America, you’re stupid: Trump’s political triumph makes it official

Good to see you posting BlackAsCoal. Are you still advocating for the Pali's?

I've have heard Trump say more than what you have claimed here. Actually I watched some older interviews of him concerning politics. I agree with him 'It's a mean business'. I understood why he would say that immediately. I have friends who jumped on the Trump bandwagon early on. They are doctors and professionals so I don't think they are stupid by any means. Unlike myself they have actual degrees and that college education. I think claiming he's a danger with a nuke button is just more fear mongering coming from elitist types and fear mongers. I don't necessarily seem him as a racist either or a woman hater. I do think that being in business he has had to deal with a variety of types of people and from NJ probably a harsher enviroment in some ways than even Sodom and Gomorrah here in the middle of the country.

You said in a post above what surveys claim but the truth of the matter about affirmative action is that it has become as corrupt as anything else out there and there is no benefit to many of us women with it in place as it is. If there were a bet in that matter I would imagine Trump already knows and understands this as he is in the business of hiring.

Thugs have weaseled there way into all of these social commerce programs and at the moment it does not appear that there is any end in site. They use supposed grey areas to enhance their own pocket books and buy favors without regard to equality.

I heard Trump also say he believe a working man or woman should be able to pay their bills and feed their families in a decent manner and that ain't happening right now. Nor has that been the case for many, many moons.

If anyone actually is going to help clean the mess that has been created by the mighty thinkers (social bs think tanks, those with a few with college degrees limited knowledge willing to try out whatever on the general public and/or those with a gift for gab). We need some people that have actually started from the bottom, do not get a huge paycheck from skewing their reports or plans, have never lobbied for special interest and such and those who have actually worked their way up without tromping everything in their path on their way up or sold out for just another bit of cash. If not the country will keep going down and eventually the arabian royal ass kissers, mercenaries with their fine houses and pools and the drug cartels that gladly payoff people like the Clinton's and their supporters will be facing firing squads by people that are very serious about protecting liberty and the future of their children.

We need someone who is not paid by the special interest.

May I introduce you, Mr. Trump.

Hillary on the other hand? She makes her living by lying for the special interest. Has never built anything of significance in her life... Would trade her children for votes, if it was possible.
#NeverTrump and the Bloodthirsty, Flag-Burning, Mexican Mob
SAN JOSE — The liberal media and the #NeverTrump conservatives make a big deal out of alt-right Tweets. If you support Trump, they say, you are associated with neo-Nazi hate in social media.
OK, let’s play that game. If you oppose Trump, you’re standing with the mob outside the Trump rally in San Jose, throwing bottles at people’s heads, burning the American flag and waving the Mexican one — all while chanting, “America was never great!
I was told on another post I started that there was no way the US would have another civil war, yet when you see the pure EVIL that these people bring to the discussion, proves that at some point, there will be God vs Lucifer, civil war. Which side will you be on?
Some people are misguided, then there are those that are EVIL.

Bible - God - good
Rules for Radicals - Lucifer - EVIL

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Every time I see video of leftists rioting, waving Mexican flags, and directing violence towards Trump supporters, it's that much easier to vote for Trump.
Thanks, I never was sure what was the reason I dislike Mrs. Tuzla Clinton and her sniper story, now I know.

Inventing bizarre tales
One of the easiest signs to spot is how sociopaths exaggerate things to an irrational absurdity. In the sociopath's world, every explanation is more intense and more heroic-sounding than the way it really went down. Where a normal person might say, "I vomited last night," a sociopath would say, "I vomited up a 27-foot tapeworm!"

Learn more: How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
I remember back when Bush first got in office, how Tom Daschle was talking about how poor his mother was, and couldn't afford prescription drugs. Now a sitting Senator, who cheated on his taxes, couldn't help out his own mother to buy prescription drugs to ease her suffering?
Sociopath behavior #4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.[

Liberal Republican George Bush signed into law the Free Prescription Drug act. I wonder why the liberals still hated him after that? Was it because they couldn't get it passed under Clinton?

What is about the prescription drug plan? If you don't join a part D plan for medicare there is a penalty, just like Obamacare only much smaller. Of course I am sure there are lots of folks that do get a free ride. I was talking to an insurance salesman who say he had to attend a seminiar on how to talk to those who expect to get things for free. Sad commentary.
A) Probably because it was a giveaway to big pharma, ignorant dupe. Read something.

And Obama did what about it? Political hack.
O-Care duh. Subsidies, ended donut hole duh, many things blocked by your hypocrite, mindless, lying heroes duh.[/QUOTE]

Obamacare did what for drug prices? Closing the gap will do what for drug prices? Do you realize that getting a discount on drugs does not do a thing about the drug prices? Once again a liberal is happy with Hurrah for me.

If the medicare doughnut hole is being closed it was done by legislation, legislation you say was blocked. Do you even read what you write? Political hack.
I remember back when Bush first got in office, how Tom Daschle was talking about how poor his mother was, and couldn't afford prescription drugs. Now a sitting Senator, who cheated on his taxes, couldn't help out his own mother to buy prescription drugs to ease her suffering? :
Liberal Republican George Bush signed into law the Free Prescription Drug act. I wonder why the liberals still hated him after that? Was it because they couldn't get it passed under Clinton?

What is about the prescription drug plan? If you don't join a part D plan for medicare there is a penalty, just like Obamacare only much smaller. Of course I am sure there are lots of folks that do get a free ride. I was talking to an insurance salesman who say he had to attend a seminiar on how to talk to those who expect to get things for free. Sad commentary.
A) Probably because it was a giveaway to big pharma, ignorant dupe. Read something.

And Obama did what about it? Political hack.
O-Care duh. Subsidies, ended donut hole duh, many things blocked by your hypocrite, mindless, lying heroes duh.

Obamacare did what for drug prices? Closing the gap will do what for drug prices? Do you realize that getting a discount on drugs does not do a thing about the drug prices? Once again a liberal is happy with Hurrah for me.

If the medicare doughnut hole is being closed it was done by legislation, legislation you say was blocked. Do you even read what you write? Political hack.[/QUOTE]
Dems had 24 days of control of congress when they barely passed ACA. Beside that, 7 years of mindless GOP obstruction. The dupes know nothing, change the channel.

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