America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

people, it does NOT worth it. Seriously, everytime talk start with religion, especially about islam, it ends up like this... its violence, and horrible vibe sneak up on you like the devil.. Oh God how much, I do hate what it does to people.. I won't deny it, I hate it too. It ruined my life, and my beloved ones too. Thank god I am here.. Please people don't turn this country to another Iran.. enough one has turned already (egypt)

It IS worth it. Snakes in the grass must be exposed. I do not want you getting bitten, Nahla. I'll defend you with my life.

Um OH really? Did you not just claim Nahla to be a terrorist several posts before, or was it the referencing of her post to me? :eusa_whistle: Get your cars together the circus is heading out and the train is leaving 'oldsalt' behind unless the religious act can get itself together. PERIOD. The board think it about posters and playwrights? Actors and artists? THOSE are the People who need what they do to survive the 'death til we part' deals they make within 'this' life :evil:

The supposed threats to this nation may be the very cures for 'it all'. Hollywood doesn't have the edge. The base industries do, but only if they stay within the grasp of the basic peoples within the land in which they dwell. :evil: A backward understanding, indeed. :eusa_hand:

Take yer muslim shit back home hon.
I have many friends who are Egyptian.

And several mosques that I attended have wonderful Egyptian Imams.[/QUOTE

wonderful Imams huh? I believe one of them was in 9/11 as well, too bad he died!! oh shit, he's the one who blow it all up, is that what you call wonderful?
This is my obstacle... perhaps completely transparent to most but an obstacle the same... In those other places, those other countries I see so many other dynamics at work that prevent the most positive things from being recognized in which the sharia law potentially stands for. Yes, agreed, it is up for interpretation and that makes it a bit dangerous considering the track record of it already being 'enforced', but here in America, the land is especially different. Now, be that a good thing or else... It provokes a great deal of consideration from me a mere housewife and mother... Yet a woman the same as many who seem to appose it.

So much of the sharia law does mirror Christianity. Bible scholars from around the world even debate Christianity, does that make it less effective? In the best of ways? From my experience it does not. Perhaps what America could do with the sharia law would make all the difference for the rest of the countries who are enforcing it in the 'worst of ways'.
Sharia isn't moderating the oppression in nations where it's in force.

Sharia IS the oppression in nations where it's in force.

You refuse to understand that.

There are no "good" aspects of Sharia that we would do well to adopt that aren't already here codified in law. NONE.

I repeat: If you want it so much, move to someplace that already has it. Don't forget to turn your calendar back 1400 years.
I just became an american a couple years ago, and I am so so proud to be one. It is not that I am not proud of being Egyptian too, I am, but Egypt that ONCE was a great country, meaning, 5000 years ago.. the time of Phareos. what came after, just didn't mran anything to me.. There is not achievements. I mean UK, France and Israel occupied my country for years, changed a lot of its core, and values. To get occupation out of it is not achievment.. it is like a woman who wears blue contacts, and dye her silky black hair blond, and change her outfit, when she takes all that off and reveal herself, is that consider an achievment? taking what is belong to you, is that an achievement? Too bad this country was once a great one, like Iraq, and Iran and other countries

You'll have to remember, Nahla, that your personal experience means nothing. Two people who have never lived under Sharia say it's great.

One says it because she's been lied to.

The other says it because he's a liar.
If you want to live the life of a religious Muslim in the US and pray 5 times a day, not drink alcohol, not eat pork and fast for Ramadan, fine, go ahead, but I don't understand this passion for Muslims to go to the courts and try and force everyone to live the same way. There are plenty of Muslim countries overseas where the Islamic lifestyle is the law of the land, if I wanted to live that way I would move there.
I don't understand why some want to change the US when what they seek is already elsewhere.

Oh, wait...this is that ridiculous Caliphate idea. The entire world Muslim.

Not gonna happen. Ever. Throughout all eternity, never.

Definitely happening only over my dead body. Freedom from religion is totally worth dying over.
Especially one as oppressive as Islam.
Nahla, you have amazed me. I am proud to boast of 'immigrants' such as you coming here.

The sad fact is more times than not many people, and perhaps not even a majority, but many DO NEED direction. I tend to be one of them. I NEED my KJV bible. I NEED my man to be the head of our home. I NEED for those that matter most in my life to tell me what it is they expect of me so that I know how to best please them, yes, even how to best serve them.

I also have come into an amazing benefit though in my life because of my focus on better understanding depths within people. I better understand much of what is NOT said. It is not an easy life to understand in so many areas just how horridly 'we' tend to fail the ones that matter the most. Sunni Man mentioned phantoms. So much of my life has been influenced by the fact that I understand a great deal of the hidden things in which are only represented by the 'ways' in which we 'respond'.
This is a beautiful post Melissa.

With a spiritual depth almost beyond measure.

Sadly many people here will not be able to grasp its significance.

Or the points that you are trying to express. :cool:

All smokescreen. She's advocating Sharia.

Do you know her in real life? Did you put her up to this?
Nahla, Islam in Egypt has a long and glorious history.

I would think that you would be proud of it.

