American children will praise Allah

for the record-----only lumps of stinking shit whores quote books they never read----
I read ALL OF GITTEN (a volume of the Talmud) This is the book that lumps of stinking shit whore Nazi sluts CLAIM says that "jesus is burning in hell" or "boiling in exremement..." or "semen" or whatever the whore sluts Nazis invent. NOPE---
Jesus is not mentioned even once in the Book "GITTEN"----nor is anyone
'in hell" '"boiling" in anything I am always amused when a Nazi whore lump of shit cites that silly idiot lie. The quotation that Nazi slut whore invented from
SANHEDRIN is-----something similar------it includes a lady named Miriam----
and a roman soldier named PANDERA----but has no link to the Mary of Galilee mentioned in the NEW TESTAMENT------Miriam was a very very common name back then and often used in illustrative "stories"

So post the actual things, about Jesus The Messiah, his birth, his death and his Mother Mary....I mean how each is specifically described.

thruout the Talmud----Jesus is not mentioned at all------I am sorry to disappoint you.
Whoever told you that his life and the life of his mother is described therein----lied
to you. The Talmud is not a history book Try reading a volume----I believe
the easiest one is BABA METZIAH-------I did not read the whole thing but
it is the one usually used as intro to kids in Yeshivas. Another surprise for you----
neither Jesus nor Mary nor Christianity is a topic of conversation in jewish schools.
You can go to a synagogue every day for 100 years and never hear the word
"Christian" "jesus" "mary" etc. A synagogue is not a church or a mosque.
For that matter, you can go to a synagogue every day for 100 years and never hear the word "muslim" or "koran ---I have been to all three. --so try not to lie to me about it

Not that I'm surprised.

I know The Talmud isn't a history book. You have been to all three, all three what are you referring that you've been to? :confused-84:

all three referred to the "houses of worship" of Christians, muslims and jews.
As a child I even attended "SUNDAY SCHOOL"----that was Episcopalian.----
as a teen catholic services----nothing much MIDNITE MASS---many years----but
had lots of conversation with young guys either in PRIEST TRAINING or who had quit or one who had been a priest before he gave it up and went to medical school.
---in late teens early to mid 20s----mosques. My understanding of Hinduism is
very minimal-------a brahman friend and a few festivals which include a kind of
classic OPERA----of singing and dancing depicting some ancient happening---with
weird music constantly TWANGING away. It would be silly for anyone to claim a
whole understanding of any religion just by reading its basic classical scriptural
writing. After reading the koran I was ------completely clueless on shariah law and
Islamic beliefs----that stuff came later. ONE insight I did attain is that both muslims and Christians are A LOT MORE obsessed with jews------than jews are
interested in the the beliefs or customs of muslims and Christians. Muslims are
obsessed with both Christians and Jews and are convinced that both Christians
and Jews are OBSESSED with them. I learned it in mosques
Yeah I'm sure Muslims would also flip out if something like this happened, since Christians are doing so now and most of their beliefs are exactly the same.

Muslims and Christians have most of the same beliefs?

Oh really darling....are you operating on Silly Hour? :tongue:
The Quran and the Old Testament are scary books.

The Old Testament is very scary yes, I find The Qu'ran both extreme and oddly tedious in parts.

Mostly----I found the koran to be tedious------The Old testament does not scare me----but you disgust me as do all people who try to quote books they never read

You're quite bad-mannered....I disgust you? Gosh is this another compliment, now stop it already or you'll make me exceptionally big headed and we'll have to have all the doors widened so I don't get my bigger head stuck!

I have read these books.

you read GITTEN? (a volume of the Talmud you imagine you quoted) your
being scared by the OT ----interests me. Does the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe
"scare" you too?
Muslims and Christians have most of the same beliefs?

Oh really darling....are you operating on Silly Hour? :tongue:
The Quran and the Old Testament are scary books.

The Old Testament is very scary yes, I find The Qu'ran both extreme and oddly tedious in parts.

Mostly----I found the koran to be tedious------The Old testament does not scare me----but you disgust me as do all people who try to quote books they never read

You're quite bad-mannered....I disgust you? Gosh is this another compliment, now stop it already or you'll make me exceptionally big headed and we'll have to have all the doors widened so I don't get my bigger head stuck!

I have read these books.

you read GITTEN? (a volume of the Talmud you imagine you quoted) your
being scared by the OT ----interests me. Does the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe
"scare" you too?

