America, you’re stupid: Trump’s political triumph makes it official

America, you’re stupid: Donald Trump’s political triumph makes it official — we’re a nation of idiots
Trump's rise proves we're full of loud, illiterate and credulous people — and he's a mirror of them

I hate to have to say it, but the conclusion stares us in the face: We’re a stupid country, full of loud, illiterate and credulous people. Trump has marched straight to the nomination without offering anything like a platform or a plan. With a vocabulary of roughly a dozen words – wall, Mexicans, low-energy, loser, Muslims, stupid, China, negotiate, deals, America, great, again – he’s bamboozled millions of Americans. And it’s not just splenetic conservatives supporting Trump or your garden-variety bigots (although that’s the center of his coalition), it’s also independents, pro-choice Republicans, and a subset of Reagan Democrats.

This says something profoundly uncomfortable about our country and our process. A majority of Americans appear wholly uninterested in the actual business of government; they don’t understand it and don’t want to. They have vague feelings about undefined issues and they surrender their votes on emotional grounds to whoever approximates their rage. This has always been true to some extent, but Trump is a rubicon-crossing moment for the nation.


The Founders of this country were Enlightenment-era elitists. They represented everything Tea Partiers and Trumpites abhor – free inquiry, progress, science, and reason. Humans being high primates, they wondered whether the average citizen could be trusted with a democracy, whether the fury of the mob could be contained. They were wrong about a lot of things – race in particular – but a Trump nomination, perhaps more than anything else, would be the ultimate vindication of their concerns.

America, you’re stupid: Donald Trump’s political triumph makes it official — we’re a nation of idiots

For almost 8 years one of your own kind has been in the White House. 95% of your own people voted for him twice. I'm curious how blacks can continue to support someone of their own kind that holds the highest office in the land while blacks still live in poverty, graduate high school less, use food stamps on a rate of 1 out of every 3 1/2, have an unemployment rate 2x that of whites, etc.. Please explain. I thought having one of your own at that level would mean better results.
There's one kind, the human one, you racist jerk and dupe. Sorry you don't make the grade.

Not when certain groups are given protected status.

When the government dictates differences, you can't make that argument. No wonder you were a teacher. If you had to actually work you would have starved to death.
Career politicians have elevated themselves above the Constitution and Rule of Law, have allowed themselves to get away with breaking laws that none of us ever would be allowed to, have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder...

The Democratic Party is running a self-proclaimed Socialist and a scandal-plagued, sexual-crimes-victim-harassing, incompetent, 'often confused' (according to her own staff) criminal....

And the American people have rejected the former and are on the verge of rejecting the latter, taking back control of a government that was established by and for 'WE, the people'...

...and 'you', the 'OP', declare them to be 'stupid' for rejecting the status quo and for doing what they are doing.

Hands down, no question....YOU HAVE GOT TO BE A LIBERAL!

Yup, you're stupid :0) .. really stupid.

"have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder."

You just described Donald Trump .. a certified fraud .. and you think he is the answer .. to people like him. :0)
He is the alternative to self-promoting, self-serving, scandal-plagued, inept, 'often confused', criminal politicians who sacrifice American lives, abandoning them to die, to protect a fellow Liberal's re-election.

What you talkin' about Willis? Mrs Clinton said just the other day we lost no one in Libya.

I do think she meant no one she cared about.
No one in the "war", stupid dupe.

Are you now arguing that war equates to "calculation?" When exactly did we go to war with Libya? I thought the mission was to make sure Gadaffi was murdered, mission accomplished.

Here is her quote: "Libya was, uh, a different kind of, um, calculation. We didn't lose a single person."

So her calculator must be missing the number 4, or she is missing a soul. And you? Well you are just you.
I didn't vote for Hope and Change, so the moron must be you. Not only did Cass Sunstein call you a Homer Simpson, but Jonathan Gruber called you "Stupid" for believing that Obamacare was going to save you $2,500. Thanks for fundamentally transforming America, are you ready to eat DOG soon?

View attachment 76840

Yup, you're stupid.

I didn't vote for Obama, didn't support corporatist, right-wing Heritage Foundation modeled, Obamacare.
Sure you didn't, I believe you like I believe William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman). Why is it a liberal is ashamed to be called a liberal? If a liberal called me Conservative, I wear that badge honorably. Maybe it is the liberals past, Slavery, Women subjugation, stealing of other peoples money, warmongering, and many other examples that cause the liberals to hate their upbringing.

