America is not solving this problem

There are two reasons Conservatives are so upset by police, elected officials and professional athletes kneeling in protest.

One reason is Conservatives believe no one should kneel in protest. That there ultimately is no form of peaceful protest that can be accepted. Police, elected officials and professional athletes cede their right to protest while serving the cause they are assigned.

The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality. If a Black person dies as a result of an encounter with police, they got what they damn well deserved. The best way for a Black person to survive a police encounter is to comply and stop being so damn uppity.
You forget that if a white person does what blacks tend to do....that mythical white privilege is gone.
Cops don't like anyone mouthing off at them.
There are two reasons Conservatives are so upset by police, elected officials and professional athletes kneeling in protest.

One reason is Conservatives believe no one should kneel in protest. That there ultimately is no form of peaceful protest that can be accepted. Police, elected officials and professional athletes cede their right to protest while serving the cause they are assigned.

The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality. If a Black person dies as a result of an encounter with police, they got what they damn well deserved. The best way for a Black person to survive a police encounter is to comply and stop being so damn uppity.
Wby use black lives to lie? Disgusting
I don't understand. Could you please explain?
There are two reasons Conservatives are so upset by police, elected officials and professional athletes kneeling in protest.

One reason is Conservatives believe no one should kneel in protest. That there ultimately is no form of peaceful protest that can be accepted. Police, elected officials and professional athletes cede their right to protest while serving the cause they are assigned.

The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality. If a Black person dies as a result of an encounter with police, they got what they damn well deserved. The best way for a Black person to survive a police encounter is to comply and stop being so damn uppity.
People who are alive TODAY and are white, most have done nothing to African Americans. Their views of African Americans maybe different from some interactions. And there are some with bigotry and how that is defined and racism. A lot of money has changed hands in many ways over the years. There should be a lot better representation in the more important jobs then there are. And in those jobs there seems to be over amount of individuals through quotas. Making good men and women look not so good. One of the results is everything is more expensive then it needs to be. Our ways of competition are now done with fewer people who are the true movers and shakers that are good. The whole nation in many ways is like the over compensated under quality bloated auto unions were in the past. Now they just hang on having to sell trucks and truck based vehicles to survive in the nation that started the automobile

: It's time to accept the fact your the old law and order, tough guy approach to police brutality is not playing well with the voters. In addition, Donald Trump's little maneuver of turning American active duty military troops against its own citizens only made matters worse. White cops brutalizing black people is a reality in America going back a very long time, and until you start trying to work with Liberals to solve this problem, you'll find the 2018 election will be just the beginning of a Liberal rout of the GOP.

LIBERALS: I know only a few of your people were guilty of looting and vandalizing during your protests, but unless you can police your own people a little better, you'll be giving the GOP a political tool to undercut your situation. You folks will score far more points with the public in the courts of law, and by being more civil in your behavior. One more thing - Knock off this "defund the police" garbage, It's not going to work, and it only make you people look like a bunch if idiots.

BOTH SIDES: Stop using police brutality against black people as a political tool. You're not going to solve this problem by bitching at each other.
It doesn't look like either end of this is serious right now. And this goes far beyond police behavior.

This doesn't begin to improve unless and until we start looking in the mirror and grow a pair. That has to be the first step.

99.5% of the police are good law abiding effective peace keepers. Yes, there are a few bad apples and they need to be removed immediately. but that in no way excuses the thousands of lawless vandals who destroyed our cites over the last few weeks. Those criminals also need to be removed from society immediately.

If the stupid dems are successful in defunding and removing the police, then the cities will be run by the gang lords and/or the mafia, and those people will dispense their version of justice on everyone. Is that really what you want?
The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality.

DEM racism in DEM run police departments in DEM run cities in DEM run states controlled by the DEM party.
Meanwhile, in other news, in Republican run communities there is free ice cream, a carousel on very block and it rains only at night.
When you say Black Lives Matter, are you saying Only Black lives matter, or Black lives matter too?

that really needs to be clarified. So which is it?
There are two reasons Conservatives are so upset by police, elected officials and professional athletes kneeling in protest.

