America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

no, us rednecks will rebel nd fight to the death for our freedom from the oppression of any religion, or government. I doubt that in 50 the Muslim will have the ball to try and start anything of the nature you speak of, In 50 years there will be other forms of energy usage and oil will wane, the oil magnet nations will weaken and tribal authority will resurface.

Look at who was elected President in '08. The man has seriously hurt this nation and indebted its children to "the government". People that want a 'nanny state' over liberty will go along with anything. It means they can see their neighbors have things taken away from them, and they will vote for this all day long over voting to take care of themselves. Sharia, is the ultimate 'nanny state'; it is every aspect of your life and gives permission to your neighbor to slander and bear false witness against you (so that even more can be taken from you). It is all about "equal misery", not freedom, and the liberals are embracing islam (that will not be seperated from Shariah). If that is not a hint, I don't know what is, and watch, this next election, how many will vote for the liberal agenda.

Obama is no liberal.

What would you call him? How would you define his agenda?
I see that ONLY muslims has always to justify themselves and their religion.. See how many murders, and death caused by muslims, in the name of Islam recently!! See how many countries have been invaded by sword, trying to force itself on its people (like: Spain) which has failed ( not entirely though). I wonder now, does any one see this is an appealing religion? and if it did, they must be the kind of people that like to be submissive. NOT the ones that like to use their brain
Look at who was elected President in '08. The man has seriously hurt this nation and indebted its children to "the government". People that want a 'nanny state' over liberty will go along with anything. It means they can see their neighbors have things taken away from them, and they will vote for this all day long over voting to take care of themselves. Sharia, is the ultimate 'nanny state'; it is every aspect of your life and gives permission to your neighbor to slander and bear false witness against you (so that even more can be taken from you). It is all about "equal misery", not freedom, and the liberals are embracing islam (that will not be seperated from Shariah). If that is not a hint, I don't know what is, and watch, this next election, how many will vote for the liberal agenda.

Obama is no liberal.

What would you call him? How would you define his agenda?

centrists, moderate
I love ya, Sunni Man. In a purely platonic way, of course. Now, why in the heck should we (non-muslim Americans, I mean) care if our legal system is in sync with Muslim, Christian or Voodoo dogma or constraints? Because it suits your Muslim biases? Big whoop. I rather live in a religious free zone were nut jobs of all ilk’s are contained in asylums and medicated. No offense, friend.
other than the alleged sharia law, the Ground Zero mosque founder, and his follower sunni man, claim to be applied in the US, I do NOT see any thing that might give a hope or a glance of that law MIGHT come true and be applied for real in the US. As I think that the GZ mosque founder is NOT a very favorable man in NY, or anywhere in the US, especially after what he wants to do, is against people will. Exactly like Islam and muslims.
other than the alleged sharia law, the Ground Zero mosque founder, and his follower sunni man, claim to be applied in the US, I do NOT see any thing that might give a hope or a glance of that law MIGHT come true and be applied for real in the US. As I think that the GZ mosque founder is NOT a very favorable man in NY, or anywhere in the US, especially after what he wants to do, is against people will. Exactly like Islam and muslims.

Building a Mosque near ground zero, its really not very sensitive to the locals, is it? I know, New Yawlk is chock full of all sorts of infidels and all. Why, on the same block as the Islamic studies center are porno stores and pawn shops. How “hollowed” can that ground be? Well, how many porno/pawnshop operators spawn suicide cells that killed 3000 innocent people? How many, Sunni dude? Ya got ALL the answers. Those business predated the attacks. Needless to say, the Mosque, post dates the attack…BY Muslim suicide attackers. Mosques FOR Muslims. HMMM… Maybe, if people want sensitivity, they should give it? Naw.
why we never heard of a groupe of christians blow up a mosque full of people!! or that they discriminate some muslims and did not allowed them to win a schoolarship, or promotion at work, or kidnapped muslim girls to force them to convert, or harrassed someone at work to convert to christianity!! Has anyone heard, something like that? ha, anyone people?
why we never heard of a groupe of christians blow up a mosque full of people!! or that they discriminate some muslims and did not allowed them to win a schoolarship, or promotion at work, or kidnapped muslim girls to force them to convert, or harrassed someone at work to convert to christianity!! Has anyone heard, something like that? ha, anyone people?