Oh yeah, and their constant LYING. At one time people were embarrassed to be caught in a lie, today, liberal use lying like a badge of honor and their people adore them for it.

I don't give a damn what people call you or how you respond to it.

I'm not a liberal, I'm a socialist .. and don't give a damn what you think about it.
I'm not a liberal, I'm a socialist .. and don't give a damn what you think about it
Here is what Socialism brings people. Do you like dog on your menu.

Since you're a brainwashed jerk who doesn't know shytte, we'll say democratic socialist just for you. Moron.
Oh like these Democratic Socialists? Zeig Heil....

Career politicians have elevated themselves above the Constitution and Rule of Law, have allowed themselves to get away with breaking laws that none of us ever would be allowed to, have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder...

The Democratic Party is running a self-proclaimed Socialist and a scandal-plagued, sexual-crimes-victim-harassing, incompetent, 'often confused' (according to her own staff) criminal....

And the American people have rejected the former and are on the verge of rejecting the latter, taking back control of a government that was established by and for 'WE, the people'...

...and 'you', the 'OP', declare them to be 'stupid' for rejecting the status quo and for doing what they are doing.

Hands down, no question....YOU HAVE GOT TO BE A LIBERAL!

Yup, you're stupid :0) .. really stupid.

"have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder."

You just described Donald Trump .. a certified fraud .. and you think he is the answer .. to people like him. :0)
He is the alternative to self-promoting, self-serving, scandal-plagued, inept, 'often confused', criminal politicians who sacrifice American lives, abandoning them to die, to protect a fellow Liberal's re-election.

What you talkin' about Willis? Mrs Clinton said just the other day we lost no one in Libya.

I do think she meant no one she cared about.
No one in the "war", stupid dupe.

Are you now arguing that war equates to "calculation?" When exactly did we go to war with Libya? I thought the mission was to make sure Gadaffi was murdered, mission accomplished.

Here is her quote: "Libya was, uh, a different kind of, um, calculation. We didn't lose a single person."

So her calculator must be missing the number 4, or she is missing a soul. And you? Well you are just you.
So her calculator must be missing the number 4, or she is missing a soul.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.

Yup, you're stupid :0) .. really stupid.

"have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder."

You just described Donald Trump .. a certified fraud .. and you think he is the answer .. to people like him. :0)
He is the alternative to self-promoting, self-serving, scandal-plagued, inept, 'often confused', criminal politicians who sacrifice American lives, abandoning them to die, to protect a fellow Liberal's re-election.

What you talkin' about Willis? Mrs Clinton said just the other day we lost no one in Libya.

I do think she meant no one she cared about.
No one in the "war", stupid dupe.

Are you now arguing that war equates to "calculation?" When exactly did we go to war with Libya? I thought the mission was to make sure Gadaffi was murdered, mission accomplished.

Here is her quote: "Libya was, uh, a different kind of, um, calculation. We didn't lose a single person."

So her calculator must be missing the number 4, or she is missing a soul. And you? Well you are just you.
So her calculator must be missing the number 4, or she is missing a soul.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.

View attachment 76871

Thanks, I never was sure what was the reason I dislike Mrs. Tuzla Clinton and her sniper story, now I know.

Inventing bizarre tales
One of the easiest signs to spot is how sociopaths exaggerate things to an irrational absurdity. In the sociopath's world, every explanation is more intense and more heroic-sounding than the way it really went down. Where a normal person might say, "I vomited last night," a sociopath would say, "I vomited up a 27-foot tapeworm!"

Learn more: How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
It's funny how Liberals are trying to call anyone else 'stupid'.


At the height of the Obamacare mess videos of Gruber repeatedly came out. In the videos he talked openly about how the liberals voters who bought all of Obama's BS and lies about the ACA were 'stupid' and how the DNC COUNTS on the stupidity (and blind, partisan, gullible nature) of liberal voters. If it wasn't for this, Gruber opined, Liberal politicians would not be able to get away with half of what they do...with crap like the ACA.

"It will pay for won't coat a dime."
- NO govt program EVER in human history has ever done this.

"If you like your plan you can keep your plan."
- Highly publicized and awarded 'LIE OF THE YEAR'.

Take a bow,'s official, according to leaders / insiders in your own party - You're Stupid.

He is the alternative to self-promoting, self-serving, scandal-plagued, inept, 'often confused', criminal politicians who sacrifice American lives, abandoning them to die, to protect a fellow Liberal's re-election.

What you talkin' about Willis? Mrs Clinton said just the other day we lost no one in Libya.

I do think she meant no one she cared about.
No one in the "war", stupid dupe.