No I really like Edgar Allen Poe....but then I also like the poetry of Charles Baudelaire, even though it's amazingly depressing stuff.

I don't resort to name-calling, I think I might have once called someone a "cretin", although I can't remember now if I actually not being to remember this apparent shocking happening, I'm blaming this completely on The Old School, his previous three comments were exceptionally silly and have obviously affected my grey sponge....The Old School for this deserves the :meow:
for the record-----only lumps of stinking shit whores quote books they never read----
I read ALL OF GITTEN (a volume of the Talmud) This is the book that lumps of stinking shit whore Nazi sluts CLAIM says that "jesus is burning in hell" or "boiling in exremement..." or "semen" or whatever the whore sluts Nazis invent. NOPE---
Jesus is not mentioned even once in the Book "GITTEN"----nor is anyone
'in hell" '"boiling" in anything I am always amused when a Nazi whore lump of shit cites that silly idiot lie. The quotation that Nazi slut whore invented from
SANHEDRIN is-----something similar------it includes a lady named Miriam----
and a roman soldier named PANDERA----but has no link to the Mary of Galilee mentioned in the NEW TESTAMENT------Miriam was a very very common name back then and often used in illustrative "stories"

So post the actual things, about Jesus The Messiah, his birth, his death and his Mother Mary....I mean how each is specifically described.

thruout the Talmud----Jesus is not mentioned at all------I am sorry to disappoint you.
Whoever told you that his life and the life of his mother is described therein----lied
to you. The Talmud is not a history book Try reading a volume----I believe
the easiest one is BABA METZIAH-------I did not read the whole thing but
it is the one usually used as intro to kids in Yeshivas. Another surprise for you----
neither Jesus nor Mary nor Christianity is a topic of conversation in jewish schools.
You can go to a synagogue every day for 100 years and never hear the word
"Christian" "jesus" "mary" etc. A synagogue is not a church or a mosque.
For that matter, you can go to a synagogue every day for 100 years and never hear the word "muslim" or "koran ---I have been to all three. --so try not to lie to me about it

Not that I'm surprised.

I know The Talmud isn't a history book. You have been to all three, all three what are you referring that you've been to? :confused-84:

all three referred to the "houses of worship" of Christians, muslims and jews.
As a child I even attended "SUNDAY SCHOOL"----that was Episcopalian.----
as a teen catholic services----nothing much MIDNITE MASS---many years----but
had lots of conversation with young guys either in PRIEST TRAINING or who had quit or one who had been a priest before he gave it up and went to medical school.
---in late teens early to mid 20s----mosques. My understanding of Hinduism is
very minimal-------a brahman friend and a few festivals which include a kind of
classic OPERA----of singing and dancing depicting some ancient happening---with
weird music constantly TWANGING away. It would be silly for anyone to claim a
whole understanding of any religion just by reading its basic classical scriptural
writing. After reading the koran I was ------completely clueless on shariah law and
Islamic beliefs----that stuff came later. ONE insight I did attain is that both muslims and Christians are A LOT MORE obsessed with jews------than jews are
interested in the the beliefs or customs of muslims and Christians. Muslims are
obsessed with both Christians and Jews and are convinced that both Christians
and Jews are OBSESSED with them. I learned it in mosques

My goodness how fascinating, this must have all been very unique.
The Quran and the Old Testament are scary books.

The Old Testament is very scary yes, I find The Qu'ran both extreme and oddly tedious in parts.

Mostly----I found the koran to be tedious------The Old testament does not scare me----but you disgust me as do all people who try to quote books they never read

You're quite bad-mannered....I disgust you? Gosh is this another compliment, now stop it already or you'll make me exceptionally big headed and we'll have to have all the doors widened so I don't get my bigger head stuck!

I have read these books.

you read GITTEN? (a volume of the Talmud you imagine you quoted) your
being scared by the OT ----interests me. Does the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe
"scare" you too?

No I really like Edgar Allen Poe....but then I also like the poetry of Charles Baudelaire, even though it's amazingly depressing stuff.

