America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

The second oldest university in the world is Al Azhar Islamic University in Egypt.

Al-Azhar University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On freedom of speech
In October 2007, Muhammad Sayyid Tantawy, then the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, drew allegations of stifling freedom of speech when he asked the Egyptian government to toughen its rules and punishments against journalists. During a Friday sermon in the presence of Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif and a number of ministers, Tantawy is alleged to have stated that journalism which contributes to the spread of false rumours rather than true news deserves to be boycotted, and that it is tantamount to sinning for readers to purchase such newspapers. Tantawy, a supporter of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, also called for a punishment of eighty lashes to "those who spread rumors" in an indictment of speculation by journalists over Mubarak's ill health and possible death.[19][20] This is not the first time that he has criticized the Egyptian press regarding its news coverage nor is it the first time he in return has been accused by the press of opposing freedom of speech. During a religious celebration in the same month, Tantawy released comments alluding to "the arrogant and the pretenders who accuse others with the ugliest vice and unsubstantiated charges". In response, Egypt's press union issued a statement suggesting that Tantawy appeared to be involved in inciting and escalating a campaign against journalists and freedom of the press.[21]​
Yes, they truly are a beacon of light and freedom. :cuckoo:
Sunni, I take it you agree with this, then?
Now I can see why the Egyptian Muslims wanted to kick out and undesirable person like you.

You went around during Ramadan dressed half naked with your arms not covered.

Disrespecting them and your culture.

Seriously? You accusing me of what? a T.shirt and jeans and a cross in my nick, at 12 noon. There is NO law against wearing clothes, They DID NOT kick me out.. I chose not live with them.. if you think this is my fault you are just another mulsim hyprcrite, ass talking shit, terrorist like them.. why don't you go back and increase their honor ASS?
Nahla, you have amazed me. I am proud to boast of 'immigrants' such as you coming here.

The sad fact is more times than not many people, and perhaps not even a majority, but many DO NEED direction. I tend to be one of them. I NEED my KJV bible. I NEED my man to be the head of our home. I NEED for those that matter most in my life to tell me what it is they expect of me so that I know how to best please them, yes, even how to best serve them.
I also have come into an amazing benefit though in my life because of my focus on better understanding depths within people. I better understand much of what is NOT said. It is not an easy life to understand in so many areas just how horridly 'we' tend to fail the ones that matter the most. Sunni Man mentioned phantoms. So much of my life has been influenced by the fact that I understand a great deal of the hidden things in which are only represented by the 'ways' in which we 'respond'.

Ok if you need these things thats fine but why do you feel the need to push your lifestyle on others? these kinds of things need to be a personal choice, not something the government forces down your throat like in Middle Eastern countries.

Okay High_Gravity, I don't necessarily need to go to any third world country to better understand the FACT that our medical bills here within the US are an issue. Our doctors are some of the least appreciated members of our society it seems. Why? Because so few individuals understand themselves well enough. So few make an attempt at studying up on their own health concerns and being proactive about 'it all'.

Our 'government' is minimizing the recognition of our God and THAT pisses me off because from what I have come to LOVE about this nation is it's amazing accessibility to some of the best healthcare within the world. Redefine God for those who have issues with religion's grasp on 'mortal man'. Principalities and powers, the orders that be, authoritative figures and such have BECOME GOD for many more than just mainstream here within America... and while I accept that, I appreciate all of them and what they represent (both the good and the bad) for there to be so little direction given to a mass of people, so little spiritual shepherding, it could prove disruptive if not completely destructive to the whole system.

While perhaps implementing the whole sharia law to any part of America may not be possible considering the backlash, I would hope that the more Muslims coming here the more our educational outlets will help 'us all' to better understand the spiritual depths of an obvious separate people.
Nahla, you have amazed me. I am proud to boast of 'immigrants' such as you coming here.

