American Fascism is Coming.


The Nazis thought they were the good guys.

It's all part of being a bad guy.

The Nazis wanted a racially homogeneous population, expansion of lands and a highly regulated citizenry for Greater Germania.

Hitler shut down most newspapers, imprisoned educated people like clergy, doctors, lawyers and professors and put Jews and dissenters in Dachau.

Is that what you want? It would take an ego like Trump's and a lot of muscle.
That did not happen. Republicans are enemies of the state. They have killed more people than Islamic terrorists since Trump took office. He has encouraged violencxe.

Again, you hack right along and are incorrect. The statistical anomaly of you being incorrect so many times is something to behold.
Yeah, you believe whatever bullshit the MSM feeds you. You have no ability to think for yourself.

Typical cultist you are!
Answer the question, asswipe. Who's the leader?
Can't have a cult unless there's a cult leader.
Crawl back in your dirty nest, cockroach.
Looks like mentioning the name BLM (and or Soros) is the only come back the right wing has when trump's treason and causing the deaths of police officers is brought up. BLM does have some righteous grievances to protest about. Trump's only grievance is that the American people said 'throw the bum out' and being a spoiled brat and a murderous piece of shit, he'd rather make war on America.
Tucker Carlson is broadcasting from Hungary which is run by a authoritarian dictator, He is claiming Hungary is freer than the US, This is what they want to turn the US into.
Ties right in for their love of Putin.
Nationalism becomes
Anti-those who aren't like what we feel Americans should be like
Anti-free thought (proponents of "limited government" now legislate the banning of ideas)
Anti-free press (not yet in America)
Anti-free speech (proponents of "limited government" now attempt to legislate the rights of private entities to set rules on speech on their own property)
Anti-dissent (not yet in America)
Anti-democratic values

Pro Authoritarian - look at who loves Orban - a perfect metaphor.

Well Done!
You mean like BLM, Antifa and screaming leftists in pro-republican speaking engagements?

Like I said, you guys are like a broken record....parroting the same line over and over again.
The problem in Portland became "American cities on fire"
And you want to blame everything on BLM and antifa.
Y - A - W - N

Obama and Biden developed the Taskforce for 21st Century Policing to restore respect and confidence for law enforcement. Trump threw it out.. He wanted a more bare knuckle approach to arresting suspects.

Most of their protests were riots. What they did was beyond abhorrent. Destroying, murdering, pillaging, raping, all the while the country was fighting a pandemic. Absolute scum.
That's not just false, it's ignorant.

Nationalism is independent and sovereign nations. You seek a globalist dictatorship with vassal states under the iron fisted rule of international oligarchs.

Nationalism, ideology based on the premise that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpass other individual or group interests.

Nationalism is a modern movement. Throughout history people have been attached to their native soil, to the traditions of their parents, and to established territorial authorities, but it was not until the end of the 18th century that nationalism began to be a generally recognized sentiment molding public and private life and one of the great, if not the greatest, single determining factors of modern history.
No it doesn't.

Look up famous Nationalists of the 20th century.

Nationalism is also authoritarian.
If the basic definition of nationalism is a country that looks out for its own interests- that’s absolutely true to say all countries experience a sense of nationalism, a purpose of nationalism to stay the course successfully.
If she's the jackbooted thugs, who/what are the 550 people facing charges from January 6?
God you're an asshole.
Oh, was THOUSANDS who broke into the Capitol least, that's what Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark A. Milley, said.
Amazing how the numbers just keep climbing as the pro-Marxists speak about it. General Norman Mattis warned Trump not to appoint that fool, but Trump didn't listen and now we are seeing Milley's true colors as being pro-Marxist and definitely anti-Constitution.
Italy's Fascist Party was a Socialist Government. Socialist leader Joseph Stalin, sent a letter of congratulations to Mussolini on his win for Socialism.
Fascism, Nazi, Socialism: 1. Massive Central government controlling most sectors of society.
Republican: Prefers smaller central government role in the private sector. Actually believes in the Constitution.
Current Administration in the USA: Lower courts now being told to ignore Supreme Court decisions they don't like. Making unconstitutional laws. Trying to tear apart the Bill of Rights. Groups sent in to speaking forums to shout down opposition speakers.....just like the Fascist Black-Shirts of Fascist Mussolini did to shut down opposition and just as the Nazi Party Brown-Shirts did in pre-WW2 Germany.
We know where Fascism truly is and it's not on the pro-Trump side.

Socialism means that the government or the workers own the means of production. There are no private companies. Democrats are not advocating for that.

Republicans do not believe in a smaller central government. They don't believe in property tights. They have banned local government, schools and businesses from imposing mask mandates. They want to take away the property rights of social media. They do not believe in the Constitution. They only use the Constitution when it is in their favor.

It is Republicans who gather to shout down any opposition. They have even started fights. It is Republicans who are attacking voting rights. We know where fascism is. It is represented by the pro-Trump side.
You're totally full of shit. Democrats are cancelling and silencing Republicans across the board. You're not afraid of any Republicans, you fucking liar. It's what fascists do, you lie then you start bashing heads in. You're a Nazi

You are the Nazi. You want to take away voting rights. No Republicans are being silenced. You are the liar. You want to bash people's heads in. You are definitely the Nazi.
The Nazis wanted a racially homogeneous population, expansion of lands and a highly regulated citizenry for Greater Germania.

Hitler shut down most newspapers, imprisoned educated people like clergy, doctors, lawyers and professors and put Jews and dissenters in Dachau.

Is that what you want? It would take an ego like Trump's and a lot of muscle.

Hitler Trump would liked to have shut down most newspapers, imprisoned educated people like clergy, doctors, lawyers and professors and put Jews BLM and immigrants in Guantanamo.
You are the Nazi. You want to take away voting rights. No Republicans are being silenced. You are the liar. You want to bash people's heads in. You are definitely the Nazi.

Definitely. And he's so fucking stupid he can't see it.

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