Are you now arguing that war equates to "calculation?" When exactly did we go to war with Libya? I thought the mission was to make sure Gadaffi was murdered, mission accomplished.

Here is her quote: "Libya was, uh, a different kind of, um, calculation. We didn't lose a single person."

So her calculator must be missing the number 4, or she is missing a soul. And you? Well you are just you.
So her calculator must be missing the number 4, or she is missing a soul.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.

View attachment 76871

Thanks, I never was sure what was the reason I dislike Mrs. Tuzla Clinton and her sniper story, now I know.

Inventing bizarre tales
One of the easiest signs to spot is how sociopaths exaggerate things to an irrational absurdity. In the sociopath's world, every explanation is more intense and more heroic-sounding than the way it really went down. Where a normal person might say, "I vomited last night," a sociopath would say, "I vomited up a 27-foot tapeworm!"

Learn more: How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
I remember back when Bush first got in office, how Tom Daschle was talking about how poor his mother was, and couldn't afford prescription drugs. Now a sitting Senator, who cheated on his taxes, couldn't help out his own mother to buy prescription drugs to ease her suffering?
Sociopath behavior #4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.[

: [/quote] Liberal Republican George Bush signed into law the Free Prescription Drug act. I wonder why the liberals still hated him after that? Was it because they couldn't get it passed under Clinton?
Liberal Republican George Bush signed into law the Free Prescription Drug act. I wonder why the liberals still hated him after that? Was it because they couldn't get it passed under Clinton?

Who 'controlled' Congress at that time and passed that bill? Wasn't it a 'bi-partisan' vote?[/QUOTE]
Yes it was, and this is why Trump is winning in the polls. US citizens are tired of footing the bill for socialist retards who take every thing and give nothing back except cities that burn.

What you talkin' about Willis? Mrs Clinton said just the other day we lost no one in Libya.

I do think she meant no one she cared about.
No one in the "war", stupid dupe.

Are you now arguing that war equates to "calculation?" When exactly did we go to war with Libya? I thought the mission was to make sure Gadaffi was murdered, mission accomplished.

Here is her quote: "Libya was, uh, a different kind of, um, calculation. We didn't lose a single person."

So her calculator must be missing the number 4, or she is missing a soul. And you? Well you are just you.
So her calculator must be missing the number 4, or she is missing a soul.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.

View attachment 76871

Thanks, I never was sure what was the reason I dislike Mrs. Tuzla Clinton and her sniper story, now I know.

Inventing bizarre tales
One of the easiest signs to spot is how sociopaths exaggerate things to an irrational absurdity. In the sociopath's world, every explanation is more intense and more heroic-sounding than the way it really went down. Where a normal person might say, "I vomited last night," a sociopath would say, "I vomited up a 27-foot tapeworm!"

Learn more: How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
I remember back when Bush first got in office, how Tom Daschle was talking about how poor his mother was, and couldn't afford prescription drugs. Now a sitting Senator, who cheated on his taxes, couldn't help out his own mother to buy prescription drugs to ease her suffering?
Sociopath behavior #4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.[

Liberal Republican George Bush signed into law the Free Prescription Drug act. I wonder why the liberals still hated him after that? Was it because they couldn't get it passed under Clinton?[/QUOTE]

What is about the prescription drug plan? If you don't join a part D plan for medicare there is a penalty, just like Obamacare only much smaller. Of course I am sure there are lots of folks that do get a free ride. I was talking to an insurance salesman who say he had to attend a seminiar on how to talk to those who expect to get things for free. Sad commentary.
America, you’re stupid: Donald Trump’s political triumph makes it official — we’re a nation of idiots
Trump's rise proves we're full of loud, illiterate and credulous people — and he's a mirror of them

I hate to have to say it, but the conclusion stares us in the face: We’re a stupid country, full of loud, illiterate and credulous people. Trump has marched straight to the nomination without offering anything like a platform or a plan. With a vocabulary of roughly a dozen words – wall, Mexicans, low-energy, loser, Muslims, stupid, China, negotiate, deals, America, great, again – he’s bamboozled millions of Americans. And it’s not just splenetic conservatives supporting Trump or your garden-variety bigots (although that’s the center of his coalition), it’s also independents, pro-choice Republicans, and a subset of Reagan Democrats.

This says something profoundly uncomfortable about our country and our process. A majority of Americans appear wholly uninterested in the actual business of government; they don’t understand it and don’t want to. They have vague feelings about undefined issues and they surrender their votes on emotional grounds to whoever approximates their rage. This has always been true to some extent, but Trump is a rubicon-crossing moment for the nation.