The sad fact is more times than not many people, and perhaps not even a majority, but many DO NEED direction. I tend to be one of them. I NEED my KJV bible. I NEED my man to be the head of our home. I NEED for those that matter most in my life to tell me what it is they expect of me so that I know how to best please them, yes, even how to best serve them.
I also have come into an amazing benefit though in my life because of my focus on better understanding depths within people. I better understand much of what is NOT said. It is not an easy life to understand in so many areas just how horridly 'we' tend to fail the ones that matter the most. Sunni Man mentioned phantoms. So much of my life has been influenced by the fact that I understand a great deal of the hidden things in which are only represented by the 'ways' in which we 'respond'.

Ok if you need these things thats fine but why do you feel the need to push your lifestyle on others? these kinds of things need to be a personal choice, not something the government forces down your throat like in Middle Eastern countries.

Okay High_Gravity, I don't necessarily need to go to any third world country to better understand the FACT that our medical bills here within the US are an issue. Our doctors are some of the least appreciated members of our society it seems. Why? Because so few individuals understand themselves well enough. So few make an attempt at studying up on their own health concerns and being proactive about 'it all'.

Our 'government' is minimizing the recognition of our God and THAT pisses me off because from what I have come to LOVE about this nation is it's amazing accessibility to some of the best healthcare within the world. Redefine God for those who have issues with religion's grasp on 'mortal man'. Principalities and powers, the orders that be, authoritative figures and such have BECOME GOD for many more than just mainstream here within America... and while I accept that, I appreciate all of them and what they represent (both the good and the bad) for there to be so little direction given to a mass of people, so little spiritual shepherding, it could prove disruptive if not completely destructive to the whole system.

While perhaps implementing the whole sharia law to any part of America may not be possible considering the backlash, I would hope that the more Muslims coming here the more our educational outlets will help 'us all' to better understand the spiritual depths of an obvious separate people.

A persons relationship with God is a personal matter, the government has no business telling you to believe in God or not. Last time I checked Doctors make a good salary, so I would not call them unappreciated in the US.
Now I can see why the Egyptian Muslims wanted to kick out and undesirable person like you.

You went around during Ramadan dressed half naked with your arms not covered.

Disrespecting them and your culture.

Seriously? You accusing me of what? a T.shirt and jeans and a cross in my nick, at 12 noon. There is NO law against wearing clothes, They DID NOT kick me out.. I chose not live with them.. if you think this is my fault you are just another mulsim hyprcrite, ass talking shit, terrorist like them.. why don't you go back and increase their honor ASS?

Sunni is just saying things to make you mad at this point Nahla.
maybe they should have stoned me too!! like that 13 years old Somalian girl, who has been stoned to death because 3 men raped her.. ass? be PROUD, THIS IS YOUR F..ED UP CULTURE, and religion..
Now I can see why the Egyptian Muslims wanted to kick out and undesirable person like you.

You went around during Ramadan dressed half naked with your arms not covered.

Disrespecting them and your culture.

Seriously? You accusing me of what? a T.shirt and jeans and a cross in my nick, at 12 noon. There is NO law against wearing clothes, They DID NOT kick me out.. I chose not live with them.. if you think this is my fault you are just another mulsim hyprcrite, ass talking shit, terrorist like them.. why don't you go back and increase their honor ASS?

Sounds like you have an acid tongue and a filthy mouth full of cuss words.

No wonder they didn't like a rebellious and nasty talking woman like you.
Now I can see why the Egyptian Muslims wanted to kick out and undesirable person like you.

You went around during Ramadan dressed half naked with your arms not covered.

Disrespecting them and your culture.

Seriously? You accusing me of what? a T.shirt and jeans and a cross in my nick, at 12 noon. There is NO law against wearing clothes, They DID NOT kick me out.. I chose not live with them.. if you think this is my fault you are just another mulsim hyprcrite, ass talking shit, terrorist like them.. why don't you go back and increase their honor ASS?

Sunni is just saying things to make you mad at this point Nahla.