No Nahla that hasn't happened here, people have no idea what life is like in a Muslim country for someone of a different religion, it really can be a living hell.
why we never heard of a groupe of christians blow up a mosque full of people!! or that they discriminate some muslims and did not allowed them to win a schoolarship, or promotion at work, or kidnapped muslim girls to force them to convert, or harrassed someone at work to convert to christianity!! Has anyone heard, something like that? ha, anyone people?

No Nahla that hasn't happened here, people have no idea what life is like in a Muslim country for someone of a different religion, it really can be a living hell.

I know what I am gonna say is not related to the topic, but High_ Gravity. all what I mentioned above is true and really happened to people I know. Muslims ONLY hate, they think they are the ONLY right people, and anything or anyone else wrong. That's why they try to enforce it on other religions, by all means, and any means. They will trick you to be one of them, they will make your world pink, and show you to be one of them is YOUR choice, which is best for you. if you did not do it volunteerily, the ntorture, and hard time is the next step, anywhere and everywhere you go. I KNOW that for sure
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The world is out of balance.

Only Islam / sharia law can straighten it out. :cool:

I've seen the way Islam brings balance. It involves sawing the heads off infidels.

Only if they don't submit willingly.




Hey Brits remember the Magna Carta?

The archbishop of Canterbury wants Britain to adapt certain elements of Sharia law, which interprets Islam in its most severe form. In an interview with the BBC, the spiritual leader of the world's Anglicans called the change in Britain's legal system, "unavoidable."

To help British citizens properly follow Sharia law, 23/6 has put together a series of helpful PSAs. God Save the Queen and Asalaam Alekum.
Nahla you sound like the person who is full of hate.

That's the way most of your post's read.

you tell me!!! what would you do if some body do that to you? give him/her an award? I don't think this is in your nature.. I deffinitly don't mean you personally.
Nahla you sound like the person who is full of hate.

That's the way most of your post's read.

you tell me!!! what would you do if some body do that to you? give him/her an award? I don't think this is in your nature.. I deffinitly don't mean you personally.

Careful Nahla, that worm that eats pig droppings thinks you belong to islam, now. He doesn't understand why a person would not want to be a slave to the god Mohammed. He would "love" him day and night if he only had the opportunity.

He doesn't understand resentment, is very different from hate. He doesn't understand that the Lord has come among men more than once to fight "injustice" (that would be the muslims "forcing" their faith/themselves/etc on others). He claims to have read the Bible, but has joined the side, that the Lord, Himself will slaughter when they unite and go against Israel. He has already chosen the "losing side" and it is pretty clear that is "Satan's side".
Nahla you sound like the person who is full of hate.

That's the way most of your post's read.

you tell me!!! what would you do if some body do that to you? give him/her an award? I don't think this is in your nature.. I deffinitly don't mean you personally.

Thank you for clearing that up Nalha.

As I did not mean any disrespect.

And am sure that you went through some difficult situations in your life.
Sunni man, is that tenderness toward me? or you are trying to show me that you are not the same?
Yes, I had very very hard time back there, and still my family suffering there (and I can not do anything about, unfortunatly) but I want to tell all christians there ARE suffering too. They don't want us there, all embassies closed their doors in our faces. Now, they only gives travel chances to muslims ONLY there. I have friends telling me that, and my family. The christian chanels report the truth and show it audio and video,and the funny thing is that Clinton went to cairo ONCE and give them 90+150 million dollars. tell me Sunni man, what do you think of that? we have 2 choices, either become one of them (by force), or die? what would you choose?

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