American children will praise Allah

ummm ummmmmm separation of church and state .......ummmm ummmmmmm let it be a Bible verse and watch their heads assplode

American liberals and atheists won't be there to claim separation of church and state when it comes to Islam.
Muslims know they have an ally in these people, and they know they will slowly over time be able to introduce their religion and laws more and more into the American society including government.
It will take many years, and the only sizeable opposition will be from the Hispanic community.

Do liberals want to allow Muslims to refuse to issue same sex marriage licenses?

From everything we're seeing, you guys protect them every step of the way, so my guess is you'll simply go along with whatever they want to do.
You wouldn't want to offend them now would you ?
Allah is the same god that Christians and Jews worship. All 3 religions are "people of the book", and are monotheists.

The Koran has instances where it directs its followers against Jews and Christians. The other two religions have no such directives in their holy books. Remember, these directives are considered straight from GOD. Therefore, Muslims can never be truly tolerant towards Jews and Christians.
This is a distinction
Allah is the same god that Christians and Jews worship. All 3 religions are "people of the book", and are monotheists.

The Koran has instances where it directs its followers against Jews and Christians. The other two religions have no such directives in their holy books. Remember, these directives are considered straight from GOD. Therefore, Muslims can never be truly tolerant towards Jews and Christians.
This is a distinction
Muslims think of Jesus as a great prophet and speak of his mother, Mary, often in the Koran. "People of the Book" refers to the Bible.
How many of the kids speak Arabic?

Well I'd imagine very few of them.

oh Lucy---glad to see you----we can discuss that volume of the Talmud
you read----"Gitten" Want to start the conversation? I found the book
very interesting. You start-----which part did you find interesting?

Gosh it's 11.40pm, I'm going to bed shortly.

shucks -----no comment on the book of Gitten?----it is the first volume of the Talmud . I was SO delighted that you had read it too
I read

I was spending an inordinate amount of time getting all of The Bible quotations together for my post to NY Reindeer....perhaps you'd like to comment on them, say one quotation at a time....might take your mind off your Talmud with The Bible first and Jesus Christ The Messiah.

quotations from "JOHN" make me laugh------do you have any idea who "JOHN" was? no one seems to know. But I know the book GITTEN better than the non-existent "john" ----and YOU know it too. You supplied one quotation that does
not even exist
Why not execute them too?

Show me where Islam says that merely by copying or saying something you are converted. Seems to me you'd have to say it and believe it to become a convert.

So when the schools teach the English language to Islamic Somalis immigrants or Syrian refugees, et al. I suggest they should start with having them write in English "Jesus Christ is the One True God, there is no other God, and we shall serve HIM."
There was a similar, well pretty much identical happening in Tennessee, of course the parents were very upset there also, gosh I wonder why? :rolleyes-41:

Notice that the Shahada is the EXACT Islamic creed found on the black flags of both Al-Qaeda and ISIL/ISIS/Daesh....and THIS is what they have CHRISTIAN schoolchildren copying? Trying to convert Christian children to Islam....REMOVE ALL the teachers, fuck the teaching fact, this is a great incentive for parents to just Home School, get the children out of the Cultural Marxism-cum-Islamic Cesspool.

VIRGINIA Schools closed after parental outrage over an Islamic declaration of faith homework assignment


"After a teacher at a Virginia high school handed out a bizarre ‘geography’ homework assignment that asked students to practice calligraphy using an Islamic religious creed (Shahada), such an angry backlash flooded in that it prompted officials to close every single school in the county as a safety precaution.

When the world geography class at Riverheads High School in Staunton rolled around to the subject of major world religions, homework on Islam asked students to copy religious calligraphy. It read:

“Here is the shahada, the Islamic statement of faith and devotion to Islam, written in Arabic. In the space below, try copying it by hand. This should give you an idea of the artistic complexity of calligraphy.”

The illustrative classical Arabic phrase was the basic statement in Islam. It translated to: “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah.”

When students took it home, it was like a spark hitting a powder keg. Some of their parents saw the homework as an attempt to convert their children to Islam.

Calls and emails flooded the school. Some of them demanded the teacher be fired for assigning it."