I wish he goes somewhere in ME and LIVE the dream of applying that stupid shit sharia law on his mother or sister and see how he feels about it. Probably he would stone, and kill them too with his muslim brothers..
Ok if you need these things thats fine but why do you feel the need to push your lifestyle on others? these kinds of things need to be a personal choice, not something the government forces down your throat like in Middle Eastern countries.

Okay High_Gravity, I don't necessarily need to go to any third world country to better understand the FACT that our medical bills here within the US are an issue. Our doctors are some of the least appreciated members of our society it seems. Why? Because so few individuals understand themselves well enough. So few make an attempt at studying up on their own health concerns and being proactive about 'it all'.

Our 'government' is minimizing the recognition of our God and THAT pisses me off because from what I have come to LOVE about this nation is it's amazing accessibility to some of the best healthcare within the world. Redefine God for those who have issues with religion's grasp on 'mortal man'. Principalities and powers, the orders that be, authoritative figures and such have BECOME GOD for many more than just mainstream here within America... and while I accept that, I appreciate all of them and what they represent (both the good and the bad) for there to be so little direction given to a mass of people, so little spiritual shepherding, it could prove disruptive if not completely destructive to the whole system.

While perhaps implementing the whole sharia law to any part of America may not be possible considering the backlash, I would hope that the more Muslims coming here the more our educational outlets will help 'us all' to better understand the spiritual depths of an obvious separate people.

A persons relationship with God is a personal matter, the government has no business telling you to believe in God or not. Last time I checked Doctors make a good salary, so I would not call them unappreciated in the US.

They deserve a damned good salary for the devotion they put into their work in helping those in which actually do as they are suggested when they go to the wise wo/men. They are unappreciated by the masses in which disregard the doctors' suggestions and continue to yet rack up bills that cannot be paid even by 'the system'.
Okay High_Gravity, I don't necessarily need to go to any third world country to better understand the FACT that our medical bills here within the US are an issue. Our doctors are some of the least appreciated members of our society it seems. Why? Because so few individuals understand themselves well enough. So few make an attempt at studying up on their own health concerns and being proactive about 'it all'.

Our 'government' is minimizing the recognition of our God and THAT pisses me off because from what I have come to LOVE about this nation is it's amazing accessibility to some of the best healthcare within the world. Redefine God for those who have issues with religion's grasp on 'mortal man'. Principalities and powers, the orders that be, authoritative figures and such have BECOME GOD for many more than just mainstream here within America... and while I accept that, I appreciate all of them and what they represent (both the good and the bad) for there to be so little direction given to a mass of people, so little spiritual shepherding, it could prove disruptive if not completely destructive to the whole system.

While perhaps implementing the whole sharia law to any part of America may not be possible considering the backlash, I would hope that the more Muslims coming here the more our educational outlets will help 'us all' to better understand the spiritual depths of an obvious separate people.

A persons relationship with God is a personal matter, the government has no business telling you to believe in God or not. Last time I checked Doctors make a good salary, so I would not call them unappreciated in the US.

They deserve a damned good salary for the devotion they put into their work in helping those in which actually do as they are suggested when they go to the wise wo/men. They are unappreciated by the masses in which disregard the doctors' suggestions and continue to yet rack up bills that cannot be paid even by 'the system'.

Umm ok, this is a totally different thread than Sharia law. If Doctors are getting paid a good salary they are fine, that means they are appreciated.
Now I can see why the Egyptian Muslims wanted to kick out and undesirable person like you.

You went around during Ramadan dressed half naked with your arms not covered.

Disrespecting them and your culture.

Seriously? You accusing me of what? a T.shirt and jeans and a cross in my nick, at 12 noon. There is NO law against wearing clothes, They DID NOT kick me out.. I chose not live with them.. if you think this is my fault you are just another mulsim hyprcrite, ass talking shit, terrorist like them.. why don't you go back and increase their honor ASS?

Sounds like you have an acid tongue and a filthy mouth full of cuss words.

No wonder they didn't like a rebellious and nasty talking woman like you.