I don't resort to name-calling, I think I might have once called someone a "cretin", although I can't remember now if I actually not being to remember this apparent shocking happening, I'm blaming this completely on The Old School, his previous three comments were exceptionally silly and have obviously affected my grey sponge....The Old School for this deserves the :meow:

ok-----I used gross language on you because you quoted standard
islamo Nazi propaganda of the kind invented for genocidal purposes.
It is very standard and classical stuff chanted by your kith and kin during
pogroms and gassings. Since I grew up in a Nazi town in the north-east
USA----I know that literature------it fluttered around town in tattered pamphlets.
You might have resorted to lying-----you seem to have claimed that you
read the volume of the Talmud "gittin" -----goody---we can discuss its
contents. As to being SCARED by stuff in the OT------cite something---I
will help you to understand it as well as I can. Lots of the OT is
poetry sometimes as convoluted as the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe.
for the record-----only lumps of stinking shit whores quote books they never read----
I read ALL OF GITTEN (a volume of the Talmud) This is the book that lumps of stinking shit whore Nazi sluts CLAIM says that "jesus is burning in hell" or "boiling in exremement..." or "semen" or whatever the whore sluts Nazis invent. NOPE---
Jesus is not mentioned even once in the Book "GITTEN"----nor is anyone
'in hell" '"boiling" in anything I am always amused when a Nazi whore lump of shit cites that silly idiot lie. The quotation that Nazi slut whore invented from
SANHEDRIN is-----something similar------it includes a lady named Miriam----
and a roman soldier named PANDERA----but has no link to the Mary of Galilee mentioned in the NEW TESTAMENT------Miriam was a very very common name back then and often used in illustrative "stories"

So post the actual things, about Jesus The Messiah, his birth, his death and his Mother Mary....I mean how each is specifically described.

thruout the Talmud----Jesus is not mentioned at all------I am sorry to disappoint you.
Whoever told you that his life and the life of his mother is described therein----lied
to you. The Talmud is not a history book Try reading a volume----I believe
the easiest one is BABA METZIAH-------I did not read the whole thing but
it is the one usually used as intro to kids in Yeshivas. Another surprise for you----
neither Jesus nor Mary nor Christianity is a topic of conversation in jewish schools.
You can go to a synagogue every day for 100 years and never hear the word
"Christian" "jesus" "mary" etc. A synagogue is not a church or a mosque.
For that matter, you can go to a synagogue every day for 100 years and never hear the word "muslim" or "koran ---I have been to all three. --so try not to lie to me about it

Not that I'm surprised.

I know The Talmud isn't a history book. You have been to all three, all three what are you referring that you've been to? :confused-84:

all three referred to the "houses of worship" of Christians, muslims and jews.
As a child I even attended "SUNDAY SCHOOL"----that was Episcopalian.----
as a teen catholic services----nothing much MIDNITE MASS---many years----but
had lots of conversation with young guys either in PRIEST TRAINING or who had quit or one who had been a priest before he gave it up and went to medical school.
---in late teens early to mid 20s----mosques. My understanding of Hinduism is
very minimal-------a brahman friend and a few festivals which include a kind of
classic OPERA----of singing and dancing depicting some ancient happening---with
weird music constantly TWANGING away. It would be silly for anyone to claim a
whole understanding of any religion just by reading its basic classical scriptural
writing. After reading the koran I was ------completely clueless on shariah law and
Islamic beliefs----that stuff came later. ONE insight I did attain is that both muslims and Christians are A LOT MORE obsessed with jews------than jews are
interested in the the beliefs or customs of muslims and Christians. Muslims are
obsessed with both Christians and Jews and are convinced that both Christians
and Jews are OBSESSED with them. I learned it in mosques

My goodness how fascinating, this must have all been very unique.

why "unique" ???
You're three days late and two dollars short.

The teachers were not trying to convert students to Islam. Do you think someone can be converted to a religion by copying a piece of calligraphy?

Next year the assignment will be changed to use a different piece of calligraphy. Probably smart, but the original was not the conspiracy you rubes believe it to be.

According to Islam yes, if you write what those children were told to write, by COPYING the TEXT, they have declared that there is no God only Allah, they are basically considered converts....and those children don't even know that they are.

This is evil, pure and simple....the teachers need to be hoisted out and tarred and feathered.
Why not execute them too?

Show me where Islam says that merely by copying or saying something you are converted. Seems to me you'd have to say it and believe it to become a convert.

Islam converts by the sword. Do you think every person converted by a blade over their necks really believes?