One reason is Conservatives believe no one should kneel in protest. That there ultimately is no form of peaceful protest that can be accepted. Police, elected officials and professional athletes cede their right to protest while serving the cause they are assigned.

The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality. If a Black person dies as a result of an encounter with police, they got what they damn well deserved. The best way for a Black person to survive a police encounter is to comply and stop being so damn uppity.
You forget that if a white person does what blacks tend to do....that mythical white privilege is gone.
Cops don't like anyone mouthing off at them.

so in the pic we see dems dressed in african garb bowing to their new masters. Those idiots will do anything for votes.
There are two reasons Conservatives are so upset by police, elected officials and professional athletes kneeling in protest.

One reason is Conservatives believe no one should kneel in protest. That there ultimately is no form of peaceful protest that can be accepted. Police, elected officials and professional athletes cede their right to protest while serving the cause they are assigned.

The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality. If a Black person dies as a result of an encounter with police, they got what they damn well deserved. The best way for a Black person to survive a police encounter is to comply and stop being so damn uppity.
Wby use black lives to lie? Disgusting
I don't understand. Could you please explain?
Your using black lives to lie about race relations, you are pandering to a Minority faction in the black community to spread hate..

No data supports evidence of racism.. OBAMA AVERAGED 30 unarmed black deaths by cops.

Trump had 9 last year. It’s gotten better under trump.. yet you harp on a FAKE NARRATIVE to control blacks.. new racism from The left
The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality.

DEM racism in DEM run police departments in DEM run cities in DEM run states controlled by the DEM party.
Meanwhile, in other news, in Republican run communities there is free ice cream, a carousel on very block and it rains only at night.

Minorities live in my conservative county and there have been no riots, burning, looting, or protests. :itsok:
Wake up and smell the coffee.

Since 1619 (when the first people from a faraway continent were forcibly brought here) there has been unpleasantness between the two cultures.

It is now 2020. And things are really worse than ever.

Doesn't that tell us that the gulf between the two cultures simply cannot be bridged?

When a married couple discover that they have irreconcilable differences, what do they do?

That's right: a divorce.

There are two reasons Conservatives are so upset by police, elected officials and professional athletes kneeling in protest.

One reason is Conservatives believe no one should kneel in protest. That there ultimately is no form of peaceful protest that can be accepted. Police, elected officials and professional athletes cede their right to protest while serving the cause they are assigned.

The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality. If a Black person dies as a result of an encounter with police, they got what they damn well deserved. The best way for a Black person to survive a police encounter is to comply and stop being so damn uppity.
Wby use black lives to lie? Disgusting
I don't understand. Could you please explain?
Your using black lives to lie about race relations, you are pandering to a Minority faction in the black community to spread hate..

No data supports evidence of racism.. OBAMA AVERAGED 30 unarmed black deaths by cops.

Trump had 9 last year. It’s gotten better under trump.. yet you harp on a FAKE NARRATIVE to control blacks.. new racism from The left
It certainly appears as if the Blqck community in this nation, along with a majority of the White community see racism and brutal police tactics employed disproportionately against the Black community as a serious problem. But you disagree with that sentiment.

Is it fair then to say that the protests are aimed at your attitude and that's why you resent them?
The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality.

DEM racism in DEM run police departments in DEM run cities in DEM run states controlled by the DEM party.
Meanwhile, in other news, in Republican run communities there is free ice cream, a carousel on very block and it rains only at night.

Minorities live in my conservative county and there have been no riots, burning, looting, or protests. :itsok:
So if the protests don't effect you and yours there is no problem? Or are you using anecdotal evidence to score political points? There have been protests in all 50 states and around the world.
The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality.

DEM racism in DEM run police departments in DEM run cities in DEM run states controlled by the DEM party.
Meanwhile, in other news, in Republican run communities there is free ice cream, a carousel on very block and it rains only at night.

Minorities live in my conservative county and there have been no riots, burning, looting, or protests. :itsok:

I do not know what country you live in, but -- with all due respect -- one cannot compare the United States with any other country.

The history of the United States is unique.

The relations between Caucasians and other ethnicities are unique -- especially those relations between Caucasians and African Americans.

In my opinion, the Chinese will not bring down the United States, and neither will Russia or abortion or homosexuality.

