America, you’re stupid: Trump’s political triumph makes it official

Career politicians have elevated themselves above the Constitution and Rule of Law, have allowed themselves to get away with breaking laws that none of us ever would be allowed to, have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder...

The Democratic Party is running a self-proclaimed Socialist and a scandal-plagued, sexual-crimes-victim-harassing, incompetent, 'often confused' (according to her own staff) criminal....

And the American people have rejected the former and are on the verge of rejecting the latter, taking back control of a government that was established by and for 'WE, the people'...

...and 'you', the 'OP', declare them to be 'stupid' for rejecting the status quo and for doing what they are doing.

Hands down, no question....YOU HAVE GOT TO BE A LIBERAL!

Yup, you're stupid :0) .. really stupid.

"have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder."

You just described Donald Trump .. a certified fraud .. and you think he is the answer .. to people like him. :0)

You're an idiot.

:lol: Fuck you.

Oddly, you don't contest my assertion that you are an idiot. So genius, tell us how Donald Trump has, as you say, "engaged in non-representative government"?

That's because you're stupid .. and a stupid person calling me an idiot is pure comedy.

You support a reality show host for President of the United States. Regardless of what you call me .. you're still stupid. :0)
Wrong, totally wrong. What it shows is that America is finally waking up to the corrupt establishment politicians in both parties. Americans are fed up with crooked pols who spend their time in DC making themselves rich with OUR money.

Trump threatens the power structure in both parties, that's why they are all scared shitless of him------------------and that is good for America.

Trump is trying as hard as he can to get Hillary elected while tapping into another money-making scheme at the same time.

:0) Of course you wouldn't know that.
I just did a spit take on that lunatic comment. Better check your sources for the vagina candidate isn't doing well in California, as we speak against her own socialist opponent. I notice by your name that you must be publicly educated.

You related to this woman?

:lol: An absolute moron and typical of exactly what the topic is all about.

Thanks for playing.

I didn't vote for Hope and Change, so the moron must be you. Not only did Cass Sunstein call you a Homer Simpson, but Jonathan Gruber called you "Stupid" for believing that Obamacare was going to save you $2,500. Thanks for fundamentally transforming America, are you ready to eat DOG soon?

View attachment 76840

Yup, you're stupid.

I didn't vote for Obama, didn't support corporatist, right-wing Heritage Foundation modeled, Obamacare.

Sure you didn't, I believe you like I believe William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman). Why is it a liberal is ashamed to be called a liberal? If a liberal called me Conservative, I wear that badge honorably. Maybe it is the liberals past, Slavery, Women subjugation, stealing of other peoples money, warmongering, and many other examples that cause the liberals to hate their upbringing.

Oh yeah, and their constant LYING. At one time people were embarrassed to be caught in a lie, today, liberal use lying like a badge of honor and their people adore them for it.
Career politicians have elevated themselves above the Constitution and Rule of Law, have allowed themselves to get away with breaking laws that none of us ever would be allowed to, have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder...

The Democratic Party is running a self-proclaimed Socialist and a scandal-plagued, sexual-crimes-victim-harassing, incompetent, 'often confused' (according to her own staff) criminal....

And the American people have rejected the former and are on the verge of rejecting the latter, taking back control of a government that was established by and for 'WE, the people'...

...and 'you', the 'OP', declare them to be 'stupid' for rejecting the status quo and for doing what they are doing.

Hands down, no question....YOU HAVE GOT TO BE A LIBERAL!

Yup, you're stupid :0) .. really stupid.

"have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder."

You just described Donald Trump .. a certified fraud .. and you think he is the answer .. to people like him. :0)

You're an idiot.

:lol: Fuck you.

Oddly, you don't contest my assertion that you are an idiot. So genius, tell us how Donald Trump has, as you say, "engaged in non-representative government"?

That's because you're stupid .. and a stupid person calling me an idiot is pure comedy.

You support a reality show host for President of the United States. Regardless of what you call me .. you're still stupid. :0)

That's your answer? Wow. So,.. you support this for president?