The full story link:

VIRGINIA Schools closed after parental outrage over an Islamic declaration of faith homework assignment - Walid Shoebat

A Spanish word is "ojala", it means "I hope", j= a sort of h sound. It basically says "oh, allah" and is used in the Spanish language. Surely the right can find this a good enough excuse to deport all Spanish speakers, including Jeb Bush
Why not execute them too?

Show me where Islam says that merely by copying or saying something you are converted. Seems to me you'd have to say it and believe it to become a convert.

So when the schools teach the English language to Islamic Somalis immigrants or Syrian refugees, et al. I suggest they should start with having them write in English "Jesus Christ is the One True God, there is no other God, and we shall serve HIM."
No. They weren't teaching the kids Arabic. They were having them copy an example of calligraphy. I already said I don't particularly like the assignment. I also said they're changing it next year.

But your analogy is not the same at all. The purpose of the assignment was merely to appreciate the complicated calligraphy. It also stated in the assignment that Muslims consider it a critical statement of belief. It is educational to have the kids learn what the 5 pillars of Islam are.

What you are suggesting is indoctrination targetted towards particular kids, not a general educational asignment about the Middle East.
The teacher is not Muslim, has never converted anyone to Islam, and has taught at the school for years and years. This is nothing more than conservatives shitting their pants for the Nth day in a row.

And if the teacher had assigned them to copy the Hail Mary? You'd be fine with that, right? :rolleyes:

Totally different. Google Muslim calligraphy. The first thing 10 things that pop up is the Shahada nonsense.

Fact is, the teacher is not a Muslim, has never converted anyone to Islam, and has been teaching at the school for years and years. .....

The reason why you are avoiding a direct answer to the question is clear to everyone reading this.
If kids had to learn about the Hail Mary and discuss it in class during a lesson about Christianity, I would have zero problem with it. .....

You're a liar and a hypocrite.
Allah is the same god that Christians and Jews worship. All 3 religions are "people of the book", and are monotheists.

The Koran has instances where it directs its followers against Jews and Christians. The other two religions have no such directives in their holy books. Remember, these directives are considered straight from GOD. Therefore, Muslims can never be truly tolerant towards Jews and Christians.
This is a distinction
Muslims think of Jesus as a great prophet and speak of his mother, Mary, often in the Koran. "People of the Book" refers to the Bible.
Isa is not Jesus.
Stop peddling this crap.
Allah is the same god that Christians and Jews worship. All 3 religions are "people of the book", and are monotheists.

The Koran has instances where it directs its followers against Jews and Christians. The other two religions have no such directives in their holy books. Remember, these directives are considered straight from GOD. Therefore, Muslims can never be truly tolerant towards Jews and Christians.
This is a distinction
Muslims think of Jesus as a great prophet and speak of his mother, Mary, often in the Koran. "People of the Book" refers to the Bible.
Isa is not Jesus.
Stop peddling this crap.

so true, tilly------not only would Christians not recognize the Islamic version of
Jesus-----even I did not----when first introduced to it more than 45 years ago,
The Islamic version of jesus------spoke Arabic----knew the koran verse by verse and
would kill anyone who "insulted' him. The most "disgusting " aspect of Christianity as I was told by muslims is that "idiotic" 'turn the cheek' doctrine
Muslims and Christians have most of the same beliefs?

Oh really darling....are you operating on Silly Hour? :tongue:
The Quran and the Old Testament are scary books.

The Old Testament is very scary yes, I find The Qu'ran both extreme and oddly tedious in parts.

Mostly----I found the koran to be tedious------The Old testament does not scare me----but you disgust me as do all people who try to quote books they never read

You're quite bad-mannered....I disgust you? Gosh is this another compliment, now stop it already or you'll make me exceptionally big headed and we'll have to have all the doors widened so I don't get my bigger head stuck!