If the children do not practice their faith, they are apostates and can be killed by any believer.
So that was the point of the assignment? To give all Muslims permission to kill these children? You people are insane.

It's the new theocracy. The extremist Christians want a one religion world. Enforced by might.

That's what you take away from the topic? But you're not bigoted against Christianity, noooooo....
Islam converts by the sword. Do you think every person converted by a blade over their necks really believes?

If the children do not practice their faith, they are apostates and can be killed by any believer.
So that was the point of the assignment? To give all Muslims permission to kill these children? You people are insane.

It's the new theocracy. The extremist Christians want a one religion world. Enforced by might.

Yes is this why so many Christians are being persecuted and murdered around the world now? Christians are being persecuted and murdered simply for being Christian.
Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all derive from belief in the same God.

Really? That shows how little you know about this sort of you want to talk about Jesus Christ? Hint, ONLY ONE of those believes in Jesus Christ as The tell me how all three are the SAME fact, one says that Jesus was just another Prophet and one says that he was a "bastard" and that Mary was "a whore who was raped by a Roman soldier" and that "Jesus was hanged" and that "Jesus is boiling in his own excrement in Hell"

The Qu'ran (Islam) and The Talmud (Judaism) in that order.

Can you tell us about how the Jews killed Jesus while we're at, Eva?

Jesus was hanged:

Sanhedrin 43a - On the eve of Passover Yeshua was hanged.

Jesus is in Hell boiling in his own excrement:

Gittin 57a - Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement.

Jesus Christ The Messiah....'um apparently Yeshua Ben Pandera....Pandera being the Roman soldier who raped Miriam The Hairdresser and Jesus was the result.

WE Christians, all TWO billion of us, call Miriam The Hairdresser....The Virgin Mary and Our Lady.

I MEAN just how offensive do you actually want to get here?

So who put the 'Judeo' in 'Judeo-Christian'?

Your entire line of argument is bizarre, I have given you exact quotes from The Talmud....and no, they don't co-relate to what Christians believe....ANY Christian from Roman Catholic to Eastern Orthodox to all of the Protestant denominations.

Maybe you should take an Ancient History course and a Theology course.

My argument is, according to the Bible, God is the God of Abraham, which makes him the God of Muslims, Jews, and Christians,

each 'branch' later adding their own human input into what sort of a God he was/is.

Eventually the Jews, Muslims, Christians split into dozens of different sub-religions, or denominations, each once more adding human input into what sort of a God he is.

Think of the story of the blind men and the elephant.
According to Islam yes, if you write what those children were told to write, by COPYING the TEXT, they have declared that there is no God only Allah, they are basically considered converts....and those children don't even know that they are.

This is evil, pure and simple....the teachers need to be hoisted out and tarred and feathered.
Why not execute them too?

Show me where Islam says that merely by copying or saying something you are converted. Seems to me you'd have to say it and believe it to become a convert.

Islam converts by the sword. Do you think every person converted by a blade over their necks really believes?

If the children do not practice their faith, they are apostates and can be killed by any believer.
So that was the point of the assignment? To give all Muslims permission to kill these children? You people are insane.

It's the new theocracy. The extremist Christians want a one religion world. Enforced by might.

That's what you take away from the topic? But you're not bigoted against Christianity, noooooo....

Where do you see tolerance from the so-called Christian Right on this board?
Why not execute them too?

Show me where Islam says that merely by copying or saying something you are converted. Seems to me you'd have to say it and believe it to become a convert.

Islam converts by the sword. Do you think every person converted by a blade over their necks really believes?

If the children do not practice their faith, they are apostates and can be killed by any believer.
So that was the point of the assignment? To give all Muslims permission to kill these children? You people are insane.

It's the new theocracy. The extremist Christians want a one religion world. Enforced by might.

That's what you take away from the topic? But you're not bigoted against Christianity, noooooo....

Where do you see tolerance from the so-called Christian Right on this board?

I see it everyday . Where do YOU see it from the left?
Islam converts by the sword. Do you think every person converted by a blade over their necks really believes?

If the children do not practice their faith, they are apostates and can be killed by any believer.
So that was the point of the assignment? To give all Muslims permission to kill these children? You people are insane.

It's the new theocracy. The extremist Christians want a one religion world. Enforced by might.

That's what you take away from the topic? But you're not bigoted against Christianity, noooooo....

Where do you see tolerance from the so-called Christian Right on this board?