Trump is tremendous, believe me. We are in great danger from Mexicans and Muslims. Obama has been a total disaster. Trump can make America great again by building a miracle wall that will cure cancer, balance the budget, defeat ISIS, get the economy going again, and provide better cable reception. Believe me.
Trump is tremendous, believe me. We are in great danger from Mexicans and Muslims. Obama has been a total disaster. Trump can make America great again by building a miracle wall that will cure cancer, balance the budget, defeat ISIS, get the economy going again, and provide better cable reception. Believe me.

When did he say any of this? Are you drunk?
America, you’re stupid: Donald Trump’s political triumph makes it official — we’re a nation of idiots
Trump's rise proves we're full of loud, illiterate and credulous people — and he's a mirror of them

I hate to have to say it, but the conclusion stares us in the face: We’re a stupid country, full of loud, illiterate and credulous people. Trump has marched straight to the nomination without offering anything like a platform or a plan. With a vocabulary of roughly a dozen words – wall, Mexicans, low-energy, loser, Muslims, stupid, China, negotiate, deals, America, great, again – he’s bamboozled millions of Americans. And it’s not just splenetic conservatives supporting Trump or your garden-variety bigots (although that’s the center of his coalition), it’s also independents, pro-choice Republicans, and a subset of Reagan Democrats.

This says something profoundly uncomfortable about our country and our process. A majority of Americans appear wholly uninterested in the actual business of government; they don’t understand it and don’t want to. They have vague feelings about undefined issues and they surrender their votes on emotional grounds to whoever approximates their rage. This has always been true to some extent, but Trump is a rubicon-crossing moment for the nation.


The Founders of this country were Enlightenment-era elitists. They represented everything Tea Partiers and Trumpites abhor – free inquiry, progress, science, and reason. Humans being high primates, they wondered whether the average citizen could be trusted with a democracy, whether the fury of the mob could be contained. They were wrong about a lot of things – race in particular – but a Trump nomination, perhaps more than anything else, would be the ultimate vindication of their concerns.

America, you’re stupid: Donald Trump’s political triumph makes it official — we’re a nation of idiots

Wrong, totally wrong. What it shows is that America is finally waking up to the corrupt establishment politicians in both parties. Americans are fed up with crooked pols who spend their time in DC making themselves rich with OUR money.

Trump threatens the power structure in both parties, that's why they are all scared shitless of him------------------and that is good for America.

Trump is trying as hard as he can to get Hillary elected while tapping into another money-making scheme at the same time.

:0) Of course you wouldn't know that.
You are a great refutation of this article....
Trump is trying as hard as he can to get Hillary elected while tapping into another money-making scheme at the same time.

:0) Of course you wouldn't know that.
I just did a spit take on that lunatic comment. Better check your sources for the vagina candidate isn't doing well in California, as we speak against her own socialist opponent. I notice by your name that you must be publicly educated.

You related to this woman?

:lol: An absolute moron and typical of exactly what the topic is all about.

Thanks for playing.

I didn't vote for Hope and Change, so the moron must be you. Not only did Cass Sunstein call you a Homer Simpson, but Jonathan Gruber called you "Stupid" for believing that Obamacare was going to save you $2,500. Thanks for fundamentally transforming America, are you ready to eat DOG soon?

View attachment 76840

Yup, you're stupid.

I didn't vote for Obama, didn't support corporatist, right-wing Heritage Foundation modeled, Obamacare.

Sure you didn't, I believe you like I believe William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman). Why is it a liberal is ashamed to be called a liberal? If a liberal called me Conservative, I wear that badge honorably. Maybe it is the liberals past, Slavery, Women subjugation, stealing of other peoples money, warmongering, and many other examples that cause the liberals to hate their upbringing.

Oh yeah, and their constant LYING. At one time people were embarrassed to be caught in a lie, today, liberal use lying like a badge of honor and their people adore them for it.

I don't give a damn what people call you or how you respond to it.

I'm not a liberal, I'm a socialist .. and don't give a damn what you think about it.

Career politicians have elevated themselves above the Constitution and Rule of Law, have allowed themselves to get away with breaking laws that none of us ever would be allowed to, have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder...

The Democratic Party is running a self-proclaimed Socialist and a scandal-plagued, sexual-crimes-victim-harassing, incompetent, 'often confused' (according to her own staff) criminal....