Should she be killed for it? What does Islam say?
Now I can see why the Egyptian Muslims wanted to kick out and undesirable person like you.

You went around during Ramadan dressed half naked with your arms not covered.

Disrespecting them and your culture.

Seriously? You accusing me of what? a T.shirt and jeans and a cross in my nick, at 12 noon. There is NO law against wearing clothes, They DID NOT kick me out.. I chose not live with them.. if you think this is my fault you are just another mulsim hyprcrite, ass talking shit, terrorist like them.. why don't you go back and increase their honor ASS?

Sounds like you have an acid tongue and a filthy mouth full of cuss words.

No wonder they didn't like a rebellious and nasty talking woman like you.

OH, YEAAA, if you want more I can give you more. You thought because I am from middle east I should be like a cat, quiet and say amen to my keeper:bow3::hellno:? that's what US taught me, to defend myself from asses like you. It gave me my freedom, and respect no matter what you say..
Seriously? You accusing me of what? a T.shirt and jeans and a cross in my nick, at 12 noon. There is NO law against wearing clothes, They DID NOT kick me out.. I chose not live with them.. if you think this is my fault you are just another mulsim hyprcrite, ass talking shit, terrorist like them.. why don't you go back and increase their honor ASS?

Sunni is just saying things to make you mad at this point Nahla.

I wish he goes somewhere in ME and LIVE the dream of applying that stupid shit sharia law on his mother or sister and see how he feels about it. Probably he would stone, and kill them too with his muslim brothers..

Sunnis just saying stuff to rile you up at this point, don't fall for it.
OH, YEAAA, if you want more I can give you more. You thought because I am from middle east I should be like a cat, quiet and say amen to my keeper:bow3::hellno:? that's what US taught me, to defend myself from asses like you. It gave me my freedom, and respect no matter what you say..
Nahla, No matter if you're talking about Egypt or America.

Rudeness and bad manners is an ugly thing especially comming from a woman :doubt:
Sunni is just saying things to make you mad at this point Nahla.

I wish he goes somewhere in ME and LIVE the dream of applying that stupid shit sharia law on his mother or sister and see how he feels about it. Probably he would stone, and kill them too with his muslim brothers..

Sunnis just saying stuff to rile you up at this point, don't fall for it.

I aint owe him anything.. I speak and say WHATEVER I want.. FREEDOMMMMMMMMMM. I know what he said meant to bother me, but I don't care.. Christian egyptian WERE my people, and it got occupied by arabs, and muslims, just like any other occupied country, palastine ( if it is considered occupied).. The is NO respect from me to them.. and ask any Christian in Egypt..
OH, YEAAA, if you want more I can give you more. You thought because I am from middle east I should be like a cat, quiet and say amen to my keeper:bow3::hellno:? that's what US taught me, to defend myself from asses like you. It gave me my freedom, and respect no matter what you say..
Nahla, No matter if you're talking about Egypt or America.

Rudeness and bad manners is an ugly thing especially comming from a woman :doubt:

when you judge me, by shallow judement, or accusing me of something does NOT make any sense, what do you want me to tell you? Sorry I was wearing a cross, and a t shirt? or sorry for being christian? or sorry for what?
when you judge me, by shallow judement, or accusing me of something does NOT make any sense, what do you want me to tell you? Sorry I was wearing a cross, and a t shirt? or sorry for being christian? or sorry for what?

All that I can say is welcome to America.

You will fit right in with Western women and their attitudes.
when you judge me, by shallow judement, or accusing me of something does NOT make any sense, what do you want me to tell you? Sorry I was wearing a cross, and a t shirt? or sorry for being christian? or sorry for what?

All that I can say is welcome to America.

You will fit right in with Western women and their attitudes.

I don't need you to tell me where I fit.. western women attitude? Really? is that why you became muslim? bocz you didn't like OUR attitude? you want a cat to raise and subject to you and bear you kittens, I mean kids?

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