I see it everyday . Where do YOU see it from the left?

Good. Then post an example of SassyIrishLass's tolerance for Muslims.
The teacher is not Muslim, has never converted anyone to Islam, and has taught at the school for years and years. This is nothing more than conservatives shitting their pants for the Nth day in a row.
Then the teacher can teach Christianity also , see how much retarded libs like that.
The teacher is not Muslim, has never converted anyone to Islam, and has taught at the school for years and years. This is nothing more than conservatives shitting their pants for the Nth day in a row.
Oh yeah, use the myth of separation of church and state, you retards use that lie against Christians.
So that was the point of the assignment? To give all Muslims permission to kill these children? You people are insane.

It's the new theocracy. The extremist Christians want a one religion world. Enforced by might.

Yes is this why so many Christians are being persecuted and murdered around the world now? Christians are being persecuted and murdered simply for being Christian.
Really? That shows how little you know about this sort of you want to talk about Jesus Christ? Hint, ONLY ONE of those believes in Jesus Christ as The tell me how all three are the SAME fact, one says that Jesus was just another Prophet and one says that he was a "bastard" and that Mary was "a whore who was raped by a Roman soldier" and that "Jesus was hanged" and that "Jesus is boiling in his own excrement in Hell"

The Qu'ran (Islam) and The Talmud (Judaism) in that order.

Can you tell us about how the Jews killed Jesus while we're at, Eva?

Jesus was hanged:

Sanhedrin 43a - On the eve of Passover Yeshua was hanged.

Jesus is in Hell boiling in his own excrement:

Gittin 57a - Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement.

Jesus Christ The Messiah....'um apparently Yeshua Ben Pandera....Pandera being the Roman soldier who raped Miriam The Hairdresser and Jesus was the result.

WE Christians, all TWO billion of us, call Miriam The Hairdresser....The Virgin Mary and Our Lady.

I MEAN just how offensive do you actually want to get here?

So who put the 'Judeo' in 'Judeo-Christian'?

Your entire line of argument is bizarre, I have given you exact quotes from The Talmud....and no, they don't co-relate to what Christians believe....ANY Christian from Roman Catholic to Eastern Orthodox to all of the Protestant denominations.

Maybe you should take an Ancient History course and a Theology course.

My argument is, according to the Bible, God is the God of Abraham, which makes him the God of Muslims, Jews, and Christians,

each 'branch' later adding their own human input into what sort of a God he was/is.

Eventually the Jews, Muslims, Christians split into dozens of different sub-religions, or denominations, each once more adding human input into what sort of a God he is.

Think of the story of the blind men and the elephant.

Okay, so now you've given clarification, of course we can agree, each of the three main religions are descended from Abraham, this of course is a fact.

The problem occurs with regard to The Son, Jesus Christ The Messiah....ALL Christians recognise Jesus Christ as The Messiah and The Son of God The Father....the other religions do NOT recognise Jesus Christ as The Messiah.

The Bible specifically states, that you cannot have God with you unless you recognise The Son also, you can't JUST have God therefore, if you deny The Son, you deny God also.

The most famous quotations regarding this are:

1 John 2:22-23 And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist. Anyone who denies the Son doesn’t have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

4. 2 John 1:7 I say this because many deceivers have gone out into the world. They deny that Jesus Christ came in a real body. Such a person is a deceiver and an antichrist.

5. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

6. Luke 10:16 Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.”

Specifically, if you deny The Son, you are an antichrist and of the antichrist.


10. Luke 12:9 But anyone who denies me here on earth will be denied before God’s angels.

15. Jude 1:4 For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

19. 1 John 2:15-16 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

Also, people deny God by denying God’s Word. We must never add, take away from, or twist Scripture.

22. Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

23. 2 Peter 1:20-21 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

25. Isaiah 59:13 We know we have rebelled and have denied the LORD. We have turned our backs on our God. We know how unfair and oppressive we have been, carefully planning our deceitful lies.

I could go on, but this is rather unusual for me, because I don't usually openly quote from The Bible, in actual life my religion and my belief in God and His Son, Jesus The Christ The Messiah is personal and I keep it to myself within my heart.

I'm not what American's would refer to as a "Bible Basher"

So I'll stop quoting from The Bible now, as doing so I'm already out of my comfort zone.

It's the new theocracy. The extremist Christians want a one religion world. Enforced by might.