The Founders of this country were Enlightenment-era elitists. They represented everything Tea Partiers and Trumpites abhor – free inquiry, progress, science, and reason. Humans being high primates, they wondered whether the average citizen could be trusted with a democracy, whether the fury of the mob could be contained. They were wrong about a lot of things – race in particular – but a Trump nomination, perhaps more than anything else, would be the ultimate vindication of their concerns.

America, you’re stupid: Donald Trump’s political triumph makes it official — we’re a nation of idiots

For almost 8 years one of your own kind has been in the White House. 95% of your own people voted for him twice. I'm curious how blacks can continue to support someone of their own kind that holds the highest office in the land while blacks still live in poverty, graduate high school less, use food stamps on a rate of 1 out of every 3 1/2, have an unemployment rate 2x that of whites, etc.. Please explain. I thought having one of your own at that level would mean better results.
There's one kind, the human one, you racist jerk and dupe. Sorry you don't make the grade.

Not when certain groups are given protected status.

When the government dictates differences, you can't make that argument. No wonder you were a teacher. If you had to actually work you would have starved to death.
What protected status? Ridiculous. And I was a businessman as long as as a teacher (private school, before we have to hear your ridiculous brainwashed views on that), brainwashed bigot. A great example of why minorities have such a hard time in hater dupe America.
America, you’re stupid: Donald Trump’s political triumph makes it official — we’re a nation of idiots
Trump's rise proves we're full of loud, illiterate and credulous people — and he's a mirror of them

I hate to have to say it, but the conclusion stares us in the face: We’re a stupid country, full of loud, illiterate and credulous people. Trump has marched straight to the nomination without offering anything like a platform or a plan. With a vocabulary of roughly a dozen words – wall, Mexicans, low-energy, loser, Muslims, stupid, China, negotiate, deals, America, great, again – he’s bamboozled millions of Americans. And it’s not just splenetic conservatives supporting Trump or your garden-variety bigots (although that’s the center of his coalition), it’s also independents, pro-choice Republicans, and a subset of Reagan Democrats.

This says something profoundly uncomfortable about our country and our process. A majority of Americans appear wholly uninterested in the actual business of government; they don’t understand it and don’t want to. They have vague feelings about undefined issues and they surrender their votes on emotional grounds to whoever approximates their rage. This has always been true to some extent, but Trump is a rubicon-crossing moment for the nation.


The Founders of this country were Enlightenment-era elitists. They represented everything Tea Partiers and Trumpites abhor – free inquiry, progress, science, and reason. Humans being high primates, they wondered whether the average citizen could be trusted with a democracy, whether the fury of the mob could be contained. They were wrong about a lot of things – race in particular – but a Trump nomination, perhaps more than anything else, would be the ultimate vindication of their concerns.

America, you’re stupid: Donald Trump’s political triumph makes it official — we’re a nation of idiots

For almost 8 years one of your own kind has been in the White House. 95% of your own people voted for him twice. I'm curious how blacks can continue to support someone of their own kind that holds the highest office in the land while blacks still live in poverty, graduate high school less, use food stamps on a rate of 1 out of every 3 1/2, have an unemployment rate 2x that of whites, etc.. Please explain. I thought having one of your own at that level would mean better results.
There's one kind, the human one, you racist jerk and dupe. Sorry you don't make the grade.

Not when certain groups are given protected status.

When the government dictates differences, you can't make that argument. No wonder you were a teacher. If you had to actually work you would have starved to death.
What protected status? Ridiculous. And I was a businessman as long as as a teacher (private school, before we have to hear your ridiculous brainwashed views on that), brainwashed bigot. A great example of why minorities have such a hard time in hater dupe America.

The reason many minorities have trouble is that they think something is owed to them. Many blacks, none of which were slaves, think they're owed favorable treatment (i.e. - Affirmative Action) because someone they never met that was a slave happened to be the same color.

Many want to be referred to by a hyphenated term. If you only want to be half an American, don't complain that you don't succeed to the level as those of us that want to be an American.
"America you're stupid"? Is that the best the left can come up with these days? No wonder they used to get their news analysis from the Comedy Channel. The wife of a sexual predator can't even beat a freaking Marxist Socialist in the democrat party and the low information rabble calls America stupid because the poor babies are angry. The left is becoming irrelevant and pathetic.
No one in the "war", stupid dupe.

