American Fascism is Coming.

What happened in Helsinki between Trump and his lover, Putin, went mostly OVER the heads of the average Trumpanzee Republican.
WAY OVER. The ramifications still have us reeling.
Both sides of the political fight affirming just how fkd up America has become.

Chris Hedges does a thorough job of explaining why and what is going to happen to America.

Of note though, he's more into saying that Trump isn't the cause, he's the symptom of a system of government that can't be sustained indefinitely.
There is nothing wrong with CRT. Typical Republican hatred towards anything that is different from what you believe. People should hear it and be allowed to make up their minds. There clearly is some truth to it.
You didn't answer the question, turd. If it's fascism for government schools to madate a curriculum, then that includes CRT.

Furthermore, CRT is communism. There's everything wrong with it.

Kids in grade school are in no position to be making any decisions about ideology. That's why leftwing duechebags like you are so intent on forcing CRT down their throats.
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American fascism is coming.

Josh Hawley's Orwellian "Love America Act" and the fascist campaign to rewrite history

Donald Trump may no longer be president, but the American people are still stuck in a state of malignant normality that his presidency brought into being.

Psychologist John Gartner describes such a state of being this way:

Malignant normality is when a malignantly narcissistic leader takes control of society and gradually changes reality for everyone else. So their crazy internal reality becomes enacted in the lived true external reality of that society. This is how a leader can come in and change the mores of their society.

In his role as national cheerleader and secular priest, President Biden is trying to provide moral leadership and healing for a traumatized nation, still shell-shocked by the Trump movement's continuing assault on democracy and society.

Biden's efforts have provided only short-term relief. The neofascist threat is escalating; Biden and the Democrats have shown themselves largely impotent against it. The coronavirus pandemic is now resurgent because of a new variant and Trump's followers' refusal to be vaccinated.

For these and many other reasons — most notably, extreme wealth and income inequality and the global climate crisis — America is becoming a dystopia.

The collective emotional state of many Americans, or at least those who are paying attention and still care, is frustration and unease.

For the likes of Sen. Josh Hawley, the notorious Missouri Republican, such a crisis is a dream opportunity. Last week, Hawley proposed a bill called the Love America Act of 2021, which would deny federal funding to schools that teach the real history of America and the centrality of racism and white supremacy to the country's origins. The key text of this document reads:

RESTRICTION ON FEDERAL FUNDS FOR TEACHING THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENTS ARE PRODUCTS OF WHITE SUPREMACY OR RACISM — … [N]o Federal funds shall be provided to an educational agency or school that teaches that the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution of the United States is a product of white supremacy or racism.

Hawley's "Love America" bill is not a joke. It is a statement of shared principles and loyalty to an anti-democratic, racial-authoritarian movement that is winning victories all over the United States.

It should be called, teach the lie.
The Dem Fascists are saying that the american people are the fascists? Now isn't that rich and crock of bullshit.
Nationalism becomes
Anti-those who aren't like what we feel Americans should be like
Anti-free thought (proponents of "limited government" now legislate the banning of ideas)
Anti-free press (not yet in America)
Anti-free speech (proponents of "limited government" now attempt to legislate the rights of private entities to set rules on speech on their own property)
Anti-dissent (not yet in America)
Anti-democratic values

Pro Authoritarian - look at who loves Orban - a perfect metaphor.

That's like saying sharing your lunch with someone who left theirs at home leads to communism.

Slippery slope fallacy, Captain Hyperbole
If she's the jackbooted thugs, who/what are the 550 people facing charges from January 6?
God you're an asshole.

Democrats are the jackbooted thugs, moron. The 550 people are a fraction of the insurrectionists you and the Nazi Democrat party supported attacking US cities last year. And no one supported the 550 people.

The facts are just blowing up all over your face ...
People of color have been targeted and killed for decades now.
It’s payback time.

Yes, killing hundreds of blacks in retaliation for each unarmed black killed by cops really shows em. Nice job on that. Blacks runaway from the Democrat party and you hunt em down and drag em back, racist
You are the Nazi. You want to take away voting rights. No Republicans are being silenced. You are the liar. You want to bash people's heads in. You are definitely the Nazi.

