America Way Worse Under Obama

Conservatives..... will be RINO'S? I doubt that. Conservatives my dear ringer are just that conservatives. It's not the party but the values of the person who is running for government office that conservatives vote on.

Once you finally drive the once just Old Party into the dirt they will have no choice but to turn Conservatives into RINOs. They can either content themselves to 25-30% of the voting block or move to the center where elections are actually won

Nope, elections are won with conservatism, which is the largest voting block in America. Elections have been and are won on that alone.

Yup, Pale Rider, that's why the GOP won in 2006, 2008, and will in 2010. The reason the GOP lost those elections and will lose this fall is that the GOP is not controlled by conservatives but by reactionaries, neo-cons, and neo-corporationists. The mainstream has rejected that approach and is not going back to that losing way.
Nope, bigreb, you and your fellow wacks are in the great minority. You are not the mainstream. Most Americans are just right of center or a bit further right as conservatives. You are reactionary, much further to the right. Most Americans are terrified of your silliness.

The fall elections will prove my contention, and I will remind you then of your silliness now.

Why does America follow a Democratic president and congress? Because real America hates the far right and what it has done to America.

Do you want bet?
And this poll was taken when obama's number were up no doubt about it obama is going down with the sinking ship of liberalism.
Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals in All 50 States, Says Gallup Poll - Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals in All 50 States, Says Gallup Poll

To add it's not America that followsa democrats just the inner cities that have their hands out for another government handout.
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bigrebnc1775, you are not a conservative. You are a wack reactionary. The reactionaries, not the conservatives, control the GOP. Thus the GOP will remain in the minority after our fall elections, and if it does not reform and change, the 2012 elections will destroy it.

Americans are just right of center and somewhat conservative, but they will trust a Democratic government before going back to a reactionary GOP government.
bigrebnc1775, you are not a conservative. You are a wack reactionary. The reactionaries, not the conservatives, control the GOP. Thus the GOP will remain in the minority after our fall elections, and if it does not reform and change, the 2012 elections will destroy it.

Americans are just right of center and somewhat conservative, but they will trust a Democratic government before going back to a reactionary GOP government.

Fuck you **** you chickenshit bastard. I am a conservative to call me anything else you might as well call me a ******. Common white trash which I am not
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Common white trash prejudiced low rent is what you are, bigreb.

Get in the gutter when a real American walks by, boy.
:lol: He's a coward, RW. All reactionary racists generally are cowards. I knew he had the n-word in him, the scum.
:lol: He's a coward, RW. All reactionary racists generally are cowards. I knew he had the n-word in him, the scum.

Didn't take long for reb to show his true colors

Scary actually.....but I always knew he had it in him
However, you talk as if you are a member of the Klan, bigrebnc1775. You are low rent, so keep moving along. Nothing here for you.
Oh, I am wounded. Wounded, I say! Our words speak for us here, and you are only mumbling, son.
Your retarded

don't like it? I did not force byrd to join the klan nor did I force him to be a grand poo boa or what ever they call them.

you may not have paid your dues or wear the hood, but you are keeping the klan spirit alive.:clap2:

Hows that? In what comment have I made that keeps the klan spirit alive? And if you do not show the comment I will dog your ass all through this board until you show the comment or admitt you lied.

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