Are you now arguing that war equates to "calculation?" When exactly did we go to war with Libya? I thought the mission was to make sure Gadaffi was murdered, mission accomplished.

Here is her quote: "Libya was, uh, a different kind of, um, calculation. We didn't lose a single person."

So her calculator must be missing the number 4, or she is missing a soul. And you? Well you are just you.
So her calculator must be missing the number 4, or she is missing a soul.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.

View attachment 76871

Thanks, I never was sure what was the reason I dislike Mrs. Tuzla Clinton and her sniper story, now I know.

Inventing bizarre tales
One of the easiest signs to spot is how sociopaths exaggerate things to an irrational absurdity. In the sociopath's world, every explanation is more intense and more heroic-sounding than the way it really went down. Where a normal person might say, "I vomited last night," a sociopath would say, "I vomited up a 27-foot tapeworm!"

Learn more: How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
I remember back when Bush first got in office, how Tom Daschle was talking about how poor his mother was, and couldn't afford prescription drugs. Now a sitting Senator, who cheated on his taxes, couldn't help out his own mother to buy prescription drugs to ease her suffering?
Sociopath behavior #4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.[

Liberal Republican George Bush signed into law the Free Prescription Drug act. I wonder why the liberals still hated him after that? Was it because they couldn't get it passed under Clinton?

What is about the prescription drug plan? If you don't join a part D plan for medicare there is a penalty, just like Obamacare only much smaller. Of course I am sure there are lots of folks that do get a free ride. I was talking to an insurance salesman who say he had to attend a seminiar on how to talk to those who expect to get things for free. Sad commentary.[/QUOTE]
A) Probably because it was a giveaway to big pharma, ignorant dupe. Read something.
America, you’re stupid: Donald Trump’s political triumph makes it official — we’re a nation of idiots
Trump's rise proves we're full of loud, illiterate and credulous people — and he's a mirror of them

I hate to have to say it, but the conclusion stares us in the face: We’re a stupid country, full of loud, illiterate and credulous people. Trump has marched straight to the nomination without offering anything like a platform or a plan. With a vocabulary of roughly a dozen words – wall, Mexicans, low-energy, loser, Muslims, stupid, China, negotiate, deals, America, great, again – he’s bamboozled millions of Americans. And it’s not just splenetic conservatives supporting Trump or your garden-variety bigots (although that’s the center of his coalition), it’s also independents, pro-choice Republicans, and a subset of Reagan Democrats.

This says something profoundly uncomfortable about our country and our process. A majority of Americans appear wholly uninterested in the actual business of government; they don’t understand it and don’t want to. They have vague feelings about undefined issues and they surrender their votes on emotional grounds to whoever approximates their rage. This has always been true to some extent, but Trump is a rubicon-crossing moment for the nation.


The Founders of this country were Enlightenment-era elitists. They represented everything Tea Partiers and Trumpites abhor – free inquiry, progress, science, and reason. Humans being high primates, they wondered whether the average citizen could be trusted with a democracy, whether the fury of the mob could be contained. They were wrong about a lot of things – race in particular – but a Trump nomination, perhaps more than anything else, would be the ultimate vindication of their concerns.

America, you’re stupid: Donald Trump’s political triumph makes it official — we’re a nation of idiots

For almost 8 years one of your own kind has been in the White House. 95% of your own people voted for him twice. I'm curious how blacks can continue to support someone of their own kind that holds the highest office in the land while blacks still live in poverty, graduate high school less, use food stamps on a rate of 1 out of every 3 1/2, have an unemployment rate 2x that of whites, etc.. Please explain. I thought having one of your own at that level would mean better results.
There's one kind, the human one, you racist jerk and dupe. Sorry you don't make the grade.

Not when certain groups are given protected status.

When the government dictates differences, you can't make that argument. No wonder you were a teacher. If you had to actually work you would have starved to death.
What protected status? Ridiculous. And I was a businessman as long as as a teacher (private school, before we have to hear your ridiculous brainwashed views on that), brainwashed bigot. A great example of why minorities have such a hard time in hater dupe America.

The reason many minorities have trouble is that they think something is owed to them. Many blacks, none of which were slaves, think they're owed favorable treatment (i.e. - Affirmative Action) because someone they never met that was a slave happened to be the same color.

Many want to be referred to by a hyphenated term. If you only want to be half an American, don't complain that you don't succeed to the level as those of us that want to be an American.

Racism and oppression ended with slavery?

Yup, you're stupid.

