violence and killings in their book at any point? is that more effective to you? PLEASE, speak a clear English, so a simple american, or immigrant (whatever you call it) like me can understand

I have read through the koran in which I own, yes. No it is not necessarily more effective. It is a different approach, a different way. Some may need such differences within their lives.

Differences as invade, kill, stone.. etc?
This is my obstacle... perhaps completely transparent to most but an obstacle the same... In those other places, those other countries I see so many other dynamics at work that prevent the most positive things from being recognized in which the sharia law potentially stands for. Yes, agreed, it is up for interpretation and that makes it a bit dangerous considering the track record of it already being 'enforced', but here in America, the land is especially different. Now, be that a good thing or else... It provokes a great deal of consideration from me a mere housewife and mother... Yet a woman the same as many who seem to appose it.

So much of the sharia law does mirror Christianity. Bible scholars from around the world even debate Christianity, does that make it less effective? In the best of ways? From my experience it does not. Perhaps what America could do with the sharia law would make all the difference for the rest of the countries who are enforcing it in the 'worst of ways'.

so, you don't see the amount of violence and killings in their book at any point? is that more effective to you? PLEASE, speak a clear English, so a simple american, or immigrant (whatever you call it) like me can understand

I have read through the koran in which I own, yes. No it is not necessarily more effective. It is a different approach, a different way. Some may need such differences within their lives.

Fuck me Amadeus! Who in the hell are you to dictate what people may need in their lives? If YOU need it, by all means. Go git it. Leave others OUT of it.
Melissa, The law itself is a part of the religion which tells people how and what to do everyday life, it continuously incite people to war, or jihad, read your book honey, and sure you will know.. Do you know they teach the Quran in schools, and make all students memorize it or they fail? this is enforce, isn't it? I am not saying the book is good but people are wrongly practicing? NOOOOOOO no no, not at all. it is all of it... I have respect for all relgion except this one.. bcoz it does NOT respect anyone or any thing, whoever does not believe in it get punished. What kind of respect I or anyone else should have for it?
Oldsalt, dahling, who are YOU to say that no one else needs it? Just because YOU obviously refuse or deny it. Holy hell, YOU may not need it. Some individuals THRIVE off of threat and violence. American ACCOMMODATES that fact much like it is a disease. Don't get pissy, post something productive other than the fact that you don't like it, we get the point. YOU don't like it. It is okay that you don't. I bet you take medication don't you? Or should perhaps.
Oldsalt, dahling, who are YOU to say that no one else needs it? Just because YOU obviously refuse or deny it. Holy hell, YOU may not need it. Some individuals THRIVE off of threat and violence. American ACCOMMODATES that fact much like it is a disease. Don't get pissy, post something productive other than the fact that you don't like it, we get the point. YOU don't like it. It is okay that you don't. I bet you take medication don't you? Or should perhaps.

It's called FREEDOM, idiot. I spent over 23 years defending it. Sell your shit somewhere's else. DON'T TREAD ON ME :cool:
Nahla, you have amazed me. I am proud to boast of 'immigrants' such as you coming here.

The sad fact is more times than not many people, and perhaps not even a majority, but many DO NEED direction. I tend to be one of them. I NEED my KJV bible. I NEED my man to be the head of our home. I NEED for those that matter most in my life to tell me what it is they expect of me so that I know how to best please them, yes, even how to best serve them.

I also have come into an amazing benefit though in my life because of my focus on better understanding depths within people. I better understand much of what is NOT said. It is not an easy life to understand in so many areas just how horridly 'we' tend to fail the ones that matter the most. Sunni Man mentioned phantoms. So much of my life has been influenced by the fact that I understand a great deal of the hidden things in which are only represented by the 'ways' in which we 'respond'.
Oldsalt, dahling, who are YOU to say that no one else needs it? Just because YOU obviously refuse or deny it. Holy hell, YOU may not need it. Some individuals THRIVE off of threat and violence. American ACCOMMODATES that fact much like it is a disease. Don't get pissy, post something productive other than the fact that you don't like it, we get the point. YOU don't like it. It is okay that you don't. I bet you take medication don't you? Or should perhaps.