And the American people have rejected the former and are on the verge of rejecting the latter, taking back control of a government that was established by and for 'WE, the people'...

...and 'you', the 'OP', declare them to be 'stupid' for rejecting the status quo and for doing what they are doing.

Hands down, no question....YOU HAVE GOT TO BE A LIBERAL!

Yup, you're stupid :0) .. really stupid.

"have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder."

You just described Donald Trump .. a certified fraud .. and you think he is the answer .. to people like him. :0)

You're an idiot.

:lol: Fuck you.

Oddly, you don't contest my assertion that you are an idiot. So genius, tell us how Donald Trump has, as you say, "engaged in non-representative government"?

That's because you're stupid .. and a stupid person calling me an idiot is pure comedy.

You support a reality show host for President of the United States. Regardless of what you call me .. you're still stupid. :0)
Blackasscoal, Do you believe in the consensus that Global Warming is real? If so then there are many here that think you are stupid, so the consensus confirms that you are "STUPID". Sorry but the science is settled on that, now go to Cuba and live your Socialist Utopia there.
Yup, you're stupid :0) .. really stupid.

"have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder."

You just described Donald Trump .. a certified fraud .. and you think he is the answer .. to people like him. :0)

You're an idiot.

:lol: Fuck you.

Oddly, you don't contest my assertion that you are an idiot. So genius, tell us how Donald Trump has, as you say, "engaged in non-representative government"?

That's because you're stupid .. and a stupid person calling me an idiot is pure comedy.

You support a reality show host for President of the United States. Regardless of what you call me .. you're still stupid. :0)

That's your answer? Wow. So,.. you support this for president?

I'm not voting for Hillary either .. although she would be a far superior choice to Trump.

.. and no, i didn't vote for Obama or any republican either.
Career politicians have elevated themselves above the Constitution and Rule of Law, have allowed themselves to get away with breaking laws that none of us ever would be allowed to, have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder...

The Democratic Party is running a self-proclaimed Socialist and a scandal-plagued, sexual-crimes-victim-harassing, incompetent, 'often confused' (according to her own staff) criminal....

And the American people have rejected the former and are on the verge of rejecting the latter, taking back control of a government that was established by and for 'WE, the people'...

...and 'you', the 'OP', declare them to be 'stupid' for rejecting the status quo and for doing what they are doing.

Hands down, no question....YOU HAVE GOT TO BE A LIBERAL!

Yup, you're stupid :0) .. really stupid.

"have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder."

You just described Donald Trump .. a certified fraud .. and you think he is the answer .. to people like him. :0)

You're an idiot.

:lol: Fuck you.

Oddly, you don't contest my assertion that you are an idiot. So genius, tell us how Donald Trump has, as you say, "engaged in non-representative government"?

That's because you're stupid .. and a stupid person calling me an idiot is pure comedy.

You support a reality show host for President of the United States. Regardless of what you call me .. you're still stupid. :0)
You support a reality show host for President of the United States. Regardless of what you call me .. you're still stupid.
You could support a blithering/stuttering idiot who promised you Hope and Change twice, like you did, but that only makes you a "MORON". and he is 1/2 white also. Doesn't that make him a White black man?


Oddly, you don't contest my assertion that you are an idiot. So genius, tell us how Donald Trump has, as you say, "engaged in non-representative government"?

That's because you're stupid .. and a stupid person calling me an idiot is pure comedy.

You support a reality show host for President of the United States. Regardless of what you call me .. you're still stupid. :0)

That's your answer? Wow. So,.. you support this for president?

I'm not voting for Hillary either .. although she would be a far superior choice to Trump.

.. and no, i didn't vote for Obama or any republican either.

I believe you (NOT).
Yup, you're stupid :0) .. really stupid.

"have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder."

You just described Donald Trump .. a certified fraud .. and you think he is the answer .. to people like him. :0)

You're an idiot.

:lol: Fuck you.

Oddly, you don't contest my assertion that you are an idiot. So genius, tell us how Donald Trump has, as you say, "engaged in non-representative government"?

That's because you're stupid .. and a stupid person calling me an idiot is pure comedy.

