American Dystopia: The more Trump wins, the worse they feel


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Remember President Trump's campaign speech where he jokingly said that people would get so tired of America winning that they would say "Please, no more winning! We can't take it!"

So it appears that the American Left has fulfilled that prediction. The more America wins, the more miserable they feel.

American dystopia at its height.
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Making America great was their biggest fear all along. If you haven't noticed, they are working hard to make the place a shithole, which they prefer.
Libturds remind me of that one kid in a store with 100 other people having a tantrum because the parents won't buy a toy, nor will the parents do the right thing and slap the piss pot for having the tantrum.

The rest of us would damn near buy the toy just to shut the little mother fucker up, but we tolerate the screaming and wailing.

These assholes do only represent a small fraction of the population, they're just the loudest. As soon as we stop tolerating their shit they're going to get their asses beat in the middle of the store by their parents when the parents realize they're about to get their asses kicked.
Making America great was their biggest fear all along. If you haven't noticed, they are working hard to make the place a shithole, which they prefer.
They are like the Nazis, where as they figured they had it in the bag, and then along came Trump in the name of what was left of the generations that remembered what it took to build this nation, and to bring peace to Europe and Japan after two world wars.

The left would rather burn this place to the ground than to give up their gains over the years, and it is showing daily now.

Treason watch should be the order of the day, because it is being committed daily now in this nation.
Left-wingers just need to follow each other off the cliff.

And I don't necessarily mean that figuratively.
What use is winning if the contest is rigged and the prize is worthless?
Remember President Trump's campaign speech where he jokingly said that people would get so tired of America winning that they would say "Please, no more winning! We can't take it!"

So it appears that the American Left has fulfilled that prediction. The more America wins, the more miserable they feel.

American dystopia at its height.
They have to explore the boundaries of their demented imaginations to dream up nasty possibilities about what Trump does means for us.

Every day it's a new fabricated story about how horrible it is that Trump keeps doing what American needs.

They've actually become advocates for our enemies.
Trump caving to Mexico was “winning"


Ah the lies you tell, Hamas gurl...

According to the new agreement, which is posted on the State Department website, Mexico will be deploying national guard troops throughout the country and to the border and will be "taking decisive action to dismantle human smuggling and trafficking organizations as well as their illicit financial and transportation networks." The two countries will also reportedly be working closely to follow Migrant Protection Protocols.

"This means that those crossing the U.S. Southern Border to seek asylum will be rapidly returned to Mexico where they may await the adjudication of their asylum claims," State explains. "In response, Mexico will authorize the entrance of all of those individuals for humanitarian reasons, in compliance with its international obligations, while they await the adjudication of their asylum claims. Mexico will also offer jobs, healthcare and education according to its principles."}

Trump: I've Reached a Deal With Mexico. The Tariffs Are Off.

Okay, so you're dumb and a liar, at least you still serve Hamas...
Remember President Trump's campaign speech where he jokingly said that people would get so tired of America winning that they would say "Please, no more winning! We can't take it!"

So it appears that the American Left has fulfilled that prediction. The more America wins, the more miserable they feel.

American dystopia at its height.

Don't you get it yet? According to the postmodernist American Left, Americans are supposed to only feel guilt for all of America's history and every last individual freedom and opportunity that comes our way. In their ideology, if America is doing well, some other part of the world must be oppressed and dying, and everyone who is not happy with our nation due to lack of their own personal responsibility for problems in their own lives must be sanctified as victims worthy of special rights and protections above the rest of us. The Left does not want America to be great because it believes She never was good to begin with, and never can be . . . so long as America remains a shining beacon of freedom and pinnacle of human civilization. The Left just wants to tear Her down and scatter Her ashes to history.
Remember President Trump's campaign speech where he jokingly said that people would get so tired of America winning that they would say "Please, no more winning! We can't take it!"

So it appears that the American Left has fulfilled that prediction. The more America wins, the more miserable they feel.

American dystopia at its height.

Winning? LOL.

The economy is failing and the markets boomed last week ALMOST ENTIRELY due to the Fed promising to come to the rescue with lower rates.
Lower rates means the economy is falling.

The GDP growth is fallen to a crawl:
GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Yesterday's job's report was one of the worst in years.

His foreign policy is a joke - no deal with NK, troops still in Syria, more troops in Afghanistan (all failures), made a half-hearted attempt to overthrow Venezuela government, Russia is one-upping America at almost every turn (Syria, Venezuela, etc.).

Failed to get infrastructure (which should have been easy) or a Obamacare replacement.

His massive, concrete and steel border wall is now down to a pathetic fence that you can saw through (apparently).

He has NEVER been over 50% in ANY major poll (a record for a POTUS this far into his term).

Winning...what a joke. Only a Kool-Aid drinking Trumpbot would think that.

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