America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

Sharia law is an integral part of Islam.

To remove it from the religion .

Would be like removing the 10 Commandments from Christianity.

Which in either case is never going to happen. :doubt:

And that is why it is a "system" of death, destruction, and deception.
If you want to live the life of a religious Muslim in the US and pray 5 times a day, not drink alcohol, not eat pork and fast for Ramadan, fine, go ahead, but I don't understand this passion for Muslims to go to the courts and try and force everyone to live the same way. There are plenty of Muslim countries overseas where the Islamic lifestyle is the law of the land, if I wanted to live that way I would move there.
I don't understand why some want to change the US when what they seek is already elsewhere.

Oh, wait...this is that ridiculous Caliphate idea. The entire world Muslim.

Not gonna happen. Ever. Throughout all eternity, never.

I just don't understand this passion to try and force everyone to succumb to their way of life, I just don't get it.

Check out "legion" in the Bible, or read Demonic, Ann Coulter's book. That is how islam, liberalism, communism, socialism all work. It is about the group (in reality, the group's leaders power), not the individual. There is no room for individual identity or personal property, it all (including the people) belongs to the group.
No, I am asking if Egypt is following suit in having fashion 'evolution' to 'free the body'.

It is not that I do not love America as we are, it is because I do that I want to better understand what is it about the sharia law that scares 'us' the most. Is it how it has already been applied? Or our resistance to the specifics of it? And who is more apposed to it? Women? Men? Christians? Mainstream?

Do the majority of the people within the countries in which already have it hate it so much? Do they really? I suppose I need to google far more than the law itself.

IMHO, Egypt is on the way to replacing a bad dictator with a worse dictatorship of Sharia based laws. It will only get worse.

Look at all those countries that "claim" to be Sharia based with over 90% muslim populations, do you see peaceful, spiritual countries? Yes, there are other factors at work, but there are no "good" examples of a Sharia based system in the modern world. The "colonies" are regressing to the barbaric 600s, with the plan to force the entire world to join them in that dark time frame. Futility is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Nahla, you have amazed me. I am proud to boast of 'immigrants' such as you coming here.

The sad fact is more times than not many people, and perhaps not even a majority, but many DO NEED direction. I tend to be one of them. I NEED my KJV bible. I NEED my man to be the head of our home. I NEED for those that matter most in my life to tell me what it is they expect of me so that I know how to best please them, yes, even how to best serve them.

I also have come into an amazing benefit though in my life because of my focus on better understanding depths within people. I better understand much of what is NOT said. It is not an easy life to understand in so many areas just how horridly 'we' tend to fail the ones that matter the most. Sunni Man mentioned phantoms. So much of my life has been influenced by the fact that I understand a great deal of the hidden things in which are only represented by the 'ways' in which we 'respond'.

Oh boy, a "spiritual snob", you know what everybody else needs and feel it is your duty to educate them. Take the tree out of your eye before trying to remove a splinter from mine.
what Islam did to my country? Really you wanna know? Beofre Islam my country was 100 % Christian, they came and enofrce it on us, killed many of us, perscuted us, put us in jail, for reasons and for just being christians, burn down our churches, kidnapped our girls and force them to marry muslims (girls 14 and 15 years old, after blackmail them with fake or real sex pictures) force many of my family to leave the country after being raped becoz I was wearing a short sleeves t.shirt in Ramadan. is that enough or you wanna know what Islam brought to my former country?

I am very sorry you had to endure this. I hope the Lord blesses you and heals your family.
In the overall scheme of things.

Christianity only played a very small part in the history of Egypt.

Really not much more than a foot note in the history books.

Is that what you will say for this country while encouraging the culture of death, destruction and deceit?
Now I can see why the Egyptian Muslims wanted to kick out and undesirable person like you.

You went around during Ramadan dressed half naked with your arms not covered.

Disrespecting them and your culture.

Yet another example of the "religion of peace": you deserve to be tortured because "I" don't like your behavior. You are the reason that people want nothing to do with islam. You are that face of death, destruction and deceit. You will answer to the Lord, and Mohammed will be confined beside the beast to be cast into the pit. May He have mercy on your soul.
Now I can see why the Egyptian Muslims wanted to kick out and undesirable person like you.

You went around during Ramadan dressed half naked with your arms not covered.

Disrespecting them and your culture.