And want to brag about what it has done for your former country.
what Islam did to my country? Really you wanna know? Beofre Islam my country was 100 % Christian, they came and enofrce it on us, killed many of us, perscuted us, put us in jail, for reasons and for just being christians, burn down our churches, kidnapped our girls and force them to marry muslims (girls 14 and 15 years old, after blackmail them with fake or real sex pictures) force many of my family to leave the country after being raped becoz I was wearing a short sleeves t.shirt in Ramadan. is that enough or you wanna know what Islam brought to my former country?
what Islam did to my country? Really you wanna know? Beofre Islam my country was 100 % Christian, they came and enofrce it on us, killed many of us, perscuted us, put us in jail, for reasons and for just being christians, burn down our churches, kidnapped our girls and force them to marry muslims (girls 14 and 15 years old, after blackmail them with fake or real sex pictures) force many of my family to leave the country after being raped becoz I was wearing a short sleeves t.shirt in Ramadan. is that enough or you wanna know what Islam brought to my former country?
Sunni sees nothing wrong with any of that.
I have many friends who are Egyptian.

And several mosques that I attended have wonderful Egyptian Imams.

Whatever melts your butter, Bro'. I'll respect and defend your freedom to associate and believe what you want until the day you don't respect mine. If that ever happens, we'll have a real problem.

No means 'no'. Keep your Sharia in your pants when you're around me.
huh!!! no women can wear short sleeves shirt, or even a skirt, without guys whistle, and maybe say nice, or nasty things about her legs, or face, or... every little inch of a woman's body.. is just nasty!! harrasments are everywhere, in the bus, train, work, neigbourhood, even streets.. not only women, any other religion other tham muslims get crushed like a roach, psychologically, and personally, and any other way possible.. I have a sister still back in Egypt, when she tried to apply for a job in a very decent medicine company (as she's a chemist), next day she called to follow up, the receptionist told her, "oh you are the christian one, sorry don't have a job for you" and from this you can imagine, any other companies, and the responses she recieved .. it is just too much..

Oh you are 100% correct I have been to the region and I know what its like, Egypt especially is known for its horrible record with womens rights, women get sexually harassed all the time and the guys there just laugh about it and nothing gets done. Why people want to make the US more like those countries is insane.

While SH is a horrid thing because so many cannot seem to recover from it's repercussions, there is such a bigger picture here. What is shocking to me is that after the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's being what they were... here in America. The sexual revolution and such... and yet in the 90's the sex crimes were no less! There is most definitely a flaw in the system at some point, and while I do not wish to change 'the system', I would hope more come to better understand just what it is we do to 'ourselves'.

^^ My response regarding issues in the US more so than in Egypt, but is Egypt following suit?

Well the culture here in the US and Egypt is completely different, over here in the US if I pinch a womans ass in the streets and tell her sexually suggestive slurs, I can be arrested by the police for sexual harassment. If I do it in Egypt, nobody will do anything to help the woman, you really can't compare how women are treated in Egypt to the US, even the women covered in burkas get sexually harassed, I really think you need to take a trip over to Egypt and see what its really like.
Nahla, you have amazed me. I am proud to boast of 'immigrants' such as you coming here.

The sad fact is more times than not many people, and perhaps not even a majority, but many DO NEED direction. I tend to be one of them. I NEED my KJV bible. I NEED my man to be the head of our home. I NEED for those that matter most in my life to tell me what it is they expect of me so that I know how to best please them, yes, even how to best serve them.
I also have come into an amazing benefit though in my life because of my focus on better understanding depths within people. I better understand much of what is NOT said. It is not an easy life to understand in so many areas just how horridly 'we' tend to fail the ones that matter the most. Sunni Man mentioned phantoms. So much of my life has been influenced by the fact that I understand a great deal of the hidden things in which are only represented by the 'ways' in which we 'respond'.

Ok if you need these things thats fine but why do you feel the need to push your lifestyle on others? these kinds of things need to be a personal choice, not something the government forces down your throat like in Middle Eastern countries.
I just became an american a couple years ago, and I am so so proud to be one. It is not that I am not proud of being Egyptian too, I am, but Egypt that ONCE was a great country, meaning, 5000 years ago.. the time of Phareos. what came after, just didn't mran anything to me.. There is not achievements. I mean UK, France and Israel occupied my country for years, changed a lot of its core, and values. To get occupation out of it is not achievment.. it is like a woman who wears blue contacts, and dye her silky black hair blond, and change her outfit, when she takes all that off and reveal herself, is that consider an achievment? taking what is belong to you, is that an achievement? Too bad this country was once a great one, like Iraq, and Iran and other countries

You'll have to remember, Nahla, that your personal experience means nothing. Two people who have never lived under Sharia say it's great.

One says it because she's been lied to.

The other says it because he's a liar.

I think that says everything right there, Nahla has lived in Egypt for most of her life and wants nothing to do with Sharia, and 2 people in the US who have never been to a Muslim country 1 day in their lives think its a great idea. Hmmm I'm gonna have to go with Nahla on this one.
I know this post suppose to be NOT about Egypt, but it is an example of a modern, civil country that apply sharia law, see Libya too, Morrocco, all North Africa, and some in South. Except for Turkey, which muslim, but does NOT apply that law. You have to see, experience and live in it to see the truth..
I thought that Egypt has been an Islamic country for a 1,000 years.?

When was it ever 100% Christian??

It is my country, you know??!! I know my country history, you can check it out.. it was rulled by a priest too, but they had inside problem so, they thought when they bring in muslims they could fix it, nobody know the truth untill it was too late.. Sunni, you know your country history (whatever this country is, was), right?
I know this post suppose to be NOT about Egypt, but it is an example of a modern, civil country that apply sharia law, see Libya too, Morrocco, all North Africa, and some in South. Except for Turkey, which muslim, but does NOT apply that law. You have to see, experience and live in it to see the truth..

Quoted for truth, absolutely, you definently have to live it to see what it is really like. People need to know what their asking for.

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