The fall of the United States of America will occur because of its internal divisions, which -- in my opinion -- are insurmountable.
The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality.

DEM racism in DEM run police departments in DEM run cities in DEM run states controlled by the DEM party.
Meanwhile, in other news, in Republican run communities there is free ice cream, a carousel on very block and it rains only at night.

Minorities live in my conservative county and there have been no riots, burning, looting, or protests. :itsok:
So if the protests don't effect you and yours there is no problem? Or are you using anecdotal evidence to score political points? There have been protests in all 50 states and around the world.

Apparently there is a huge racism problem in Dem controlled cities in Dem controlled states and has been for decades. Why don't Dems stop being racists.

: It's time to accept the fact your the old law and order, tough guy approach to police brutality is not playing well with the voters. In addition, Donald Trump's little maneuver of turning American active duty military troops against its own citizens only made matters worse. White cops brutalizing black people is a reality in America going back a very long time, and until you start trying to work with Liberals to solve this problem, you'll find the 2018 election will be just the beginning of a Liberal rout of the GOP.

LIBERALS: I know only a few of your people were guilty of looting and vandalizing during your protests, but unless you can police your own people a little better, you'll be giving the GOP a political tool to undercut your situation. You folks will score far more points with the public in the courts of law, and by being more civil in your behavior. One more thing - Knock off this "defund the police" garbage, It's not going to work, and it only make you people look like a bunch if idiots.

BOTH SIDES: Stop using police brutality against black people as a political tool. You're not going to solve this problem by bitching at each other.

You are a perception is reality and reality be damned.
Black cop and black victim = meh. Just another case of police brutality.
Black cop and white victim = nobody cares.
White cop and white victim = nobody cares
White cop and black victim = OMFG the country is racist! White people are evil! They killed a bunch of indians a long time ago! They had slaves like every other country on earth!
You people are fucking morons.
The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality.

DEM racism in DEM run police departments in DEM run cities in DEM run states controlled by the DEM party.
Meanwhile, in other news, in Republican run communities there is free ice cream, a carousel on very block and it rains only at night.

Minorities live in my conservative county and there have been no riots, burning, looting, or protests. :itsok:
So if the protests don't effect you and yours there is no problem? Or are you using anecdotal evidence to score political points? There have been protests in all 50 states and around the world.

Apparently there is a huge racism problem in Dem controlled cities in Dem controlled states and has been for decades. Why don't Dems stop being racists.
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Texas. Do you believe that there have been no acts of police brutality aimed at minorities in any of those, or other, Republican controlled states?
The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality.

DEM racism in DEM run police departments in DEM run cities in DEM run states controlled by the DEM party.
Meanwhile, in other news, in Republican run communities there is free ice cream, a carousel on very block and it rains only at night.

Minorities live in my conservative county and there have been no riots, burning, looting, or protests. :itsok:
So if the protests don't effect you and yours there is no problem? Or are you using anecdotal evidence to score political points? There have been protests in all 50 states and around the world.

Apparently there is a huge racism problem in Dem controlled cities in Dem controlled states and has been for decades. Why don't Dems stop being racists.
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Texas. Do you believe that there have been no acts of police brutality aimed at minorities in any of those, or other, Republican controlled states?

Those cities in those states are controlled by Democrats. Holy crap Dems are racist.
The other reason is Conservatives think that there is not racism behind any police brutality.

DEM racism in DEM run police departments in DEM run cities in DEM run states controlled by the DEM party.
Meanwhile, in other news, in Republican run communities there is free ice cream, a carousel on very block and it rains only at night.

Minorities live in my conservative county and there have been no riots, burning, looting, or protests. :itsok:
So if the protests don't effect you and yours there is no problem? Or are you using anecdotal evidence to score political points? There have been protests in all 50 states and around the world.

Apparently there is a huge racism problem in Dem controlled cities in Dem controlled states and has been for decades. Why don't Dems stop being racists.
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Texas. Do you believe that there have been no acts of police brutality aimed at minorities in any of those, or other, Republican controlled states?

Those cities in those states are controlled by Democrats. Holy crap Dems are racist.
That's ridiculous.

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