I have read these books.

you read GITTEN? (a volume of the Talmud you imagine you quoted) your
being scared by the OT ----interests me. Does the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe
"scare" you too?

sassylassie and tilly---you both commented on this thread. ------"'funny" ----I am
not sure either of you know just HOW RIGHT you are. The book "gitten" is
knda amusing itself. Way back then I was reading a book recommended to me
which was a law student's "how to do a divorce for idiots"---ie the short easy version of the law of the state in which I lived. At that point I stumbled into
an excellent translation into English of the Talmud "gitten"------originally written
in Aramaic (not my language by a LONG SHOT) ----so, of course, i took the book---easy reading------returned it in three days. Now---with that BROAD HINT----guess that the book "gitten" is all about. The funny part is that the law book I read------came up almost as a TRANSLATION of "gitten". step be step by step by step----instruction manual.
Bottom line: The left sees no problem with this but the moment students were instructed to write Jesus is the true savior watch them go rabid. They can deny it all day long but I know better. Liberals are hypocrites
Allah is the same god that Christians and Jews worship. All 3 religions are "people of the book", and are monotheists.

The Koran has instances where it directs its followers against Jews and Christians. The other two religions have no such directives in their holy books. Remember, these directives are considered straight from GOD. Therefore, Muslims can never be truly tolerant towards Jews and Christians.
This is a distinction
Muslims think of Jesus as a great prophet and speak of his mother, Mary, often in the Koran. "People of the Book" refers to the Bible.
Isa is not Jesus.
Stop peddling this crap.

somewhere I read (sorry I do not have the 'link') that ISA is the Arabic form of the name 'ESAV' which you know as ESAU the twin brother of Jacob---children of Isaac. It is ABSOLUTELY NOT an equivalent name of Yehoshua or
Yoshua (Hebrew) or Yeshua (Aramaic). If you know the OT-----the koran is a little confusing because the writers got names and places and chronology all messed up. Another true story----I was working in a large hospital at that time-----and befriended a Pakistani surgeon. -------conscientious kid that I was I assumed that the PICTHALL translation I read was a MISPRINT- (so many mistakes)----so I handed it to the surgeon and advised him to notify the publishers that the BOOK IS
IS A MISPRINT. I was so naïve back then.
Bottom line: The left sees no problem with this but the moment students were instructed to write Jesus is the true savior watch them go rabid. They can deny it all day long but I know better. Liberals are hypocrites

do not blame democrats-------repubs are just as stupid. Take it up with the ghosts of TAMMANY HALL
The Quran and the Old Testament are scary books.

The Old Testament is very scary yes, I find The Qu'ran both extreme and oddly tedious in parts.

Mostly----I found the koran to be tedious------The Old testament does not scare me----but you disgust me as do all people who try to quote books they never read

You're quite bad-mannered....I disgust you? Gosh is this another compliment, now stop it already or you'll make me exceptionally big headed and we'll have to have all the doors widened so I don't get my bigger head stuck!

I have read these books.

you read GITTEN? (a volume of the Talmud you imagine you quoted) your
being scared by the OT ----interests me. Does the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe
"scare" you too?

sassylassie and tilly---you both commented on this thread. ------"'funny" ----I am
not sure either of you know just HOW RIGHT you are. The book "gitten" is
knda amusing itself. Way back then I was reading a book recommended to me
which was a law student's "how to do a divorce for idiots"---ie the short easy version of the law of the state in which I lived. At that point I stumbled into
an excellent translation into English of the Talmud "gitten"------originally written
in Aramaic (not my language by a LONG SHOT) ----so, of course, i took the book---easy reading------returned it in three days. Now---with that BROAD HINT----guess that the book "gitten" is all about. The funny part is that the law book I read------came up almost as a TRANSLATION of "gitten". step be step by step by step----instruction manual.
I guess it relates to divorce?
What I found funny was your comment about the 'fearful' poetry of Edgar Allen Poe :)
The Old Testament is very scary yes, I find The Qu'ran both extreme and oddly tedious in parts.

Mostly----I found the koran to be tedious------The Old testament does not scare me----but you disgust me as do all people who try to quote books they never read

You're quite bad-mannered....I disgust you? Gosh is this another compliment, now stop it already or you'll make me exceptionally big headed and we'll have to have all the doors widened so I don't get my bigger head stuck!