Yes is this why so many Christians are being persecuted and murdered around the world now? Christians are being persecuted and murdered simply for being Christian.
Can you tell us about how the Jews killed Jesus while we're at, Eva?

Jesus was hanged:

Sanhedrin 43a - On the eve of Passover Yeshua was hanged.

Jesus is in Hell boiling in his own excrement:

Gittin 57a - Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement.

Jesus Christ The Messiah....'um apparently Yeshua Ben Pandera....Pandera being the Roman soldier who raped Miriam The Hairdresser and Jesus was the result.

WE Christians, all TWO billion of us, call Miriam The Hairdresser....The Virgin Mary and Our Lady.

I MEAN just how offensive do you actually want to get here?

So who put the 'Judeo' in 'Judeo-Christian'?

Your entire line of argument is bizarre, I have given you exact quotes from The Talmud....and no, they don't co-relate to what Christians believe....ANY Christian from Roman Catholic to Eastern Orthodox to all of the Protestant denominations.

Maybe you should take an Ancient History course and a Theology course.

My argument is, according to the Bible, God is the God of Abraham, which makes him the God of Muslims, Jews, and Christians,

each 'branch' later adding their own human input into what sort of a God he was/is.

Eventually the Jews, Muslims, Christians split into dozens of different sub-religions, or denominations, each once more adding human input into what sort of a God he is.

Think of the story of the blind men and the elephant.

Okay, so now you've given clarification, of course we can agree, each of the three main religions are descended from Abraham, this of course is a fact.

The problem occurs with regard to The Son, Jesus Christ The Messiah....ALL Christians recognise Jesus Christ as The Messiah and The Son of God The Father....the other religions do NOT recognise Jesus Christ as The Messiah.

The Bible specifically states, that you cannot have God with you unless you recognise The Son also, you can't JUST have God therefore, if you deny The Son, you deny God also.

The most famous quotations regarding this are:

1 John 2:22-23 And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist. Anyone who denies the Son doesn’t have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

4. 2 John 1:7 I say this because many deceivers have gone out into the world. They deny that Jesus Christ came in a real body. Such a person is a deceiver and an antichrist.

5. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

6. Luke 10:16 Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.”

Specifically, if you deny The Son, you are an antichrist and of the antichrist.


10. Luke 12:9 But anyone who denies me here on earth will be denied before God’s angels.

15. Jude 1:4 For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.

19. 1 John 2:15-16 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

Also, people deny God by denying God’s Word. We must never add, take away from, or twist Scripture.

22. Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

23. 2 Peter 1:20-21 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

25. Isaiah 59:13 We know we have rebelled and have denied the LORD. We have turned our backs on our God. We know how unfair and oppressive we have been, carefully planning our deceitful lies.

I could go on, but this is rather unusual for me, because I don't usually openly quote from The Bible, in actual life my religion and my belief in God and His Son, Jesus The Christ The Messiah is personal and I keep it to myself within my heart.

I'm not what American's would refer to as a "Bible Basher"

So I'll stop quoting from The Bible now, as doing so I'm already out of my comfort zone.

That's all fine but Jews and Muslims are not trying to be Christians.
There was a similar, well pretty much identical happening in Tennessee, of course the parents were very upset there also, gosh I wonder why? :rolleyes-41:

Notice that the Shahada is the EXACT Islamic creed found on the black flags of both Al-Qaeda and ISIL/ISIS/Daesh....and THIS is what they have CHRISTIAN schoolchildren copying? Trying to convert Christian children to Islam....REMOVE ALL the teachers, fuck the teaching fact, this is a great incentive for parents to just Home School, get the children out of the Cultural Marxism-cum-Islamic Cesspool.

VIRGINIA Schools closed after parental outrage over an Islamic declaration of faith homework assignment


"After a teacher at a Virginia high school handed out a bizarre ‘geography’ homework assignment that asked students to practice calligraphy using an Islamic religious creed (Shahada), such an angry backlash flooded in that it prompted officials to close every single school in the county as a safety precaution.

When the world geography class at Riverheads High School in Staunton rolled around to the subject of major world religions, homework on Islam asked students to copy religious calligraphy. It read:

“Here is the shahada, the Islamic statement of faith and devotion to Islam, written in Arabic. In the space below, try copying it by hand. This should give you an idea of the artistic complexity of calligraphy.”