Seriously? You accusing me of what? a T.shirt and jeans and a cross in my nick, at 12 noon. There is NO law against wearing clothes, They DID NOT kick me out.. I chose not live with them.. if you think this is my fault you are just another mulsim hyprcrite, ass talking shit, terrorist like them.. why don't you go back and increase their honor ASS?

Sounds like you have an acid tongue and a filthy mouth full of cuss words.

No wonder they didn't like a rebellious and nasty talking woman like you.

Why, because those cowardly muslims that did that are soooooo honorable? Crawl back under a rock cockroach that eats pigs droppings.
OH, YEAAA, if you want more I can give you more. You thought because I am from middle east I should be like a cat, quiet and say amen to my keeper:bow3::hellno:? that's what US taught me, to defend myself from asses like you. It gave me my freedom, and respect no matter what you say..
Nahla, No matter if you're talking about Egypt or America.

Rudeness and bad manners is an ugly thing especially comming from a woman :doubt:

Practice what you preach! (Oh that's right, you are muslim, you are one of those that says do as I say, not as I do), pig dropping.
when you judge me, by shallow judement, or accusing me of something does NOT make any sense, what do you want me to tell you? Sorry I was wearing a cross, and a t shirt? or sorry for being christian? or sorry for what?

All that I can say is welcome to America.

You will fit right in with Western women and their attitudes.

I don't need you to tell me where I fit.. western women attitude? Really? is that why you became muslim? bocz you didn't like OUR attitude? you want a cat to raise and subject to you and bear you kittens, I mean kids?

Because he has no love for himself, he was probably raped himself as a boy or in prison. He probably thinks that islam makes him powerful (over women), and needs that to feel he is human. He is a sorry human that would defile himself to hurt another person. May the Lord have mercy on his soul.
what Islam did to my country? Really you wanna know? Beofre Islam my country was 100 % Christian, they came and enofrce it on us, killed many of us, perscuted us, put us in jail, for reasons and for just being christians, burn down our churches, kidnapped our girls and force them to marry muslims (girls 14 and 15 years old, after blackmail them with fake or real sex pictures) force many of my family to leave the country after being raped becoz I was wearing a short sleeves t.shirt in Ramadan. is that enough or you wanna know what Islam brought to my former country?

I am very sorry you had to endure this. I hope the Lord blesses you and heals your family.

Thank you, I am not saying this is ONLY happens to me, it happens to every girl, who is NOT a muslim in my country. We know our culture is harsh, so we tried JUST to live by, not rebel. Because even if we rebel, there nothing will be done, like now.. Christians were demonstrating for 14 days in front of the TV station, and was TOTALLY ignored.
what Islam did to my country? Really you wanna know? Beofre Islam my country was 100 % Christian, they came and enofrce it on us, killed many of us, perscuted us, put us in jail, for reasons and for just being christians, burn down our churches, kidnapped our girls and force them to marry muslims (girls 14 and 15 years old, after blackmail them with fake or real sex pictures) force many of my family to leave the country after being raped becoz I was wearing a short sleeves t.shirt in Ramadan. is that enough or you wanna know what Islam brought to my former country?

I am very sorry you had to endure this. I hope the Lord blesses you and heals your family.

Thank you, I am not saying this is ONLY happens to me, it happens to every girl, who is NOT a muslim in my country. We know our culture is harsh, so we tried JUST to live by, not rebel. Because even if we rebel, there nothing will be done, like now.. Christians were demonstrating for 14 days in front of the TV station, and was TOTALLY ignored.

they were demonstrating because they burned down few churches, and kidnapped little girls and forced them to marry muslims (which happens more every day since the so-called revolution)
I am very sorry you had to endure this. I hope the Lord blesses you and heals your family.

Thank you, I am not saying this is ONLY happens to me, it happens to every girl, who is NOT a muslim in my country. We know our culture is harsh, so we tried JUST to live by, not rebel. Because even if we rebel, there nothing will be done, like now.. Christians were demonstrating for 14 days in front of the TV station, and was TOTALLY ignored.

they were demonstrating because they burned down few churches, and kidnapped little girls and forced them to marry muslims (which happens more every day since the so-called revolution)

I hate to say it Nahla but I called it on this one, I knew once Mubarak was gone Egypt was going to become even more radicalized, they've already been on a witch hunt accusing people of being Israeli spies, abusing Christians, and doing even worse in regards to womens rights. People will long for the days of Mubarak.

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