I have read these books.

you read GITTEN? (a volume of the Talmud you imagine you quoted) your
being scared by the OT ----interests me. Does the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe
"scare" you too?

sassylassie and tilly---you both commented on this thread. ------"'funny" ----I am
not sure either of you know just HOW RIGHT you are. The book "gitten" is
knda amusing itself. Way back then I was reading a book recommended to me
which was a law student's "how to do a divorce for idiots"---ie the short easy version of the law of the state in which I lived. At that point I stumbled into
an excellent translation into English of the Talmud "gitten"------originally written
in Aramaic (not my language by a LONG SHOT) ----so, of course, i took the book---easy reading------returned it in three days. Now---with that BROAD HINT----guess that the book "gitten" is all about. The funny part is that the law book I read------came up almost as a TRANSLATION of "gitten". step be step by step by step----instruction manual.
I guess it relates to divorce?
What I found funny was your comment about the 'fearful' poetry of Edgar Allen Poe :)

tilly and sassylassie BOTH WIN THE QUIZ. Gitten is a divorce manual----IN DETAIL. ----------it describes something which is very similar to divorce in the USA
in "no fault" states. My fave part involved "service of the summons"-------
it was long ago that I read it-------but something like the lady has to be "served"
in her home (like not in the marketplace?) there was a little discussion of
whether it was ok if she happened to be in her garden watering the rosebush----or
something like that) There there were all sorts of comments on what happens if
she lost the marriage contract----or something like that----(keep in mind I read this book something like 30 years ago) The Talmud can be a bit tedious like reading the back of a "passing a red light" traffic ticket
Bottom line: The left sees no problem with this but the moment students were instructed to write Jesus is the true savior watch them go rabid. They can deny it all day long but I know better. Liberals are hypocrites
What would be the educational purpose of writing "Jesus is the true savior"? The educational purpose of this exercise was to appreciate the artistry of the calligraphy.

I would have no problem with kids learning the content of the Hail Mary, the Lord's Prayer, or the Nicene Creed in order to learn about Christianity, but I see no educational purpose to writing down "Jesus is the true savior".
Why not execute them too?

Show me where Islam says that merely by copying or saying something you are converted. Seems to me you'd have to say it and believe it to become a convert.

So when the schools teach the English language to Islamic Somalis immigrants or Syrian refugees, et al. I suggest they should start with having them write in English "Jesus Christ is the One True God, there is no other God, and we shall serve HIM."
No. They weren't teaching the kids Arabic. They were having them copy an example of calligraphy. I already said I don't particularly like the assignment. I also said they're changing it next year.

But your analogy is not the same at all. The purpose of the assignment was merely to appreciate the complicated calligraphy. It also stated in the assignment that Muslims consider it a critical statement of belief. It is educational to have the kids learn what the 5 pillars of Islam are.

What you are suggesting is indoctrination targetted towards particular kids, not a general educational asignment about the Middle East.
But your analogy is not the same at all. The purpose of the assignment was merely to appreciate the complicated calligraphy. It also stated in the assignment that Muslims consider it a critical statement of belief. It is educational to have the kids learn what the 5 pillars of Islam are.

What you are suggesting is indoctrination targetted towards particular kids, not a general educational asignment about the Middle East.

My analogy carries far more truth and implication than does your statement it was "merely to appreciate complicated calligraphy." Bunk. Just how stupid can a teacher be? Like they are not aware of what is taking place in this world with Islamic terrorism? Like they cannot put 2 & 2 together? Like they could not have chosen some sentence or statement that had nothing to do with Allah or the Koran to teach calligraphy?

Your suggestions as to what is taking place here is insulting, IMO.
Bottom line: The left sees no problem with this but the moment students were instructed to write Jesus is the true savior watch them go rabid. They can deny it all day long but I know better. Liberals are hypocrites
What would be the educational purpose of writing "Jesus is the true savior"? The educational purpose of this exercise was to appreciate the artistry of the calligraphy.

I would have no problem with kids learning the content of the Hail Mary, the Lord's Prayer, or the Nicene Creed in order to learn about Christianity, but I see no educational purpose to writing down "Jesus is the true savior".

As opposed to students writing ...“There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah.”?
You're three days late and two dollars short.

The teachers were not trying to convert students to Islam. Do you think someone can be converted to a religion by copying a piece of calligraphy?

Next year the assignment will be changed to use a different piece of calligraphy. Probably smart, but the original was not the conspiracy you rubes believe it to be.
The libbies would have seizures if teachers had kids write the 10 commandments for a penmanship lesson

Why are they not upset about this then???

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