It's called FREEDOM, idiot. I spent over 23 years defending it. Sell your shit somewhere's else. DON'T TREAD ON ME :cool:

You need not worry, I'm not the one who would.

If you want to live the life of a religious Muslim in the US and pray 5 times a day, not drink alcohol, not eat pork and fast for Ramadan, fine, go ahead, but I don't understand this passion for Muslims to go to the courts and try and force everyone to live the same way. There are plenty of Muslim countries overseas where the Islamic lifestyle is the law of the land, if I wanted to live that way I would move there.
I don't understand why some want to change the US when what they seek is already elsewhere.

Oh, wait...this is that ridiculous Caliphate idea. The entire world Muslim.

Not gonna happen. Ever. Throughout all eternity, never.

Definitely happening only over my dead body. Freedom from religion is totally worth dying over.
Oldsalt, dahling, who are YOU to say that no one else needs it? Just because YOU obviously refuse or deny it. Holy hell, YOU may not need it. Some individuals THRIVE off of threat and violence. American ACCOMMODATES that fact much like it is a disease. Don't get pissy, post something productive other than the fact that you don't like it, we get the point. YOU don't like it. It is okay that you don't. I bet you take medication don't you? Or should perhaps.

It's called FREEDOM, idiot. I spent over 23 years defending it. Sell your shit somewhere's else. DON'T TREAD ON ME :cool:

You need not worry, I'm not the one who would.

But you are advocating it here! Who 'is' the one who would? Don't post veiled threats. Speak you mind, or STFU.
I hope Melissa you understand the hidden, and implied and direct violence in Quran and sharia law too. Believe me it is not something you or any one would like to live under. If you like a couple things about it (although I don't see what's in it to like), so it must be in our constitution, or any FAIR country that does NOT apply that law. Believe me, that law is hell on earth.. There is not ONE reference to that whole religion anywhere. It is NOT from God for sure, and many people know that. You know even the most muslim country in the world, Iran, know that. ask and talk to any Iranian here and they will tell you it is a F.. up religion. Read and see Mohmmed history and life and you will know.
It's called FREEDOM, idiot. I spent over 23 years defending it. Sell your shit somewhere's else. DON'T TREAD ON ME :cool:

You need not worry, I'm not the one who would.

But you are advocating it here! Who 'is' the one who would? Don't post veiled threats. Speak you mind, or STFU.

Okay, I'll tell ya straight out. I would be one of the FIRST in line to give the preachers, teachers, scientists, doctors, psychiatrists, pharmers, farmers, etc the big wet kiss they soooo deserve for the devoted efforts into changing the lives of obvious fucked in the head individuals such as most of us prove ourselves to be, if not immediately than usually through time.

Seriously? I wasn't threatening anyone. I'm all about the love. I was taught differently than to fight. I am a WOman.
I hope Melissa you understand the hidden, and implied and direct violence in Quran and sharia law too. Believe me it is not something you or any one would like to live under. If you like a couple things about it (although I don't see what's in it to like), so it must be in our constitution, or any FAIR country that does NOT apply that law. Believe me, that law is hell on earth.. There is not ONE reference to that whole religion anywhere. It is NOT from God for sure, and many people know that. You know even the most muslim country in the world, Iran, know that. ask and talk to any Iranian here and they will tell you it is a F.. up religion. Read and see Mohmmed history and life and you will know.

magpie has outed herself. She has implied someone is going to tread on 'me', i.e. all who oppose implementing sharia in the USA. magpie is a terrorist, and should be treated as such.
You need not worry, I'm not the one who would.

But you are advocating it here! Who 'is' the one who would? Don't post veiled threats. Speak you mind, or STFU.

Okay, I'll tell ya straight out. I would be one of the FIRST in line to give the preachers, teachers, scientists, doctors, psychiatrists, pharmers, farmers, etc the big wet kiss they soooo deserve for the devoted efforts into changing the lives of obvious fucked in the head individuals such as most of us prove ourselves to be, if not immediately than usually through time.

Seriously? I wasn't threatening anyone. I'm all about the love. I was taught differently than to fight. I am a WOman.

(um, that does sound a bit deluded, surely)
But you are advocating it here! Who 'is' the one who would? Don't post veiled threats. Speak you mind, or STFU.

