American Fascism is Coming.

No, blm and antifa destroyed several cities. That did happen. BLM and antifa are enemies of the state.

A lying weasel.
The Republicans are the mainstream voters who are slowing down the Corrupt Democrat Cult's goose-stepping march towards a neo-fascist totalitarian dystopian Orwellian nightmare.
We can see the dystopian progressive culture everyday in the News with the Democrat Cult's crime, corruption, hate, racism, violence, riots, poverty, misery, bad schools, broken families, amoral social values, burning cities, looting, mass shop lifting, bankrupt government, inflation, open borders, high taxes, mass illegal immigration, homeless tent cites........

Republican voters are the fascists. It is Republicans who are launching assaults on voting rights while blue states are making it easier. Their goal is to establish a dictatorship.

You are the one who is dystopian. Not one thing you say is true. Republicans want to divide this country and they are doing a great job at that. You have nothing to offer but hate.
How is what Hawley trying to do any worse than what government schools already do? Don't they force CRT on our schools?

There is nothing wrong with CRT. Typical Republican hatred towards anything that is different from what you believe. People should hear it and be allowed to make up their minds. There clearly is some truth to it.
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There is nothing wrong with CRT. Typical Republican hatred towards anything that is different from what you believe. People should hear it and be allowed to make up their minds. There clearly is some truth to it.
People should hear it and be allowed to make up their minds.

Should they be forced to hear it?

Do you feel the same about religion in schools?
American fascism is coming.

Josh Hawley's Orwellian "Love America Act" and the fascist campaign to rewrite history

Donald Trump may no longer be president, but the American people are still stuck in a state of malignant normality that his presidency brought into being.

Psychologist John Gartner describes such a state of being this way:

Malignant normality is when a malignantly narcissistic leader takes control of society and gradually changes reality for everyone else. So their crazy internal reality becomes enacted in the lived true external reality of that society. This is how a leader can come in and change the mores of their society.

In his role as national cheerleader and secular priest, President Biden is trying to provide moral leadership and healing for a traumatized nation, still shell-shocked by the Trump movement's continuing assault on democracy and society.

Biden's efforts have provided only short-term relief. The neofascist threat is escalating; Biden and the Democrats have shown themselves largely impotent against it. The coronavirus pandemic is now resurgent because of a new variant and Trump's followers' refusal to be vaccinated.

For these and many other reasons — most notably, extreme wealth and income inequality and the global climate crisis — America is becoming a dystopia.

The collective emotional state of many Americans, or at least those who are paying attention and still care, is frustration and unease.

For the likes of Sen. Josh Hawley, the notorious Missouri Republican, such a crisis is a dream opportunity. Last week, Hawley proposed a bill called the Love America Act of 2021, which would deny federal funding to schools that teach the real history of America and the centrality of racism and white supremacy to the country's origins. The key text of this document reads:

RESTRICTION ON FEDERAL FUNDS FOR TEACHING THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENTS ARE PRODUCTS OF WHITE SUPREMACY OR RACISM — … [N]o Federal funds shall be provided to an educational agency or school that teaches that the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution of the United States is a product of white supremacy or racism.

Hawley's "Love America" bill is not a joke. It is a statement of shared principles and loyalty to an anti-democratic, racial-authoritarian movement that is winning victories all over the United States.

It should be called, teach the lie.
CRT is the lie and you with your mask mandates and vaccine passports are the fascists.
Should they be forced to hear it?

Do you feel the same about religion in schools?

Which of the Creation stories do you want to teach.. There are 250 that I'm aware of. Why not take your children to Sunday school, Church and vacation Bible school?

I know you don't want to teach the Koran or Judaism?
That's not just false, it's ignorant.

Nationalism is independent and sovereign nations. You seek a globalist dictatorship with vassal states under the iron fisted rule of international oligarchs.

Right wing nationalist in fascism. Look at Nazi Germany. That is what you are trying to emulate.
Why shouldn't they hear it? Your side is banning it entirely. Texas is now teaching the history of white men. Blacks, latinos and women need not apply. They are proving there is some truth to CRT.

LOLOL.. In response to teaching Hispanic kids in Spanish, the governor of Texas once said, "If English was good enough for Jesus it's good enough for Americans."
Lol, yeah buddy!! Never mind domestic terrorist groups, blm, antifa, leftist hate groups, targeted and terrorized US cities for a year last year.

Domestic terrorism is usually from the hard right like Timothy McVeigh and anarchists who put personal sovereignty over civil rights and the Constitution.

Look here:

Domestic (U.S.) Terrorism - Homeland Security Digital Library
Apr 06, 2017 · The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) do not officially list domestic terrorist organizations, but they have openly delineated domestic terrorist 'threats.'

These include individuals who commit crimes in the name of ideologies supporting animal rights, environmental rights, anarchism, white supremacy ...
It is obvious that the right-wing garbage is trying to install fascist rule in the U.S., so we must all act together to make sure this doesn't happen. These criminals are pursuing a strategy of taking us down demographic group by demographic group, so we must all act in concert to fight it regardless of our individual race, sex. sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, or any other individual characteristic.

Hawley's garbage bill is only the latest effort by the fascists to destroy our right to free speech under the First Amendment and many other of our rights under the Constitution of the United States. they are making a herculean effort to disenfranchise many of us. Of course they want to squelch all discussion of the history of race relations and the treatment of non-whites. They are the same people who pass laws and regulations forbidding the mention of the fact that Americans come from many diverse backgrounds, the fact that LGBTQ+ exist among our fellow citizens, the fact that we have folks who practice many religions from across the world and that some Americans don't practice any, forbidding any mention of the word "abortion," much less a discussion of the procedure between doctor and patient, and also, in some states, requiring a doctor to read a script written by politicians to pregnant patients that contains misinformation and unproven assertions, and forcing people considering an abortion to attend in person a center that is not covered by HIPAA that provides "counseling" in the form of religious indoctrination. These are only some of the attacks on liberty perpetrated by the fascist right.

We all must understand the danger that these thugs pose to all of us. They clearly want to own us body, mind, and soul.

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