Newsflash to Dumb People - AA benefits white women more than any other class of people in America .. including AFRICAN-AMERICANS.
America, you’re stupid: Donald Trump’s political triumph makes it official — we’re a nation of idiots
Trump's rise proves we're full of loud, illiterate and credulous people — and he's a mirror of them

I hate to have to say it, but the conclusion stares us in the face: We’re a stupid country, full of loud, illiterate and credulous people. Trump has marched straight to the nomination without offering anything like a platform or a plan. With a vocabulary of roughly a dozen words – wall, Mexicans, low-energy, loser, Muslims, stupid, China, negotiate, deals, America, great, again – he’s bamboozled millions of Americans. And it’s not just splenetic conservatives supporting Trump or your garden-variety bigots (although that’s the center of his coalition), it’s also independents, pro-choice Republicans, and a subset of Reagan Democrats.

This says something profoundly uncomfortable about our country and our process. A majority of Americans appear wholly uninterested in the actual business of government; they don’t understand it and don’t want to. They have vague feelings about undefined issues and they surrender their votes on emotional grounds to whoever approximates their rage. This has always been true to some extent, but Trump is a rubicon-crossing moment for the nation.


The Founders of this country were Enlightenment-era elitists. They represented everything Tea Partiers and Trumpites abhor – free inquiry, progress, science, and reason. Humans being high primates, they wondered whether the average citizen could be trusted with a democracy, whether the fury of the mob could be contained. They were wrong about a lot of things – race in particular – but a Trump nomination, perhaps more than anything else, would be the ultimate vindication of their concerns.

America, you’re stupid: Donald Trump’s political triumph makes it official — we’re a nation of idiots

For almost 8 years one of your own kind has been in the White House. 95% of your own people voted for him twice. I'm curious how blacks can continue to support someone of their own kind that holds the highest office in the land while blacks still live in poverty, graduate high school less, use food stamps on a rate of 1 out of every 3 1/2, have an unemployment rate 2x that of whites, etc.. Please explain. I thought having one of your own at that level would mean better results.
There's one kind, the human one, you racist jerk and dupe. Sorry you don't make the grade.

Not when certain groups are given protected status.

When the government dictates differences, you can't make that argument. No wonder you were a teacher. If you had to actually work you would have starved to death.
What protected status? Ridiculous. And I was a businessman as long as as a teacher (private school, before we have to hear your ridiculous brainwashed views on that), brainwashed bigot. A great example of why minorities have such a hard time in hater dupe America.

The reason many minorities have trouble is that they think something is owed to them. Many blacks, none of which were slaves, think they're owed favorable treatment (i.e. - Affirmative Action) because someone they never met that was a slave happened to be the same color.

Many want to be referred to by a hyphenated term. If you only want to be half an American, don't complain that you don't succeed to the level as those of us that want to be an American.
STHU, bigoted moron. Discrimination is rampant from racist GOPers like you.
For almost 8 years one of your own kind has been in the White House. 95% of your own people voted for him twice. I'm curious how blacks can continue to support someone of their own kind that holds the highest office in the land while blacks still live in poverty, graduate high school less, use food stamps on a rate of 1 out of every 3 1/2, have an unemployment rate 2x that of whites, etc.. Please explain. I thought having one of your own at that level would mean better results.
There's one kind, the human one, you racist jerk and dupe. Sorry you don't make the grade.

Not when certain groups are given protected status.

When the government dictates differences, you can't make that argument. No wonder you were a teacher. If you had to actually work you would have starved to death.
What protected status? Ridiculous. And I was a businessman as long as as a teacher (private school, before we have to hear your ridiculous brainwashed views on that), brainwashed bigot. A great example of why minorities have such a hard time in hater dupe America.

The reason many minorities have trouble is that they think something is owed to them. Many blacks, none of which were slaves, think they're owed favorable treatment (i.e. - Affirmative Action) because someone they never met that was a slave happened to be the same color.

Many want to be referred to by a hyphenated term. If you only want to be half an American, don't complain that you don't succeed to the level as those of us that want to be an American.

Racism and oppression ended with slavery?

Yup, you're stupid.

Newsflash to Dumb People - AA benefits white women more than any other class of people in America .. including AFRICAN-AMERICANS.

As long as blacks want to use excuses, don't expect any better results.

Newsflash to morons like you. The white in white women has nothing to do with the benefits of AA. The women part has everything to do with it. It's a disingenuous argument to misrepresent that white has anything to do with it.

As long as black want to have the African reference, don't be shocked if they continue to do poorly in society. Instead of blaming it on white people, quit having some damn many bastard children for whites to support.

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