Okay, I'll tell ya straight out. I would be one of the FIRST in line to give the preachers, teachers, scientists, doctors, psychiatrists, pharmers, farmers, etc the big wet kiss they soooo deserve for the devoted efforts into changing the lives of obvious fucked in the head individuals such as most of us prove ourselves to be, if not immediately than usually through time.

Seriously? I wasn't threatening anyone. I'm all about the love. I was taught differently than to fight. I am a WOman.

(um, that does sound a bit deluded, surely)

All your posts do, but rest assured, I know what you're about, and I will treat you accordingly. And you claimed to advocate love. :eusa_whistle:
I hope Melissa you understand the hidden, and implied and direct violence in Quran and sharia law too. Believe me it is not something you or any one would like to live under. If you like a couple things about it (although I don't see what's in it to like), so it must be in our constitution, or any FAIR country that does NOT apply that law. Believe me, that law is hell on earth.. There is not ONE reference to that whole religion anywhere. It is NOT from God for sure, and many people know that. You know even the most muslim country in the world, Iran, know that. ask and talk to any Iranian here and they will tell you it is a F.. up religion. Read and see Mohmmed history and life and you will know.

magpie has outed herself. She has implied someone is going to tread on 'me', i.e. all who oppose implementing sharia in the USA. magpie is a terrorist, and should be treated as such.

OLDsalt does get stepped on so says our KJV bible because it has obviously lost it's savior for 1 2 b dysmisif ass OLDsalt iz.
Nahla, you have amazed me. I am proud to boast of 'immigrants' such as you coming here.

The sad fact is more times than not many people, and perhaps not even a majority, but many DO NEED direction. I tend to be one of them. I NEED my KJV bible. I NEED my man to be the head of our home. I NEED for those that matter most in my life to tell me what it is they expect of me so that I know how to best please them, yes, even how to best serve them.

I also have come into an amazing benefit though in my life because of my focus on better understanding depths within people. I better understand much of what is NOT said. It is not an easy life to understand in so many areas just how horridly 'we' tend to fail the ones that matter the most. Sunni Man mentioned phantoms. So much of my life has been influenced by the fact that I understand a great deal of the hidden things in which are only represented by the 'ways' in which we 'respond'.
This is a beautiful post Melissa.

With a spiritual depth almost beyond measure.

Sadly many people here will not be able to grasp its significance.

Or the points that you are trying to express. :cool:
I hope Melissa you understand the hidden, and implied and direct violence in Quran and sharia law too. Believe me it is not something you or any one would like to live under. If you like a couple things about it (although I don't see what's in it to like), so it must be in our constitution, or any FAIR country that does NOT apply that law. Believe me, that law is hell on earth.. There is not ONE reference to that whole religion anywhere. It is NOT from God for sure, and many people know that. You know even the most muslim country in the world, Iran, know that. ask and talk to any Iranian here and they will tell you it is a F.. up religion. Read and see Mohmmed history and life and you will know.


Anything worth having out of Sharia law is already in US law. Many things in Sharia law would be a choice under US law - knock yourself out, if that's what melts your butter.

And remember to never, ever, ever, ever - no, not never tell me I'm under 'Sharia law' because I choose to obey US law regarding murder and theft.

Freedom from religion - GUARANTEED: United States Constitution
I hope Melissa you understand the hidden, and implied and direct violence in Quran and sharia law too. Believe me it is not something you or any one would like to live under. If you like a couple things about it (although I don't see what's in it to like), so it must be in our constitution, or any FAIR country that does NOT apply that law. Believe me, that law is hell on earth.. There is not ONE reference to that whole religion anywhere. It is NOT from God for sure, and many people know that. You know even the most muslim country in the world, Iran, know that. ask and talk to any Iranian here and they will tell you it is a F.. up religion. Read and see Mohmmed history and life and you will know.

magpie has outed herself. She has implied someone is going to tread on 'me', i.e. all who oppose implementing sharia in the USA. magpie is a terrorist, and should be treated as such.

OLDsalt does get stepped on so says our KJV bible because it has obviously lost it's savior for 1 2 b dysmisif ass OLDsalt iz.

Nothing you can post will undo what I read. I can't unread it. Bring your islamicshit here, you'll get post 9/11. And stop hiding, too, it makes you look weak.

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