I don't want shit from you, what the fuck doesn't that even mean, racist jackass?

Clearly no Republican is threatening you, you're the fascist. It's Republicans who have to look around before speaking freely.

You are a wife beater who blames your wife for beating her, it's how you roll, Nazi
You didn't answer the question, turd. If it's fascism for government schools to madate a curriculum, then that includes CRT.

Furthermore, CRT is communism. There's everything wring with it.

Kids in grade school are in no position to be making any decisions about ideology. That's why leftwing deuchebags like you are so intent on forcing CRT down their throats.

CRT is not communism. Anything you disagree with is communism to you. That saves you the trouble of having to explain what is wrong with it.

It is not being taught in grade school. You are a douchebag and a asshole to boot. A liar as well. Little bots shouldn't lie.
You didn't answer the question, turd. If it's fascism for government schools to madate a curriculum, then that includes CRT.

Furthermore, CRT is communism. There's everything wring with it.

Kids in grade school are in no position to be making any decisions about ideology. That's why leftwing deuchebags like you are so intent on forcing CRT down their throats.
There are some things very right about communism.
Those rights need to be held up against alternative evils in government.
Can there be anything more evil than America's capitalist/imperialist wars on Iraq? Or Vietnam?

Communism in Vietnam stands as communism's triumph over US imperialism.

Or in Cuba with their communist system's ousting of the evil regime of organized crime.

And now! Just look at China's huge successes as compared to America's near revolultion on Jan.6th. under the direction of a psychopath ex-president, who couldn't accept the decision at the ballot boxes.

Don't underestimate to power of communism coming to the rescue of corrupt imperialism.
That's like saying sharing your lunch with someone who left theirs at home leads to communism.

Slippery slope fallacy, Captain Hyperbole
I don't know..Britannica has an interesting and broad definition of it what is nationalism. You could be right and I might not be understanding nationalism correctly - I think it's a much more nuanced concept than I thought.

I can think of many instances where nationalism as a component to other movements, has ended badly:
Hitler's Germany
Mussolini's Italy
Stalin's Russia

But then, there is this article: Development and the crisis of global nationalism
American fascism is coming.

Josh Hawley's Orwellian "Love America Act" and the fascist campaign to rewrite history

Donald Trump may no longer be president, but the American people are still stuck in a state of malignant normality that his presidency brought into being.

Psychologist John Gartner describes such a state of being this way:

Malignant normality is when a malignantly narcissistic leader takes control of society and gradually changes reality for everyone else. So their crazy internal reality becomes enacted in the lived true external reality of that society. This is how a leader can come in and change the mores of their society.

In his role as national cheerleader and secular priest, President Biden is trying to provide moral leadership and healing for a traumatized nation, still shell-shocked by the Trump movement's continuing assault on democracy and society.

Biden's efforts have provided only short-term relief. The neofascist threat is escalating; Biden and the Democrats have shown themselves largely impotent against it. The coronavirus pandemic is now resurgent because of a new variant and Trump's followers' refusal to be vaccinated.

For these and many other reasons — most notably, extreme wealth and income inequality and the global climate crisis — America is becoming a dystopia.

The collective emotional state of many Americans, or at least those who are paying attention and still care, is frustration and unease.

For the likes of Sen. Josh Hawley, the notorious Missouri Republican, such a crisis is a dream opportunity. Last week, Hawley proposed a bill called the Love America Act of 2021, which would deny federal funding to schools that teach the real history of America and the centrality of racism and white supremacy to the country's origins. The key text of this document reads:

RESTRICTION ON FEDERAL FUNDS FOR TEACHING THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENTS ARE PRODUCTS OF WHITE SUPREMACY OR RACISM — … [N]o Federal funds shall be provided to an educational agency or school that teaches that the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution of the United States is a product of white supremacy or racism.

Hawley's "Love America" bill is not a joke. It is a statement of shared principles and loyalty to an anti-democratic, racial-authoritarian movement that is winning victories all over the United States.

It should be called, teach the lie.


Do you have sort of grand substitute written up to replace the Declaration Of Independence and the United States Constitution for us all to review?

Something that can provide us all insight as to what you and your modern progressive democratic liberal socialists' have as a vision for your utopia of the future.



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