The illustrative classical Arabic phrase was the basic statement in Islam. It translated to: “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah.”

When students took it home, it was like a spark hitting a powder keg. Some of their parents saw the homework as an attempt to convert their children to Islam.

Calls and emails flooded the school. Some of them demanded the teacher be fired for assigning it."

The full story link:

VIRGINIA Schools closed after parental outrage over an Islamic declaration of faith homework assignment - Walid Shoebat

How many of the kids speak Arabic?
There was a similar, well pretty much identical happening in Tennessee, of course the parents were very upset there also, gosh I wonder why? :rolleyes-41:

Notice that the Shahada is the EXACT Islamic creed found on the black flags of both Al-Qaeda and ISIL/ISIS/Daesh....and THIS is what they have CHRISTIAN schoolchildren copying? Trying to convert Christian children to Islam....REMOVE ALL the teachers, fuck the teaching fact, this is a great incentive for parents to just Home School, get the children out of the Cultural Marxism-cum-Islamic Cesspool.

VIRGINIA Schools closed after parental outrage over an Islamic declaration of faith homework assignment


"After a teacher at a Virginia high school handed out a bizarre ‘geography’ homework assignment that asked students to practice calligraphy using an Islamic religious creed (Shahada), such an angry backlash flooded in that it prompted officials to close every single school in the county as a safety precaution.

When the world geography class at Riverheads High School in Staunton rolled around to the subject of major world religions, homework on Islam asked students to copy religious calligraphy. It read:

“Here is the shahada, the Islamic statement of faith and devotion to Islam, written in Arabic. In the space below, try copying it by hand. This should give you an idea of the artistic complexity of calligraphy.”

The illustrative classical Arabic phrase was the basic statement in Islam. It translated to: “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah.”

When students took it home, it was like a spark hitting a powder keg. Some of their parents saw the homework as an attempt to convert their children to Islam.

Calls and emails flooded the school. Some of them demanded the teacher be fired for assigning it."

The full story link:

VIRGINIA Schools closed after parental outrage over an Islamic declaration of faith homework assignment - Walid Shoebat

How many of the kids speak Arabic?

Well I'd imagine very few of them.
There was a similar, well pretty much identical happening in Tennessee, of course the parents were very upset there also, gosh I wonder why? :rolleyes-41:

Notice that the Shahada is the EXACT Islamic creed found on the black flags of both Al-Qaeda and ISIL/ISIS/Daesh....and THIS is what they have CHRISTIAN schoolchildren copying? Trying to convert Christian children to Islam....REMOVE ALL the teachers, fuck the teaching fact, this is a great incentive for parents to just Home School, get the children out of the Cultural Marxism-cum-Islamic Cesspool.

VIRGINIA Schools closed after parental outrage over an Islamic declaration of faith homework assignment


"After a teacher at a Virginia high school handed out a bizarre ‘geography’ homework assignment that asked students to practice calligraphy using an Islamic religious creed (Shahada), such an angry backlash flooded in that it prompted officials to close every single school in the county as a safety precaution.

When the world geography class at Riverheads High School in Staunton rolled around to the subject of major world religions, homework on Islam asked students to copy religious calligraphy. It read:

“Here is the shahada, the Islamic statement of faith and devotion to Islam, written in Arabic. In the space below, try copying it by hand. This should give you an idea of the artistic complexity of calligraphy.”

The illustrative classical Arabic phrase was the basic statement in Islam. It translated to: “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah.”

When students took it home, it was like a spark hitting a powder keg. Some of their parents saw the homework as an attempt to convert their children to Islam.

Calls and emails flooded the school. Some of them demanded the teacher be fired for assigning it."

The full story link:

VIRGINIA Schools closed after parental outrage over an Islamic declaration of faith homework assignment - Walid Shoebat

How many of the kids speak Arabic?

It does not matter----
So that was the point of the assignment? To give all Muslims permission to kill these children? You people are insane.

It's the new theocracy. The extremist Christians want a one religion world. Enforced by might.

That's what you take away from the topic? But you're not bigoted against Christianity, noooooo....

Where do you see tolerance from the so-called Christian Right on this board?

I see it everyday . Where do YOU see it from the left?

Good. Then post an example of SassyIrishLass's tolerance for Muslims.

You'll find it next to your tolerance for Christians

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