You support a reality show host for President of the United States. Regardless of what you call me .. you're still stupid. :0)
Blackasscoal, Do you believe in the consensus that Global Warming is real? If so then there are many here that think you are stupid, so the consensus confirms that you are "STUPID". Sorry but the science is settled on that, now go to Cuba and live your Socialist Utopia there.

:lol: The 'consensus' is that most of you assholes here are dumb as a bag of rocks. The thread topics on the board prove that beyond all reasonable doubt.

Back to you .. you're supporting a reality show host who doesn't know shit about politics for president .. and you seem to think what dumb people on a message board think about me changes any of that. :lol:

.. and oh yeah, can you make me leave the country .. or are you just some powerless piece of shit who can't do a goddamn thing about what I believe. :0) I'm betting the latter.
:lol: Fuck you.

Oddly, you don't contest my assertion that you are an idiot. So genius, tell us how Donald Trump has, as you say, "engaged in non-representative government"?

That's because you're stupid .. and a stupid person calling me an idiot is pure comedy.

You support a reality show host for President of the United States. Regardless of what you call me .. you're still stupid. :0)

That's your answer? Wow. So,.. you support this for president?

I'm not voting for Hillary either .. although she would be a far superior choice to Trump.

.. and no, i didn't vote for Obama or any republican either.

I believe you (NOT).

:0) Why would I give a rats ass about what you believe?

Oddly, you don't contest my assertion that you are an idiot. So genius, tell us how Donald Trump has, as you say, "engaged in non-representative government"?

That's because you're stupid .. and a stupid person calling me an idiot is pure comedy.

You support a reality show host for President of the United States. Regardless of what you call me .. you're still stupid. :0)

That's your answer? Wow. So,.. you support this for president?

I'm not voting for Hillary either .. although she would be a far superior choice to Trump.

.. and no, i didn't vote for Obama or any republican either.

Well, that makes perfect sense.


Oddly, you don't contest my assertion that you are an idiot. So genius, tell us how Donald Trump has, as you say, "engaged in non-representative government"?

That's because you're stupid .. and a stupid person calling me an idiot is pure comedy.

You support a reality show host for President of the United States. Regardless of what you call me .. you're still stupid. :0)
Blackasscoal, Do you believe in the consensus that Global Warming is real? If so then there are many here that think you are stupid, so the consensus confirms that you are "STUPID". Sorry but the science is settled on that, now go to Cuba and live your Socialist Utopia there.

:lol: The 'consensus' is that most of you assholes here are dumb as a bag of rocks. The thread topics on the board prove that beyond all reasonable doubt.

Back to you .. you're supporting a reality show host who doesn't know shit about politics for president .. and you seem to think what dumb people on a message board think about me changes any of that. :lol:

.. and oh yeah, can you make me leave the country .. or are you just some powerless piece of shit who can't do a goddamn thing about what I believe. :0) I'm betting the latter.

"doesn't know shit about politics for president"?

English not your native tongue Goober?
Yup, you're stupid :0) .. really stupid.

"have made themselves millionaires while screwing hard-working citizens, have engaged in non-representative government, selling their influence/themselves to the highest bidder."

You just described Donald Trump .. a certified fraud .. and you think he is the answer .. to people like him. :0)

You're an idiot.

:lol: Fuck you.

Oddly, you don't contest my assertion that you are an idiot. So genius, tell us how Donald Trump has, as you say, "engaged in non-representative government"?

That's because you're stupid .. and a stupid person calling me an idiot is pure comedy.

You support a reality show host for President of the United States. Regardless of what you call me .. you're still stupid. :0)
You support a reality show host for President of the United States. Regardless of what you call me .. you're still stupid.
You could support a blithering/stuttering idiot who promised you Hope and Change twice, like you did, but that only makes you a "MORON". and he is 1/2 white also. Doesn't that make him a White black man?

I've been posting here since 2008 Jethro .. my thoughts on Obama and the Democratic Party have not changed .. but I recognize the limitations of a pea-brained moron like you who thinks al black people voted for Obama and if you aren't a right-winger, you must be a liberal.

:0) Hell yes, you're stupid as fuck.
The OP claiming people are stupid for supporting a successful multi-billionaire now that's DUMB. Electing Obama a blithering idiot with no career accomplishments at all before going on the public dole in politics, also DUMB.

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